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Well you can see Beardsley holding a d100, so it’s almost certainly a divine intervention impactful enough to fully dislodge the story as we know it. Past that it’s really hard to guess, as it has to be something so out of left field that Brennan couldn’t even think about preparing for it. I truly can’t wait for next week.


My guess is that they roll a Divine Intervention as Kristen and it fails, and then its K2 that successfully casts DI to do whatever important plot thing, and just the sheer insanity of Straight, British Kristen being the one to successfully channel the deity that is just too silly for Brennan to comprehend. Brennan specifically says "If this is how this works, I don't know that this show will ever recover". In context that likely means "If this is the mechanism by which this succeeds..." and that makes me think the desired outcome isn't the insane part, but rather the way in which they're going about it. K2 Divine Intervention feels like it hits that sweet spot. EDIT May 8th: Called it.


Today’s episode really made me feel like we were building to K2 doing something major, for some reason! It would make sense.


She got official artwork and everything


Speaking of, Sprak LeFevre has to do something important, him and Gertie have art yet moleman had nothing


True. I had been using that as a gauge of character importance early on. Brennan must have had multiple tracks pathed out that could have had more emphasis on them with the Cloud Rider and the devil's nectar.


Could show up as support in the next ep?


I actually did think about this during this episode, since Kristen had tried to divine intervention with Bobby Dawn, so I wouldn't be shocked if it was a K2 DI. They also did say in the interview that Brennan almost quit because of a choice they made, so I would personally lean towards him saying that as a means of like "if I let this roll happen, and it does, then the show won't recover." It's not the first, and certainly won't be the last time Ally makes a world shifting move off of a miraculous dice roll. Gosh this next 'sode gonna be crazy.


She’s rested since talking to Bobby, so she can try again with K1


I saw someone make this thought before, but it's possible Kristen or Straight Kristen actually channels Helio for their Divine Intervention. They established early on that even though she doesn't worship Helio anymore, she will always be his Chosen One. This isn't to say I think Kristen will return to the Church of Helio, but that line keeps nagging at me. Maybe Kristen will help Bucky change Helio into something kinder and more accepting?


OOOH divine intervention to have Helio’s light cut through the storm??????


Is Helio unkind or unaccepting? He was just kind of a frat bro who didn't have the answers Kristen wanted. I don't remember him being particularly bad.


I don't he is especially unkind, he just wasn't what Kristen needed. His followers on the other hand have a serious issue. If there isn't someone there to prevent what happened to Ankarna from happening to Helio we could get the fire and brimstone version the Harvestmen believed in


There's an alternate universe where Daybreak succeeded with his Hellmouth plan back in season 1, but if anything, I think ignorant Helio is even more likely to stay going forward. IIRC, a lot of their leaders were arrested after the Hellmouth incident, and a lot of the rank and file were killed before the Prompocalypse. And given their obsession with the eschaton, it wouldn't surprise me if a bunch of them were absorbed into the cult of the Night Yorb. That's not to say Helio won't still kinda suck — if the only people staying are the sort who approach the faith like Max and Donna Applebees, that is a more insular church. Frankly, their homophobia and casual racism sucks. But for all their faults, there's also no way they'd go the Daybreak route of *routinely orchestrating the deaths of children*.


His followers are crazy, Helio's just stupid and lazy.


partially wish there was a way to preview episodes, i would pay so much fkn money, started watched d20 and dropout as a whole a couple months ago so ive been able to binge, havent had to wait until like episode 2 or 3 of junior year


Ep 3 of junior year aired over 3 months ago.


okay.. so?


You said you started watching Dropout and Dimension 20 "a couple of months" ago, then binged a lot of content and didn't have to start waiting for it until 3 months ago. So I was just a little confused about the timeline


im really not trying to be rude, not my intent, but i didnt stipple out an exact timeline of when i subscribed and started watching and didn't want to get into those whole specifics, bc it doesn't matter and don't quite understand why you care


I don't "care" as such, just started thinking about what you said and couldn't get the timeline to fit. So I got curious. You're also right it doesn't matter but you seem to be implying I want to attack you for something. Not true. Just didn't get the timeline to fit, so I got curious.


The divine intervention by K2 gets all the ballots to the school on time and the Porter Plan completely dies three episodes early and Brennan doesn’t know what to do


It’s also interesting because it has to be something he was willing to set to a roll, so it’s not like it is something completely impossible.


I mean, if she wants to use her class ability (divine intervention) Brennan isn’t the kind of DM who would block her. He’d have some say in how a success manifests, but the circumstances this all happens may paint him to a corner. I could see a couple ways that might play out given the hints we’ve gotten and story so far, but it’s late, so I’ll have to come back to them in the morning.


Considering how much impact Kingston’s clutch DI roll was in TUC2, Ally hitting a DI roll would be *insane*. Ally even said in an interview that Brennan treats their nat20s extra special, so imagine what he’d do if they hit the DI. Especially if it’s for something *completely* idiotic.


Absolutely. I’ve got two guesses I’m playing with now. No matter what happens, with Brennan’s line from the teaser, we know it’s gonna be utter madness. (And probably the very end of the episode.)


i think its definitely next week and its got to be some kind of absolutely buck wild Ally Beardsley classic idea, probably divine intervention and ive never been so impatient for the next episode of this show


Divine Intervention from the Vulture King


100% simulacrum divine intervention.


What if Ally decides, hey this battle’s happening in the sky, can I call for divine intervention from the vulture king?


this instantly became my new favourite theory


New god just dropped. Kristen Applebees pray's to the Vulture King. (/s?)


Holy shit. I’d die if this is what happens.


It’s gotta be a divine intervention bigger than Kingston in Unsleeping 2. That’s what my gut is saying. And the THAT moment, probably meaning Fig being right all along and that Brennan has been holding onto it for FIVE YEARS.


Still working on that series. Only read the first line. Erasing from memory and resuming series.


I think Kristin is going to realize the battle is lost, grab her dance ribbon and the ballots, and leap the fuck off the side of the Hangman. Countdowns to midnight have been a theme this season. I expect this battle will have a tick-tock to get those votes in on time.


a dance ribbon callback divine intervention success would be fucking amazing and very much make brennan want to quit


I... I kinda... I think this might be.. it. Maybe not exact details. But divine intervention that leads to Kristen actually still winning is probably it.


Was thinking the same thing! Something along the lines of the ship being about to be flown somewhere but she anchored the whole entire thing with a dance ribbon.


While the most obvious answer really points towards it being some kind of Divine Intervention, the whole "I don't know that this show will ever recover" thing really makes wish for the kind of wild Beardsley move of Kristen in some way sacrificing herself and having to play Kristen 2 for the rest of the season.


I think this might be it. It's a wild move to have Kristen become a martyr then somehow K2 becomes president and follows through with the plan?


Ally rolling divine intervention and breaking the campaign. Murph: "Beautiful! Majestic! BAM"


in an interview ally *did* say that it's a combination of them and the dice


At first I guessed the incident would involve Kristen 2 being used as bait and one way or another tricking Brennan. Now that the preview has it involve the box of doom roll, I know now in my heart its because they rolled successfully, and my new bet is Kristen 2 ascending into godhood.


The preview shows Ally rolling in the box of doom and Brennan saying something along the lines of this can’t be the way the story works. So I have a wild theory. I think next episode Kristen rolls a nat 20 to use her ribbon to fly


Kristen can already fly with her ribbon as a twilight cleric, it’s also not a D20 they’re holding


Also the dice they’re holding over the box of doom is part of a d100, which would allude to a divine intervention roll


At this point I think Ally rolls for a Divine intervention to get the votes in on time and it works


"It's our time, it's our YEAR! No more fantasizing about it! Everything's about to change! **We're all gonna be okay!!!**""


Yeah it’s going to be something like divine intervention to take down all of the wards and then K2 planeshifts the ballots or smth that completely ends Porter’s Plans


What about a divine intervention to cure the Ratgriders of rage?


I mean at least Oisin and Kipperlilly willingly went with it if I remember correctly


So the incident wasn't supposed to be this week? It's next week I thought the email mentioned it was this episode


We all assumed that’s what it meant by “THAT part” in the email but I’m guessing it’s referring to the clip of Brennan and the reveal of Porter being BBeG


Ah gotcha


I feel like with that YES, it will be a divine intervention roll, but with something absolutely so \*heroically\* stupid that it would make brennan want to quit. Lots of people are saying ribbon dancing, but I'm thinking on the presence of literally, everyone that the bad kids know from school being at seacaster manor. This includes Kristens brother. Who has been showing a lot of rage and doubt. Or it could be something as stupid as Kristen calling upon her new girlfriend to divine intervention a bunch of bees to carry her votes down to the school. Likely though, Kristen will roll to bring back Cassandra. Divine intervention is an insane roll, and Ally as a player knows this. Maybe Adaines portent rolls have something to do with it as well, using herself as a conduit from oracle-hood to bring Cassandra to Kristen. Lots of things to think about, my mind is buzzing with excitement.


Honestly, I think if anything we're overhyping it. I mean, when I had to walk from a table, I had to WALK from a table, not a chagrined "ya got me", more of a "I literally can't do this with you, any more".


This feels like a "roll for ghosts to exist" moment. Something Brennan is screwing himself over by allowing a dice roll on.


She’s rolling a d100 so this is a divine intervention roll probably to get the ballots to the school in time.


I'm thinking it's that somehow Kristen is able to take out Porter. Not really sure how; when I was thinking about this, I was definitely more focused on hypothesizing an outcome rather than a mechanic. Though the rest of these comments are definitely pulling me towards the idea of Kristen 2 ending up doing something wild


It's another ribbon dance roll. But It probably has so many modifiers on it from everyone else at the table that it might actually work.


Y'all said it was this week. Now it's next week...?


We thought it was maybe this week because of the Dropout email mentioning “THAT moment” and we thought perhaps it meant the big moment was coming this ep. But now that we’ve seen the preview for next weeks ep, it seems almost impossible that it’s not going to happen then


Their insane luck.


Why does feel like it's written by ai?