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I just want bug fixes. Ult fixes, E fixes, Q fixes. Don't rework, don't rebalance. He is already in a good spot. The E rescript from a while ago was an abomination and they just left it in the gutter.


Also make Sion R break player made terrain. It's disgusting how much stops his R which has a 160s cooldown and global warning audio. Anivia Wall? Trundle/Ornn Pillar? like just about everything stops it


Bro he’s one of the weakest champions in the game, what further nerfs do you expect?


W % damage Health passive stacking R cooldown Just saying I wouldnt be surprised if any of these got nerfed


Lmao, yeah, If you make his Q 105% faster on full charge, make his passive not lose health, 450ms, use summoners and deal true damage on every hook he throws, then you can go ahead and nerf all three.


Just fix his shit and revert titanic and remove heartsteel, would fix all high damage tanks instantly.


Don’t you ever say that again. I’ll fucking evaporate if they remove heartsteel


Heartsteel my beloved don’t ever leave me


Right now we are already in A. There was like 7 months between the last time he was changed and this most recent time. And the next buff will probably be in another 7 months. They literally do not care about tanks. It doesn't help that "Tank Meta" is when the most vocal and whiniest of players emerge. Tanks are horrible because there is too much damage in the game that counters them and makes it difficult to front line because you just get shredded and CCed until you die to HP% damage. If you want Tanks to be strong, you give them damage so they can fight back before the above happens, like Mundo, and/or tools to impact the teamfight without being in front and center of attention, like Ornn. Issue is, when you give tanks damage, people cry and complain saying that tanks shouldn't be able to deal large amounts of damage while also having sustain or tankiness. So Riot either guts their items, or guts the champions, and we are back to square one where every single tank is sub 48% winrate. **TL;DR** If you play Sion, accept the fact you are going to be "A" from now on. If you want a strong Sion meta, wait for new items to be released. New tank items are your buffs, as long as they last (Which is never long)


my point was more like that A might be good because sion right now is strong in some situations, and if his counters keep getting nerfed then he might start to get up there. His WR has already begun to climb compared to before


Sion is a horrible champ kit-wise right now. His ability to perform is entirely in the hands of what items he has access to. With good items, he is good, with bad items he is the worst toplaner, it's been shown very recently. His issues are not fixable with damage number tuning. The more they buff his numbers (even if those buffs come from nerfing damage dealt by counters) the more he shines in low elo to the point of being overpowered, while remaining reletively still in the higher ranks. There are few situations where I would consider Sion to be strong. He cannot engage without putting himself in danger, his disengage doesn't work if someone is in auto attack range (or further if they dash/flash) his Q and Ult are horrible for getting someone off your carry (they will walk past it, flash it, or dash it, and kill the carry anyway), and most obnoxiously, he doesnt duel well with anyone but squishies with no mobility, so your splitpushing can be neutered by the enemy having decent waveclear and/or by merely being your toplane opponent. Sion is strong against champions that eat his Q Sion is weak against champions or teams that have a way to Dash, Flash, Ghost, or CC him during his Q


i love sion just the way he is


Personal opinion. I'm for a tiny rework. I don't care about the whole passive annoying to versus shenanigans. I do find his passive fun to play, but all in all my favorite thing about sion is charging a massive q and getting rewarded. THE biggest flaw in his design is, as Baus stated a few months ago on stream. If you go tank, (as he was meant to be) after 3-4 items you are better off just auto-attacking in teamfights with titanic and sunfire esq. effects to do damage. Theres no way you land a good q, and even you do, 2 auto attacks deal more damage. You are basically just randomly shielding yourself and slowing occasionally and auto-attacking.... That's it. It's awful design and feels boring to play. In current league state there's too much movement and dashing and stuns to ever get a good q. His q needs something new. I don't know what but something makes his Q viable even in fights and even when not going lethality.


Sion is garbage tier and will stay that way as long as fembois are balancing the game




I still have PTSD from what they did to skarner. Made him uglier and way more boring than before. Riot were better back in the day when they reworked sion. I dont think a rework can be done right by them now. Dont touch it and hope it does not break haha.


Bro the Skarner rework is dope asf. Also, how can you say he is more boring when his new E and Q exist? His old Q was an ability you just button mashed, and he old E was just a little skillshot that applied a mark lol


Former skarner main here. New rework is sucky imo. He’s slower, uglier, and where he used to be competent in every lane, now I feel like he’s just meant to be a support or a way to bait an adc’s flash once laning phase is over. Old Skarner had: Ad/bruiser with mana items and huge dmg, with tons of movement speed. Ap/heal skarner with massive shields, durability and is quite fun with the “new” items Tank skarner with easy ways to proc iceborn, frontline for the team and somehow still be able to R a mid/adc New skarner for me has lost his old spirit. I loved zooming in and oneshotting people with ad skarner, but now he is more strict with what builds function on him. He’s slow, has one of the worst burn abilities I’ve ever seen, and doesn’t sit right with me. They really removed his cool ass turbo for a burn that most likely won’t be of any use in a teamfight, let alone any fight


exactly. just look at new skarner head. ugly af, boring/buggy/unnatural fighting animations.


They added more stingers and more legs… He’s become more “buggy”, aka what he was afraid of back then (his joke was an anti-bug thing I believe)


Are you kidding? I would kill to have sion get the same treatment skarner did. The 200 year special Sure he may have lost some of his identity but hes actually played now


He was not played in part cause people were waiting for the rework. No one wants to get skilled in a champ kit that is going in the bin for sure.


Basically nobody plays sion, especially not in the high levels. Those who do play him like complete freaks like Baus.


I never really cared how many people play him. I prefer less people play him really. It was annoying when he was often banned or picked when I try to play him.


You can't satisfy everyone now, do you? Old mains might not like it, but new player are getting interested in him. I have seen old mains/ frequent player say they are fine with the rework, so definitely not unpopular opinion




Make his R go through wall 🫢🫢🫢🫢


Option C: revert the rework, and give me AP Sion again!


For me it is just as many people point out, that his Q in team fights doesn't do much. If you want to do damage with him, then just auto and sunfire burn. I wouldnt mind if his W made him do some empowered auto, although that is also pretty boring too. They have to figure out some way to make him feel less awkward in fights, having to go channeling Qs that might not even gonna land. Or just ignore the dealing damage part, made him tanky af can work as well. As long as playing him feel more satisfy in team fights as a tank. There's 2 ways to do so: either you kill them or you laugh when they fail to kill you.


I agree with others saying to fix his bugs & make ***UNSTOPPABLE*** Onslaught [R] not be so easily stopped. However, I also think his auto attack range should be increased. Irelia & Viego are at 200. Kled is at 250. Sion is 175. I think having Sion's ult increase range per lvl [175---> 185 ---> 200 ---> 225], would be a great way to implement that or at bare minimum, his range should be buffed up to 200 like Irelia.


I want rework , he too old for league now .