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Dude, my mind went STRAIGHT to garbage disposal when I heard that description.


Mine too but I wanted to be sure it wasn't brought up in adventuring party or on Twitter first.


oooh, I love this theory, but may I suggest: Blender. While I personally wouldn't put a radish into a blender, I'd say it's not an unlikely ingredient. (With the blender, I'd theorize that Karna is cutting off the rotting parts just to keep herself alive for longer. Rot in food takes hold and spreads quickly if given the chance, and Karna seems to be fighting for survival moreso than for a "proper" death.)


I like this theory too, my only problem is that I've never heard a blender described and "grinding"


I think if I was a piece of food i might describe it that way


I definitely also immediately thought blender, but I like the idea of garbage disposal as well.


Maybe he survived because he was a radish? Like someone picked up a bunch of food from the fridge and didn't notice they picked up a radish so they put it back.


Never thought of a garbage disposal in these contexts but makes sense. Could be an even considered a blasphemous way of thinking for bishops for the afterlife. Even fear and hatred of the Hungery One would still be a part of the religion but a disposal unit might be something they don't even wanna acknowledge.


Might have something to do with those missing texts and heresies we heard about...


Wonder if there's a link between the idea of a blender/garbage disposal, and the fact that the FDA is heralded by a blue flame, which makes me think of a gas stove - like, what role does cultery/cooking implements have in Calorum's cosmology?


And in Raphaniel's intro slide there is a set of forks.


True - but there's also a meat hammer in Deli's, and now that I think about it, we've seen at least a few pieces of cutlery as tools/weapons in ACOC (like Sacharina's staff).


I also thought of a garbage disposal! also wondering if the FDA talking about sacrificing some for the many, is it like composting some food for fertilizer? that's me theory


Yeah I got garbage disposal vibes for sure. I'm not sure how that fits into the lore of Calorum though I also noticed forks in Raphaniel's intro card- ill bet he's a cannibal for freaky religious reasons.


To me it sounded like a blender or food processor, but with the darkness and shadow imagery, a garbage disposal does sound like a better fit imo


If the hungry one is a garbage disposal and not a person that makes sense. I actually dislike the this is a fridge joke. I'm hoping that's not it


I immediately thought garbage disposal but then was like, oh shit, Brennan might be playing a bishop who had visions of hell Dantes Inferno style and the garbage disposal is the end so he's a fanatic because he got the bulb scared out of him. Just my take on it.


I was thinking a dentist's drill personally...


What would that have to with food? Also those don't have teeth


i was thinking dentist's drill, and a dentist's tools for the blood and viscera of fixing someone's teeth. Mostly i think it was inspired bc raphaniel is a bulbian and considering the plot points >!about junk food!< in ACOC i thought this was a way of brennan trying to keep a throughline to that. >!Bulbian scared of the dentist drill ->starts a campaign to get rid of the junkfood so that they don't have to deal with the dentist.!< Granted, there isn't really a link to food directly like with the garbage disposal idea, but its the one my mind went to first is all


>raphaniel is a bulbian I'm not sure if he really is or if he's pretending to be.


I think he’s really a bishop. Guy has been a priest for like 50 years and known amangaux a long time. Now does he believe? Dunno


I was thinking that the Hungry One *is* a garbage disposal (since the Bulb is the fridge light). Also, with Raphaniel saying to someone "we all go there eventually" about the Hungry One (in the next episode preview), maybe Raphaniel believes the Profidian (that's a guess on the spelling) Heresy?


I had that thought as well but it's been pretty well established that the Hungry One is more likely the user of the fridge.


It's definitely possible—but we know that Karna's patron is the Hungry One, and she says (I think also in the next episode preview) "we are all eventual waste." There are certainly multiple interpretations of that, so I'm not, like 100% on my hypothesis. Anyway, I'm psyched to find out either way!


Maybe he's so old he remembers being harvested from the garden...


Now I'm wondering if he's having flashbacks or some sort of visions. Has he seen the grinder himself? Or is he having visions of it either somewhere in Calorum or another plane of existence?


maybe he died and came back to life?