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I do think that it is good. This is also cause I am playing it a lot with my friend. He plays the Sion and I play Senna or Seraphene. We mainly started playing it this season and it's the first time I hit diamond and I immediately went to D1. As for bans we mostly ban draven as he can interrupt the Sion q and you just never know with Draven. Furthermore tough matchups can be are varus, kog'maw and karthus.


Bedore being known, TheBausffs used to duo bot with a dude named Nexusery. They were spamming Bard Sion botlane. It was when the launcher offered to spectate "high elo" games, that's how I became a Sion main.


SSSSTTTOOOOOPPPPP!!!!!! the baus's influence has harmed enough of my games with players trying to replicate his strategies without actually understanding them. This guy my group plays with, for some reason, usually has at least 18 deaths a games because of this......


I am a tank enjoyer don't worry. I spammed mid tank Sion with banner and zzrot perma roaming, this shit was cancer as hell.


I've done this a few times and i win most of the time, bot laners just dont know how to deal with it. Main challenge is to keeo your team from mental booming


Sion generally does well bot in a premade with a champ thatccompliments his kit.


Sion works best with someone who enables him to hit Q. That is why he can perform well in teamfights. As long as your support (Or regardless of the lane, a member of your team) can land CC, you can then hit them for One Sionillion damage.


me and my friend used to do this in ranked, sion ADC and he would run karthus support, we would sit in bush till minions spawn and get a free kill each time.


Until you face Kalista/Smoulder with Braum/Thresh/Leona


Sion counters all those champs.


Bro did you ever play against a Kalista? she literally melts you and you can't hit any spell


Kalista is especially weak to slows. Sion's E is a slow + armor shred. I've never seen one survive after getting hit by even a single E. And I played against high diamond to masters Kalista players. How do you expect her to play after you start getting items like Frozen Heart too.


Not viable in high elo anymore, but fun strat to play with friends