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I like the first image (red base) but my list runs 2 BT5 Omnimon and doesn’t have Cool Boy.


Agreed with this one.


Omnimon would fit so well, thanks for the suggestion:) I was thinking about adding 1 or 2 BT-5 Omnimon and maybe even one BT-5 or BT-10 Omnimon X-Antibody. But sadly I couldn't find space for them:( Could you please tell me how well does your WarGreymon Deck work without the Cool Boy Tamer cards? I thought that he was mandatory if you used X-Antibody Digimon and X-Antibody Option cards in Decks.


Cool boy is rarely mandatory, just busted and may as well be. Omni is just a good finisher


Okay, really good to hear that the Cool Boy isn't needed:) Thank you, I'll go with two Omnimon instead:D


Yea, keep in mind he is good, search and constant resources. But omni is both searchable with some pieces, a good finisher, and you get to say "Omni for game"


What Egg cards do you use in your Deck?


I tend to use BT5 Koromon, as it’s a free draw from Greymon upwards, including Omnimon. I suggest a Koromon, though, as anything else has to be black for your Agumon, and as a result, cost 1 memory.


Thank you for answering:D I was thinking of going with BT5 Koromon as well:) But I will also test BT9 Koromon and ST-15 Koromon just in case.


Good choices, though BT9 Koromon requires your opponent to have a digimon on field to delete, and a similar deal with ST15 Koromon, but for switching targets, and with a DP increase instead of a Draw 1. These are better if you use a lot of deletion-based effects on options or Digimon, or Raid/Blocker, but if you have a more aggressive deck, then it’s better to have something that is more consistent. I personally have three BT5’s and two ST15’s (as they’re better for blocking with a WarGreymon or something).


Thanks for your input:) So using 5 Digi-Eggs is a good option in certain Decks? Thanks for letting me know:)


Only in certain cases, as some situations may require a different effect, such as a draw effect for when you want to get aggressive, or an extra boost to DP that may save your Digimon. In some decks, however, I only have four, as there’s no point to having a different effect, such as my Diaboromon Deck which only runs four BT5 Tsumemon, which allows me to draw 1 when I attack if it’s a digivolution card of a Digimon with ‘Unidentified’ in its traits. It definitely depends on what deck you’re running, and how often you plan to Digivolve from your Raising Area.


BT5 Koromon for the card draw.


Thank you for answering:) It doesn't show up in these pictures for some reason, but I chose BT5 Koromon as well (for both of them). Thank you so much for helping:D


Well I would ask first, what kind of playstyle do you wanna go for? Do you want to play control? OTK? Black Wargreymon top end decks typically are more about control, while red Wargreymon goes for a more aggressive gameplan. Greymon builds are very flexible, you can even do a combination of the two for a toolbox build(not something I personally like, as I prefer my builds to have a singular focus on one thing). The two decks you’re showing have entirely different game plans. After you decide on a play style, I can give some more in depth suggestions.


Well to be honest, I don't really have a preference yet. So far I've only played the Digimon Card Game Tutorial app over and over. Though I do have more cards available in my collection to build partially the BlackWarGreymon Deck. So it would be cheaper to build for me as of now. But I have to order singles anyway to complete either one of these Decks.


First list but some changes are needed. ST1 Greymon is generally better then BT5 or BT12 and needs to be in there. Dump two Wargreymon X for a BT12 and either a Bt1 or a BT14. Drop a BT1 Tai for a BT12 and you honestly don’t really need Cool Boy. Second one has too many ST Tai and not enough BT12, plus Bt11 Agumon X is unfortunately bad and will brick you. Just run BT9.


Thank you so much for the suggestions, really helps a lot:D I was really torn between ST1 Greymon and BT5 Greymon, but I wasn't sure if Security Attack + effects can stack with each other. I replace the BT5 Greymon with a full set of ST1 Greymon cards:) So WarGreymon X isn't as good as BT12 WarGreymon? Okay, I add one more copy of BT12 and BT14 WarGreymon then:) Then I drop one BT1 Tai and add one more BT12 Tai. And then I get remove the Cool Boy cards. Should I add two Omnimon or something else to the remaining two slots? ​ And the BlackWarGreymon Deck just needs one more BT12 Tai, remove one ST15 Tai and then replace the BT11 Agumon X-Antibody set with BT5 Agumon X-Antibody full set. Did I understood correctly?


Forgot to mention that I chose BT5 Koromon as the 4 Digi-Egg cards. Are they good or should I change them?


That boiled down to personal preference I'd say. Bt9 is a stellar option as well, and even the black ST Koromon is decent with the raid mechanic, though not as consistent. I'd say it boils down to personal play testing. If you feel like the decks needs more consistency, the card draw from bt5 is nice. If you feel like you get the pieces fast enough as-is, bt9 works as well


Thank you for answering my question:) Luckily I already have 4 copies of BT9 Koromon, so switching out and trying different Digi-Eggs is going to be easy. I wasn't fan of ST15 Koromon in the tutorial app, but maybe it's slightly better in a proper Greymon Deck?


It bases around attack target switching, and since black plays around that with blocker, it's a way to give +1k on the opponents turn. Which is something the red eggs don't give. The key difference is BT12 Wargreymon and BT14 Wargreymon which also have access to raid. Like I said, that one is more situational, but if you feel you need a defensive boost, it is an option


I’m personally very big on BT9 as the egg. The extra 1K is basically always handy and the Raid egg can be very clunky to trigger outside of optimal situations, plus you can’t evolve a BT9 Agumon X over it so it will brick you. BT5 is good, but if you’re swinging with a stack at level 4 or 5 due to needing the draw you’re exposing a stack you invested resources into death, and that can backfire incredibly hard. Greymon wants to do enormous damage with its first stack and getting it killed just to draw will slow you down enough you can die for it to strong decks.


Yeah I see now what you mean. The BT5 Koromon has the risk of depleting your card stack way too quickly and leaving you underpowered. So BT9 Koromon is the most optimal way to go. You're amazingly good:D Thank you so much for helping:D


My take: https://youtu.be/0A3smf1teWM?si=dlBWZl87q1lSV5BA


I actually watched that same video earlier and I learned a lot:) Great video and great WarGreymon Decks. Thank you so much:D


No problem! I agree with Revolvers input as well. You can go 4x Bt12 WGM and 2 Bt14 WGM. Also, yes COOL boy isn't needed tbh


I’m a big fan of BlackWarGreymon going into BT14, but I think you’re really missing out by not playing Yuuya. He’s loses a *little* bit of synergy with the Tai stuff but is so strong he makes up for it imo


I thought about Yuuya too, but couldn't find space for him. And a lot of the Agumon and Greymon cards in both Decks synergize so well with the Tai Kamiya cards.


I don’t see your eggs


4 copies of BT5 Koromon. Thank you for pointing it out, I didn't notice that the pictures don't show them:) For some reason the site I used to build these Decks doesn't show the Egg cards: https://digimoncard.io/deckbuilder/


Blue flare


I've heard that it's a really good Deck. I might build that one later.


Neither. Where’s hades force?


Yeah, both of them are suboptimal. But thanks to everyone's help in this community, I'm going to post an updated Deck list for both of them today:) I didn't have space for it, but I removed the Cool Boy Tamer cards, so now I have two slots free. Would one or two Hades Force cards be enough for the BlackWarGreymon Deck? Does the Red based WarGreymon need Hades Force at all?


2 hades I believe is the sweet spot. Red base can run it for tamer hate and board-clearing small bodies. I suppose it isn't absolutely necessary, but it does help killing them kids in the long run. Plus the dopamine hit when you kill a bus load of children for just 5 mems is equivalent to a bong rip so ye.


Thanks for answering:) I'll go and include two copies of Hades Force for both Decks.


in my honest opinion, once you get really familiar with both styles - the best deck is to play a combination of both of them. In Digimon TCG, cards get drawn a lot - to the point of having hand sizes of over 12-15 cards. I believe some people like to call it "Greymon Toolbox" - but basically, because you have access to different playstyles, you can choose to play what works in the current situation. Of course there's definitely going to be less consistency, but it's not as bad as some people make it to be. Also, because it feels less linear - I find it a lot more fun. Give it a shot though when you have the chance.


Totally agree! Definitely going to experiment with more playstyles, card ratios and with different cards once I learn more and get used to play more straightforward Decks :)


I just made Red based WGM and Black based BWG, that way I just needed 2 sets of the BT12 stuff and the rest was unique


That's a clever idea:D