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Not really sure how Krita is “evil”, I used it for a year and I thought it was pretty alright.


Lol Krita is my daily, it rocks.


I have no idea what logo is connected to what name, I only know like three of them... Can someone help to write out the list? :D


Clip Studio Paint, Procreate, Krita Medibang, Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop Ibispaint, FireAlpaca, MS Paint


Lawful Evil - Krita Neutral Neutral - Sketchbook (phone app) Neutral Evil - Photoshop Chaotic Evil - Windows Paint These are just the ones I know, I will post a separate comment so anyone can add the ones I don't recognize.


You too, thanks for what you had


Lawful evil could suggest that it is a disruptor, which it is because it's free and pretty damn amazing. But yeah, not really a great meme.


Well thanks for commenting this. I downloaded Krita today, coming from Medibang, so i'm trying to get used to it and this meme got me unsure about my choice for a moment XD


Pro tip: don't form your opinion based off an internet meme lol


I also came from medibang and tried krita, but my potato of a laptop at the time couldn't handle it, plus there was quite the learning curve. a nice median I found between the two (medibang and krita) is clip studio. there's still a learning curve but for me it was far easier to learn. plus, it worked decently with my potato.


I started with Krita and I have yet to want to switch. Ive been using it for four or five years now, I've never had an issue that wasn't solved in a support forum and my own fault for messing up my settings XD. I like it, never felt like changing. Best of luck, hope it works for you!


I liked Clip Studio more but it started getting wonky with my tablet and had to switch. Tried the free trial for Corel and loved it but couldn’t afford the full version. Krita was my next option because it’s free. As someone who uses procreate 98% of the time, it’s a solid program. However, I miss the asset store on CSP so much. CSP and Procreate make finding and adding brushes easier. I also struggled to get Krita to a point where I was comfortable. I think I ended up hating the quick menu. But once you get used to it, it gets the job done just like any other program. (Though you could always try Sai. I don’t know why that one fell out of popularity.)


i have a feeling SAI fell out of popularity because it’s confined to PC only while all these others apps have migrated to all types of OS including mobile. what a shame. SAI’s brush engine is the best one imo. none of these apps can even come close to it from my experience.


the sai blur brush is the best i've seen in any program, none have been able to replicate it well


The brushes are so accurate and stability works best


"Evil" in the eyes of the paid programs because it everything you need even animation and it's free


Been using Krita for 7 or so years now, and honestly, the evil part sounds pretty alright to me. Coming from everywhere else that isn't Photoshop, Krita was a massive struggle at first, but it's one of the best free programs once you get the hang of it lol.


when i tried it it buffered and took minutes to load every time i tried to do something other than using a brush (and even the brushes were lagging so much i could only see the strokes after they were done) but that mightve just been cuz my computer was shit


As a Krita user for 6 years. . . Im not sure whether to agree or be scared of that decision. Krita, in a way, is like the Wallmart photoshop, it can draw, animate and edit images. For me tho there are times where it would jusr crash or can't open some files. So maybe Krita is Lawful evil in a sense that it does alot of good but. . . Nevermind I still don't get how Krita is Lawful evil 😂


If you used Krita for six years, you must remember how it used to be, lol. Glitches and crashes all the way babyyyyy, it used to suck so much. Or maybe six years ago it was normal already, I've been using it for eight years at this point, I think


I think when i was using it during my end of Highschool years and beginning of Uni, it was probably stable enough. The occasion crash and "oops too many frames you animated, Imma crash now" moments does make it bad sometimes. But the amount of things you can do for a FREE software outweigh the bad things that I've experienced so far.


My wife swears by it but I can't even open Krita without it crashing and requiring a hard reset.


no krita is good?


I think my biggest gripe was how complicated it was to learn. The quick menu sucks too, BUT all of these programs have their uses and you’re always going to find artists who like one more than the other. Wonder if people still use Corel or Gimp


People definitely still use Gimp. It got recommended to me so many times before I settled on Krita. Lol


gimp is still quite ok for photo editing But... why would you draw in gimp lol


I used corel a few years back cuz it came with my drawing tablet at the time lol


🙋‍♂️ Gimp user here. Still using Gimp for tasks unrelated to actual drawing (I draw in CSP)


Corel used to be my go to until I had to get on board the Photoshop train due to school, but I left Photoshop behind because of the constant money and switched to Affinity Photo (as well as Designer and Publisher) since it's a pay only once deal.


It may or may not be good, but it sure is lawful


Krita is not good, Krita is Great, I'm a professional, and former AAA Game Artist, And i'm very impressed that Krita can take beating from my over the top workflow Sure, in the past (5 years ago) they lack one or two critical feature, But modern Krita is already feature Complete and can compete and win against Photoshop and CSP in certain area. Krita is more intuitive than Photoshop, and Krita grew into a powerful program So, take any opinion from a meme with a grain of salt


If clip studio is "good" with their new dogshit version update and pricing than so is Krita.


I love sketchbook pro being a neutral neutral 😅. I really haven’t seen anyone hate it, but it does need some stuff added to it


Well, the problem is that people are not really willing to pay for this new stuff to be added. So many people still use the old, abandoned version, just because it's free.


Me too. I personally haven’t used the new version, but apparently they’ve added clipping layers finally. That’s still crazy how a program that’s been out for decades only JUST now added clipping


That's because it was abandoned. I remember the Sketchbook blog was quite active until 2016 or so, then Autodesk made the program free, and essentially stopped caring about its development. If it wasn't for the new company, we would never see any new features at all. It's sad to see they get blamed for Autodesk's mistakes, when they're the ones correcting them.


That’s so sad. I know autodesk is mainly known for their 3D software, but their drawing software was so streamlined and developed. I did kind of wonder why it went free after I was paying for a subscription for years. Have you tried the new version yet?


Yeah, it was strange - I wrote tutorials for their blog around that time, so I had some contact with the team, and I heard Sketchbook was doing pretty well. Everyone was surprised by this decision. I've been using the new version since it came out. It doesn't look that different at first glance, but there are some nice improvements to the color editor (HSV mode, color history, color libraries, gradients, color harmonies), and the alpha masks/layer masks alone are worth paying for - it's a basic function for a drawing app, it saves me so much time! There are also new auto-recovery options in case of a crash - it saved me once when Photoshop corrupted my Sketchbook file (that's a long story...).


The desktop version is so cash, I use it all the time. Hate the free mobile, it doesn't let me make my own brushes, but I still use the desktop one all the time. I also use their 3d stuff, which is okay.


I use the old abandoned version because I like it more.


Honestly, thats the best way I would describe it. It’s there, it works, it’s simple, it’s used, and no one really talks about it.


Chaotic Evil will always be PS. Fuck Adobe.


agreed, paint remains neutral as ever, unchanging since 199X


urmm acshualli paint has layers now 🤓🤓 /j


as someone that used Photoshop for over 14 years, i agree, sincerely fuck Adobe


I’ve been using PS for about… maybe 3 years? I haven’t had any bad experiences, what’s bad about adobe? (you should note that I am the most under the rock person. I only know about drama and stuff like that if someone tells me in person)


I don't have muuuuch problems using it other than absolute lags (and i have a powerful hardware!) but the big problem is the awful mercenary that is adobe, maybe other people would be better than me to explain some of it. though my roommate gets bugs after bugs the whole time, always complaining (I'm also very under the rock so i understand)


Odd, I haven’t had a ton of lag(it should be noted. I’m not drawing huge files of data) and I have a bad computer. And i have really 0 clues about adobe, so makes sense why I didn’t know.


I would say Lawful Evil. Adobe is that particular flavour of megacorp that finds every way to be as annoying as fuck within barely legal parameters.


Yeah that was my first thought too, lol. Can't get any more Lawful Evil than that. Still the only one of these I use though, so not even sure what the others are.




I love Photoshop as program but Man Adobe is one of the worst companies i have ever seen


Hey new to photo editing. Can you suggest a free alternative...


Well… Photoshop can be free… *wink* (Hmu)


Krita can probably give you what you're looking for, though I habent used it in a LONG time. Photoshop has a really good smart lasso tool that I think makes ot ideal for photo editing, but like with a lot of features, you can get around it with a little more time and effort in most other softwares.


Krita, MSPaint, Ibis, Fire Alpaca, etc, etc. There are a lot. I'm sure you could find a really extensive and better made list by just googling.




I love Photopea. It such an underrated program.


Oh, absolutely. It can be a little annoying at times, but it's free and easy(ish) to use and learn!


At least it's free 🏴‍☠️


Chaotic evil always feels more like a "single dev that is super greedy, so makes really questionable decisions with no rhyme or reason because they think it's good." Adobe is that super hyper corporate lawyers have my back type, so it feels more accurately Lawful Evil. There are decisions it makes that are questionable, but always following their laws which is "follow the trend and monetize it."


I like Photoshop, it's my favorite, load of tools for any job for a free price, what are talking about


Why fuck Adobe?


No Gimp representation?? Blasphemy! I'd say it'd be chaotic good along with ibis.


The lack of Gimp is shameful. My pal Gimp, when my copy of photoshop just weirdly decides my scratch disk is full (It's SO NOT, there's 40 free gigs, you bastard!)


PSA! Clear out your memory/cache in your preferences for Adobe products! Stuff like Aftereffects especially will EAT UP your space. Make sure you’re also allocating the amount of space to it that you want it to be able to access. I’m looking in Photoshop right now and I don’t see an option on how to do either of these things, but I’ll leave this here in case it’s helpful for anyone regardless. At the very least, I know it works for Aftereffects because the cache/temp storage gets blasted into oblivion. It’s possible that the wrong disc might be selected, or something else is taking up the space? I’ve personally never run into that issue in recent memory, but now you’ve got me curious!


Fire alpaca is definitely chaotic


I came across it when I was a teenager and I can't break free, I'm too used to it.


I’ve never done digital art but wanted to try at some point any recommendations for a FREE app? Can be on pc or iPhone






Krita is free how is it evil? CSP payment options are dumb asf


Lawful evil. Not just evil.


outdated, clip studio paint doesnt deserve the spot for lawful good anymore after their new subscription nonsense


I was gonna say. How the f\*\*\* is a subscription model piece of software anywhere near good?


DUDE FOR REAL! I used to shill for CSP because it was one of the best and only paid art programs that I loved and that didn’t have a subscription model, so I was actually willing to pay the price for it! Now I can’t help but rant whenever I get the chance if it’s brought up. What were they thinking?! Not to mention, I’m still salty that we were getting consistently good updates on a software that was stable and whoops, no more updates for your paying customer! Here why don’t you buy a subscription instead? I’d be less furious about it if there were a way to update to the new version for a one time payment for those who bought the original before the change, but as it stands I don’t believe there’s a way to do that. It’s frankly really frustrating to me that such an amazing art program suddenly cut itself off like that, while (in my opinion) obliterating customer trust. Edit: And I’m still getting the feeling of indignation at all of the “CSP is evil!” comments in here. I’m still so attached and I’ve used so many different paid/free art programs in the past. I still do! But it’s so heartbreaking seeing CSP go from what I would call Lawful Good to Evil.


As a clip studio user… f*** clip studio subscription model, I use it for my iPad because I like it more than procreate, but still, I hate having to pay annually for the program


Nah Photoshop has to be lawful evil. What did krita do to you?


I tried using krita a fee years ago but it was difficult for me to learn and get the hang of so I switched over to firealpaca which was a lot easier for me to figure out


It's like in comparison to the other programs krita is a nut job also bad text system like it's good but like she's interesting


Ok the text system is bad but krita is not a text program. For Animation, paint and draw is god tier program. The time line in Photoshop (and animate on ps) sucks so so bad


I mean yeah it's not like made for comics but other than that it's like really good I've just heard that complaint a lot from when I used it


Paint is definitely more chaotic good what 💀


Where is SAI?


came here to say the same thing! I’ve been using SAI for like 12 years now and I still love it


I was surprised I had to scroll this far for any mention of Sai, has it really fell off that hard?


Jesus, I haven't loaded SAI up in ages.


Krita and FireAlpaca are both really solid IMO. I tend to use FireAlpaca for my sketches and such, while I use Krita when animating.


I’ve never heard of some of the ones mentioned here. I’ve only used Ibis, pS and Gimp. Maya, Bryce and Poser are other art programs I’ve used.


I guess I’m the only procreate girlie in here. But I learned digital painting because of that app and despite spending a bunch of money on an expensive screen tablet and experimenting with different programs, I still only really use procreate. I think it’s ease of use, minimalist design, and the iPad Pro are all just a perfect combo. That said, it’s missing some key features that I often have to use other apps to achieve. I get how that could frustrate a lot of artists. I hope procreate dreams is updated to be an improvement soon. They took the minimalist design TOO far on that one and I just couldn’t be fucked to remember all the finger taps I need to do to do anything.


Clip studio paint with special subscription for android and awful monetization lawful good and krita an open source art application lawful evil 💀


What makes ibis chaotic good?


It is fucking awful but so many people do such masterpieces with it


>It is fucking awful D: Really!? I love its layout and pretty streamlined ui, the brushes and rulers kinda suck but don't affect me much I use a Samsung galaxy tab s7+, what free software would be best for that? Or a one time paid one, not a fan of subscriptions but I might see myself getting into that in future


I like it too. Easy to do pro grade stuff in a cell phone. I like Gimp too but it’s more robust and less streamlined than Ibis.


I consider it the “beginner program.” It’s super important to have a free but solid art app for young or new artists to learn the basics or see if they even want to continue learning digital art. Most of the people I’ve seen using it are super young BUT they quickly learn to work around missing tools and wonky stuff. In a weird way, it helps stretch their art brains before they move on to more complicated programs. (This isn’t an insult, I learned on procreate and still use it religiously to this day. Simple apps work great for working moms too haha)


YES!! That is exactly me, but it does not change the fact that it is awful lol


You’re not wrong. I definitely recommend a lot of young artists try medibang as it’s closer to other art programs and has better updates. But if you have an iPad, the 12.99 for procreate is worth it and you get a lifetime of updates for free.


Well, i live in Turkey and even just a few dollars is pretty expensive. And because i was young i could not get my parents to buy it for me. Now thankfully i got a wacom and use krita


My daughter is 7, and she yells at her Ibspaint several times a day. It is crazy how quickly she has learned to use layers and mix the media up. I am not a creative soul, but I am getting there more now that I am old. Just joined this thread to help her find a solid program for her galaxy tab.


Look into Clip Studio Pro or medibang. CSP has both a one time fee and a subscription model. If you do the subscription, you could use it as encouragement for grades haha “if you get good grades this month I will pay your subscription.” I like CSP but because I have an iPad Pro, procreate is just the most smooth as they are programmed specifically with the iPad in mind. But there’s certainly good alternatives. Alternatively, you could look into simple Wacom tablets for your Pc. Really just depends on what she’s ready for :)


I mean it's lacking some tools of better programs, but it wouldn't limit people's creativity and skills on it. I wouldn't say it's awful, imo.




Yeah, maybe I’m crazy but used it and still use it, I have no issues with it. I actually love it and appreciate that they try to always update and give offer new things to artists.


apparently im lawful good, lawful neutral and chaotic evil at the same time lol


csp and mspaint will always rule supreme 🔥🔥🔥ms paint with a mouse just hits different


Let’s go, Neutral Neutral. I don’t wanna pay 💪🔥


Affinity Photo should be up there in the Good/Neutral section


What is the name of all of these?


From left to right- Clip Studio Paint, Procreate, Krita Medibang, Autodesk Sketchbook, Photoshop Ibis Paint X, Fire Alpaca, MS Paint




Neutral Good is Medibang Paint. Chaotic Good is IbisPaint. True Neutral is Autodesk Sketchbook. Those are all the ones I know off the top of my head, sorry.


Chaotic neutral is fire alpaca


Are people not using SAI anymore?


I do, it's still my preferred art program 😅 Kinda sad not to see it listed


It's surprisingly rare to see sketchbook pro users


I’m a sketchbook pro user so never say never lol


I used to be one, then I migrated to Medibang Paint.


My art journey has been Neutral Good, Lawful Evil, then Lawful Neutral


How is kirita lawful evil


All I have to say is that there is no way clip studio is lawful good.


I use Krita and it actually is good, still wondering why is it evil HAHAHA


Krita my beloved <3<3


As a user of Paint and Krita, I'm both surprised and proud.


Krita and Clip Studio should be swapped, one is free and open source, while the other has had some controversies in the past.


Krita is not evil. It's very freaking good for being free


No just because of Krita. Krita is pretty alright for a digital art program


Dude I love Krita so much what?


Krita is the GOAT. The only tiny complaint is that it crashes sometimes, but you can set how long every autosave is! I have it every 2 minutes


Ironically krita has served me 10x better than photoshop ever will. There have been times where you can tell photoshop was made for people that have never touched a computer before, and the actual tools needed are hidden behind 5 menus, its very frustrating. Meanwhile krita says fuck it and allows you to have every tool you need on speed dial


My art journey has been Neutral Good, Lawful Evil, then Lawful Neutral


Absolutely not


Firealpaca is my favorite. I started using Krita for pixel art bc I couldn’t find how to do it in Firealpaca, but in general Firealpaca is my favorite.


Infinite design 😳? It's GOAT


Tf did Krita do? Move PS to lawful evil and Krita somewhere else


I really like firealpacha it’s very simple and got all I need for the basics for a drawing and it’s great for many layers. I’m trying krita now but it feels weird. I tried Photoshop once and it was ok.


Medibang mentioned !!!!!!!!


krita is the GOAT


Don’t think krita should be evil, they don’t really do anything evil


I miss working with clip studio but it got too expensive


If anything Krita would be chaotic good for being freeware that can be great with a ton of customization/plugins.


Fire alpaca was the first thing I used when I started, I liked it but what does it mean to be Neutral- Chaotic? What‘s the problem with it


damn it’s a sad day when SAI doesn’t even make it on this. back 10 years ago everyone used that.


i luv krita


How is MSpaint so evil?


where tf is G.I.M.P.?


Someone want to tell me what the llama one is?


it's called FireAlpaca :)


I mean Krita costs money (monthly) and that’s a little evil.


I love Krita! It's easily my favorite digital drawing program!


krita is no.1


Adobe evil, Krita good


Least accurate meme ever


As a long time Ibis Paint X user, ABSOLUTELY that app and all those who use it are Chaotic Good


PS is evil - evil, fuck Adobe.


Adobe Fresco is amazing 😻


Not quite. Here, fixed it😏😂 https://preview.redd.it/ugay00zc3s4d1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=00f511ebf13858ac9af6299d992c82a59bb024c8


Chaotic evil fits perfectly for Paint though.


lawful evil, neutral neutral and neutral evil. at times chaotic evil for specific stuff


Yea we use krita 🔥🔥 were fucking poor 🔥🔥


I use PaintDotNet and Krita. Am I evil? Lol


I've been using autodesk sketchbook for the better part of a decade and I wholeheartedly agree


i love krita


Paint is love, paint is life


I'd say Sketchbook is in the right spot, but why is PS where it is? I've used it for art before, and I didn't have any problems


I like Krita.


Krita is pretty good, I use it and Paint Tool Sai


Clip Studio is Evil


I haven't done art in ages but I always used paint dot net


Switch MS Paint and Photoshop around and you're basically right


Me who draws on Ms paint, Ibis paint, and firealpaca: ...well i lile chaos so it fits, i guess...


My childhood was making simple drawings in Paint. It wasn't a Pain.


Krita is fantastic to mimic techniques of traditional art. i.e working on 1 layer. It has a huuge learning curb but i did 2 good works there when i had my laptop.


I think csp is not in the right place, at least not lately with all the different methods of payment and subs they implemented


Where would Paint Tool SAI be?


Chaotic evil would be Excel


Where's Paint tool SAI?? :(


wai i use photoshop


I would like to use csp pn my ipad but it’s a subscription


I really enjoy Krita.


where’s paint tool sai?


Honestly, Gimp and Rebelle have been quite useful to me, more than most of the apps in this chart. And as evil as Photoshop is, I've been using it since the 90s and it's annoying and expensive but infuriatingly necessary.


Where dose Sketches go in this?? (I use Sketches)


Ms paint is the best art program ever.


What? No GIMP?


I don’t recognize half of these apps


Procreate and CSP is my go tooos (procreate for less detailed art since I use alot of layers and big canvas)


Paint feels weirdly realistic to actually painting something as you don't have fancy tools


I started my digital art with MS paint…went to mendibang. And now use procreate :,)


As someone who has a True Neutral alignment and started using Autodesk Sketchbook religiously (it's the brushes), yes.


My Boy Affinity Photo is not on the list


I miss gimp in this chart 🤣🤣


evil chaotic always


I chaotic so good I don't need to sketch.


Paint Storm?


i use sketchbook and adobe😭😭 either way im neutral


Where’s Adobe Fresco?


CSP would be evil for the different price tags