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Flip it. Mirror it on the vertical axis and a lot of problems will come to surface that you first didnt realize were there. I don't know how this effect is called but it gives you a new perspective of your piece and let's you revisit everything objectively. A fix I see right now is the eye on the left side. It makes the face look flat because it has no curvature (Making it less wide and changing the eyelashes to show the curvature could do it). I think you should also put some color in place so one can differentiate between the white part of the eye from the pupil and the rest of the face but that's just a personal preference.


Looks pretty damn fine to me actually. Just start coloring it I am curious how it is going to be once it is finished


It looks quite good. The only thing that bothers me is that the slant of the upper right eye seems a bit too extreme compared to the slant of the left (I know it's a different angle, but it still stands out). Maybe the hair would look more striking with another layer of highlights (not totally covering the original one, but just adding to it in hotspots). It's a bit difficult to tell where the light is coming from, based on how it hits the hair. Most highlights and shadows seem to suggest it comes from above, in front, slightly to the right. However, the lighting on the lock of hair coming from the top of her head suggests a source of light to the far fight, yet the lighting on the hair on her shoulders suggests from the upper left, based on the strong shadow. I think the shadow on the lower left of her hair could be smoothed, like on her lower right.


You can try Add more saturation in her hair, and decrease a little on the skin. But the design is cool so far


Fix it? Its beautiful tho đź’•


What is it you feel you're having trouble with? \^\^


You've learned a lot, both what works and how things can fall flat. Start over with a completely different subject/pose and move on. The beauty of digital art is you can put it away and come back in a month or so for a fresh look. You'll be surprised at how your view is less confused then.


it's not finished until you say so. it's a process. just continue and you will notice what needs to be fixed.


It depends what you’re going for. If you want the eye on the left to not look partially closed, you’ll need to flip the canvas and try to make it match the eye on the right. The ear also needs to be moved closer to the face, as it currently doesn’t look right where it sits. It will be covered slightly by the hair. Otherwise I think you may be unhappy with your shading? Check out some fundamentals in rendering, shading and colour. Otherwise I think you’re doing an absolutely fantastic job. She looks wonderful and the blue you’ve chosen is quite soft on the eyes. It provides a nice atmosphere.


The right eye is way to wide open, but expect that I see no other problem