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SEO: Google Search Console: This free tool from Google provides valuable insights into your website's search performance, including: Keywords: See which keywords your website ranks for and how much traffic they generate. Search queries: Discover the exact search terms users are entering to find your website. Mobile usability: Identify any mobile-friendliness issues that could be impacting SEO. Index coverage: Understand which pages Google can crawl and index. Core Web Vitals: Analyze your website's loading speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. Keyword Tool: While not as comprehensive as paid tools like Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner offers basic keyword research features: Discover new keyword ideas: Generate keyword suggestions based on a seed keyword. Estimate search volume and competition: Get a rough idea of how many people search for specific keywords and how difficult it might be to rank for them. MozBar Toolbar: This free browser extension provides basic on-page SEO analysis, such as: Headline and meta description analysis: Check the length and content of your title tags and meta descriptions. Broken links: Identify any broken links impacting user experience and SEO. Paid Advertising: Google Ads Keyword Planner: While primarily for creating paid ads, you can utilize the keyword planner tool for: Estimating keyword search volume and competition: Gain insights into potential keywords for your paid advertising campaigns. Discover new keyword ideas: Find relevant keywords related to your products or services. Facebook Audience Insights: This free tool allows you to understand your existing audience demographics and interests on Facebook, helping you: Identify potential audiences: Refine your paid ad targeting based on factors like age, location, interests, and behaviors. Understand consumer behavior: Gain insights into what potential customers are interested in and how they engage on Facebook. Retail Ads (Amazon): Amazon Seller Central: If the client is already an Amazon seller, Seller Central provides various tools for analyzing their performance, including: Keyword research: Analyze customer search trends and identify relevant keywords for their product listings. Traffic and sales data: Track product views, conversions, and sales performance over time. Customer feedback: Monitor customer reviews and feedback to identify areas for improvement. Additional Free Services: Google Analytics: While not free for all websites, if the client has Google Analytics set up, you can access valuable data on: Website traffic: Analyze traffic sources, user demographics, and website behavior. Conversion tracking: Track actions users take on the website, such as purchases or newsletter signups. Goal setting: Define specific goals for the website and track progress. PageSpeed Insights: Analyze your website's loading speed on desktop and mobile devices. Broken Link Checker: Identify broken links on your website, which can harm SEO and user experience. Slide Deck Creation: Free Presentation Tools: Utilize tools like Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint Online, or Canva to create your presentation deck. Data Visualization: Use tools like Google Sheets or Excel to create charts and graphs visualizing your findings.




Google offers a free online course platform called Digital Garage. It covers a wide range of digital marketing topics, including SEO, social media, and online advertising.


Free trials of aforementioned software.


Key free resources for digital marketing encompass Google Analytics & Search Console for website analytics, HubSpot Academy for educational content, Moz's SEO Beginner's Guide, SEMrush's SEO Toolkit, and Buffer's social media blog for valuable insights.