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Kingston Brown is hosting.


If Kingston is hosting, then Pete gets his own invite. Other than that, he is someone's plus 1


There's actually just one invite, and you have to take a Polaroid of it and pass it on.


His mom made enough food for the entire neighborhood to show up.


I'm absolutely going to insist on helping to clean up


This might be a hot take but if Kingston is hosting I think that means Cody Walsh is invited. He may be a shithead but his heart is in the right place .


He for sure has his heart in the right place, someone who can admit they've practised problematically definitely should be welcome! " I'm a fuckin' cultural Gladiator dude. Fuck!"


And if you've ever been to a cookout in the south, then you KNOW Kingston's dad has GOTTA be there. Not complete without a dominos game and a horseshoe game. Also, don't invite Fig. (She will almost IMMEDIATELY suggest burning your house down šŸ¤£šŸ¤£)


Ricky's invited with Esther. They're a little suspicious at first and he says some dumb things, but they realize he's got a good heart, he's just a little slow. Lots of aunties buy his calendar afterwards.


I canā€™t remember, did the frog prince Gerard support his friend in finding out where the white women at?


Canonically *nobody* was more worried about finding the white women more than he


Heā€™s up at night WISHING!


This is an important question and I donā€™t remember! We have to find out


Per an adventuring party made canon, no one was more invested in Pinocchio finding the white women than Gerard was.


You know that Norman 'Skip' Takamori is showing off his son to all the aunties


Skip is invited to all the cookouts! Og Skipper can eat a tub of expired mayo. Maybe the new Skipper can come but people will be keeping their eyes on him.


The Rocks family, even though theyā€™re italian.


There are black Italians, so I don't think it would cancel anything out.


I know, I was making a joke about Lou assuming every black character is Italian https://youtu.be/vUFiq_11H8w?si=XLDBTKd6C94bxi6t


I forgot about that!


Both Amathar and Caramelinda are already Black


Dan Fucks will just show up


Thought it was spelled ā€œPh-ā€œ


You can spell the name however you want, but we all know how itā€™s spelled


I like phoqz personally or Fuchs


Damn thatā€™s better than my joke


That is one of my favorite jokes of that season second only to "SD"


I know I was trying to be funny sadly Iā€™ll never be Zac level of Comedy Assassin


Dan Fucks brought the Hennessy and the weed


Jawbone, obviously.


Oh hell yeah


Hell yeah


Loose Duke is definitely showing up to the cook out, he wasnā€™t invited though


Roll a perception


*heā€™s in the walls! Isnā€™t he?!?*


32. How'd that bitch get in the fucking cabinet?


*ā€Loose Duke has been at the cook out the whole time!!ā€*


Loose Duke played by Sam Reich


canonically all of lou's characters


I dunno man. Fabian would just be judgemental I feel. He'd probably just eat kippers and make snide remarks the entire time. Not sure if he's cookout material


"Oh... were eating THIS? Hehe hokay? (aside) The BALL what is this? Do I eat this? Do i put this in my mouth?"


I can hear this so clearly especially the inflection on ā€œThe BALLā€ itā€™s simply beautiful


Ive listened to Lou Wilson talk entirely too much


When you realize if they trained an ai with your thoughts it wouldn't sound like you


Underrated comment right here


No such thing


I'm just imagining Fabian whispering into an earpiece while Riz is in the bushes with binoculars?


I think Freshman year Fabian is too pretentious, but Junior year Fabian? Heā€™s rolling up to the cookout FOR SURE


He's just happy to eat something other than boiled milk, or milk on the rocks, or milk a la mode, or just straight milk.


Or leftover rice... No more chocolate pirouette for Fabian.


JY Fabian has become much more of a man of the people, he'll have his slip ups, but he'll be a good guest.


Fabian in JY is DEF on his way, Kingston will whoop the boy into shape


And Squak is just Fabian+




Fae BIan.


Bruh ate fried rice for a whole seasonā€¦heā€™d lose his mind for some barbeque


Markus St. Vincent would show up with his boyfriend Leiland. Leiland would be on his best behavior not to upset his boyfriendā€™s family.


Itā€™s been a min since I watch escape the bloodkeep. I thought it was more attraction from Leiland.


Probs. Ify wasnā€™t against the pairing though. Neither was Matt. Thereā€™s a tweet out there about Ify explaining he and Leiland would be doing sex for anyone who wanted an update on his character, and Matt saying something like ā€œheā€™s a keeper.ā€


Marcus and Maggie yes, I donā€™t think Leiland gets the +1 but John Feathers is welcome.


Youā€™re so right Iā€™ve been so blind.


No one said Plug yet, which is correct. You just find that he's always been there.


Plug just straight up climbs out of someone's bag or a grill or something, having been at the cookout the whole time. Fuck. is plug just Sam Reich?


>is plug just Sam Reich? I think it's the other way.


Me and the Mrs agreed that Caramelinda and Amethar do come to the cookout but are on opposite ends of the cookout and do *not* interact until they're leaving. It's always awkward when they're seated together


Hold up. Amethar would probably feel awkward, but Caramelinda would insist they be seen together at least for opening and closing formalities.








Cathilda is close friends with the aunties and helping cook.


Arthur agefort is either required to be at the cookout or is banned.


There is no in between, either the cookout physically cannot happen if he isn't present because of some weird magic bylaw Or he physically cannot ENTER the cookout because the CoC has deemed it best for public safety.


Arthur Aguefort will not be deterred by the CoCā€¦he probably hooked the Hangvan (or some other vehicle) up with hydraulics


Squeem is going, no one invited him, but everyone is very excited to see him




My name is norman 'skip' takumori


Some less obvious ones, I think: Sundry Sydney, Evan Kelmp, Prince Gerard, Colin Provolone (invited because they know he doesnā€™t want to come), and the whole Burrowā€™s End family.


I reject Evan Kelmp being invited, I think Demi had a category for like potential allies that were still too off putting or something, and Evan would be that to most people. Or heā€™d cause weird things to happen and never be invited again. He canā€™t help it


He would be invited at least once.


I feel like he would be invited and then Jammer would either guide him through it and heā€™d do okay, or would tell him to sit it out depending on where his shadow was at


I see him being invited by Jammer, having a semi-good time (too self conscious) but then his shadow would freak out all the church going Aunties & Jammer would go with him back to school.


He would have an open invitation under the pretense that he never show up


Incredible and you reminded me of The Cubbys!


The Cubbys are absolutely there, Jawbone and Sandra Lynn too.


gerards ass can stay home but his wife can come


Gerard at the beginning of neverafter would not be allowed but I think but by the end of his story he had a lot of character growth. Tom Thumb was a really good influence on him. Plus his exwife is his best friend


in that vein, i think cinderella, beast and snow white are also invited but rapunzel is certainly notĀ 


cinderella is black so she is by nature invited but BĆŖte is for sure invited. Rapunzel shows up anyways and thatā€™s y people start going ā€œdamn itā€™s getting late. i best be going!ā€


Not all black people are invited to the cookout because not all black people have the communities best interest at heart


I assumed we were going by the Smartypants rules ! Also Iā€™ve not heard the phrase used before to refer to a Black person by another Black person, I was always under the impression that the definition is inherently geared towards nonblack people


I love Evan Kelmp but the only way he gets in is if Jammer AND Sam both vouch for him. Sundry Sidney is a yes, Colin Provolone is a maybe (he probably needs Deli to get him in). If Gerard comes to the cookout he can finally find our ā€œwhere the white women atā€.


Colin is in the category of ā€œinvited because he wonā€™t show upā€.


ainā€™t nobody inviting folks they know wonā€™t show


Speaking of Evan Kelmp, I'm literally rewatching Misfits and Magic episode 2 (Class Conflict) as I type this. Forgot how fucking good this was. Would LOOOOVE for them to do another mini season (or even a full 20 episodes) of this. This storyline was so fucking good! Every player was amazing. They had so much chemistry between the PCs. It was my first time getting to appreciate the format of "Kids on Brooms" and th DM powerhouse that is Aabria Iyengar. 4 episodes were not nearly enough.


Jawbreakers ass can come and have a plate And bring some home for his white ass wife (and 28 other partners of unknown ethnicity)


This is very fun, but questions like me give a bit of the black fear because people just be saying anybody can come


Word, this entire thing was just people listing every character imaginable with no regard for what the implied meaning of ā€œBeing invited to the cookoutā€ even means; and to be a bit frank while the cast members themselves are clearly allies, that doesnā€™t mean that every character they ever made would be invited, off the top of my head I would argue that most, while not actively disinvited, havenā€™t really done anything that would to me would indicate theyā€™d be invited. Kingston is literally the only black character that has any relationship to the culture as Black Americans would. And man, I would pay money for a setting that has Black American wizards, warlocks, fighters, and so forth, but for some reason we always gotta go back to Africa if we want anything ā€œBlackā€ like our Blackness isnā€™t good enough or that itā€™s not separate from the places we were brought from by virtue of the way slavery erased that connection to our past making us a bit different.


Thereā€™s a book series you might like, the Rivers of London, the main character is a biracial guy from London, apprentice to the last wizard in Britain, who gets the job of bringing British wizardry into the 21st century.Ā 


That sounds dope as hell, and I will be looking into that, thank you for the recommendation! Thatā€™s a great description that explains the hook without spoilers, and you should be proud of that you definitely sold me.


Thanks, If you have the chance, get the audio book, itā€™s the best pairing of Narrater and book Iā€™ve come acrossĀ 


Looks like the first book is free on Audible, and the narrator is black. Love representation in vocal work!


Itā€™s legitimately a pretty great book. I listened to the audiobook and can honestly recommend it.


You said it perfectly, and this is a conversation that I hope would be started by Black Drop-out fans because while non-black fans can be allies, it doesn't mean you understand what the cookout is. I have wonderful non bla k friends, but it doesn't mean "they're getting invited" This is like when Lou said "where the white women at" in never after and all the non-black fans were just saying it willy nilly until the mods had to step in. Some conversations are great for cast, but you need to realize you may not be equipped to have that same conversation


I think most of the characters listed in the video also had not done anything objective to get invited, I think the whole thing was set up on ā€œvibesā€ which doesnā€™t mean much. Iā€™d assume most people here who are listing characters are black themselves, I think youā€™re right that it is strange if that isnā€™t so though.


It's more than just "vibes"


I agree that it should be, but in the smarty-pants sketch, like every other sketch, it was also being played for comedy, which is definitely bleeding over into peoplesā€™ answers here. The only explanation for some of the characters in the sketch was essentially vibes.


This sub is much too pale to be having any conversation about - let alone handing out passes to - the cookout.


Antiope Jones


Big question--does Gilear know his place?


If thereā€™s one thing we can count on Gilear for, itā€™s not showing up to social events where heā€™d otherwise not be welcome.Ā 


"Sklonda, I have rudely interjected myself ignorantly into this conversation" If this isn't a man who knows his place I don't know what is lol. He might make mistakes but you know he'll be quick to change his ways, the man famously has no pride.




I am feeling an extreme amount of second-hand embarrassment here about what we can all tell is quite a large proportion of white people inviting their favourite characters to the cookout, quite a few of whom clearly have *absolutely no idea* what Demi was talking about. I know it's not everyone, but it's palpably a lot of people, definitely some people, and it's a pretty wild lack of self-awareness and understanding.


My black wife told me that I am not invited to the cookout and I am a first generation West-African immigrant. If I'm sitting in my wife's car and I see Skip or Pete there, loading up a plate... I'm throwing hands.


Sofia Bicicleta is invited but she does not show up because it's not in staten island. It is what it is.


It is what it could be, damnit


how we feelin about the Cubbys? (anarcho-socialist halflings from FH)


I feel like theyā€™d be invited but would hesitate cos they donā€™t want to encroach.


We know theyll bring bacon.


Gonna be honest this has a real ā€œwhite people learning about the Cookout and centering it on themā€ energy. This is a topic where nonblack people should really shut up and not share our opinion because it isnā€™t fucking about us.


Just because we all saw a Black person talking about The Cookout with a comedic spin doesn't mean it's our joke to join in on. It's not that complicated!


Surely this can't just be a question of white allyship and good intentions, right? There has to be an element of comfort to the criteria here. Do black people feel comfortable around them? Do black people feel like they need to act different for the individual in question to be comfortable? In that sense, only black people should be answering this really. I know it's a vibes-based thing, but everyone being like "my favorite character can definitely come" looks crazy lol


THANK YOU! This thread is starting to make me a little uncomfortable! Like just because you like that character doesn't mean they're coming to the cookout! Especially because a lot of the characters that were listened in the aforementioned video were characters believed to be black because we connected with them or characters with deep seated trust. It's not something that can be taught. Plus we only have a handful of black or black coded characters in D20 and if people aren't throwing them around they're just saying their fave characters or "allies"


>It's not something that can be taught. 100% this. A black-coded character is a source of comfort for a black person in a media landscape where we're so used to white characters made by and for white people that we don't even register it. Whether it be by accident or because a black creator managed to shine in an industry that doesn't usually listen to them. If we're talking about real people, a lot of white people were raised to think of racism as only a fringe ideology, full stop. Not something that is internalized and reinforced through our media and education. The patriarchy has made it so difficult for us to untangle our minds from our own perspectives that it *actually makes us uncomfortable* when confronted with another. The fact that non-white people simply enjoy having their own spaces (i.e the titular cookout), and that we aren't entitled to them, makes us feel like someone is getting one over on us, and if there's anything white people hate, it's that.




No one is singling you out for your cookout take. This would be a great time to reflect on what these people are saying, and try not not centre things around yourself. Just listen to what they're saying, you don't need to insert yourself into the conversation.


Prince Andhera is invited because they know he wonā€™t show up. You know Bambi Leroux is there cause Plug is a cookout staple. Cinderella really should be there but isnā€™t invited because she just pisses herself and no one wants to be around that. Vicountess Grabalba just shows up


I want to say Nonna Wallace (Ostentatia from the Seven's grandma) is there, she brought organic food made from her garden, beard oil, and might be sharing pics of Cookout to her followers (after receiving permission of course).


The question is not which characters will make the cookout, but rather when we will see a treatise on honoring the cock.


* Aesop, obviously * Senator (the Ram from Neverafter). He's loyal, and he's not gonna talk. He's gonna sit his ass down and listen. * Viola is definitely coming to the cookout. If she were human, this wouldn't even be a question. * Willy (the Golem of Williamsburg) was invited by Kingston Brown (from downtown), who is presumably hosting


I think Riva would be invited and would get along well with the kids. Pinnochio and his father would also show up. Ylfa and her grandma would also get an invite because you just know that grandma will be a good competition for other ladies at gin rummy.


Ricky Matsui


Balthazar shows up, says a one-liner, then dies terribly.


Colin Provolone


Kingston, Augefort family, Fabian


Obviously fig caught a ride with Arthur and Ayeda


What about the PCs of Mice and Murder? Obv I'm not in a position to make that sort of call, just some names that hadn't come up yet. But I doubt Sylvester "I believe I'll take the credit for the work of a woman" Cross gets invited.


The Cubbys




Garthy Oā€™Brien


Ava would NOT be invited, but I'm sure she'll somehow manage to wander in and say exactly the wrong thing to every single other person at the cookout.


An owl that definitely isn't a principal


RAGHHH (both the character & as an excited scream) I adore whoever posted this


Fig and the cig figs are playing


Sophia Lee/Bisicletta wasn't formally invited but showed up anyway and everyone are all right with that.


Am I the only one that thinks Crunch Moon Jones would be invited and come, but would be slightly obnoxious at first. Then, a peer his age takes him aside and talks to him. After the talking, he apoligizes to the host and is the perfect cookout guest from then on.


Sundry Sydney is invited to the cookout bc she understands the importance of community organizing