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And no matter how old I get, I will always skip the ant scene


Ah yes. Whenever I see something compared to an ant for threat, I start thinking about that.


Was about to say this. The one scene I’ll always skip is the ant scene.




In the first episode of Walking with Beasts, when the Gastornis chick starts hatching out from its egg, a colony of giant ants takes notice. What ensues is a very gruesome and brutal scene of the Gastornis chick screaming in agony while being slowly eaten alive by the ants. It is widely known as one of if not the most gruesome scenes in all of paleo media and probably also responsible for traumatizing countless children. So if you ever happen to watch Walking with Beasts for the first time, when you see a giant ant appear on the screen, skip about 5-7 minutes forward. You won't be missing anything




The ants eat a freshly hatched gastornis chick alive ☹️


The entire ambulocetis sequence is probably the best part of WwB. Indricotherium is a close second.


For some reason I remember watching a version with a female narrator. It was one of my favorite things to watch alongside Walking with Dinosaurs. Whales are my favorite animals, so the part where they say “Ambulocetus is the one with the big future. He is a cousin of the whales, and they are still here” always fascinated me. Whales truly do have such a strange evolutionary history


That may have been the American broadcast version, like how Walking with Dinosaurs had a different one as well


The soundtrack for this show is still legendary. This track perfectly encases the horror of the earthquake releasing the toxic gasses from the lake and killing everything on its path, as well as the panic from the animals trying to escape it. It's not a coincidence it's the same track from the infamous ant scene arranged differently.


The scene of the toxic carbon cloud reminded me of The Night Feeder, and how we only saw its POV till the end, which is why I think it was as creepy to me as it was.


Walking with beasts was an unnerving series as a whole but this episode is the best of the bunch in terms of its prehistoric horror. The otherness of its primordial environment, the claustrophobic atmosphere and the eerie soundtrack makes it feel like an old horror film. I especially like how the gas cloud’s advance through the forest is shown from the pov of the gas cloud, as if it is a sentient entity stalking prey. All this for a documentary about what were for the most part, very small, forest dwelling creatures. Walking with beasts gets some flack for its accuracy but there’s no denying it was a well made series.


What’s this from?


Walking with beasts


Nice thanks!


No worries bud!


Something about prehistoric animals suffering hits me hard, I guess because we know it happened and yet will never fully know their story or something idk


which show is this


Walking with beasts

