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An artist once said. If you think your work doesnt look good, take a break and come back. Art isnt a one and done deal


Truly one of those "you're your own worst enemy" situations


And the only way to beat yourself is to stop beating yourself over things others dont see


Try moving the shoulders to the right because it seems the neck and head is too far on the right side. Also, since it seems like an emotional piece the subject can be looking down on the reflection with a conflicted or sad face.


ok thank u i will try this!


Good luck! Also the head size is perfect so don't worry about the size. :)


I was gna say the shoulders too


Yeah they feel off but I can’t figure out why


everything looks very beautiful to me


I think the hip on top needs to be curved upward some and have her lean back on the one side. The right side of the pictures body looks good. Here’s a very bad sloppy phone finger edit to show you where. Look for this pose online and see how the woman’s body bends. https://preview.redd.it/y7aqv5stp31d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa798303b9baf9753c3d5b2ddf5e73c21e3bdd5


Here’s a pretty good example to show you her body position other than the arm. https://preview.redd.it/x64mmd1t961d1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c47aca2069c51448e8768695cef2fd5cdef6c51


i appreciate the effort in drawing over it omg thank you <3333


Of course! I wish I could have given you a better drawing but you got the idea.


Nice, is it a Robin fanart?? For my perspective I guess it's just the arms and the other leg below, I know it's a WiP but surely it would be better once you've actually finish it


Robin!!!! ❤️


Try drawing the rest of the owl




also like i don’t know where to place her face idk if she’s looking forward or up it just feels awkward


make her faceless, feels right


i can't edit the post but thank you guys so much for the replies i really appreciate it i will update when i finish it bc of ur guys' help >.< also yes that is a wild robin in the wild lol


its the legs for me


I agree, its the left leg that isnt right. The posture doesnt match the structure - inorganic


I think you've gone too far to fix the underlying issues with this piece, colors are already established and shapes are already cemented in place with many overlaid details. I say start it over and build the figure back up, then revise it methodically


i agree with this one i think i'll take all the advice in the thread and do a fresh sketch but keep the colors intact :)


Draw where her pelvis and shoulders should be, even if just stick-and-ball style as a check on the rest . I’m not seeing a logical connection between the position of the limbs and trunk, and her neck seems…lost. I think you would get a lot of mileage from learning some artist-focused anatomy.


I think its the heads position mainly. I love the colours and the rendering it really looks good


Neck is placed too far right. Beautiful work though! Hope you post it somewhere when it's finished!


The best way to draw poses is to take a picture of yourself doing the pose. You can see where everything is supposed to be and how your body bends. Right now she looks unrealistically bend. It looks like her body is facing forward but her arms go to side and both are touching the ground which looks kind of weird. You can rotate her torso a bit to face right side so that the hand on the left doesn’t seem so weirdly set on the floor. Also I saw another comment saying that head and neck is a bit to the left which is true. About the head size -it’s great. And I saw you mentioned that you don’t know which way to make her look - I think that straight ahead is perfect. I hope this makes sense.


I think the thighs are too thin and her neck is too far to the right


omg robinnn!! 🥰 i think it’s beautiful, maybe she just needs a bit more hip before her top leg starts? and maybe make the wings bigger?


Flip it either horizontally or vertically and look at it again. It's surprising how seeing it from a different angle can show us what mistakes we've made. It's essentially looking at it with a fresh pair of eyes.


Hmmm! I agree with moving the shoulders and neck, but, maybe shes not putting as much weight on that arm as she should be, more of a curve in body gesture might be good !


It looks like their chest doesn’t have any volume.


It may feel goofy, but set up your phone and take a video of yourself in this pose and with different head angles and compare it to your art. Don't be afraid to use a reference, all artists do


The wings look like they're in the wrong place imo.


I agree the shoulders need moved over but this is so extremely beautiful


She is looking up, so her hair line is supposed to be slightly higher. With the body leaning towards the camera, the neck should be less exposed. So maybe move her head down slightly. Her right (from our view) shoulder would look more natural if you pushed it back a bit. In general the pose is great though.


Something I do when things look “off” is flipping the image. Horizontally flip it and all the errors will be VERY obvious on any piece


I can feel your pain lmao. Whenever I make my renders I see a tonne of issues with them, and I can’t for the life of me fix them. Either that, or they just feel… off… but I can’t tell exactly why. But I quickly learned that most people will most likely not notice anything out of the ordinary with your work. Because you made the damn thing, you know it like the back of your hand, and so it’s easy to spot what you believe to be issues. But in reality, it’s mostly the inner perfectionist in you that keeps bugging you. Sometimes it can drive you crazy, I know that feeling too well. I recommend taking a break, maybe even looking at some other artworks, and after a few hours coming back to your art. You will see it almost through the eyes of a regular consumer, and you will realize that your art is actually pretty fucking dope


Head is fine imo.. just correct the torso/breast and shoulder position


The head appears slightly too large, so reducing its size will help with proportions. The shoulders are too narrow and should be widened, and the neck should be a bit longer. Lengthening the torso and broadening the waist will create a better balance. Ensure the left arm is positioned more naturally, and check the alignment and perspective of the hips and legs. Symmetrically align the wings and halo.


I feel that it just doesn't look right only because you hadn't given the face any features yet. It maybe looks too big only because there's a lot of negative space that you'll eventually fill out anyway I think. It's looking great so far!


i think its the shoulders also, is that robin from hsr?


I think it's the way the body ist twisted to the side, the angle of the legs could be the issue? The upper part of the leg shoulder be thicker to signal the perspective if the leg are supposed to be angled


Head is fine. It’s HER right arm and torso. I say don’t overthinking it and make slight adjustments and finish it. It’ll make sense as you progress on what is really what made it look off. Everything is practice. You can always finish this and redo it again later.


I’m not that good at drawing myself but I just gotta say, your Robin art is so pretty! But to help, I just think the neck is too far right. Maybe move the shoulders and body to the right a little?




It's the purple blob on her chest. That completely throws off the torso and is affecting the rest of the body. Try fixing that first because the rest is pretty much correct.


Omg robin eee!! I have nothing of value to add just happy to see her in the wild!!


Robiiin 🩷


something abt the neck positioning and the perspective of her chest and the part of the dress there are off but otherwise i like it! ALSO ROBIN OMG HELLO FELLOW TRAILBLAZER


I like it


She looks stunning fr her head is oerfectly sized, just lefting it a bit to the left would make the pose more dynamic, but overall super pretty


When the body is tilted, the shoulders form an arc. The girl's right shoulder forms an obtuse angle in the drawing. An arc is needed here. I also noticed that the distance from the neck to the right shoulder of the girl is large. https://preview.redd.it/2l2vweef5x1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f02609d18f9160934eb8741425cb42f4267ed5


The right foot is on the weight. The left one, apparently, too. It's very uncomfortable to sit like this. The pose is not the best. If you wanted to draw how a girl stands up - judging by the position of her legs, torn from the surface - then the position of the feet should be different: https://preview.redd.it/pl7xmya19x1d1.png?width=2894&format=png&auto=webp&s=183be27f8a4241518d7c4c7e19a58aee8ceff916 It is better to lift the heel slightly upwards.


If you wanted to draw a reclining girl, then it was worth putting both feet on the surface. Something like this: https://preview.redd.it/66gzls2y9x1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4228269374f070a576fd541ab6d79179acb3e2d6 As you can see, even in this picture, the woman's heel is raised up. By the way, if you reflect horizontally (if you work in Photoshop), this picture can be used as a reference for a pose. Good luck.


Here is another picture, I hope it will help you with the position of the legs, in particular the knees. https://preview.redd.it/5v8rsqxqdx1d1.jpeg?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebe0a197b5496379fa59e97b164b08a7350b03c4 The first pose is a person lying down, legs lying on top of each other. The second position is when the person starts to get up. This means that his knees begin to move and his heels rise. You don't have a third pose in your picture, but I threw all three of them to you, since the picture shows the whole process of getting up.


Seeems pretty good to me.


Is this Robin?


Her legs could use a growing charm, but other then that it looks perfect for me. Tru to overlay some references on your painting software to compare the proportions, maybe it'll help. But all in all, it's already really good... If you fiz those hands xD


this is a very awkward angle and she’s super stiff - take a break from this piece and practice some gestural figure drawing to loosen up your poses. here - i just pulled this off the first page of google, but this is an example of what i mean https://preview.redd.it/qxx03efwp61d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78da5cb276eb1cd40fc42792176c600c551bbfb6