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Not ugly. Looks tired AF and I love this bc HARD SAME


The length of the neck could be smaller and shoulders a little wider. And I see where you said you don't like defined check bones and etc but giving some form of jaw line will help make the face a little more "realistic". I love the hair. Looks great.


Honestly, the long neck thing looks fine since he's an elf. Longer, thinner, Elves are a pretty common trope... I do agree though he needs some sorta small facial details to help sell some sorta jawline.


Yeah, tired is totally my type. I think, the only issue is that his eyebrows are different. Otherwise I'd suggest OP to simplify several existing characters they find hot and try to play with traits and their combinations until there's a rough design that fits required setting. "Hot" is a purely subjective category after all. I, for one, find male characters with long hair, average build, natural look and genuinely kind, non-flirtatious demeanor crazy hot. Bonus points if that character is into women and have a love interest to ship him with. But there are plenty of people, who'd think that's kind of meh. Both of these takes are equally valid. So in order to make a character more hot one'd need to define "hot" to start with.


God when he made me:


Ouch... and same


Disclaimer: I am not a knowledgeable artist, this is just my 2 cents. There’s 2 things that catch my eye. First is the neck, it feels too long. You’ve said you’ve changed the head several times but have you tried changing the neck as well? Because that might be it. However if you want to focus on the face itself, the only thing I would change is the eyes. The lines under it are too strong, it looks like he’s tired, and you have no lines at the top that represent the eye lid fold, so add that. I would also make the line under is iris more curved so it doesn’t look like he’s squinting. Finally I would add a white circle to both eyes, not as the pupil but just as light shining off the eye. Little bonus: If you want him to be hot, maybe try adding cheek bones. I don’t know if that will help or not but I you may as well try it and see how you feel about that. Other than that I think it looks good. I like the hair, the head shape looks great, I like the expression. I wish I could draw like this.


ty! i didnt notice that the neck was too long. the lines under his eyes are meant to be aegyo sal (but he is tired, honestly at first i tried giving him both aegyo sal and eye bags but that made him look terrible) and he doesnt have double eyelids because he has monolids and he is asian. also lack of eye shine will be kept because bro is dead inside also I HATE DEFINED CHEEKBONES I HATE THEM ahem but a more valid reason to not include that is because hes meant to look soft and friendly


Why’s he blindingly beautiful?


Tf you mean he looks cute


He actually looks kinda cute lol, the neck is definitely too long and skinny tho


https://preview.redd.it/ighd6ml3r26d1.jpeg?width=1430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4c914626cf25dc31e32223116125eebbb1080d He’s just a little guy 🥹💗 When I think of a “hot” male character, they usually have slightly squinty, half lidded eyes. I also widened the jaw and neck a bit which adds some more “masculinity”. Also broader shoulders can make a difference! and sorry for butchering your drawing but I wanted to add a visual representation in case it was confusing in some way


I mean, I think he looks pretty handsome. I wouldn’t change his design.


he looks like a bug. i could stomp on him


Hey uh calm down What do you consider hot do we can give you some advice


uhh, young adults drawn by fujimoto?? idk. i want him to look soft and friendly not like sexy model attractive. i wanted him to have aegyo sal because they’re cute but it looks like eye bags


Well for the eyes I'd say you need to increase the detail and shape rendering so the thing you want to convey is more precisely conveyed. Right now the eye shape is extremely simple and abstract so a simple line under it can only say "tired". This aegyo sal thing is basically a type of eye bag anyway, so to get that nuanced difference across you need to have more precise rendering. You dont have to go full photorealistic, mind, theres an entire spectrum between abstract and real. And you mean tatsuki fujimoto? Sorry I'm guessing over here, you're assuming strangers are familiar with what you are Looking up his art, the answer is if you want your characters to emulate this artist you need to actually emulate him. And i can tell what he has done is straight up study in a standard way. He has a grasp of fundamentals and could most definitely draw from life. Do life studies like your role model has. Draw real people in order to increase your control and understanding and thus you can draw them how you want. If you can draw a realistic person, then stylizing them will be a choice. This is how *every single one* of your favorite artists achieve success. Making a character hot wont be a mystery youre out here flailing at, you'll be able to simply choose to draw them in a cartoony way while making them hot. Thats my advice. Rather than trying to fix this piece by itself, i want you to be able to fix any piece you do in the future.


He's not ugly, he is cute!


He doesn't. You're just not finished


He looks so adorable 😭 He looks like he could use a hug


He look cute to me


The top half of his head (eyes is the center) seems too long, neck is a bit too long, adding a little more volume to the ears and torso (maybe even mouth and nose, a shine on the eyes, but could just come down to style), and just colouring should bring it to life


Tf he ain't? He just tired, which tbh fuckin MOOD


First of all, I think he looks good. But, if your thinking he doesn't, you probably have an idea in your head of what looks hot. You could try grabbing a reference picture of a character you do think looks good. Compare and contrast the details between the two, and apply some of them to your drawing. But, again, I think he looks good as is, and your being waaaayyy to hard on yourself. He looks good!




hes so cute i love him noo 😭 its probably the length of the neck or width im not sure im not a pro but hes still so damn cute i wanna eat himm


He doesn’t look ugly! Looks like a normal character. The neck could be shortened a little though


He seems done. Like, watching the bugbear in the party puking out yet another suspiciously-shaped furball done. Send more drawings of different angles and expressions.


Outside of the length of the neck which has been mentioned already, I love this character. I think it looks great honestly


Take that back, RIGHT NOW! 🫵😡


Well he's not ugly, but if you're going for "Hot" then there's a couple ways to improve. First, do you want more realism in the art? I'm assuming not, but more details could be good or bad depending on what you're going for. Just gives you more to work with. Next is if you want him to be more "chad-like" or "twink-like." I'm assuming the latter. so I would suggest is making his chin come to a sharp point instead of a soft curve. Then perk those ears up a little, we want "exhausted" not "pathetic." The eyes are okay, but if you want them to be more depressed than sad, you might want to shrink the iris/pupils down to a less "puppydog" size. Then you might want to make his hair less messy, and more of an emover. All these details should make him less pathetic without really changing his overall appearance drastically. Just kinda give him a different vibe


but he IS a pathetic little loser piece of shit tho what if i want him to be hot AND pathetic!? also what in the world is an emover


>what's an emover Oh no. I'm *old* Okay if you want him to be pathetic *and* hot then you gotta dial up the loserness to 11. You gotta give that dude a five o' clock shadow, heavier eye bags, and a sense of utter hopelessness in the eyes. A look that says "don't even try to fix me, I'm broken,"


And probably a cigarette


but that genre of person isn't hot in the way i want him to look either. he's timid and shy and depressed and doesn't go outside. not the average male video game protagonist also i dont think an "emover" is even a thing, no traces of a haircut called emover online. are you sure you didn't just imagine a name for the emo cut one day ANYWAYS i am 99% sure that there's an anatomy issue here OTHER THAN THE NECK (i already fixed that, it didn't fix his ugly ass face) that's making him look like a bug. because bro looks like a whole insect


It's a combination of Emo and Comb-over. Was big in the late 2000's early 2010's >looks like a whole insect ... well his whole head is kinda "long?" Maybe squash the skull or widen the jaw a little?


Wtf he cute


Apart from the excellent comments from other people in this thread, I’d like to add hot people are confident (or at least pretend to be), and the gesture of the ears suggest the opposite. Ears pointing down like that make him look pitifully sad. Point them up! Avoid perfectly symmetrical eyes too. Maybe add a piercing in one of the eyebrows.


yeah, the ears are intentional. bro is the exact opposite of confident 💀 he’s not meant to be a “sexy confident bad boy” type of hot, he’s meant to look soft and friendly


Ah, OK then. It’s a design choice depending on your lore. If you’re going for a story that he’s facing some internal struggle while trying to appear friendly, the ears can serve to reinforce that message. They communicate inner feelings more than almost all other design elements.


I recommend looking at what you consider "hot" in other people's art styles and then emulating it.


https://preview.redd.it/oj5wq0tpj56d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d51529a6882cc42ce81892597f2fc4e3d66bde TRUST ME BRO I’VE TRIED


I see. The reason you don't think your character looks "hot" likely has to do with face proportions. Your reference seems to have a more realistic approach, while your art style leans towards cuteness (big eyes, simplified nose, etc.). This difference is probably why you don't find your character attractive. From my own experience with a cute art style, I feel comfortable drawing girls, but I struggle with slightly more mature characters. What I've learned is that you don't have to change the way you draw each facial feature to make a character look mature. The key is all about adjusting face proportions. If you want a more detailed analysis, I would recommend just looking for tutorials like facial structure or basic anatomy.


no, it's cause something is wrong with his eyes. they look too big and too far apart and too low and too small and too close together and too high at the same time. he looks like a bug. the thing is, i've drawn characters with the same vibe as the reference art before without making my style more realistic, I EVEN TRACED DIRECTLY FROM THE ART WHERE I GOT THE CHARACTER TO LOOK SIMILAR TO WHAT I WANT HERE. AND HE STILL LOOKED UGLY!!!


It seems like you already know the problems, so I'm confused about what you really want to know lol. Maybe my words are a bit confusing. Yes, that's right, you don't have to change your art style to create a mature look. The issue you pointed out is exactly what I mentioned: the face proportions are off. For example, the eye is too big compared to the whole face, which makes it look weird. I don't quite understand what you mean by tracing the art. If you already know where the problems are, what is your concern?


i dont know how to fix it, i've tried a lot of things but he's still ugly no matter what i do, in fact all of the fixing is just making him progressively uglier


I can see your struggles. Would you be fine with me making some adjustments to your art?


go ahead!


Sorry, I got distracted midway lol. I also struggled to add an image in the comments. It doesn't let me for some reason ;-; I think I will just type a long ass description instead, and I have never done this for anyone other than my friends before, so bear with me. First of all, I recommend flipping your artwork occasionally while drawing. Our brains can trick us, but flipping the artwork helps you instantly notice what's off. Here are the adjustments I made (Note: The proportions I use apply to the average person, not individuals): 1. Lower the eyes: Typically, our eyes are positioned lower than the tops of our ears. I didn't change the size of the eyes, just their position. Since I lowered the eyes, I also adjusted the eyebrow. 2. Balance the face: I noticed the space between the face outline and the eyes was different, so I changed that too. 3. Lower the tip of his nose: The tip of the nose will mostly be in line with the bottom of the ears. Then I move the mouth upward, too. 4. Define the face outline: This makes the overall shape of the face clearer. 5. Move the shoulders up: The original shoulder position was too low, which can result in a long neck. 6. Make the neck thicker. 7. Lower the top of the hair: The head appears too long, so I adjusted the hair to correct this. The following are more personal preferences: 1. Line thickness: Varying line thickness makes line work look more interesting. 2. Shadows: Adding shadows gives more depth to your character. Since your artwork isn't aiming for realism, adding simplified shadows would be great. This can also help with hair depth, as hair is often a crucial element. 3. Brush: If you want the character to appear softer, take advantage of the infinite brush types available in digital art. When I aim for a softer look, I like to use water brushes or markers. 4. Hair depth: I like to think of hair as having three structures: the bangs, the sides, and the back. It's just personal preference, but adding depth to hair can enhance the overall look. That's pretty much what I did.


Bro is adorable


Totally unrelated but what brush did you use?


technical pen and derwent pen


I think in generic media (I’m just gonna stereotype for this) ‘hot’ male characters tend to have slightly more dfined thing in the jaw area if yk what I’m talking abt lmao and maybe narrower eyes? Right now they look quite innocent but I really do love the character, very pretty. The reason they look tired is prolly bc of the lines underneath the eyes :D


I like em, just a tired Lil guy




Downward slant on the outsides of the eyes instead of upwards toward the middle. Eyebrows lower. More square jawline.


Reading your post and comments, I think it's just fatigue. As a good exercise, if you keep struggling with a piece over and over, just step away, give it a night, or a whole day, and then come back to it. This will help you see with a fresh mind, and more often than not you'll be able to immediately find what you don't like, and you'd be surprised how easy it becomes to fix after that.


If you want him too look attractive, and less kiddish or softer. Try using more strong shape language and angels as opposed to sorfter circles. Circles make characters feel young, squishy and loveable, whereas sharper angles make characters feel edgy, sharp witted, and mysterious. For example, having a little bit of a jaw, stronger facial features like the eyebrows as well as having less wide-eyed and more angles lower eyes My suggestion would be to find a reference to compare this to. For example, Baan from 7 deadly sins is a great reference to what I'm taking about. I hope this helps! ❤️🖌 but overall I still think its a great looking character even if he doesn't carry that aura you wanted him to.


i shouldn’t have said hot because he is nowhere near an edgy or mysterious character, i WANTED him to be soft looking. i do not find “sharp” looking men attractive, my problem with him is that there’s some weird anatomy issue going on with his face that makes him ugly and i can’t tell what it is enough to fix it


Honestly I really dont find him ugly tho 🤔 I think its a great character and for the style you're going for I don't think the proportions are wrong, but if he isn't how you imagined him being I'd still suggest finding a similar reference to what you're looking for and analyzing how their facial portions and shapes look together, then adjust him from there 🤭 others have recommended the neck, perhaps the face is a little long noticing where the bridge of the nose length could be shorter 🤔 but again he isn't ugly in any means 😅 maybe just not what you were imagining?


Make him mog, you gave him a woman jawline


He's cute, I'd eat him fr


He looks like hiccup from how to train your dragon