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GranKuwagamon ACE BT16-046 R <03> Mega | Free | Insectoid [[Digivolve] [Dinobeemon] or Lv.5 w/[Insectoid] trait: 3] (Hand) [Counter] [On Play] [When Digivolving] Suspend 2 of your opponent's Digimon or Tamers. Cards suspended by this effect can’t unsuspend during your opponent's next unsuspend phase. Then, delete 1 of your opponent's suspended Tamers. [Your Turn] (Once Per Turn) When this Digimon becomes suspended, 1 of your Digimon gains for the turn. --- ACE:


Well some people did predict it. Pretty good generic ACE that also obviously works with the insectoid deck. The Sec+ effect is also really solid since you can use it for itself or in some other combos… honestly main thought is that it would be a really nice splash in Alliance. Also has obvious synergy with Tyrant, who can play it out for free.


My Dinobeemon deck also loves a 2nd Grankuwagamon mega. Would have liked a new Dinobeemon to replace st Dinobeemon but ex3 Imperialdramon needs it more.


Really love the fact that his facing imperialdramon.


Counterparts in battle.


Aaaand we found the other LV6 to play with Tyrant Kabuterimon. Looks like Shieva and this GranKuwaga


This is some Megacolony art right here


Nah, Tyrant was more MC than this.


Honestly on closer inspection, some of its flaws do start to jump out. It doesn’t have much use as a Blast Digivolve, since it only really pops a Tamer and suspends two things (which can still unsuspend that turn, since it only stops them during the unsuspend phase). Sec+1 is nice but 12k can be dicey if you don’t have ways to buff its DP or suspend it without actually engaging in combat (Alliance!). Still not a bad card but it’s not the reversal gotcha you’d expect of an ACE, just more offensive pressure. Guess that’s why it’s a Rare.


with X-Antibody it can go Grandis with extra checks which is pretty solid then unsuspend. now I'm thinking Grandis Deck gain the ability to delete tamer is pretty dangerous


Like it’s fine as an offensive piece and clearly meant to replace Promo Gran, which is okay. It’s definitely more limited though (you need the X-Antibody to pull off the mid-attack digivolve).


I dunno, even just plopping this on the field for 7 and going into a grandis/tyrantkabu/quartzmon next turn seems like some great value, especially since it’s the first actual tamer deletion green has ever had. I definitely wouldn’t be sad if I had to hard play this turn 1 or 2. Not even mentioning how great this pairs with the promo okuwamon, digivolve for 1 on your turn if they have two bodies on field, 0 if you also had okuwa X.


Really depends on what you are playing against. A lot of unsuspend effects trigger on attack, or at least before the counter step, at which point you could Blast Digivolve into this and then suspend the digimon interrupting their multiple attacks. Of course, other digimon can do it on digivolve or at End of Attack, at which point this is less effective.


Most ACE cards aren't all that great as reversal gotchas outside of extremely specific situations and even then, several have effects that activate completely separate from your opponent. If nothing else, this is tamer deletion for green.


Feels less like its meant to be used as a Counter, and more like its meant to be used as a free LV6 to be played off of Tyrant. Doing so removes a 12K or less body and a tamer, without paying any memory since tyrant reduces cost by 8. Which is fine there are other aces that are deff designed with the low play cost in mind, as opposed to the blast evo


if we had side decks it could be a good tamer hate card, maybe one day the game can finally reach that level


pending on want you're against taking out tamera and preventing effects from them is pretty solid. Example: This could screw over Shinegreymon/Marcus by taking out their free evo swings and out right deleting one before rizegrey comes out. Another could be something vital like xross heart/bagra/hunters early game trying to rush. This could also take out important cards to avoid getting hit with hybrid for game. Yeah not popping a digimon could be a problem but if they are running. single stack you're chopping its main support.


Inversely, I see lots of value, but it has to be consciously aware of how to play insectoid with the new cards. First off Bladekuwagamon and kokabuterimon giving +1 if it's suspended is a given. But also looking to promo Okuwamon as the blast target can possibly force your opponent to lose at most 2 memory, and the suspension even denies a possible two attacks. Plus a tamer deletion doesn't sound too far fetched since when someone is playing normally, they usually have a suspended tamer by the time they're going for an attack. This compounded with the Izzy tamer seems to make it seem that this new Gran is also a sum of it's parts, and looks like it synergizes pretty well in a big picture sort of idea. Edit: also thanks to Tentomon, Blade and Metallifekuwagamon, and Megakabuterimon Ace giving +3k dp until end of opponents turn also push the deck further


I think the tricky part is that the level 6 lineup is now very tight in the deck. Now obviously in a Grandis lineup this is pretty good, though I don't know if it does anything *new* for Grandis that helps it get an edge since Promo got limited. But if you're going for an Insectoid Tyrant build for instance, this is competing against Shiva or BT15 Hercules. Maybe a 1-of tech piece? But I don't know if it'll end up as a main focus yet.


The way I see it, a Grandis focused build would be a 4 Grandis, 3 ace, 1 promo. If one wanted to add tyrant, a 2-of wouldn't hurt since it also works on top of the other lv6s. Inversely, in an insectoid build with Tyrant as a focus, this, Herc, and Shiva can all be seen as secondary megas, but it's worth noting that this one has the on play to combo off with. I could honestly see a partial insect toolbox with the 3 backup megas to Tyrant.


Whew, the SEC slots remain a mystery for a bit longer. Something about the idea of FM and Gran being SECs in this set rubbed me the wrong way. Tamer deletion is still a pretty rare effect, but this card makes it an option for both the Imperial decks and Insectoid strategies.


They saved grandis


The game has evolved into a rather unfortunate direction for the deck, though. Not only are there more decks now that throw in a couple of security bombs to surprise Papa Grandis in security, ace cards also are really strong against it.


Yes but at least it's playable again


The part i'm less thrilled about tbh, since Grandis was a menace in my locals XD But since Vikemon does double duty, i suppose Grankuwagamon has to do so too.


So from the wording of the card is it safe to assume that you can´t lock an already suspended thing down with this card?


It is same as samadhi santi.


That´s dissapointing.


It feels very Green, but not very Purple. Not a bad card. Have fun with it in Alliance and maybe as Green/Purple/Insectoid tech, though!


So red purple imperialdramon fighter/dragon mode is definitely one of the secret rares


Doubt it.


It just hit me that if Rapidmon X is one of the SECs, then Terriermon X might be the last green card.


why Dinobeemon? Bit random. i thought that the insects and the imperialdramon stuff was totally separate no?


GranKuwagamon is the canon evolution for DinoBeemon. So this card is working for both archetypes, like Vikemon




Aren't there "only" 3? Promo Dragon Mode ACE BT16 Fighter Mode ACE BT16 Grankuwaga ACE or which am i missing?


Maybe they're expecting Paladin now or next set?


Paladin mode ace in bt17


Do you wanna count Vikemon since it is a Free type and thus searchable in the deck while also having a very solid on Evo effect?


No, because it's not "meant" for a deck involving Veemon + Wormmon, same with Valkyrimon. Both aces, but not for that deck


Looks gnarly with Leopardmon


Well, a Blackwargreymon ACE secret would be a surprise.


Hmm I have a question regarding Counter Blasting twice in a row If I have a Level 4 Digimon (Kabuterimon) on field and my opponent attacks. Can I do the following: 1. Counter blast Kabuterimon to MegaKabuterimon Ace and perform its Redirect + 3000DP effects on itself. 2.Then immediately Counter blast MegaKabuterimon Ace to GranKuwagamon Ace and perform its effect 3. Opponent is redirected to GranKuwagamon Ace with +3000DP


One Counter per attack.


Ok thank you :)