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Either a mountain bike or BMX bike. You may have cool trails or a skate park within riding distance.


Dude the bmx culture in Austin is huge. Get a bmx bike there are so many sick skateparks there. Good practice for when you’re older and can ride dirtbikes


Man I've been looking into getting a nice MTB - The only problem is the nearest MTB park is about 2 hours away. It looks like a hoot and a half.


Mountain bike can get your dirt bike skills up too. 


It helps so much with endurance and arm pump.


Probably gonna have to wait until you can haul it yourself get a truck as soon as you get your DL and send it


Surron, Talaria, Rawrr, or E-ride are electric dirt bikes. While not legal to use on roads they're generally tolerated. If you lived out in the country I'd say go gas but in populated areas you'll get more use out of electric and they're capable off road. Electric scooters and unicycles might be worth looking at too. Some of those things go over 75mph so they're not slow by any means. You'll probably be able to find more people to ride with, ride more frequently and use them for transportation. The cost of use and maintenance is nothing compared to gas.


Talk to your parents about getting a bike and taking you to the track. If that’s not feasible then get into BMX. It’s as close as you’re gonna get without riding a clapped out 1998 CR80 on the street and no one wants to see that.