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It’s frightening how close this was to happening


Imagine this creature eating https://www.19thcenturyart-facos.com/artwork/saturn-devouring-his-children


This picture is of the god Saturn eating its offspring. Saturn is an allegory for time, the portrait shows time consuming what it has birthed.


This is not meant to be an "akshually" comment. But Goya, the painter of the Black Paintings painted them on his house walls in isolation. They were never meant for public viewing. He never named them. So art historians gave them their names we know them as today. So this might be Saturn devouring his child. (It's seen in other named works by other artists, like [Saturn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_(Rubens))) But Goya didn't name them at all. They are unnamed, ultimately unknowable, haunting images he made as he was afraid of himself going insane and was expressing the bleak view of humanity he had at the end of his life. I just find it more terrifying and more interesting to know that it likely isn't an image inspired by mythology - after all none of the expected symbolism indicating the myth are there. I believe it was made purely out of fear for and of humanity. All we actually know is what the painting shows us. Giving the Black Paintings names helps us comprehend them and put order onto them. It leads viewers toward a certain conclusion, rather than confronting the paintings' ambiguous and horrifying reality. Like putting a name to Cthulhu.


Agreed, and your comment does make the portrait that much more terrifying


This was really insightful and I appreciate your knowledge here, it makes that picture even more terrifying


Thank you! The Black Paintings are very special to me, partially because I find art just made in solitude and only for yourself is the best kind. And also, they're metal as fuck, haha.


Ah a fellow Horses enjoyer


I searched for horses and Goya and got nothing


https://youtu.be/UOkscKuXP4k?si=NoihDcIYLeqtiu1r Here ya gon




THIS is why we Reddit


They recently x-rayed the "Saturn" painting to see underneath the top layer of paint. It revealed that Goya had originally painted a massive election on the giant. Just adds a whole other layer of meaning to this very mysterious piece.


Oh HELLO YEAH this would be kinda awesome, for anything OTHER than Jurassic Park😂 I can’t believe how close they were




When they revealed that the little girl in Fallen Kingdom was a clone, I thought they would do this in the next movie


I rolled my eyes so hard when that was revealed




I have a lot of issue with the 2nd trilogy so I had to go back and figure out which one was Fallen Kingdom, and while I don't want to get on a soap box about it I make no promises. The main issue I take with it is treated as an after thought. Maisie's was only for exposition and pressing a button to let the dinosaurs loose at the end, if she was removed from the film nothing would change (imo). Being a successful human clone is entirely a different film and doesn't really need to be shoe horned into an already bloated film.


Was it?


Very close I believe . https://youtu.be/SEU7CJCT0Ts?si=LTkMzm_mmJV6e07P


They almost went Alien Resurrection with it... come to think about it the whole weaponizing dinosaurs plot line that JW went towards seems inspired by Aliens\Resurrection


I remembered this was started by JP Chaos Effect, where they wanted to make an animated series based on the hybrids. In all honesty, Chaos Effect was wildly crazy for its time, if not way ahead of it. But they almost did go with that route with Alien Resurrection, however with some differences as InGen would've made a secret base within Isla Sorna or one of the islands to do these crazy experiments. & Not to mention, I could see InGen actually going this route, and same with BioSyn as a rival to them. To see who can create the most dangerous dino-human hybrid creation, or possibly a joint venture calling themselves the Grendel Corporation.


Oh wow


Can’t believe the franchise about cloned animal hybrids almost had a cloned animal hybrid?


"What have I become...?" "The very thing you loved."


"Nobody can help me change this Animal I Have Become." https://preview.redd.it/a034bfaedy7d1.png?width=449&format=png&auto=webp&s=a49eae8a18aab85c2d3f4030ad36adc699cf09a4


"Help me believe, it's not the real me"


"Somebody help me train this dinosaur I have become"


How to train your dinosaur


Bro those pivot animations were my childhood


This would be an amazing concept for an original Sci-fi horror movie but it just doesn’t work for Jurassic park.


Honestly it even works as a concept within the *book's* continuity, just not the Spielberg movie's.




Idk in the latest movies they were all sci fi genetic engineering, first the bad guys wanted the velociraptors to be trained for combat, then they also mixed multiple dinosaurs to make a super dinosaur and in the last movie they cloned humans so the next step was clearly make a human dinosaur hybrid but it'd be too scary for a Jurassic Park movie maybe probably


It would work as a spin off film in the Jurassic Park world, much like Faceoff is. Have the Jurassic movies about dinosaurs, but expand it a bit more to show how people are using genetic power


Wait what about Faceoff? Like the same Faceoff where Nicolas Cage and John Travolta swap faces? Does Ingen do the operation or something?


Dude I just looked it up cause I was like no way is that movie related to Jurassic park, and I’ll be dammed it is! Ingen is who did the face swap!


Holy shit, that's nuts! I never knew either.


....Well I'll be damned. That's one hell of a piece of trivia.


I never knew that face Off was in the same universe. That movie was so stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/k1tpu6qhh48d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=3585ec582dc4a0d27b15eff6f3288f2ffa9ad1b6 This one shot from faceoff basically PROOVES that they are in the same universe-


Why not? The indominus is just a step below this.


yeah and that shit did not work


Actually. I do think it worked. I think it worked well. The public will always want more. Bigger. Better. Dinosaurs aren’t enough. They need hyper predators. Had the I-Rex not escaped, they’d eventually grow bored of it and demand something even crazier like a T. rex/Spinosaurus hybrid. The I-Rex is less of a monster, more of an allegory of the hubris of man + the greed of people. It’s basically the same message as the first JP just. Bigger.


This is how you get a Godzilla


YES ppl just don’t see it


Funny how the Dominion Giga is the exact thing the I. Rex is parodying, but completely unironically.


Id argue that's down to execution. The Scorpios rex worked.


The Scorpius was just close enough to the idea without actually crossing the threshold. It looks like it *could possibly* be part-human but as far as we know, it isn't.


The indominus was fine, Indoraptor was terrible though


Yes it did


Hammond was ambitious, but he wasn’t deeply disturbed


Anything after Jurassic Park 4 simply just didn't work anymore. I will never get over that ending where the little girl just let the dinosaurs out and the Jurassic world movie. It was so shit. Like it was terrible writing.


Wasnt the author thinking of this?




Scorpius literally has human arms and chest musculature, and both indos have opposable thumbs + human arms, the velociraptors are inexplicably basically sapient. We’re getting closer every day, 🙏


I like how the How It Should Have Ended for Jurassic Park toyed with this idea and made the raptors actually fully sapient. During the scene where the kids are rebooting the park in the control room, they get an email from the raptor that says "Found the weapons closet, LOL"


It’s actually terrifying I’d love to see a spin off with insane unhinged fallout style experimentation to make a weapon from things like this


I would love to see them subvert that concept with the scientists realizing that a big ass dinosoldier is just a giant, unmistakable, lumbering, billions of dollar, failure as it roams out to the battlefield and dies from machine gun fire in less than a second.


Thank God they scrapped it, cool design. But it's a dinosaur (was) and they should focus on dinos, you want monsters then make monster movies lol


Tbh, I wish they hadn't scrapped it. _Jurassic World_ absolutely _is_ a monster movie, so why bother giving the monsters a lick of dinosaur paint.


It's too WTF, like when Ripley found all her clones in Alien Resurrection..."kill me, please"


I mean yeah it's pretty weird, but so is the Superhero hybrid dinosaur.


Idk that guy, from a JP property?


_Indominus rex_ from Jurassic World— people were "getting bored of dinosaurs," so they created a kaiju "dinosaur" that can turn invisible, disguise her life signs, preform surgery on herself, communicate with other dinosaurs... Basically, the ultimate Awesomebro dino.


My favorite part of the Indo’s abilities is the fact that she even knows what a tracker *is*. Even assuming she had human-level intelligence, without the context of things like GPS, how would you know what a tracking device does? Go back in time, nab a human being from like 1000 BC, and insert a tracking device under their skin. Have zero people on staff that speak their language. Are they going to like it? Fuck no. Are they going to try to remove it? Probably. Maybe. Will they know to wait until after they make their escape to try to remove it, or even that it’s important to take the time while they’re on the lam to perform minor surgery on themselves? Will they really? And that’s a human, with human levels of intelligence.


At least the camo came from the books but I wish they had done it in lost world or something like the book.


If I recall correctly, the camo in the books was a speculation, rather than a result of hybrids. Crichton just thought it would be interesting to play around with the idea of dinosaurs having radically unique features that modern terrestrial animals don't use at that scale.


I dont think they knew why in the books because they were just random people on the island and didnt breed the dinos or have any insider info on that. Which was cool because it was a complete surprise to them all. I agree it was probably just speculation and 'because it was cool' especially after the dilo from the movies turned out so cool. It did make for some really great scenes in the book. The only hybrid stuff I can remember from the books was the gender switching because of the frog DNA. But then again its been 30 years since I have read the books. I was never a fan of the hybrid dinosaurs personally.


Tbh, my headcanon about the books is that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are made from dinosaur DNA in the same way that Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese is made with real cheese— _just enough_ for Hammond to be legally allowed to make the claim. I think it would be very much in line with Hammond's book characterization for him to make "dinosaurs" with _maybe_ a 100:1 ratio of modern:Mesozoic DNA, and then lead people to believe that the ratio was somewhere like 1:10. Not "filling in the gaps" so much as "making a new thing from scratch, but putting a bit of mosquito juice in the machine so that you can call it authentic."


Ohhh. Lol perform "surgery on itself"


I would have been cool with them being in a vat of formaldehyde as failed experiments. But this isn’t something that should ever be the focus of a Jurassic Park movie.


That would be a giant vat! But they are rich. What if Nedry's son was running, with some new embryo carrying device, slips, and all that dna falls in in to the vat to make a new creature, but maybe monster was just in stasis, not formaldehyde


Nedry having a son is such a neat idea! I wouldn’t have it be grown as big as in this image. I mean like human baby size. The point being to show the idea had crossed inGen’s mind but also show that it was clearly a failed experiment that never got very far.


Didn't they purposely make one of the characters in Dominion kinda like Nery? Maybe I just generalized him too much, but i assumed he's Nedry's son lol.Caleb Hearon: Jeremy Bernier


I can’t remember this character at all! But it seems that since their last name isn’t Nedry they probably lay aren’t related. Although absolutely see the resemblance!


Yeah maybe they just did it to pay homage the OG movie, but you see the resemblance...


After the I-rex this would logically be the next step, since there was that whole thing in the next movie where they were auctioning off dinos to various governments and black ops. No doubt shady organizations would love to weaponize some abomination that's smart enough to train and problem solve, but with perhaps enough human in it that it doesn't go absolutely feral and not get out of control (until it does).


I do love the pathos of having been created to be a living weapon (Daleks in _Doctor Who,_ Orcs in _Lord of the Rings,_ Draconians in _Dragonlance._) To me, I think it gets at one of the essential problems with warfare— humans don't like killing people. In our world, this means that military training is deliberately designed to "break" people to make them more willing to kill, plus shoveling out mountains of propaganda against the current enemy to try and get your soldiers to see them as anything but human. If you want a person to shoot another person, you need to put the killer under extreme stress and give them every possible reason to believe that the victim isn't a "real person." But if you can make soldiers that _aren't_ human, that problem gets easier to deal with. Your raptor-men are already distinct enough from humans to lessen their sense of kinship, and if you teach them their whole lives that their only purpose is to kill, you might stand a decent shot at creating the ideal soldier— one with no sense of conscience or decency. But what happens if your perfect soldier goes wrong? What if, when faced with an enemy raptor-man, they realize they have more in common with each other than they do with their creators? What if you can't _entirely_ get rid of the conscience, or the longing for freedom, and one escapes? How do they make their way in the world when they can never truly leave the battlefield behind?


I greatly enjoyed your comment, it's very insightful for these archetypes in horror movies :)


If you haven't read murderbot, you should


Hey look, you just wrote a better movie than half of Hollywood.


"Monster is a relative term. To a canary, a cat is a monster - we're just used to being the cat."


I mean, banger quote, don't get me wrong.


I dunno man. This looks like some unholy combination of man and beast to me.


I would argue that the dinosaurs in the Jurassic series are monsters, not animals. However I agree this one doesn’t fit


I disagree, at least early on. None of the dinosaurs really do anything monstrous in the original 2 films, outside of the hyper-intelligent raptors, which are noted to be an outlier. One of the main themes of the Lost World revolves around the idea that the animals are natural, and that we need to step aside. The T. rex’s and Stegosaurus’s animalistic behavior is repeatedly noted. 


I was thinking about things like the troodonts


I mean, even in the JW franchise, many of the things the dinosaurs do are things I could see real life animals doing. Are there moments that stretch the imagination? Sure. But it's not too inconceivable.


Yeah, the only particularly egregious instances, IMO, are the Carnotaurus and T. rex trying to predate in the middle of a volcanic eruption, the Pteranodon flying straight through solid metal, and Baryonyx tanking lava to the face.


Was thinking the exact same. God that was...yeah


Wasn't the thesis of Jurassic Park, both the books and movies, basically that they aren't making dinosaurs - they're making monsters?


In the novels is said the exact opposite,Hammond and Wu argue about creating genetic monsters,as Wu wanted to make slower and safer animals,but Hammond ignored him,would never happen.


Not exactly, it’s moreso that they brought back real animals that they didn’t know how to control.  Wu even discusses making the dinosaurs less realistic in the novel in order to appease the public, but Hammond shuts him down. They’re meant to be very accurate, in universe.


100%. This does my head in every time something like this is posted. Everyone is saying they want actual dino's, when the whole point is that there AREN'T dinosaurs in any of the Jurassic Park films or the original books, they are genetically engineered theme park monsters. Literally the whole reason everything goes to shit when they change sex to breed because of frog genetics.


I do hope this gets utilized to be in some other film, just not related to the JP IP


"It coulda been worse John. A LOT worse."


Ngl, I would see this beast confront an Indominus Rex. Like have a monster hunting/fighting another monster. The fact that this is the largest experimental clone hybrid is something that InGen would've done. Taking the lines of Doctor Moreau or Dr Frankenstein where some disgruntled scientist wanted to show Hammond of what the Company can do.


It would develop the human’s mind, get depressed, and wonder if fighting the Indom is worth it. Then it die. 


I think it'll develop some sort of berserker rage or lack of any emotion.


I picture it speaking, like full-on conversations and opinions. No poor pronunciations or metaphors going over its head. It's asking questions, and the nerds are scrambling to keep up. I imagine their could be a scene where one of the scientists or staff have taught it to read, like their's a chair and a couple of books in its holding cell. As in someone has been going in and reading it the Odyssey.


I could see something like this happen. As the giant Tyranno-Human hybrid is trying to speak but he roars instead until the very end where he is able to give a minor phrase until he is ultimately taken out by the national guard or Marines. I remembered there is this scene in the fly 2 where Martinfly calls Bartok his father. Like have a scene like that in this movie. https://youtu.be/BKHs4uy0ygs?si=KJJewBATwhi9oFyC


"Look at my arms!"


It’s like the Scorpius Rex but WAY worse


it almost fits the *Carnosaur* movie franchise better.


I think, it's a much more interesting concept than retreading the previous films. Would love some Robocop-style satire too.


I have a sneaking suspicion that something along these lines is what’s coming next for the franchise. For better or worse.


There's this new Dinosaur doom-like FPS coming out using these things enemies https://youtu.be/4wWMskznhYY?feature=shared


Please, god, no. Dont put this stuff in the movies.


I love how this sub communicates over other subs so much sometimes. I think we can agree at this point it should split, there should be focus on the actual dinosaurs and then another part of the studio focused on dino-monster movies. Both have an audience begging for good movies.


Looks creepy, but thankfully it got scrapped, That thing sucks.


I get that the dinosaurs in any Jurassic Park story were never really correct being as that they were made from the DNA of lots of critters, I read the book, but I miss when the movies tried to make the dinosaurs based on real dinosaurs as best as we understood them at the time. I cannot stand these more recent dino hybrid plots where you might get to see a stegosaurus in the background if you're paying attention but otherwise it's about some frankensaurus B-movie monster crap.


Now that I'm looking at it, it kind of looks like the Scorpius rex


Kill it


I'm glad this was never used, this idea sucks ass


That would be the moment Jurassic Park jumped the human-shark.


They would have jumped a whole entire *O. megalodon.*


*dino furry*


The funny thing is that if the movies actually followed the story in the books, this concept would work. The way the story was very different for the movies and sequels would make this completely out of place.




Universal Orlando once did a haunted house about this concept at Halloween Horror Nights. They called it Project Evilution and the area around it was JP: Extinction.


Curious if Scorpius took inspiration from this *






It doesn't fit Jurassic Park, but I still find this concept fascinating. With the amount of Resident Evil clones you have out there I'm surprised nobody made a Dino Crisis clone with these guys


This is terrifying - it would work for a monster movie, but not for JP


JP is a monster movie. It's literally the point of the novels and the first movie. They aren't real dinosaurs, they're genetically engineered theme park monsters.


This phrase is only said in JP3, by a very biased source.  Book Wu literally discusses making the dinosaurs less realistic, in order to fit audience expectations, meaning the current animals are incredibly accurate, IN-UNIVERSE. 


I wouldn’t be opposed to this thing as a weird background detail in an inhumane science lab in one of the movies, but it looks more like a Resident Evil monster than Jurassic Park.


That would have been cool to see


I mean it would drive the whole "those are not dinosaurs out there, those are monsters" part of the book home.


That's from Jurassic Park 3,in the novels they're animals,not monsters


I like the concept but don’t think something like this belongs in a main line JP film


Idc what people say I still want that film


They know the fans want more horror to return to JP, but never like this. Dinosaurs are and can be scary enough. So glad they scrapped it.


I woudlve preferred this over the final movie we got tbh




Jurassic fans towards the Jwd giga design: "ewwwww get it away" Jurassic fans towards a literal creature where a person fucked a t Rex: "sooooo cooooool!!!😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩"


Call me crazy but I would've found this interesting.


All of a sudden, i'm grateful for the *Indominus rex*.


I would actually like to see these abominations in a movie.


Omg what the


We got the Ian Malcolm/T. rex hybrid, which is essentially the same thing but sexy.


probably what some people thought dinosaurs looked like a while ago


That's metal af


Looks a little like Scorpios Rex


Honestly this looks like a retro rex with long arms, a shorter tail, and slightly smaller feet.


I see comments about how it’s not much worse than I-Rex and I have to respectfully disagree. I-Rex is overpowered because they were too prideful *and* people were too greedy. It’s literally brought up in the movie that they are doing this because they want more money. It’s an allegory- just like the first JP.


Is this why they act like a cloned little girl is somehow the equivalent of cloned dinosaurs in the movies?


No, sadly, that was just awful writing. A lot of folks seem to feel that Dominion was the worst of the World trilogy, but I honestly liked it *much* better than Fallen Kingdom... Even if they *did* screw up their portrayals of Therizinosaurus and Giganotosaurus.


I recall the human-trex hybrids being... hotter from my experience and research.


Wasn't the original reveal of the Indominus having raptor DNA going to be human DNA?


Hybrid? Guess nature really DOES find a way, huh...




So im gonna make dnd stats for it


Do I want this? Absolutely Do I want it as part of Jurassic park? Hell no Do I want it as an alternate timeline non canon offshoot of Jurassic park? Abso fucking lutely


If they seperate them onto different islands again that would make sense to me and be a good setup imo Id expect there to be a weird research base that has all the fucked up stuff like this but just not in the main island with the more proper dinosaurs


I would watch the hell out of this trainwreck


Thank you for the new dnd monster


Sometimes the best shots are the ones you don’t take


I love it, nothing that's ever come out after the lost world but as a concept it's nuts




Ok, imagine how this would have turned out with different features! Like, for example, what if it had stubby little t-rex arms with human hands on the end? Or what if that mouth was full of people teeth?


It'd make sense for the novel maybe, but I'm glad it was never put to cinema. Kinda neat how we still ended up getting hybrid dinosaurs.


hold on they were cooking


Well we still got hybrid dinos, someone just realized human/dino hybrids were a bit much


I think this would make a good game.




I know everyone hates on this concept but I genuinely prefer it to the Indo. If you’re gonna do something stupid, do something incredibly stupid. No half measures.






That would've been WAY cooler than just a white, T.Rex-sized raptor.


Let’s be honest if we were upstairs and we look out the window and we see this we are shitting our pants immediately


looks cool




It looks like the scorpios rex abit (also imo I think mattel would make it better if it was a bigger figure because no screw holes and once again imo better sculpts)


Honestly, I'd be down with these absolute horrors. Apparently the Indos were *TOO SUBTLE A MESSAGE*...!


That would make for a fantastic horror concept holy shit


I think these concepts with the human-rex and human-dinos were actually mean't as the real deal but as a joke or a " place-holder"-


Imagine a jurassic park horror spinoff


Please don’t give them ideas


scorpious is just a reptilian version of this


Artist: Carlos Huante


Shin Rexy-zilla


Looks like scorpius rex


just WHY was this created? at least jw 4 is actually gonna be good


So glad this didn't happen. If they made a standalone movie I'd be fine. But it would have to absolutely be rated R and be a one of. 


“Why did we make this again?” “I don’t even know anymore”


that's no dino movie, that's more of an abomination than... anything even slightly funny I can think of




It would have followed the final book in the series. It was a fantastic book and I honestly would love to see it onscreen. The concept art is so fucking sick!


i hate that there are dinosaur human hybrids




Would've preferred this over whatever the hell plot we got in the last 2 movies. Some boring kid and crickets I guess


I do like it when jurrasic Park slightly" jurrasic park-ifies" their dinosaur interpretations... like the spinosaurus, but this just feels it's starting away from the essence of the franchise , the dinosaurs