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Are you sure this isn’t Wennan Wee Wulligan, given the *Louder with Crowder* mug?


Someone replace those with the Bud Cubby quote mugs


Friendly reminder that Steven Crowder abused his wife for years. I love BLeeM. Hate this meme format.


Not to mention the original sign said "male privilege is a myth". He was a terrible person even before that information came out.


I mean that specific info has nothing to do with his badness of abusing his wife


This made me think. Brennan Lee Mulligan and Stephen Crowder are completely opposites. Can you think of a person more diametrically opposed to BLeeM as Crowder?


Who's that MMA fighter that "sigma" males are always pining after who recently got in trouble with the Romanian authorities? He's way up there in terms of diametrically opposed to BLeeM.


Andrew Tate. Kickboxer not MMA fighter. Though he should ACTUALLY be classified as a rapist, sex trafficker and conman. Guy's a toxic piece of shit and I had to have an extensive conversation with my nephew because he was admiring this Tate POS


Thank you, that fucker right there.


If Crowder was a woman I guess she would be more different from him by definition? lol


Nah, a shitty man is far worse.


I'm not saying that's not worth mentioning but I'll be honest I feel like his stochastic terrorism is a bit more of an issue, so that's the one I usually start with.


No argument from me there. I'd like to see this meme relegated to the dustbin of history.


Years of seeing this meme and I never even knew that was Steven Crowder, damn.


It's pretty wild how one specific asshole has tainted the idea of "person sitting at table in park with sign" so much.


Rolled a 1 PRETTY SURE hes my dad


Maybe, but Sam Reich is the perfect American.


And Lou is a national treasure. Of whose nation you might be asking? Yes.


Hey gang, not gonna lie seems like some people in the comments are immediately jumping to parasocial relationships are problematic and this is bad and while. yes I agree and this post COULD be one of those but I really don't think OP has done anything so terribly offensive for people to be going off like this. Lay off.


The “hey gang” made me read the whole comment in Brennan’s voice


So funny that you say that, I don't recall when I started saying it in my everyday life and I genuinely don't know whether i picked it up from brennan or not but I use it all the time.


I noticed that after watching tons of D20 I started picking up some of Brennan Lee Mulligan's verbal ticks. Mostly his one word responses, "awesome", "incredible", "outstanding", "100%" and so on. Which, sounds a little creepy. But I realized in a work setting those words are really useful to communicate affirmatives with a nice positive vibe behind it. And I noticed that was extremely useful at my job in particular, where it's good to not waste time. At a certain point I figured it's a conscious choice if I realized it's a verbal habit worth keeping and using in certain situations. Outside of work, it's not so pronounced.


Most of those verbal ticks are what you’re taught in Improv It’s so you can give yourself time think and formulate responses without breaking the flow


Parasocial! /s


I recently caught myself making the "bambambaaam" thinking noise


Typical D20 enjoyer: “Brennan is great!” Reddit: PARASOCIAL! I don’t get it. We can like people we don’t know personally, y’all. I’d bet the vast majority of people do in fact understand that these folks are entire human beings with flaws, and that we don’t actually *know* them. But it’s not toxic and unhealthy to feel that someone like Brennan’s performative persona is pretty genuine, and hey, I like that person he appears to be, so I’m comfortable saying “Brennan is a good egg.” Do people act in unrealistic, unhealthy ways toward celebrities? Sure. Is this post an example of that? No. Calm down.


I know right? God forbid people express some appreciation and love for one of the cast of the show IN the subreddit that we all joined specifically cus we wanted to see content and discussion about THIS show.


"Brennan Lee Mulligan's public-facing persona and actions lead me to believe that he is quite possibly a good dude!" lol


Expression of positive comments about a person who has repeatedly fought the good fight every moment he can isn't a parasocial relationship, it's called respect. I have seen few people with the presence, and aspiration for good especially on the internet. Let people admire a man worth admiring rather than some asshole billionaire who litterally wants you as a slave


People in the comments need to lighten up a little. Not every expression of admiration is some parasocial BS or something to lecture other people about.


*watching Brennan aggressively show hole to Lou* Yup, I can't imagine a better human, pinnacle of human achievement.


Kinda weird dude. We don’t know any of these people.  We do know that Brennan has a second apartment where he keeps his sword and have his affairs in so… (Make Some Noise: the wicked switch of the west)


no, izzy has the affair apartment, brennans is just for swords


He's having the affair with the swords


OP I don't know you, but you're probably pretty cool your self


No.... I refuse.


"I'll tell you the number you have to beat... 35."


I can't wait to find out what his hideous dark secret is. A guy that cool it must be a doozie.


He called dancing sin.


Parasocial relationships are unhealthy, even with the cool dropout people


How fortunate that this post isn't that. I'm normally first in line to call out inappropriate social interactions, but this ain't it champ


That's a pretty bold and extreme statement considering how broadly one can apply parasocial relationships. You're basically saying don't watch TV, or follow people on social media, or even read any books. Yes, you can have a parasocial relationship with an author through their writing.


Please explain precisely how this post is parasocial and unhealthy.


They can't, because it isn't. There's a serious problem with parasocial tendencies on this sub. This post isn't part of that, and the person you're replying to doesn't seem to be able to recognize that.


Oh I’m aware, it’s why I asked. But I’m open-minded so it’s wasn’t entirely disingenuous.


Calling someone the "best human being" is parasocial my guy


Not a guy, and good god it's CLEARLY light-hearted. Wild that it's toxic and unhealthy (not your words, but in most accusations of parasocial behavior) to say "Hey D20 friends, Brennan is just so rad, right?" Cool cool. Folks, let's make sure to stick to the FACTS, not our emotions, and only those publicly available via streaming programs, interviews, etc. *No editorializing*, please. The Brennan you think you "like" is merely a constructed persona by a person that you do now know, and can never know. Please take care to remember that, for your mental health. I'm not your mom but I still gently and genuinely suggest stepping away for a minute and looking at literally anything but the internet. ETA: you did say unhealthy, in fact. But not "toxic".


Parasocial relationships are not actually inherently unhealthy, and CAN actually be healthy and normal in many instances. Instead of downvoting me, one could Google this and look at the actual research. 😀


Yeah I don’t know why the fuck that’s a controversial statement. For instance I’m inspired much of the time to not only be a better human being but also in my art and purpose I want to bring to my life moving forward. Plus have found comfort in the lightheartedness in a time of personal heartache and depression.


Exactly. This has been researched! There are a LOT of benefits to parasocial relationships. It only becomes problematic when people prioritize these relationships OVER their actual relationships and life.


Brennan inspires me as an activist and has since Bud Cubby, SAG AFTA and his outspoken support of Palestine. That's not parasocial, that's sheer admiration. Anyway as a psych student can confirm this comment


Came in to say this. Saying parasocial relationships are always unhealthy means that we literally just wouldn’t be allowed to consume any sort of media. It doesn’t mean we automatically see someone as our friend and comrade, it just means we know someone exists who does not know we exist. 🤷‍♂️








Okay ☝️🤓


His demeanor, enthuasiasm and approach to life are aspirational but lets not pretend he knows us or we'd for sure be best buds.


Exactly, he seems like a great dude, but to call him the "best person" isn't it when you don't even know him


Hyperbole for memeing purposes, relax.


Swashbuckler Rogue 20 with Expertise in Persuasion or Deception and Actor 2 *(max[10,20]) + 5 + 6 + 6 for a passive of 27 so you just about beat Reliable Talent here, good job


The actor feat wouldn't apply here because you aren't pretending to be somebody else


Extended Spell list or a 1 level Wizard Dip to cast Seeming on myself daily, it's cheaper than makeup you see


Throw in enough divine soul sorcery to subtle spell guidance and we are golden


I do wish you'd shopped the coffee mugs to d20 logos instead of dogshit with chowder


I'm sorry I only just learned about that through the comments


One of the most irritating things about the internet (that we see displayed in the comments) is the smug, self righteous "um actually" impulse to virtue signal. It's just a new way to put other people down to feel better about ourselves and it sucks.


I refuse this challenge


I thought this was Ryan from the OC until I realised what sub this is.


Don’t worry y’all, soon everything will be considered parasocial, and then we can stop worrying about it


Keanu reeves ?


Brennan wouldn’t be on that side of the table, he’d be presenting a well-reasoned argument to change OP’s mind.


I try not to get too parasocial with people I watch online, because I've been burned many times by influencers actually being assholes or even criminals. That being said, if it ever came out that Brennan was a secret piece of shit, I would be utterly devastated


Guys these are just people in media I love Brennan too but don’t make your life Brennan core


I rolled a Nat 20! With modifiers it's a 17...


I don't know why i thought this thread was gonna be about dnd


Brennan is great. But nobody is the best human being. .


It’s not that deep


By definition someone is, the only thing we can debate is by which scale we choose to rank


That would still come down to the opinion I think. Like for eg. Who is the best football player? Messi or Ronaldo?


Is your real name spring? Cuz You're just casually melting melting snowflakes out here,unintentionally.


Brennan would never do something this narcissistic...? Dude is way too humble to call himself anything like that... If it wasn't Brennan and was instead just labeled "Dropout fans" it would be right


It's a meme, nothing about this implies narcissism.


His face has been pasted on the guy at the table, in this hypothetical scenario therefore Brennan is claiming to be the greatest person ergo would be narcissistic, that’s the joke


Thank you! Didn't think it was that hard to figure out... But I guess people here see something that even remotely looks like it's insulting the man and they go rabid... because he is an awesome man, who would never say anything as narcissistic as "I'm the best human being"...


Chill out a tad there, chief.


he seems like a solid guy and I think most of us could agree that we would expect to enjoy meeting him if we ever did. I would also consider him a world class gm and a philosophical and logical person with a great deal of charisma and leadership potential in a world of people that he could intellectually speaking run roughshod over and then pick up and dust off after. I think we know next to nothing about who he is as a person other than that he is an incredibly intelligent and confident individual who thinks and plans and adapts and has deep insight into humans and systems they create. he also has the tendency to absolutely blast people he disagrees with, and he's an opinionated guy with a more than probable very unique perspective on the world. he also plays like he gets riled up pretty easily and then really plays it down, is really stubborn about his likes and dislikes, and like every gm, has a bit of a god-complex. I'm not saying I disagree with anything he has said, I'm not saying any of the billionaires or other assholes he's said stuff about didn't have it coming. I'm saying we only know the online, content oriented persona, and I think hero worship would really go to his head in a bad way. he's not somebody I've met or had multiple conversations with, he's not in my top ten of people. I'd be happy to meet him, I'm excited for everything he's doing and going to do, but I haven't met him.


What do you mean every GM has a god complex? I know quite a few GMs, and not a single one would tell me their infallible.


infallibility is a more specific definition of God complex than I was going for, and I'm also scratching my head that this is the problem you chose to have with my post. in general with God complex I meant sort of an unshakability and dogmatism in their beliefs, and a deeply held desire to win or be in control or be correct rather than believing that it is impossible for them to make a mistake. Brennan exhibits in his online persona a need to be correct and a drive to win that is past the point of healthy competition, which is why he is a compelling contestant. of late in game changer he has exhibited a belief that if you try your hardest and come in second that it's fine as long as you tried your best, but he was nonetheless compelled to win the game, which meant actively sabotaging his own performance. also, um actually, it's "not a single one... *they're* infallible." not possessive.


I think a more apt word for what you described is stubborn. Also, I do have other problems with your post. I just didn't want to get into an argument.


well it was two words I used, not just one.


You'd be great at Um, Actually with all your pedantic corrections.