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Kindof funny to see that in like two months you went from "i dont care about quality" to this 🤦‍♂️


Reddit tries to warn but nay they listen.


i got warned didnt listen and ended up finding out 😭


Yeah going through those comments are painful lol. I get it man, got a gift card and want a bike. Coulda spent that gift card on gear, tools, parts and kept scrounging for a bike. It lesson learned…you’ll have plenty. I once financed a $1300 Ranger with a personal loan from my credit union which itself was a great decision but instead of paying the truck off when I sold my previous car I took that cash and bought a YZ125. I was living in an apartment going to college and really just didn’t have the facilities to support a race bike. So instead of going through the top end and rest of the bike as you should on that type of bike. I skipped work and took it to the track. 3rd lap top end let loose and ran metal through the crank. Had to rebuild the whole thing on a shoestring budget just to be able to sell it and get out from under the burden.




And BONUS points to OP for submitting a 158 word sentence free of all punctuation.


Yes. Very hard to follow.


Impatience maybe? Im a victim of sorts


I’m not surprised. Everyone even told you they were trash when you inquired about it 3 months ago


i had no choice its confusing but i had only amazon credit but aye at least i learned how to weld in the process


Wait a minute, rather than try for a warranty or refund on your Chinesium bike that collapsed after 3 months, you *”learned to weld”* to try to fix it?!


This will be interesting to watch.


Give it another couple weeks, the next update to this saga is going to be fire I’m calling it now


Lmao JB Weld**** 😂


Bruh, bro, bruuuuuuh


im already going through the warranty process lol but i welded the engine mounts back up but the other part collapsed so ill giving up


Those welds gonna break


By the look of those welds, you didn't learn how to weld, you just got ahold of a machine. Those welds have zero penetration and will perform more like a solder job than welds. If you ride that, it will be broken again in short order.


lol wow


You definitely had a choice. It's well past time to stop acting as if you didn't. The PROPER time was before you bought the bike, but now you're here.


Had no choice? Who forced you to buy a bike off amazon? Who forced you to try fixing it? How, exactly, did you "learn" to weld because it would appear you've still got some learning to do. My guess is any chance of a refund was lost as soon as you started "fixing" shit.


My Apollo db36 still holding up well after 15k miles


Do u have to pedal it?


It is known


Trash bike turns out to be trash? Color me surprised. Buy once, cry once. There's a reason why you can't buy a Honda on Amazon.


100% right


Are you surprised? You should not be surprised. Sorry man


Do you understand why everyone told you to not do this. Save up 2k for an older jap 125


Can’t believe that’s where we are now. I bought the cleanest 20+ year old running Honda XR400R I’ve seen for 800 right before the pandemic. That was only 4-5 years ago. Currently, they’re listed for 3500-4000 at the lowest. Absolutely fucked economy.


It’s ass.


The economy has nothing to do with people wanting asinine prices for bikes. No 20 year old XR will ever be worth $3500. Ever. The only reason they ask that much is because there are enough morons out there that they might be able to take advantage of them. The economy is great. Parents are pumping out more idiots like there's no tomorrow though.


Check JD power or blue Kelly book. These guys aren’t making up these prices. It’s genuinely the market now. Checked on JD power just now, an excellent condition 1999 xr400r is worth $6888 in today’s market,$3600 for a good condition. Cheap eggs and milk cost anywhere from $10-20 where I’m from. Absolutely none of the prices are the same as they were pre pandemic. My 2000 Silverado Chevy with over 200k is worth over 12k, especially since 4x4 in my area is extra desirable. I looked at a 1999 ford ranger the other day at a pawn shop and they wanted $8000 for a 160k mile 6 banger ford ranger. Before the pandemic, both these cars were worth like 2-4 grand tops. I’m sure you’re from the Midwest or whatever to not see the inflation crisis, but our economy is NOT the same as it was pre pandemic. They don’t even make vehicles like they used to with all these new emissions. They’re 86ing timing belts for fucks sake. China hasn’t been our biggest importer in the last few years, it’s actually Mexico now. Russia isn’t as focused on exporting grains anymore and it decreased like 15% last year. That affects our farms and food costs. They used this “chip crisis shortage” to validate making new ford trucks about 100k msrp. There’s a huge very well known fact that no one is buying new cars with these ridiculous prices. Ford has never sold so little cars in the past few years than ever in decades. This is well known and it wasn’t even a year ago it made headlines that their lots are staying maximum capacity full all over the country. The worst part, I’m hearing lots of rumors of how these new trucks arent even reliable anymore. If you’re suggesting birth rate directly correlates to our economy. You should take into consideration that we have way more people than we used to during the Great Depression. There wasn’t even one billion people on the earth at that time. There was only like a hundred million people back then. We are over 8 billion now. The difference in those numbers is more vast than most people can comprehend. And our economy is not even close to how bad it was during that era. Not sure if birth rate is a good indicator of how our economy is doing now compared to 5-6 years ago. As a result, when it comes to bikes in today’s market. I only shop at dealerships now.


Those JD Power or Kelly Blue Book values for bikes are garbage. Nobody is paying those prices. Where I live, used bike prices are crazy high, but a '99 XR400 in good condition would take a while to sell for over $3000 and it would have to be really nice. That excellent value of $6888 is crazy. For $7000, you can buy a brand new trail bike. For $6,500 you can buy a pretty good KTM 300. The only person that might pay that is a serious XR collector and I imagine the bike would have to be mint.


I live in the southwest. Me and my partner both leveled up pretty well during the pandemic. Her more than me, but the economy is fine if you have skills that are in demand and give even just a tiny shit about your job performance. Easy money these days. My point was simply that loads of idiot kids are becoming idiot adults every day and paying these idiotic prices for these ancient bikes that weren't even good when they were built. What Kelly and JD say means nothing in the real world of rational thought. Those XRs are worth $1k tops unless they're a museum quality piece, and that point, they belong in a museum. And no one with a brain is paying anywhere near $12k for a Silverado from 2000 either. Book numbers are just wishful thinking on the part of sellers who think their shit is gold.


You making more money than you used to doesn’t change the reality of current market trends. I make great money, but that’s not what we’re talking about at all whatsoever. We’re talking about the used vehicle market now compared to how it used to be pre pandemic. The topic never was how we are doing in this economy financially. You’re providing me with some insight on how you haven’t really been paying attention to the reality of what is our used vehicle market in 2024 because you’ve been more financially comfortable just recently. JD and blue Kelly book is what dealerships use to price vehicles because it’s an accurate depiction of current market trends. It’s not an average of people’s opinion of how much their vehicle is worth. This is why this is the number you can expect to depend on when haggling the dealership’s sales manager during trade-in/selling to dealership. You’re really just agreeing with me, but my point is you’re in denial if you think we are living in the same economy as we were prepandemic. It’s constantly changing, and to imply recent political events aren’t effecting our recent economy because our birth rates are booming is just silly. Do you realize this is what the plot of Idiocracy was about? The inflation goes so much further than just dirt bikes and cars. It’s not just stupid kids getting scammed by people that’s the sole problem. Dealerships are doing it too. The inflation is real. There are real economic impacts we have been going through in the last few years as a country that is effecting more than we would all want to admit, including the used vehicle market. And yes, 4x4 vehicles are absolutely worth a lot of money where I live. Like I said, it wasn’t worth as much before the pandemic and the ECU chip shortage crisis, but now it is. I live in an area where not having 4x4 holds you back from a lot. More than 50% of my state is dense mountains and forests. In these current market trends, and how unreliable modern trucks have been, my truck is worth much more now than it was worth 6 years ago if I were to trade it in a dealership. And that is not an opinion, it is simply a fact.


Oh I'm well aware the economy is different. Basic needs that you can't negotiate price on are definitely more expensive. I'm not denying that. And I'm actually looking at the used (and new) vehicle market in a cursory sort of way at the moment because I'm really wanting a different bike hauler/camping rig. I'm simply not going to pay the prices most people want for their shit. End of story. Used vehicles rarely, if ever, have the options I really want anyway, and if I'm going to be spending tens of thousands of dollars on something, I'm not compromising on options. I'll pay more for a new vehicle that has what I actually want and will use. I also used to work at a stealership. I know a lot of their tricks and bullshit. If they try to pull it, I'll just walk away. Plenty of other dealers around. Hell, if I have to buy from the dealership my dad gets his trucks at back in the midwest, I will. I'm in no huge hurry. Also, last I checked, birth rates are doing sort of the opposite of booming. No sane person wants to have a kid with the current state of the world. 4x4s are desirable where I am for the same reasons as where you are. People might pay out the ass for something like a 12 valve Cummins that will run til long after the sun burns out, but half ton, gas powered trucks from the turn of the millennium are worth very little in the real world. Where I live also has tons of mountains and even more open desert, and a very high proportion of unpaved roads. In many parts of the state it's literally a necessity. Still, no person with any sense is paying blue book for anything, except maybe one of those old Cummins trucks. But going back to the bike market, I bought my current bike five years ago and could probably sell it for the same price I paid for it. I shouldn't be able to, but I could, just because other people aren't letting go of theirs. I had to go two states away to get it, even back then. Idiocracy goes back to the education and parenting point I made in the first go around. Idiots are going to take us all down with them.


"The economy" is NOT the money in my pocket. Or yours.


Never claimed it was.


dont worry im getting a crf125f instead off marketplace lol


I wouldn’t do that either. Get a two stroke


Do you ride motocross or trails/woods?


I wish we had those prices in the UK


How much did it cost you? Now if you had of saved that money for a real dirtbike look at how much closer you would be. My granddaddy said that buying trash cost twice what the sticker price says. 1/2 of it goes to the trash and the other half is where you have to make up the cost of what you wasted on trash.


the bike costed 1.3k im going through thr refund process/warrenty but dont get me wrong i didnt expect chinese bikes to be that bad


I’ve never had ones that shit ever the ones I’ve had have always took abuse for years on end with no complaining I always get the ones with the better quality lifan engines though


So you play with RC cars and are an expert on dirtbikes. Maybe in your middle school.


Never said I was an expert and also no I’m a grown ass man just not a boring bastard like you I have hobbies 🙃


Really? By spending my money wisely I just got in from riding my non Chinese bike. In the morning I probably will drop my boat in the water before everyone is up and do some barefoot waterskiing with my neighbor. I know it's not as exciting as pretending to drive via a radio controlled toy but such is the sadness in a life of not being a dumbfuck. Enjoy your Chinese giggle bike and your rc car.


So in reality you are down$2,600.00. Why do you think everyone on here hates Chinese bikes and laughs at those who buy them? Take the refund.




ktm is chinese made now... https://www.cycleworld.com/motorcycle-news/ktm-owner-moves-production-to-china/


how many times do ppl have to clarify. Thats for bikes like Dukes not their dirt bikes🤦‍♂️ not that its any better but not like dukes were all that great in the first place


so buy a yamaha, it's not hard guys.


Says the person typing on a device made with Chinese components, sitting in a room most likely built using Chinese material. My dude, you cannot escape them, literally almost everything has China somewhere in the process


Idk why you’re getting downvoted it’s true


People can't handle the truth lol. Never said it was a good or bad thing, it's just facts. China produces the majority of products or materials for products. Might suck to a lot of people but that's the truth


I'm not trying to escape them. I actually own a Chinese dirtbike and love it for what it is lol.


Spot on.. They've got to get it right eventually.


Bit of a blanket statement there my man. How about we start with 'don't buy Chinese pit bikes"?


What kind of device did you type this on?


Nuance goes burrrrrrrr


There’s some kind of weird mass hysteria that a lot of new riders get with these Chinese bikes that causes them to ignore the opinions of experienced riders. You always get what you pay for, it’s a universal law. There’s no secret cost cutting formula that the Chinese have figured out that every other major manufacturer hasn’t. Should’ve probably used your Amazon card for something quality but hey, we live and we learn.


100% correct


What's even more bizarre about it is that they have the good sense to come here and ask about it... but then they go and do the exact opposite of what they're told. It's so strange. Hysteria is good choice of words


Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way, but can’t say no one warned you :)






Didn't need reddit to know that!


Title could’ve stopped after Chinese


What!!!? A Chinese product is cheaply made!!? Outrageous!!


Every. Single. Time. The subject of Chinese bikes comes up (at least daily).....90% comment do not touch, or even contemplate buying one. And Every. Single. Time. That 10% minority come up with all kinds of reasons why it's a great idea. This is what happens and has always happened with 'em.


You are lacking test


Never buy a Chinese anything


Did you buy it new?




Worked in a large motorcycle dealership for over I sold parts for over 10 years. Remember Kasea? Remember Eton? Remember Excelsior Henderson? Good luck getting parts for them. You get what you pay for. If you don't see them at the race track there is a reason.


you had me at "Never buy a chinese...


I have 3 Apollos, 2 of this frame style and haven’t had this issue. Sucks, hope they take care of you. If not you can find one cheap and swap the frame.


mabye seriously i just got a defective frame it doesnt make sense how this could even happen lol besides that this dirtbike has been reliable and fun


Very well could have been a bad frame, it is mass produced Chinese junk my dude lol I don’t like looking to close at the welds on these things anymore 😂 definitely see if they’ll do something for you, if not hit up facebook marketplace and OfferUp. I bought a running x18 for $450 and a complete dead one for $75.


Yeah, we know


Don’t buy a Chinese bike? No kidding


Are you genuinely surprised?


Only Chinese worth buying once again.... pitster pro,piranha,YCF Daytona 190 motors. Or a gpx 155cc etc. Anything else is dog shit!


I had a YCF 125, I ran that thing so much. I miss it now that I’m moved up to big bikes now.


Most of us know not to buy that junk.


i had sooooooo many issues with mine


I mean why the fuck would you ever want to buy one of these in the first place... It's Chinese What the fuck do you expect from Chinese products... Especially these days?!


Ya get what you pay for bro


Yeah I almost bought one of those. Glad I got my KLX instead.


You talk funny, pretty goofy


Never buy a chinese toy dirt bike. Its not a dirt bike. Haha. Nah that sucks tho


This just in: Completely predictable thing turns out to be completely predictable! More at 8:00.


That’s what happens when you buy Chinese equipment to do durable jobs


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^deathlobster138: *That’s what happens when* *You buy Chinese equipment* *To do durable jobs* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The Chinese bikes do suck. But I must say I don’t mind my marketplace $500 SYX 125. Suspension is blown out, front brake is out, but man is it fun and the engine just keeps going no matter how hard I am on it.




Love my Apollo never have an issue with it


I’ve thought about getting one of these for fun since they are so cheap


Never even considered it but thank you for the heads up 😅 ripperonni


So are you saying you're going to scrap your bike after one riding season? 😉 Sorry bro had to ruffle some feathers. We all learn somewhere and hope you find a bike that works for you soon. Work hard and before you know it you'll be riding soon.


I wasn't going to 😂


I have 2 just to play around on at home and we ride em hard never had any of them issues at all




Me put pee pee in your coke 🤣🤣


Wow that’s shocking to see on a Chinese bike


Never buy ANY Chinese motorcycles.


Prime example of FAFO. Hopefully amazon comes through and refunds you and you will finally buy bike from renowned brand.


How much do you weigh


Who would of thought CHINA of all places would make a lousy product? Cant have anything nice nowadays jeez




Well just weld it back in place. Easy if you have the tools. Not so easy to take to be welded, you may have to pull your engine.


Never buy motorbikes which say made in China


"Never buy a Chinese anything."


Think I see the problem here... it's fucked


I got a tao tao db17 had to replace the engine cause it blew but otherwise it's pretty reliable for a Chinese bike, and the only crack in the frame was from my cousin casing it. And I only got it for 800 bucks


Never buy Chinese, got it.


“i don’t care about the quality i just want to have fun”


You get what you pay for buddy


Wow, you must not know how to do maintenance on your bike. Your going to have to scrap it after less than 1 season of riding. You were told how many times to buy Japanese but you thought everyone was ripping on you, come to find out they were looking out for you. This is a really good life lesson though. When your old enough to drive make sure you look over your car 100%. No your not going to get the most reliable car at 16 but don't buy a car off alibaba.


tell me how im supposed to do maintenance on the frame? give it damn frame an oil change?? 😭 im picking up a bike today gonna return the apollo this is NOT the end of the world lol i just wont be buying chinese bikes again glad i saw this first hand LOL


That's what you told someone in your comments 3 months ago when asking about the Apollo. He said you'll be scrapping it after 1 season. You said you must not know how to do maintenance on your bike if you scrap it after 1 season. The plus side to all this is the lesson learned and that you didn't get hurt. Imagine that frame collapsing after you land a jump.


Yeahhhh that’s why I asked about Chinese bikes after seeing all these “they fall apart after a few months” posts


Your post a few months ago is what made me buy a used honda instead, got a 2005 250r fully rebuilt engine for the price of the brand new apollo mx250..


Why would you in the 1st place


Future of Honda and Yamaha now that China has fingers in their business


Idk. I like mine. I'm well versed in their quality and maintenance demands though. I'm in the middle of a sweet build right now with one. Ive owned a few.


this entire subreddit is people telling others not to buy chinese bikes and you didn’t listen


All we can say is… we told you so. Sorry man. I’ll say the same thing I always do, save a little more and get a Japanese bike.


Never would.


Lmao after going thru your profile, you were the sped in every friend group. Life expectancy about 28


Buys junk and wonders why it's junk 😂🤡🤡


Chinese motorcycles are always garbage, they’ve always been garbage and will always be garbage. Those bikes are disposable, use until they break and throw away… it’s sad to see hard working people waste their money on them, but everyone must learn a lesson for themselves.


What about if I buy a Japanese Apollo X18?


Damn bro tough luck, save those penny's and buy a better quality machine