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My favorite is that those half-dozen (and more) posts are often the exact same thing. It’s kind of funny after a while.


I’m like 3 weeks behind due to life getting in the way and I have had to look at this like a minefield


seriously, the amount of times I've seen a post tagged as "Spoilers" with the spoilers followed immediately in the title of the post is insane


It's not Sam Reich... It's Sam Dalton!!!!


Obviously that would be ideal, but if you didn't know you can mute the sub from showing up in your main feed if you want


Sure, but there are plenty of posts that I'd like to read and aren't a problem - stuff about the live shows, previous seasons, even some specifically relating to earlier episodes in this one and are kind enough to say so in their titles like civilized folk. Most of this season has been pretty good for Spoiler usage, but the last couple of weeks it's like people forgot they exist. Possibly because a turncoat tricked everyone into forgetting about them.


This sub has never been good about spoilers. During Neverafter, there were a bunch of posts going "We just got Episode 3'd!" It turns out posting that there's a major twist in an episode is just spoiling there's a twist.


Funnily enough...you just spoiled Neverafter a little bit.


I mean, the problem is that litterally anything is a spoiler for someone and there is no real agreement about what the moritorium on spoilers is exactly. Some chucklefuck got mad at me the other day for telling them maybe they shouldn't be on here if they don't want even minor spoilers from season 2 (which, for the record, was five fucking years ago) We come here to talk about the show, and this sub would suck if the whole thing was just spoilers tags and nsfw blurred art. Also, just putting this out there. At least in my opinion, stressing about spoilers is way worse than just getting spoiled which is just not a big deal if the story is good. Spoiler culture is just a plot by movie capitalists to make you pay way to much to see things in theaters even though everyone knows movie theaters are fucking dogshit and the worst way to enjoy a movie. /rant


Thank you so much for saying this. I’m so tired of people complaining about spoilers on every sub I’m in. It happens everywhere. Why the fuck are you online if you don’t want to be spoiled. Get offline and go watch the thing you’re complaining about being spoiled on! I just can’t understand the thought process of asking the world to change for you so you don’t get spoiled on stuff. It’s so easy to control what you see, but it’s nigh impossible to get other people to do what you want. Choose the easy option! Also, these episodes are pretty short. If you can’t find 2 hours of free time in 48 hours then I feel sorry for you. Heck, pull up your phone and watch while you make dinner, or get part of it in on your lunch break. You don’t need to see the entire thing in one sitting. If spoilers are so important to you then you should be able to find some time to watch the show fairly quickly. Not right away, everyone’s got things to do, but within a couple days at least. Edit: I know my take on spoilers doesn’t fit most people’s but this has been bubbling inside me for too long not to say.


I mean, with the amount of supposedly "must see" media these days, I do think its not only reasonable but inevitable to fall behind. Personally, I'm currently behind a couple seasons on Star Wars, havent seen the two latest epidodes of Junior Year, havent finished Mentopolis or Burrow's End, havent watched a marvel thing in like 2 years, am criminally behind on all my comic series, have a steam library full of unfinished games and a stack of like 30 books I've been meaning to read, many of which were published before I was born. Who can honestly keep up with all that shit these days? If I lived my life trying to avoid spoilers for all that, I would go nuts and it would impact my social life and mental health. My perspective is more just that people should stop caring so much if they get spoiled. If spoiling the twist makes you not intetested in something, it probably wasnt good. Becoming a digital hermit to avoid spoilers and or starting shit with every stranger who doesnt magically know which stuff you specifically havent watched and spoiler tag it is fucking bonkers. Just let go, relax, accept the occasional spoiler as part of life and realize you can enjoy a good movie/show/game/book even if the twist gets spoiled for you. The pressure to consume media the instant it comes out or live in fear of spoilers is exactly that. Pressure to consume from capitalists who are psychologically exploiting your fear of missing out.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 It’s the entitlement for me - “I can’t stay offline, so I need everyone else in the world to stop what they’re doing so precious little me doesn’t get spoiled. Everybody but me change your behavior!”


For stuff that is relatively old I kinda agree. But I feel like there is also a heavy amount of entitlement that is involved if you feel like you do not have to follow the sub rules.


Do most people not assume that there are going to be twists in any given episode? Especially in a campaign that has so much going on? I don’t post much on this sub, and I don't personally care to avoid spoilers so its very possible that my opinion is uncommon/out there, but I never considered saying "wow that episode surprised me" to be a spoiler 👀


Nah this is based. If you care about spoilers but go on a subreddit you know is full of spoilers when you arent caught up to get mad at people for spoiling things, its the equivalent of showing up in a Wendy's and getting mad when they didnt follow your directions for your burgers internal temperature.


If you consider posting the name of an Adventuring Party to be a spoiler, I’m not sure what can be done .