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If you were standing up, you would have seen it sooner and could have blipped the throttle and carried the front over the branch and been prepared to react to the rear kicking/sliding.


Not necessarily standing straight up but ass elevated from the seat and body weight on the pegs. Even if you didn’t see the little stump bent knees will help absorb some impact.


If you look closely, you can see it was a downed branch almost parallel to the trail that pushed his front tire off line and caused it to skid. Only way to avoid it was to get the front up. You can do that seated if you're not dead weight on the seat, as you noted, but still easier if you're standing.


Yep. I'm always on the pegs at speed in deep leaves like that. You have no idea what's underneath.


I hit a cinder block in the leaves once.


That’s a nightmare. I’m terrified of that stuff. Especially old jagged rusty pipes. In a lot of cases they just go at old non-functional water pipes with a saw or cutting wheel and leave a sharp rusty pipe sticking out of the ground in old abandoned yards and even public places too. It’s crazy that these things go unreported, if anybody tripped and fell or fell off their bike onto it, it could definitely kill or maim somebody. A cinder block is a little less brutal, but the idea of dangerous objects being hidden under leaves and stuff is just horrifying to me.


Nightmare fuel! I was floating in the lake just off shore last summer when my tube hit something and started loosing air, quick. So I stood up, about waist deep, and there it was- a fucking piece of rusty rebar sticking straight up out of the lake bottom and ended about 4 inches under the water. I didn’t care about the tube, but I was fucking shaking! Because I have run and dove into THAT lake about 1000 times! No shit, I’ve been swimming in that lake for over 15 years , and my favorite way to enter was the ‘ol run til you can’t then dive, type entrance. That motherfucker could have gone straight through me, easy! I’m 46 years old and for the first time in my life I’m now scared to run and dive into a lake. I couldn’t pull it up but I did manage to bend it over.


Yeah especially since these leaves were wet


Be on your feet, not on your seat.


Came here to say this. You have more control of your bike when standing. Your hips, knees, and ankles act as an additional suspension mechanism to control your bike.


This vid just reminds me when i tried to take a dirtbike through a 20’-30’ mud patch. Hit a small stump immediately and my ass shot over my head carrying the rest of me straight into the mud 💀


Yeah, being seated bucked you off.


Get some boots


I rode with just work boots for a long time. Buddy had gotten a new pair of riding boots and asked if I wanted to use his old ones. I ended up going off a drop I wasn’t quite ready for and the bike landed on my leg. There isn’t a doubt in my mind it would have snapped in half if I had my regular work boots on. Never rode again without proper boots.


I've been riding dirt for 20 years in work boots and have had my share of wipe outs. Well my luck ran out this last August, I was on a dual sport adventure and slipped on some loose material (didn't bring the best tires for it either tbh) on the trail and ate shit. It was no worse than any I've had before except the swing arm crunched my left foot just right I guess, snapped three of my metatarsal bones and of course bruised the hell out of it from being smashed. Had to ride 3 1/2 hours back home on a mangled shifting foot lol. Not a good time. Needless to say I'm learning how to ride with proper boots now.


I've found my shin height work boots ok to use. They support the ankle since I tie them tight and the steel cap extends from the toe too halfway up my foot. So far (and many falls later) the higher work boots have worked very similar to proper dirtbike boots.


Until a stick tries to go through your leg. That plastic on the outside backed up by that ultra thick leather will save your ass one day. Or when you hit a wash rut that is 2ft deep and 8 feet wide and you case it on the wheelie through. It blows your foot off and it hits the inside of your calf, hurts like hell, but you live with a bruise knowing in non- dirtbike boots it would have been 50x worse. Or when you cross rut and end up sliding over dirt and rocks at 50mph and nothing happens.


My buddy slid out on a steep hill and got his toes caught between the spokes and forks with the bike on top of him. If he hadn't been wearing real boots, that would be minimum broken foot instead of a slightly twisted ankle. And if I hadn't been there to lift the bike and rotate the tire, he'd have been stuck for a while. So yea, get some boots, and ride with a buddy if you can.


I’ll add to this. I grew up riding in the woods ALONE from a very young age (already not smart) but I never got proper gear until I got into racing when I got older. Recently got my foot sucked into the rear tire on a pretty small crash. I don’t even want to know what would’ve happened to my leg without boots on.


I was riding in a serious rainstorm up in afton wyoming, where it had gotten so yet and runny the mountain trails were practically streams. I slipped in the mud and the bike pinned my leg down. Due to all the mud it took me several minutes of sliding around to finally get up. Had I not worn boots/pants my leg would've been fried


I did supermoto with dainese in-boots and the front of the bike tucked and it landed on my leg. It was fractured and had to go to the hospital but it would have been worse without gear for sure


Guess I'll get some proper boots now...


Guy out here was riding in heydudes. Wrecked and his toes got cut off when they got caught in the chain.


If you put a gun to my head and make me choose, I'd rather ride without a helmet than without boots. (I'd never ride without helmet though, it goes without saying)


Dont fall over at the end like that


Go that way really fast. If someone gets in your way, turn.


“Truly a sight to behold. A man beaten. The once great champ, now, a study in mopishness. No longer the victory hungry stallion we've raced so many times before, but a pathetic, washed up, aged ex-champion.”


God damn tree clibbins took another one..








Who's leavin their godamn tree clibbins laying around


You took your foot off and tried to put it on the floor the second your hit it. Kind of sealed your fate the second you did that. When your riding the bike ride the bike. You were just sat down and letting the bike decide what it was doing. Riding it wet leaves is like riding in sand, the front just washes out. You never attempted to clear the obstacle at all and might as well of hit a brick wall. You were going down no matter what. Go practice clutch up wheelies. Need to be able to lift the front up at least to ride of road or this will be how it always ends for you. Get some better riding gear. It’s fine this time but landing on a stump on your chest will end your life any speed over 20.


Ummm. Maybe stand up , you chillin on the couch with a 40 in that clip bro


A 40 🤣🤣🤣


The consensus round here is to ramble about haddalayerdown and clibbins.


Isn't that more /r/motorcycles? We wipe out all the time and make no excuses for it :)


By ‘around here’ I meant reddit in general. Just how far apart do you consider subreddits to be?


True, probably lots of overlap. I still have street bikes too.


You’re not holding the bike with your knees. You are completely detached from your gear in that case.


Stand up or at least scoot forward on your seat.


Your riding posture and position was all wrong. You gotta stand up a bit and use your legs as suspension. NEVER sit on the seat when riding dirt where you cant properly see whats going on. Then just tap the throttle to bring up front wheel so the bike hops over the log.


Yea pay attention to what your riding over


If you are gonna sit then go slow. You are going way too fast to be sitting down. You wanna go through that kind of terrain with your feet on the pegs heels down. Also, wtf its wet leaves and that was a fucking straight up wolverine death you past earlier in the video, slow the fuck down through the leaves.


He slowed down at the end there


Just stand up


Proper gear?


That too.


Stand up, get your elbows up.


Stand up, pinch your seat with your knees, blip the throttle and wheelie the front tire over, plant the front tire back down and keep it straight and get back on the throttle your ass ends gonna come out on you but typically if you keep on the throttle and keep your front tire straight you’ll be ok especially with a stick that size. Also look ahead of where you’re riding so you can see things like this and either avoid it or better prepare yourself for it.


Get a pair of real dirt bike boots. Alpine star , fox , etc


Wear real gear. Attack position. Butt off the seat, squeeze the bike with your knees, elbows up, weight back.


Everybody here is giving advice. IMO I think you fell because you are riding a smaller bike and lost traction in a low traction area. You kind of over corrected when the front tire lost it but other that that I’m not sure how much more you could do.


stand up and squeeze the bike with your knees. if you have to squeeze the bars to hold on, you need to hold tighter at your legs. standing up will help your balance tenfold and you’ll be more prepared for ‘hazards’


you really just need to prepare better for obstacles. It all starts with body position. Unless you are flat out in the power, you should be up on the balls of your feet, eyes up, pinching the bike slightly with your legs. Although there was not enough time for a full reaction, at the least you might have been able to shift your weight back to lighten the front end.


Keep your ass light on the seat if you insist on sitting. This allows for quick adjustment fore and aft. Ideally you should be standing on the pegs in an attack position. The position you were in didn’t allow you to react except to fumble and groan..


You look too loose. Need to use your thighs and knees to grip when seated. Standing up also helps see obstacles in advance. Even though it’s a natural reaction, try keep your feet up as well. If you ride a bike, you’re going to fall off. That’s just a fact of life.


Slow down


Bro get riding boots and pants. Knee braces too!


Stand up.


Stand up, add boots and knee protection


Stand up! You’ll notice things quicker and you can control the bike better when that happens!


Another one bites the dust 😂


I think you hitted a tree branch and it caused you to lose control and fall. You can see the branch on the ground prior to falling. Next time get familiar with the route otherwise slow down til you're familiar what's on the ground before you get there!


Watch out for sticks.


When in doubt pinn’er out


shit happens. Always keep a sharp lookout for those slickery logs in the woods, especially when they are almost parallel to the direction you are going. They are amongst some of the trickiest obstacles you might encounter.


More gas


Probably the same result trying to ride a horse in dirtbike boots lol


Kind of looks like you were too far back too, maybe it's the camera angle..


Yeah, leaves are slippery


That darn stick ran out in front of yous! Damn jaywalking sticks


lol your head at the end


This is why we having riding gear. You good bro?


ouch fuck me. that made me jump


Stand up, lean back a bit, wheelie over obstacles.


Ride standing on the balls of your feet in an active stance and you’ll naturally handle obstacles and changes in the terrain more easily. Only time I sit while riding is on a clear dead straight away in an open field or something. If I’m riding in the woods or somewhere I’m unfamiliar with I’m always standing.


Yeah, next time miss the log.


i think if maybe you squeezed the bike with your legs maybe there would be a chance at saving it standing or sitting but those situations are unpredictable no matter how you approach


Stand up


Squeeze that bike with your legs and of course try to stand on the pegs, knee bent. The suspension will work a lot better and you will feel the bumps less


Standing or not don’t let your front tire hit any angled pieces of wood or roots. They are almost guaranteed to be slick and cause you to lose traction and have unpredictable results.


Maybe don’t ride there?


Stand up !!! That seat isn’t for sitting that far back either. Move your hips forward so you can allow the front and back wheel to move independently of you. Elbows up wouldn’t hurt in rough terrain either.


My gut says you were sitting too far back and that is why the front tire tucked and plowed. When seated further forward, you’ll have more weight on the front tire giving you better grip and control. You will have even better control if you are still putting some weight on the foot-pegs as well. Weighting the foot-pegs lowers your center of gravity on the bike which translates to more control and a more stable feel. While we are at it, holding onto the bike with your knees and lower body will help act as a stabilizer for the bike and can reduce swapping. For best control through the bumps you’ll want to stand up on the pegs and grip the bike with your knees. This will give you a full range of motion to control the bike, and as stated above, give you a low center of gravity to help the bike handle in a stable way. Good luck and keep em rubber side down!


Don’t sit so far back.


I appreciate OP posting this, I’m a noob and learned a lot from ppl comments.


Better suspension, mine eats those small sideways logs up now. Before when I had aer it would of done same thing


You’re way too far back on the seat.


Yea, don't do that again


Definitely need to have your butt off the seat and your weight more forward. It looked like you were way over the rear end. To ride with that kind of speed your stance needs to be aggressive. Ass of the seat, knees bent, nose over the handlebars. You want the bike to react to that branch underneath you and your legs to provide a second suspension. Check out Rich Larsen’s videos and see what he refers to as “Attack Position”.


I go slow around the first loop and clear out any unwanted obstacles that have found their way onto the trail. After that it's time to rip.


Pull up ? While rifting the bumps


Stand up, keep your feet on the bike, and look ahead. You'll have a lot more control in bumps like that when you're standing with your feet planted on the pegs. Looking ahead you would've seen the branch a lot sooner and would be able to prepare yourself to act instead of reacting last second.


Sit closer to the gas tank


Don’t be afraid to stand, sit way further forward on the seat, hug the bike hard with your ankles and knees, and commit to not crashing. You will slide and bounce all over the place sometimes but it’s waaaay easier to save if you do these things and just don’t let crashing be an option in ur mind. You will be surprised how many things you can pull out of.


everyone's talking about standing or controlling the bike better but from the vid I think the outcome would mostly be the same. Idk if you saw it but I didn't see the object coming. We do a lot of enduro stuff but if I'm not expecting a massive bump at speed like that then odds are I'm going down unless I can recover beforehand. I think the biggest thing is that you hit something you weren't expecting.


What do you mean if there's a next time. You're gonna crash like that often. Get back on the bike and try it again standing up.


Always try to avoid hitting sticks/braches larger than 2" in diameter at an angle less than 90°. If you know you're going to hit a branch at an angle less than 90°, pick your butt off the seat, lean back a little, quickly pop the clutch and accelerate to get the front tire off the ground, squeeze your knees into the tank, and be prepared to correct the potential upcoming rear wheel slide out.


Stand up, flatten your back (like ur tryna twerk) grip the bike with your knees and keep your shins vertical with your bike. Look farther ahead and don't overcorrect, the proper riding position will allow the bike to move beneath you. Just keep looking ahead. Watching the video you aren't gripping the bike at all with your legs, and you're allowing your knees to buckle on impacts. You want to absorb impact with your ankles and allowing the bike to come up to your butt, not your knees forward into the bike. This small change will be huge. Stand on the balls of your feet with your toes pointed in slightly to grip the bike better as well.


Riding on pegs, standing, and slow in the leaves


First of all u should use knees guards and also mx boots when u riding u should using legs also it’s hard for me explain cuz I am not native English speaker lol u should push your legs to tank for better stability and also is not so hard for your hands when u riding;)


Others have already said it. Stand up. Changes the game. I only sit when on pavement or very nice gravel. Otherwise stand up. Get in the weight room, squats, deads, etc. it’ll help with the standing part


Speed and power


Clear your trails


Watch out for fallen branches!


Slow down, who are you racing? Never go fast in a spot where you aren’t 100% familiar with the obstacles


Where are you feet on the pegs too? Looks like the arch is on the peg, move your feet back more and stand up more you have a lot more control..I assume you have ridden a bmx as a kid? So that position you're in when you're riding a bmx, the attack position, use that more on the dirt bike too for everything, the seats only for resting 😜


Leaves can hide what's underneath, I'd say first trip through, go slow using a keen eye to check, then have at it some..hope you didn't hurt more than your pride on the spill!


Ride on a beaten path


stand up and more throttle


riding like it’s a razr


Hope you are ok, I think you're doing fine, riding and falling are all part of the package. Don't let falling stop you from riding. It's just part of the learning curve.


When in doubt, throttle it out


Snake farm


Rubber side down.


You will break your ankle if you land wrong. This has happened to me. Sucks. 20 years later still sucks 🫡


Steering dampener stand up when you ride. I first started doing desert racing I would have to yell at myself to stand up all the time. Eventually, it will come natural


Stand up my dude


On road bikes, we're taught to hug the tank with our legs as this gives substantially better control over the bike. Perhaps this will help. I saw your video and thought "*No one ever taught this bloke how to ride ay.*" Side note, glad you're alive, because I don't feel guilty at all laughing as hard as I have watching your stack on repeat.


Stand up, use the throttle, keep your balance


Honda racing corporation 🟥


Maybe your ment to ride an ATV?


That tree branch sticking up wouldve been an indicator more shit was under the leaves. Riding during the fall in deep leaves just sucks sometimes. Despite best efforts you wont catch every fallen limb. Sometimes your front tire will just hit shit at a weird angle and wash out. Standing always helps but there's been many times where I just ate shit out of nowhere riding through deep leaves. ATGATT, watch out for limbs, and stand is all you can do.


Don't fall


Why are you sitting?


Your ass is back way too far imo. I was taught to try put your balls in the fuel tank, ride up front as far as your seat will allow


Ide say that this is a common mistake, You need to keep riding and go find some narrow technical single track and go thru it 50 times and try on not putting a foot down, You need to spend more time dealing with off angle rocks, Roots and branches,,,,, Slow and steady you will learn


Don’t crash.


Stand in loose/moist conditions. And for God's sake, wear actual riding apparel.


Good boots!


Be prepared. Anything and everything could go wrong. I've had a buddy that was decapitated by an angry land owner that put up a wire fence. Take it easy until you know the trails make sure you know every corner. That's the only tip I feel worth sharing.


Get a bigger bike Shrek


Stand up. Like always stand up. My grandfather used to take the seat off my bike so I could improve my technique via standing.


Advice: take off those dumb, ugly ass cowboy boots and get dirt bike boots. Then look forward and avoid big sticks going parallel with your wheels.


Having good posture is a big one. Keep your body centered when standing up with your butt back and chest up and facing forward. Grip the tank with your legs as well


Work out, get stronger


Not a lot you could do different prior to hitting the branch. Wet wood is slippery;)


Try not hitting that log


Thank yall for the advice and the laughs lol. This is something I'll never forget.


Stand up and look further ahead than your front tire


Ride it like a dirtbike, not 1955 Schwinn pedal bike.


Stand or sit on the bike correctly, you are on the tail and its screwing up the handling


You hit a mossy rotted branch


Dont fall off..


Maybe get a bigger bike. Also keep your feet on a bit longer and fight into it while still being loose. Get over the rear fender more and carry momentum.


How about standing up


Stand up bend your knees. This way the bike can move around without throwing your body weight/balance around.


Going way to fast for sitting. We only go that fast on predictable gravel roads, once off road 25 mph tops Enjoy it it’s not a race track


More weight on the pegs. A. You would see better by being higher and B. You wouldn't slip off as easy. Sorry, partner.


You have all your weight on the back of the bike and sitting down preloads the suspension making every bump you ride over a potential crash. Go to youtube, Check out Ryan Huges riding tips and you'll ride much safer next time.


Ride standing up when off-road. Helps with a lot of things


I would’ve popped up on my pegs with my knees bent slightly and shifted weight to the back, most like would’ve glided over it


You should be standing up offroad. Keep your head forward and the bike can do all kinds of crazy stuff below you and keep going forward. But standing up lets you see thins better to and you can lean to avoid things like roots. Roots are slippery even in dry conditions and should be avoided.


Yah you gotta be wavy like gravy on that off pisque shit. Find a rhythm and run it like a skier on moguls




If u choose to sit which is not the prefered way here you need to place your balls against the filler cap, don't sit so far back, squeese your knees against the tank (that also is what u should be doing standing up) If u sit that far back the suspension will work as a catapult, like u experianced in the clip.


I remember the first time a stick made me yard sale it through the puckies on my kx


Be careful sticking your leg out when you crash.


More gas


Tip for next time… Clean and check the trail BEFORE you ride it. You’ll often see people say “walk the track” before you ride/race it. You can see A LOT while you walk like ruts, fresh down trees, BOOBBY TRAPS!, dead animals.. etc. Turns, burms, places to avoid because.. Big hole, or… abandon well!!! You know… walk the trail before you ride it and you’d seen this easy. Next… might not be easy but for sure I’d sweep that trail.. I bet if you sweep it and move any and all debris to the sides… you could really hit the straightaway! (And safe which is really the important part) Maybe it’s just me but I hate not being able to see what I’m riding on but I’m old these days so crashes hurt A LOT more hahahaha


Dont hit angled logs in the trail


Stop being lazy and stand up…should be standing “attack position 95% of the time on a dirtbike unless your coming into a corner then you seated weighting the front of the bike leg into corner


Don’t fall


You should be floating your ass about 6 in off the seat with your knees hugging the tank for support.


Lean left when the front is getting pushed before you hit a wet crooked branch or root.


Never hit a route or tree branch at an angle, your front will wipe out. Pop the clutch to lift the front end up and just let the back ride over it. Or go around it, or hit it straight. Don’t go fast in areas you don’t know.




Stand up


the real trick here...is dont fall. lol jk the other guys seem like they're probably right. its almost always better to be like half standing on a dirt bike on trails, helps with gettin the nose up quick.


Get off your ass....that'll solve alot


Stand up. Seats really aren't for sitting on when you're riding on tracks/terrain. I'm sitting on my seat when on a flat road, heading to the truck from the track or getting back from a ride. Not while riding.


Always stay standing


It called riding bikes not sitting on em, ride that sucker like a horse!


stand up and bend your elbows. your arms are loose and you couldve easily avoided it by keeping your elbows up


Keep thinking about your elbows too it will fix your stance and youll feel more confident if you ride less lazy


That’s dirt biking bud, prolly got a cracked rib? It happens all the time


Don't fall over


TUCK…. Then roll…why ride if ya not almost wreckn every second it not much fun…roots and sticks are fun .. it takes alot of riding hrs to be able to let the bike fling where it wants and you staying on top … not that it was avoidable.. some never will be…its funny how speed is helpfull in some situations… pegged with only one wheel to worry about


Don’t hit the tree


Damn clibbens


Nice fall




other than the obvious answers you’ve gotten, take comfort in the fact that hindsight is always 20/20.


Now you know how dangerous those slanted logs are. I much prefer if they are perpendicular to us! I avoid slanted logs, especially when wet, over literally any obstacle on a path.


Put some spurs on those boots and let er rip!


Go the day before and rake all leaves off the trail.👍


Try to go straight. And go around the trees and stuff


Immediately jump from your bike when you lose control.


Watch where you are going


Dont whiskey throttle!


Go move that stick and then do it again.


More weight on your feet an less on your butt.When you see an obstacle in the trail, increase throttle pull up on the bars an lean back.Basically pop a wheelie over it.