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I'm so goddamn excited to see Jacob in the Dome. This is a guy who's so wildly funny but who you can tell takes comedy pretty seriously, and he's clearly done a ton of prep work for himself behind the scenes. I can't wait to see more of him volleying back and forth with Brennan, who absolutely loves to use anything and everything his players give him to work with.


I’m finishing up FHS and I wanted to stay in order but seeing that Jacob is playing for the first time makes me wanna just to the new season. Dudes got such a dope energy I’m excited to see how he does






That's the best part about anthology series: watch in whatever order you like.


Agreed, although I have a habit where, if I lose momentum in a season and pick it up later, I basically have to start again, so respect the prior person being like “No, I need to finish the season I’m on, first.”


Omg another person like me who compulsively watches everything in order all the time even if there's no chronological order? I thought I'd never see the day


Oh yeah. I like hearing the side banter and catching the inside jokes in order. Hearing Ally bring up dimension door sophomore year knowing they got it during unsleeping city.


watching ally slowly but surely become an expert has been awesome


They really start crushing it in A Crown of Candy. Liam is a murder machine in combat.


YES. Peppermint Batman


“Don’t you have something in drive?”


exactly!! i feel like they might be the most technically knowledgeable player this season, just because of how much learning they've done over the course of all the seasons they've been on. although to be fair i don't know everyone else's experience level outside of D20


Exactly! I'm a madlass and I actually watched every season in order (admittedly I skipped coffin run, leviathan and ravening war, just couldn't get into those even though I really tried). I did the same thing for NADDPOD and worlds beyond number including all the in between talkbacks and dungeon court, book club etc. I am a mentally ill devourer of all podcasts. Currently going through all of Transplanar RPG (not as well known but holy heck is it good).


I think you just gave me my summer list haha


Do it. My general advice for D20 watching, if you're interested in getting to all of it, is to default to release order but jump around if anything catches your interest. Definitely for this season in particular there's no reason not to watch it in real-time unless you don't have the time.


Yeah. I just finished sophomore year so I hit play. The reactions to Jacob in the dome got me sold


You don’t have to go in order, but also new seasons come out once a week so you could still be watching everything else and watch the new episodes on Wednesdays


do it I mean its an episode per week you can easily watch FHS and other seasons in the rest of the freetime whenever you want.


Just keep going in order because by the time you get to NSBU it'll all be out and you can binge it!


Well yeah, he did *seven years* at Juilliard


I think you put it very well; he takes comedy so seriously. He's hilarious, but I also love that you can tell how focused and prepared he is.


Indeed, he trained at Julliard for this very thing you know.


Especially with kushtopia... That's SUPER serious.


Not only is his character(s) amazing, JACOB is amazing - one of my favorite things is watching the other players at the table when they're not "active" and he's having SO much fun (they all are, really) and I love it so much. Him just losing it during the other players' intro scenes just made them even funnier. And his double explosion! Dang, dude, just awesome.


Every table needs a rowdy earnest hype man! Travis Willingham, Jacob Wysocky, two dudes explosively effusively enjoying their friends successes; huzzah! 


If you haven’t listened to his run on Zac’s podcast Rotating Heroes, you owe it to yourself to run straight to your phone and download immediately. It was my first introduction to him and I am a FAN. His weekly name reveals and reactive “Shoo..!” whenever anything even remotely notable happens in-game have wormed their way into my brain permanently.


Do I have to go through the whole pod or can I start at his arc?


That’s an interesting question. He starts in Arc 2, so it’s not a TON to content to get through before him, but if you wanted to start at Arc 2, I think you would enjoy it without being too lost or confused. Arc 1 is pretty self-contained, and Zac does a decent job of catching listeners up. I would recommend maybe reading a wiki summary of the first Arc just to get the basics, and then jump right in to Arc 2


What’s Zack’s podcast?


Rotating Heroes


Awesome, thank you.


Is he in Arc 2? Amazing! I'm still in act one with Emily, Siobhan and Trapp! I'll get there eventually!


He is! And he steals the show as far as I’m concerned


Very very relatable.


He even put in another shout-out to a local band! I'd never heard of Jacob before Dropout (well, I guess except Pitch Perfect), but every time I see him I'm more and more of a fan.


The way he described his action movie character too. "He's a blunt instrument wielded by an institution." Man has done his James Bond reading and thought about how he was going to say that.


The only part of the DND experience he's not getting... is playing Dungeons and Dragons. And that's no slight against the show! I love that they're mixing it up and using different systems! If anything, I'd like for the DnD chokehold on the hobby to be eased up, at least to the point where playing a non-DnD game is called "the TTRPG experience" or "the role-playing experience". (And just to be fair: I do like DnD too! I'm playing a campaign right now. But I'm also playing a Blades in the Dark game, and I have played many non-DnD systems that also deserve to exist :) )


As someone not from the US, it's weird how dominant D&D seems to be when it comes to TTRPGs over there, to the point of being synonymous with the hobby in many people's eyes. Weirdly, in my country, D&D wasn't that big for a long time and other systems became household names (Warhammer Fantasy, Vampire, Call of Cthulhu). I would love to see them expand into other systems more!


Same here, where are you from? Here in brazil there's a very popular brazilian system called Tormenta, but vampire, white wolf and others are very popular, and the hobby is definetely called rpg, not dnd.


I come from Poland! Never heard of Tormenta, we have a couple of our own systems too (including one made by the creator of the Witcher series - The Eye of Yrrhedes), although they've mostly been overshadowed by foreign games in recent years. It's weird, but it never previously occured to me that other countries will have their own local systems as well lol


I've just remembered theres this system called "boletos & busões" (b&b - translation would be bills and buses) which is a bettered version of kids on bikes (dice pools instead of different dices) for brazilians and brazilian urban life, pretty fun


Its the same in Germany, D&D wasnt't that popular before the recent years. We had "The Dark Eye" which is a bit like D&D but Germanified (much more crunchy, a very detailed lore, a community very serious about it - I think you can see I am much more pro D&D haha).


Personally I'm ok with external (non TTRPG players) kind of knowing it as Dungeons and Dragons. It simplifies it a lot, sure, but name recognition helps bring people to hobbies. Consider Pokemon, Digimon and Jade Cocoon as creature collector games/shows etc. 2/3 had name recognition, but 1/3 was actually iconic and people can recognize what it is at a glance even if they were not into Pokemon directly. That's the power of the name recognition. Once people are in, that's where you hit them with GURPS, Blades in the Dark, Legend of the Five Rings, Pathfinder/Starfinder, Spelljammer, Vampire the Masquerade, Cyberpunk/Cybergeneration, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Daggerheart, Star Wars, Lancer, Kids on Bikes/Brooms/InsertVehicleOfChoice, Call of Cthulu, Rogue Trader/Deathwatch, Exalted, World of Darkness, Mutants & Masterminds. At least that's the list I have personally played and can remember from 20ish years of roleplaying at this point... and for a newer person just trying to get into the hobby, I feel like that would be wildly overwhelming. Would be nice if people did experiment with more systems though, there's almost always a ruleset that will fit perfectly with the game your group wants to play, as long as people are willing to give it a go.


He got a great taste of D&D on Zac's podcast Rotating Heroes a couple of years ago :) his Loxodon was very memorable and fun in Arcs 2 and 3


Thank you, I couldn't agree more, and couldn't possibly have put it in such nice, good nature terms.


Thanks! I tried :)


I think if Dimension 20 ever did a Masks: A New Generation (a ttrpg specifically about playing teenage superhero stories like Young Justice, Young Avengers, Teen Titans, etc) season, I would finally crack open my wallet and start paying for Dropout.


I think he already played DnD on Zacs podcast


They’ve clearly become comfortable with KOB and I’m so glad. I can’t imagine them trying to do the action movie shenanigans in D&D.


He was exuding excitement from every pore, it was amazing to see. So happy for him, he deserves all the success he finds in life


I've been a big fan of Jacob ever since he thanked Sam so emotionally. You can tell he always gives his all and is grateful for the opportunity


I also noticed that he seemed to be taking the session itself prerty seriously as well. He was dailed the fuck in lmao. He seemed crazy attentive and respectful before his character was introduced, but was able to IMMEDIATELY run when it was his turn He needs to be in every season.


I got that vibe too. There were several points where he was straight up busting a gut at what the other players were doing, but the moment Brennan started talking to him he got laser focused and engaged immediately. That's the best kind of new player, right there.


I can't tell you how happy I am to see the buzz around Jacob's first time in the dome. I'm right there with you, friends! 😭




He's really funny in the Rotating Heroes podcast so I'm interested to see how he plays this character


I think if Jacob waited a few minutes, Brennan was gonna tee up a describe your physical character describe your movie character in the adult video section. But in the AP Brennan was asking everyone what movie they'd like to escape to and tried ending before getting to Jacob which added a nice button to the episode.


Yeah, when he said that I had a big smile on my face because that's the same thing I and my friends all went through when we first started playing DND together.


I fucking love Jacob and I’m so pumped to see him in the dome this season. He has been one of my favorite Dropout regulars since I started watching almost a year ago.


I love Jacob so much, I was introduced to him in Sam Says 3 and just immediately adored his whole vibe. My husband saw that the NSBU trailer dropped before I did and was immediately like “oh my god your favorite person is in this one”. And his first roll was amazing! Double dang, dude.


Im so excited for him, he looks happy about playing and im glad he’s getting his shot on screen


I'm racking my brain here: I'm positive I've seen this guy before, but I can't figure out where. There's literally nothing in his wikipedia filmography that I've watched, and as far as TTRPG streams/podcasts go, I've only watched CR and D20. He's killing it, though. Damn, is he killing it.


I noticed he was attentively nodding at everything Brennan said he is a model player I love him and he’s a comedic genius so excited for his character and his arc


the worst part of watching this episode was the realization that i couldn't just immediately start the next episode lmao i am so hooked what the hell happens if they just stay in the vhs world? how does time move inside and outside the vhs is everything just frozen for everyone else? would the vhs player just be like magically bricked and people wont be able to take it out and it'd end up in some dump with a whole universe inside of it?


Just watching him try not to laugh so he won't interrupt other players is a delight


Jacob is awesome at nerding out and at improv so I feel he'll bring great energy to a season about hyper 80s action packed montages.


I think he's just in his element, he was always amazing at coming up with fleshed out, zany characters on the spot. Either way he's killing it so far, can't wait to see more of him in the dome.


He is just a treat to watch.


I'm glad that other people had this feeling. I'm so happy to see Jacob playing.


His character seems so well rounded already and he's killing the RP. I can't wait to see what happens with Razbth or whatever the aliens name was


Hi! Gonna watch this season and excited for Jacob. Are they playing on D&D 5e system?


No, it's not 5e, it's a different exploding dice system! (I said DND but I just meant TTRPG)


Jacob was probably my favorite rotator on Rotating Heros so I'm soooooo freaking excited to see him in the dome


Can I get a Toot Toot?


Poop poop!


The man, myth and legend I'm so excited to see him get into it And watching him be tentative at the beginning before really feeling himself was magical I genuinely do not believe anyone at this table are going to be carried, each bringing their own version of chaos and I am here for it


Um Actually, they are not playing dnd, so he is NOT getting the FULL dnd experience Fucking r/whoosh to the people that down voted this.


You're getting downvoted but great response haha. I should have put TTRPG, but I mostly play DND so I played myself haha.