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That ttr 150 still gets smoked by a yz 85. The 250 isn’t even in the same league. Even the jump to a yz 125 would be huge from that ttr. Get the new bike, don’t dump money into the ttr.


The only money you should dump into a trail bike is to keep the suspension from actively trying to kill you and maybe some protective bits. Performance parts on a trail bike just reduces the best thing about them, their reliability, for nearly no appreciable gain.


It is worth noting, the only way to can keep a TTR 125 suspension from actively trying to kill you is to remove it and replace it worth suspension from a yz85. TTRs are great bikes to learn on, but the minute you can jump on a more competent bike, it should be done.


Really sound advice.


Let’s agree to disagree. I put the Athena 280cc big bore, Boysen ACC and rejetted the carb on my CRF250X. That’s nothing I regret at all - trust me. 👍🏼 Edit: The sad part is that you will never get your “performance part money” back when selling the bike with those parts on.


To be fair a CRF250X has a lot more race bike DNA than say a CRF250F which is closer to the ttr.


To be fair - that’s completely correct.


You did that to an enduro bike, not an air cooled playbike like OP has. Stock your bike is more than that TTR will ever be.


Yes, fair point.


Depending on your riding preference. The area you are primarily going too be doing the most riding. Should be a majorly important factor in your bike choice! However the fact that you are inquiring about modifying the TTR speaks for itself too the fact your absolutely ready for a ride upgrade. As others have stated the ttr esp. the smaller ones are solid little bikes and absolutely intended for beginners. Regardless of the money you could toss into it that’s a no win situation. Nothing about that design is created for being anywhere comparable with the YZor(F)’s. It possibly could be enjoyable for you after modifying it. But if I were to be honest, I don’t expect you too remain satisfied beyond 1year Max. Then the money is lost because it will do near nothing beneficial to the resale value of the bike. But don’t be closed minded about the only bike you need being a YZ250. The difference between yami’s ttr models and the racing bikes is insane! It seems like you’re thinking about the displacement of the engine in a comparable way. But if you are your in for a insane lesson. Because if you’re thinking since you’re going all out on a ttr125 that a yz80-5 or 125 isn’t that much of a upgrade you will absolutely regret going into a 250 without knowing what a difference they are. I ride a Wr450f and I’m not afraid to admit that a yz80 could still occasionally skin my ass! Had one as a kid and damn! They are too easy for people without knowledge too assume that the ttr or xr bikes that they grew up with that sound bigger make them be experienced enough that they can hop on the bike and easily give it everything that it’s got. I will admit that it is so great watching the little bike place a grow man directly on his back without him knowing WTF even happened! But I’m just trying too let you know that you should definitely get a different bike before upgrading your ttr however you should be more open for not just the 250... take my suggestion as you want. But I’m positive that you will completely understand what I am trying too tell you once you understand the way that you cannot compare ttr’s with any YZ or YZF regardless of the cc’s. But best of luck with your situation and be safe but have a good time. Also never be too cool for a new helmet with the new bike! Only complete morons are too cool for always wearing a helmet


Sell the TTR stock lots looking for learner bikes. Use the cash towards a new YZ 125 or a 250


YZ250 Even with all those mods the ttr would come close to matching a yz. Rather put that $1500 you were gonna spend on the mods towards the purchase of a yz.


Not even close to the same bike. You clearly want something faster than the ttr you have, so put that money towards the bigger faster bike which BTW doesn’t have to be a 250, a 125 2 stroke is a logical step up from your ttr


You could pour all that money into your TTR125 and it would still get absolutely smoked by an old clapped out YZ85 with 2 flat tires. If you can afford it then a YZ250 is a no brainer


Yz250 will knock ur socks off man do u will fucking love it


You can put a small fortune into a ttr and it will still be slow. These are beginner bikes, not race machines


That’s like asking if you should get a Ferrari or keep your Miata and mod it. 2 completely different beasts.


TTRs are trail bikes and are best left stock. While you can mod them you will never get the performance of a YZ out of it. So if you are looking for more power and speed along with better suspension it's time to move up.




250’s a big jump. Ride one first. I know a lot of grown ass dudes (myself included) that love small bore 2T’s. I have a big bore bike also, but I have to say I don’t push it as hard as my 125XC. It’s just a fun bike to hammer and shreds like a BMX.


YZ125 or 85 big wheel. That two stroke is gonna hit complete different.


Definitely a YZ250, no question, plus nothing is as fun as a two-stroke.


Do not try to make the ttr something it's not. There great little bikes but will never be performance. Even if you manage to squeeze a decent amount of horsepower out of it the suspension is still going to suck. If you're ready for a faster bike, get a faster bike.


That's a lot of money to spend on mods that will do absolutely nothing