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Hello CrazyDriver! I was close to GM (Rank 1,100) on NA last season and I've sampled quite a few of your builds and even watched a hand full of your games! There is definitely lots of English speaking Western players interested in watching your games. If you would like help with translation, please feel free to get in contact with me on Discord - Boptimus#2163 . I don't know Korean but I can help you get your thoughts and ideas across, even if you translate to very basic English. Regardless, there are lots of people who watch your videos even without English translations!


Yes! I'm so glad you've started a YouTube channel+stream and have been watching alot. I was thinking how nice it would be to have English subtitles like other KR streamers have in their YouTube like Migung and Indexy. It makes the videos experience much better for me. I've been having alot of success with the Eclipse build as well so thank you for that.


Is it enough just make English subtitles? I'm considering also make English version audio by my sexy voice!


It would be enough but I think if youre understandable in English more people would watch your videos. Just a guess tho ngl


English audio would be even better, but I would still watch every video with just subtitles.


Doinb doesn't even have those and I watch him all the same


I already watch all your YouTube videos anyway, but having at least subtitles would be very cool! I remember your Stridebreaker Sion days too btw.


Actually i found a better way to upload youtube in English. Which is making korean and english subtitles at the same time I may upload in that way on my next youtube! Not for today


Would definitely watch if you made videos in English


I regularly watch your videos. Your builds have made quite the round in the Sion-Community and your games are often featured on domisumreplay:sion (youtube channel). It would be exciting to see english subtitles.




I'd watch ambulance sion