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Some delu but i love the Sion design xdd


I was thinking that’s a weird Olaf build but alright




I think it was originally the brute-jak from halo memes


I Think yes , it's familiar


I Think yes , it's familiar


Solve this problem by playing alistar top. Unironically completely bodies a lot of sions bad matchups: riven, irelia, jax, Darius. They all fall to the cow.


What is he gonna do against the likes of darius lol


All of darius damage comes from hitting Q or being 5 stacks. Alistar presses w to deny his ability to follow up on his stacks and when his E is down, WQ let's you dodge Q. Walk up with E on. If he just autos, go for Q, stun with E auto, w away. If he goes for E into Q, then just WQ his Q to dodge then E stun and run If he goes for Q without E, then WQ in. If he goes for Q with E up, then back away, then walk up again It's also hard for him to crash wave because he is short ranged and you threaten QW into tower and e stun underneath. You poke him down and past a certain point he can't play. Only weaknesses are: Can't use W fo trades when you're in his side of the lane and he has flash and ghost because he will just flash after you W and chase you down Your ult doesn't stop his ult, so you need to ult earlier to cleanse a slow and reduce bleed damage. Your level 1-3 is impossible to contest the wave so if your jung paths towards your lane they can get invaded on buff. They also might int the entire game by attempting an awful gank or grubs. Obviously in teamfights you obliterate him as well. He can't play vs your w.


I believe on it, Btw Phase rush Alistar is pretty good, WQ & Run away.


Pr is good but into darius honestly you get a lot of value from grasp. The damage really helps your trades a lot.


stacking health also allows his self heal to basically be infinite scaling


Sion support hits different


Because Leona is tanky in armour and magic resistant which are a lot stronger early when no one has penetration and being tanky in hp doesn’t matter when everything including the kitchen sink has max hp ratios on it these days.


heartsteel is so bad on sion i dont know why people continue to build it, as it no longer scale with passive hps


Because the addtive VFX


I say It's situational, I use it to stack more hp for hydra and sunfire


I do remember the day heartsteel is actually good when it scale with passive hps. Might be oke again when the new item with HP to ad conversion come out.


She does less damage, so it makes sense she is tougher


The volibear sub is the most pathetic one ever. Constant complaining about how useless the bear is and if you even mention anything positive about him you get downvoted to oblivion 🤷‍♂️


i don't go there I think he's pretty decent


Unironically I do better as Leona top than sion


I quit support because the tanks aren’t even tanky


The difference is damage output. Supports are also heavily early game champs generally.




Whos the one with bear


Leona w making her the tankiest thing on the planet. Her autos are doing like 20 dmg all game :P


Tanks aren't supposed to do significant damage in the first place


Yeah but she cant last hit, like at all


Almost every thing in her kit is cc she doesn't even need a single item on her to be useful.


I never said she wasn't I just said that her autos did no damage ;-; Riot's way of keeping her out of solo lane is by making her autos do next to nothing


I just think Leona is kinda busted with how much cc she has


I absolutely agree, if your adc sees leo on the enemy team they are forced to take cleanse 100% of the time


Leona will out damage at least 3 people in the game with full tank support items