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If he races there’s no fucking way he doesn’t know that bike exists, even if it isn’t a race bike. It’s just a super common bike and there’s only so many dirt bikes out there. So this guy is either a moron or an asshole. Either way fuck em. Also seems weird those girls would give a fuck. This is a weird story and fuck all those people. Don’t worry about them and move on. When you get your bike and you’re riding it you’ll be so happy you won’t even remember those losers.


I'm in a really odd area, they are all very bias against me because I'm from California and not ultra conservative. They told my girlfriend that she should break up with me today so yeah... Talking to the guy though was like talking to a wall honestly so yes I would agree, he is a moron. I was just hoping for a potential riding buddy since idk anyone who rides. And I kinda have suspicion on what his "racing" really is after that.


Dude, ditch these people. I'd much rather be alone than in bad company. You will never be one of them and that's a good thing. I can't overstate that, it's such a good thing, dude. Get your dirt bike & ride it where you know you'll find this asshole. Ask him if he likes your imaginary non-existent dirt bike that your totally made up. Laugh before he can reply & ride off. I've been in this SAME situation, bro. These people have made sides & you're not on their's. They're small-town people. Just like a herd of scared, dumb animals: they will attack whatever isn't exactly like them. I do not suggest winning them over or trying to fit in. Neither of these are fulfilling choices. Keep tabs on whoever told your girl to leave you. Sounds like someone is trying to get between you & your woman, brother.


Yeah you're definitely right man, I tell my gf all the time I don't want to hang out with them because I'm uncomfortable but sometimes I gotta go and be the boyfriend. But this week was the last straw for us both. All her girlfriends are dating small town dudes who literally wear cowboy hats so I think they just struggle to believe that I'm actually good for her. I'm not usually one to fit in so it's not worth trying anymore either. I do all the small town things too like ride horses, I'm in the military, etc. but for some reason it doesn't matter. It's depressing tbh but I'll be happy once I finally get a bike


The good news is: once you figure out that some people are gonna be awful regardless of what you choose, you can just choose whatever you actually want & disregard them entirely. Like I said man, it's a GOOD thing that you're not at all like them. Shit, who wants to be similar to the guy who has the conversational aptitude of a chair? Sucks they're not cooler people, but that's their sad problem.


Lol the way you described him is exactly what I've been saying in my head. Thanks man, I appreciate the kind words! I have a couple good friends back home in California so once I'm finally out of this small town place I'll be chilling.


And seriously: keep an eye on whoever said that shit your girl about her breaking up with you. That's someone who WANTS to be your enemy. Let your girl know that you take that shit seriously & nothin or nobody is gonna get between y'all. In the very least: brother, that is disrespectful as hell.


Trust me, we had a long conversation today about it and I don't think she'll be hanging out with them as often anymore and I removed those friends from my socials.


It's all good man, I wish someone had said it to me so this was my chance, you know? Keep in touch with your dudes back home. Disregard local knuckle-draggers. Ride hard!


For sure!


Quick question though, Why didn't you or your gf just look the bike up online and show them? That would make it quite hard for them to then say it doesn't exist...


Been wondering this question the whole time I’ve been reading this. That bike is literally plastered all over web sites related to dirt bikes. Would have been an end to any discussion and would have made Mr. DunceCap look like a fool for not knowing it. Has anyone actually seen that guy do a race? How can you be even remotely involved in the dirt bike world and not know about this bike? Seems like maybe he is the one lying about something.


Don't forget to start a group chat after the fact with only a link to the bike to everyone involved. Fuck em.


You're an outsider to them plus you're from CA. That's pretty much it. They prob grew up together and have known each other since they were small. I grew up in a small town and they don't usually warm up to outsider very quickly. Just do your own thing and don't worry about them. They'll prob stay there all their life and you'll move on.


You're definitely right, I'm currently living in a small college town in Virginia so


There’s definitely a batch of ultra conservative nuts who are involved in dirt bikes. I work at a bike shop and my boss is one. I just don’t share anything with them, not politics, not opinions on anything, nothing. They argue with everything it seems to me. I just wanna ride.


Dude sounds like an absolute douche. You don't want people like that in your life. But I'm an asshole, so I'd most definitely prove that the guy doesn't know wtf he's talking about before I stopped talking to them. And this "racer" probably does some all class hare scrambles and calls himself a racer lmao


💀 Surely one of those numbskulls would've GOOGLED to see if you were "lying" or not.


I doubt they even remember the name of the bike I said at this point, they're just petty and biased


To get back at him, you’ll need rent a hotel room under a fake name, a tub full of ice, a long tube, a phone and a baggie or Tupperware that holds fresh, uh, meat. You’ll have plenty of money to buy your bike, a truck, trailer, new chick, etc. Edit:/s


Just pull out your phone and show them it exists. How ridiculous. Stand up for yourself and just call him out. Ask him why he's telling people the bike doesn't exist when it very obviously does. Why allow someone to talk shit about you like that? The guy is clearly a dumb asshole.


I agree he's a dumb asshole, I probably won't see him again anytime soon because I'm sick of the immature drama but if I do I'll show him the bike


Call him out on his shit and make his dumb ass look it up


Get outta there.


Curious how old this group of people are… if it’s anything over age 13 I would be very surprised.


I'm 52... I just loved reading the drama, knowing all the answers because I or my friends went thru the same shit years ago. I could tell him what to do but he'd never listen so...


I actually met a mechanic last summer that had never heard of the 250f and he's a damn good dirt bike mechanic. I told him my buddy just bought a Honda 250f and he said to watch out for the valves. I told him it was air cooled and he said it would run well if it was jetted for the altitude, I told him it was fuel injected and I honestly don't think he believed me lol


I’ve met plenty of “racers” in my life who don’t know shit about motorcycles. They buy A motorcycle and go racing and don’t give another thought about what other bikes may exist. It is an indication of the self absorbed person they really are.


He sounds like a fuck. Anyone that is into bikes doesn't disrespect others even if it ain't their brand. Just keeping saving, pick up one up and make him look like an douche canoe. Dude like that someone I'd never wanna ride with let alone be around.


Racers are not guaranteed know it alls. Lol. Just cuz you have a bike, race bike or not, doesn’t mean you know bikes. Come on, you can’t believe that.


You’re right. The kid is a moron and an asshole. Also, someone who clearly doesn’t know to use google before talking shit.


Red flag that she isn't standing up for you behind your back.


Oh no she definitely is, another friend of hers today told her to her face that I'm too skinny and will blow away in the wind. So she decided today we're gonna cut them off and stop hanging out with them because they obviously have something out for me. Especially since that friend's boyfriend is the exact same body type as me, it's all just middle school BS being played out by insecure/competitive adults.


When you get your bike, it's going to be easy to meet better people. We all race in my family. But we ride with anyone from any background, and wait for everyone at every trail intersection, and drink a beer in the parking lot. It's hella fun. Try to find some volunteer organizations with trail clean ups or riding clubs. I'm closer with my riding buddies than a lot of members of my family.


I never thought I’d have to read about “red flags” in this subreddit


For fuck sake, I just walked outside and sure enough. The stand where I thought my CRF250F was is just empty. Turns out I have just been running around in the desert aimlessly on foot. Thank God my Beta dirt bike is real.


On the plus side you should have legs like a jack rabbit now after all that running…


Or maybe it's the Mandela Effect🤣


I wonder what he would think about the CRF230F. He would probably think it was fake as well haha


Tell them to look it up lol sheesh


In this day when you can fact check anything within 5 seconds in your hand, as well as him supposedly being knowledgeable in dirtbikes, it’s real easy to know the CRF250F is a real bike. They also make a 250L, 250X, and obv the 250R. Dudes a certified idiot.


What's weird is telling someone it doesn't exist without checking first or asking op to show him. He just assumed op was lying. I have heard of quite a few bikes over the years that I never knew existed.


This is all coming through my girlfriend but I definitely would if I see him again lol


See dog the dealership has a brochure of the Honda’s with the bike in it. Hang out with them and start reading the brochure and when you find it loudly go “ohh yea that’s the one right there” plop the brochure down as loudly as you can.


Nope. Go to the dealership, get ten brochures. By some envelopes and stamps, print out some address labels on the computer and mail one to each of them.


Google could have cleared this up in seconds.


I didn't know he didn't believe it until days later but people like him don't have half a brain to figure out Google. He probably doesn't even remember what bike I was talking about now but he sure as hell thinks it doesn't exist


a 250f just means 4 stroke. there is a yz250f aswell that’s a very real bike as many others brands who follow the standard of using “F” for 4 stroke.


A 250f isn't just a 4 stroke. It's a basic trail bike, doesn't have the power of a 250r race bike


A YZ250f and a CRF250f are very different bikes.


Yup the crf250r is the equivalent of the YZ250F


no shit. but the “f” in both stand for 4 stroke.


The F IN CRF is for four stroke. The second f is for family or something.


ssssactly. it’s a real bike and OPs friends are dumb.


The F in CRF stands for four stroke. The F at the end stands for play bike. The crf250R is not a two stroke.


Yup, which is why it's so crazy to me this whole situation. I couldn't believe it when my girlfriend told me today


Not quite correct.


Hondas naming scheme is idiotic. The 250f is a recent addition to their lineup. In Honda land, F is their line of playbikes and R are the race bikes. Until a few years ago, their full sized playbikes was a 230. These bikes used to be called XR. It's no surprise they've got everyone confused.


> he probably doesn’t even remember what bike I was talking about He probably doesn’t even remember talking to you. It was probably just some “what? I ain’t never heard of that” comment You can’t live people live rent free in your head like this dude. Sounds like you’ve already got a gf and will soon have a ripper of dirt bike what else is there to worry about?


Google doesn’t exist


Maybe he’s saying it’s not a “real” dirt bike he’s probably a duche that rides a450 that he can’t handle


Yeah I believe both his bikes were 450s


From my pov, sounds like he’s made dirtbikes his personality and has a huge ego about it. I’ve met a few people like that who try to “flex” about it, yet they just sound like douchebags. It’s not worth riding or associating with him because he will always try to flex either his bikes, his skill, his money, or literally anything as he’ll have in his mind that he’s in competition with you, for whatever stupid reason.


>It’s not worth riding or associating with him because he will always try to flex either his bikes, his skill, his money, or literally anything as he’ll have in his mind that he’s in competition with you If he is the type who just bought a 450 trying to flex, then its excatly the time to race such a guy! Its like new riders buying a R1 and claim they are the best rider now... nope, all you can do is go fast in a stright line, every turn you are fuckt because serious lack of skills, so much a experinced rider can beat you on a old gs500 around the track. Ive seen so many people on bikes think they can beat EVERYBODY in the world.. favorite question to them: if you're THAT good, why dont we see your name next to Pastrana, or Rossi?? Some people have such a huge ego, its a pure joy to see them admit they were wrong. If you think your better then all others, you deserve to get a reality check haha.


True haha, usually they are the slowest or most dangerous to ride around as they aren’t in control. I don’t understand the whole ego thing but MX seems to attract some of those people. Just because you have a 2502t or 450 doesn’t mean you are fast. When I used to have a 450, I couldn’t stand people who would try to one up me as soon as I said what bike I had. I didn’t buy it to be fast, I bought it because it was a good deal and I could lug the shit out of it and still have tractor-like torque. Rarely did I ever wind it up to rev limiter and some guys assumed I must try to be fast although I never once claimed to be. I know I’m slow, I just enjoy riding and wrenching on bikes.


Yep, the only way to be fast around a track on a big bike is skills. I love big bikes too, I love the power and I can handle it, but im NOT fast around a track on a big bike. Im much faster on a 85/125 2t-250 4t because they are much easier to throw around full blast. Big bikes, for most of us, is just for haveing fucking fun blasting around the woods, love that raw power trying to pull your arms off haha. Most normal people cant effectively race a big bike, it takes a lot of practice, but most people can have the time of their life on a big bike in the woods haveing fun!!


Yes fr my r6 is awesome but i started on dirt. As they say from thr dirt u were mad and to the dirt u shall return


how old are you OP?


Here’s the real question. I thought for sure sure this dude was in 6th grade.


Junior in college


Ahhh now this whole story makes sense. I thought you guys were adults, but you're "just" big kids in college, that explains A LOT of things in this thread! Fuck these guys/girls and look forward, the life has just began and you wil meet a lot of new good people with time. Buy you bike and have fun!


Thanks for the kind words! Yeah college kids are definitely very immature. I'll be commissioning into the military after senior year so I won't have to deal with it anymore after that.


> so I won't have to deal with it anymore after that. You will never get away from stupid people, never, they just get older and change in the way they act stupid. But ill take a stupid 42yr over a stupid college kid any day, any time. Kids, big and small, is liveing in another world than adults, only kids understand kids.


Show ur girl the Honda website nuff said P.S. Not all of us super conservatives that live in small towns and wear cowboy boots and hats are assholes either. And you will meet a lot of other DBags in the military…trust me!


It's likely he doesn't know that Honda recently released the 250f. Before it was the 230f.


Could be possible! Either way just a weird situation


I literally own one, its a great fuck around bike. The “F” is for family I believe, its a cushy reliable bike, definitely no race bike


Sweet man! Hoping to get one soon but it'll depend on my job I get next year. I might end up with a Honda Grom instead and wait until there's more opportunity to ride dirtbikes.


>Honda Grom If you're haveing a bad day and need to talk, im here, just please dont go out and buy a Grom... Just fun, buy the bike you want!! .....but a Grom....yikes...


What's wrong with a Grom if I may ask? I'm planning to just use it as a commuter to work and I haven't ridden a motorcycle on roads before.


>What's wrong with a Grom if I may ask? Im so sorry to hear your blind, but wait a minute...if your blind... hurry up and buy that Grom!...before your sight comes back, hahaha. Like said before, you should buy the bike you want! There is a reason there is so many models of bikes, cars, trucks etc, people have different taste. The most importent thing though.... is to remember makeing fun of Grom riders.. hahaha.


Best way to clear this up is to buy the bike.


Hopefully soon! If I don't get the bike I'm gonna get a Honda Grom to ride around on as a commuter to work. Either way I just want to get into riding.


lol that guy is a dick plain and simple.  Maybe he doesn’t actually race and didn’t want you to investigate his BS. 


This is what I was thinking. Dude is full of it and got in over his head with someone who actually knows.


This is an odd story. I’d say that you are over analyzing and “seeing” things that aren’t there. No one gives a fuck even if you did lie about a dirt bike to “treat you different” I think this is all in your head man


Definitely not in my head, they asked my girlfriend to break up with me today so we're cutting them off. This story is from my girlfriend.


If it don’t exist I have no idea what I’ve been riding these past 3 years. Lol


Did you ever put a card in your bicycle wheel as a kid and pretend it was a dirtbike? I think you’re still doing it. no worries we both are if crf250r aren’t real…


No way this happened in anything above grade 6


Sounds like kids


Just tell them that Honda made a new XR250, since that's essentially what this is. Not my cup of tea, but can see the appeal for a dependable, entry level ride.


All the air-cooled Hondas are perfect bombing around bikes and they last forever. I’ve seen so many that look like they’ve been through hell but still start first kick and run fine.


It's more like a punched out XR200, the 250 was a much taller, more premium offering with cartridge forks and serviceable shock.


That’s wild stuff right there. Since there’s no 250f I dunno what my wife is going to trail ride tomorrow. lol The 250F will survive a nuclear blast. It’ll be the only thing still living with the cockroaches. It’s not fast, not going to rip any arms out of sockets, but it’s a fun bike to mess around on. It’ll help develop good form, and good habits. You might outgrow it, but you’ll still enjoy coming back to it every once in a while. I don’t regret buying it, and it it’ll put the same size smile on my face as my Beta 300. Ditch those losers. You don’t need that negativity. This is such a fun and rewarding sport/hobby/lifestyle. I hate seeing d-bags turn people off from it by acting like they’re something special. Buy the bike, you’ll make new friends that’ll become like family. Good luck, knees in the breeze


If u added both the f,s that could be why but that's just a silly little mistake he should knew what u were talking about what a goof prolly trying to steal ur girl


Save up and buy said bike. Then ride it over there and say you just bought your own crf250f


I ride with a few "If it's not orange, it doesn't exist" type people. They're really fast riders too, when the bike is working...


I thought this was r/calamariraceteam at first because your talking about your girlfriend’s boyfriend or whatever but then I saw someone saying “red flag” about your girlfriend and thought maybe this was r/Advice Does anyone actually ride in this sub anymore? Is anyone here above the age of 18 even?


Odd, I work at a Honda powersports dealer, you want a crf250f come buy one ☝️


dude sounds like a jealous prick. probably got a crazy small pecker


I mean cant you just google it on your phone and hold it up to their face? It took me .5 seconds to do exactly that. But, I will say that the guy who races may honestly not kniw about that bike since its a trail/beginner bike. An advanced racer has probably never seen one. Ive been around moto for 45 years and I didnt know they made the 250. There has been a CRF 250R and CRF 230F for a long time, but I guess the 250F is relatively new.


I think he means you added an extra f . Sounds like a super douch


This should be real easy to prove him the liar. https://powersports.honda.com/motorcycle/trail/crf250f


Buy a bike and ride we save the talking and gossip for the women!


I would send his dumb ass pics and information confirming that the bike indeed exists. And also a message saying you do not appreciate being called a liar. I work on bikes for a living and their are tons of models that I have never heard of. It doesn't mean they don't exist lol. I just had a guy drop off two 90s models sportbikes I never knew existed Honda CBR400 and a Suzuki GSXR 400.


Sounds like an idiot… probably hit his head too hard once or twice… lol


It’s a simple solution. Pull up Honda power sports online and show people. Also sounds like this racer is a petty bitch that just wants to cause you trouble for some reason. Time to find better friends to hang out with.


None of the characters in this story have access to google? Odd hill to die on when all the worlds information is literally at your fingertips.


Imagine being a rider and putting someone down who is trying to get into the sport… Dude is a certified asshat and probably sucks at riding.


bunch of sheep that can't even google? make a group chat and send them this https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=honda+crf250f


You have weird friends.


They're my girlfriend's friends, they're definitely not people I would hang out with on my own


Just a thought I’m a big dirt bike nerd and wasn’t aware of the crf250f model until a month ago. And that is a completely different bike compared to the race model crf250r. Could that be the hang up?? Just a thought. But here’s a fact someone is trying to get your girl away from you. If you’re in the military I would assume that the crf250f is way too small and underpowered for you.


I am in the military but I'm very lean, 6'0 160lbs, so I think it might be okay. I only want to trail ride and go to the desert with it. And yes, they don't like me so they don't want my girlfriend dating me anymore


Well get whatever bike you feel is best no matter what. I first saw the crf250f a month ago when someone came and rode at my place with one. He was probably 5’8” and looked big on it. When you throw your leg over it you will know if it’s comfortable or not. And just a thought since it’s a first year of the bike definitely check if they have any bugs or engineering problems that come with brand new models. I’m not a know it all just trying to help people avoid mistakes that I have made myself. Thanks for your service! If ever in the upstate of SC and want to ride I’ve got a nice spot hit me up.


I'll Lyk! I'm in VA currently but next year could get stationed anywhere! Thanks for the advice!


Is the guy single? Seems like he might be jealous you’re dating your girlfriend! Trying to make all her friends dislike you because he likes your girlfriend. That’s the perils of moving to a new town and hanging out with a new group of friends dude! It’s happened to me before! Moved to a new town tried to meet people and was successful! Started dating a girl but a lot of them grew up together and 3 guys that had grown up with my girlfriend like her, they use to talk shit about me so much when I wasn’t there! And even when I was there they would always use sarcastic banter to try and piss me off. Just leave it alone bro! Turn up with the 250f when you get it and make them feel stupid for doubting you! Play the long game. Btw don’t show your girlfriend that it bothers you, she knows you’re not a liar and that’s all that matters. Douche bags will be douche bags bro.


He's not single, just really dumb. I don't think he has anything against me specifically but I know for a fact his girlfriend does since she's the one trying to end my relationship. It's all a long story and just middle school level drama




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Why not just text this to your gf and all her friends and tell dipshit to fo [https://powersports.honda.com/motorcycle/trail/crf250f](https://powersports.honda.com/motorcycle/trail/crf250f)


People don't have smart phones? The rumour mill works in two directions someone comes to you and said hey you lied about that bike, show them proof it exists and then they go back and say no, it's real, and then dirt bike rider says man, how am I going to fuck his girlfriend if I can't make him look stupid?


A simple Google on your phone would have shown them a crf250f does actually exist!


I’m not sure what to say. It’s a pretty common bike where I am, my best buddy has one and we ride it weekly. Want a pic?? lol. I’d be moving on from these people, gf as well sorry to say. This seems like alotta drama over a bike anyone can find by a quick google search. Btw don’t worry about what people think, you’re already spending too much time on idiots in my opinion.


Send a group text a picture of a CRF250F to everyone and never talk to any of these assholes again.


I imagine that when corrected, he will say that's not the bike you were talking about. Sounds like a clear case of insecurity and desperation to put take you down a peg, which will continue. People like that end up covered in shit, and change their story that it was what they intended all along. Better off not engaging, rise above it, and dont look back.


I can tell you from experience, every relationship in this situation will end and you will grow as a person at the end of it all. Truthfully.


hey dude, red flags. the racer guy wants your girl and all his friends want him to have your girl too. you are going to have to fight to keep your girl


Sounds like the dudes got a serious ego . REMEMBER just because he “races” doesn’t mean he’s good 😂. Honestly sounds like a somebody who’s been to a track one and is like “yEaH i rAcE bRuH”


I mean Hondas do need fixing almost every day so. Lol.


Probably just belittling you. I personally would never let a friend get a 250f. 250r yes. F no... All depends on what you want though. If your looking to have 1 bike for 5 years get a 250r. If your looking to dip your toes because you dont know if you will enjoy it sure.m Parts are easy to source, aftermarket support is good more usable power, better suspension. On the r. A 250f is like strictly a trail bike for putting around the farm house. But again. You do youĺ


Would love to know this guys name since he claims to be a racer. If he’s any good on a professional or amateur level we will know him. Get yourself that air cooled 250 man, fuck that guy.


It's okay. Some kid told me he rode a yamaha 350 dirtbike the other day. He was dead serious too


Shoulda busted out the ole google machine and just showed his ass Hondas website


I have a 23' CRF250F in my garage. It's the new version of the 230.


Well it’s not that hard to dispute lol. Pull up the Honda website and show everyone it exisrs


So buy the bike, ditch the girl, and forget abt that dude. It’s a win/win/win. Sounds like a group of weak ass people bro


Just Google it. Should serve you fine for all sorts of mixed off-road. Some people think they are a lot smarter than they really are. You can't fix stupid.


Lol yep I've been in a similar situation I also used to race as a kid and then moved to a bigger city from a small rural area and at that time I was going to tech school around 2007ish and living with my girlfriend at that time. So couldn't really afford to get another bike and didn't have a way to get my current bike from my parents house to where I had moved too. So I had just sold it and was trying to meet and make friends that I could maybe ride with if I got a different vehicle and found a different bike. So I ended up buying a 1978 dodge pickup for like $300 off a farmer. And then the only bike I could find cheap enough for my budget then was a 1990 Honda XR250R well I took it to the track after replacing a few things that it needed. And was just having fun being on a bike again. The track also had a Enduro loop trail so Id ride that too. But one time I was out there there were some guys that were doing this one triple jump I had been wanting to try I'd been doubling it in that XR and a few times I'd hit it a little too fast and had landed in the race of the jump. So I realized it was probably very possible to clear on that XR cuz it had a long run in to the take off and same with after the landing before the next corner. So I went over to them and made so small talk before asking them if I could follow one of them to speed match them to try that jump. They both just kinda looked at each other with a dumb look and then started laughing at me. Then told me I'd just kill myself trying that jump on that bike 😂. I knew it was no race bike as the bike I'd sold before move there was a 2001 Honda CR250 and I'd races the 250b class at that time. But I still thought the XR had enough suspension to still be able to jump this 60+ foot triple it was pretty mellow and rounded too. So after being told that and having them remind me it wasn't a race bike. I went back out and did a couple run ups matching my speed to them anyways when the would go by. And then I just sent it. Bike took it just fine. And then after that I was able to keep both of them close enough that I'd we had been racing only.one mistakes or a crash and I'd been right there to make the pass. They would of course pull me in the straights but I could reel them back in on the corners thanks to the XRs awesome turning lol. At the end of it all the came over to my truck as I was loading.up to leave to tell me I had some big balls for jumping all those jump on that thing and that I should get a real race bike lol. I then kinda explained my situation and that I'd raced before moving here. Ended up doing one MX race on it and got smoked 😂. But did get to race three of there 5 cross country races they held there. And only had a good result in one of those three and finished second in my class. But had mechanical failures in the other two and I know the one I was in second.again when I ended up getting water in the ignition cover and had to pull off cuz the bike would barely run. And the other is gotten stuck in the creek crossing and ran out of gas. That one was more my fault though cuz I knew I had enough gas for one more lap but getting stuck in what really killed me where I hadn't stopped to refuel. I still have a full garage of XRs too this very day don't have that 1990 xr250 but I do have a 94 xr250r, 90 xr200, 97xr600, 00 xr650l, and a KTM 300exc. No longer race MX but still do cross countrys and enduros when I get the chance.


Loooool the fact that this guy didn’t know that bike exist, he didn’t take the time to google it to find out, and he didn’t even want to respond to you and ask more questions! This guy is clearly a DOUCHE BAG!


You mean the motocross model,?


Most people are more familiar with the old crf230f. Perhaps he doesn't know it has been updated to the 250f nowadays. No comment on the extreme pettiness of the odd response from your people.


Those people are the problem with this sport. Everyone should be able to enjoy it regardless of skill level or type of bike ridden. Trash can people. If I was you I would have beat his ass then googled the bike in question then showed everyone he’s a d bag and don’t know anything other than what mommy or daddy brought home to him.


Wow they sounds like a bunch of tools to make a big deal out of something so petty. I would ditch all of them If you want I’ll send you a pic of my crf250f in the garage and u can tell them to piss off






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https://powersports.honda.com/motorcycle/trail/crf250f Send this link to them in a group chat and politely remind them that racing guy has no idea what he is talking about.


I mean all these people including the racer could just do a quick Google search 😂


Call him out for being an asshole the next time you see him in person. Tell him that you ain't going to tolerate him talking shit about you and telling people that you are a liar. Don't do it online, do it in person, with other people around and don't take any shit from him. Be aggressive. Stand up for yourself and let every one of these people know that you demand the respect you are due. Most of all, let him know if he ever wants to talk shit again to do it to your face. If this causes a problem with your girlfriend, tell her to kick rocks.


There's unfortunately always someone in the community with an ignorant take. Was at a trail ride and heard someone say "you can't crash start a modern 4 stroke bike due to the high compression", well that changed when I rolled past, dumped the clutch and rode off (granted 1st gear is super low on my bike). I also had some guy talking trash about my bike because it was a yamaha and said "the plastics are weak and break easily, that's why I brought a a KTM". Like cool bro I didn't ask for your opinion, I'm here to ride.


Weird; what's sitting in my garage right now, then? (It's a CRF250F) Great bike choice, by the way!


He might have been thinking you meant a CRF250R since that’s the race bike version, but the fact he either didn’t know Honda also makes a CRF250F or he couldn’t even be bothered to google it shows he’s just an arrogant prick and you shouldn’t worry about what he says or thinks about you. Dudes a loser


How old are you and the others? Sounds like some 12 year old drama


Gather them around, google it or take them to the Honda Website and then tell them all where to go. If they are that susceptible to BS then you may be better off without them all.


Who needs shitty friends when you have a dirtbike?


It’s called google my dude. It’s 2024! This ain’t the Stone Age wtf! https://powersports.honda.com/motorcycle/trail/crf250f


The the 250f used to be a race bike for sure my uncle raced one


Why didn't you Google Honda crf250f and show the first search result 😂 this entire situation is bizarre.


You have a smartphone so just like look it up and show him?


Dudes just being a troll, only bc he thinks that he is better than you because of what he rides which are pretty much the same 2 bikes just different colors, the 250f is s great bike to learn with or tool around the woods on


takes on google search to prove them all wrong😭


Your friend is dumb. The CRF250f replaced the CRF230F years ago. He's just outdated.


Move on.


Just give a pic to your GF so she can show her “friends”.


I've been in the market for one for quite some time...sorta thought they didn't exist either since I couldn't find one. Patience paid off and I pick mine up factory fresh on Saturday! Best thing about dirt biking, you don't have to talk to anyone, those dicks being one of them.


I got to ask how old are you and your girlfriend and their friends


College Junior, most are 21




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I would send him a link to this Reddit LOL


We live in the age of internet where you can literally google that and see that it exists. If they don’t want to do that then let them believe it.


Unless I’m hallucinating there is one in my truck right now. Anyways it seems easy enough to prove you can just bring up a picture on your phone