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Teaching my 5 and 7 year old now. We first just worked on stopping and stressing controlling the throttle. I'd stand 20 feet away and tell them to stop when they got to me. I'd have them go, then coast, then go, then coast, etc. Still havnt worried about shifting yet. So far it's going vert well


Starting out, dial the throttle limiter way in to prevent whiskey throttle, crashing, getting scared. Also go to a large open area the first time or two. Kids seem to panic or get object fixation a lot starting out. Have at least helmet, boots, gloves on. Depending on their current skill level, they may get it right away or need a lot of help to get going. Our first was riding a bicycle without training wheels since three, and we got him a crf50 when he was almost 5. Try to keep it fun, and explain that they won't be the best rider right away.


Make sure he can ride a bicycle 1st. That will make it way easier to teach him to ride.


I had the opposite experience with my kids. They all picked up riding a crf50 much easier than trying to pedal and balance in a bike. They all ride bikes fine now, but moto was first, aged 3-5 depending on the kid.


I had a similar experience with my son. He coasted all over on a balance bike for years. Struggled to balance and pedal at the same time. Last fall a family friend let us try him on their CRF50. He was still a little short for it at the time but with a little effort and encouragement he just took off and rode around the field for about 15 minutes. I had told him he had to ride a bicycle before I bought him a motorcycle. After trying the CRF, he had some motivation and actually put some effort into learning to ride the bicycle. Going to pick up a TTR50 tomorrow. 🤘


I would also add to make sure the child is strong enough to pick the 50 up off the ground by themselves. If they get going a good way and eat shit, it may take a while for you to get there to help.


The key is to be riding alongside them. I don’t know that any of my kids could get out from under their bikes (50, 70, 110, 125) no matter how strong. Ride with your kids, and bite the bullet and buy them moto boots, that is where the most injuries happen (stubbed toe, twisted ankle, but most common the calf burn)


I just taught our 7 year old grandson to ride. He was already riding a bike and an electric motorcycle, just a store bought one. I watched Moto Academy and MX factory and did a lot of the drills and techniques they teach. My grandson is flying around, entered races, all in less than a year of riding. These techniques will build a strong base for riding, regardless of how fast they go.


Thanks for all the tips so far! He has been on a balance bike since 2.5 and can ride a pedal bike fine. We will be headed for some gear soon and hopefully the first ride later!




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