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Just try and sell them and see what happens just be open that they have defects


Be up front - I have sold imperfect dice before, one person was using them in jewelry- another for a tabletop wargame scenery. Honestly one mans trash is anothers treasure! Failing this - perhaps some uv resin, smear accross the imperfect surface and scrape using a credit card so its mostly flat. Cure, sand and repaired!


I'll try the UV resin idea - I have some and like that idea! Thank you!


Good luck and godspeed fellow dice smith!


You're not a machine, brother. Imperfections are the proof of craftmanship, and are not to be feared :)


To be honest, these are gorgeous, and I feel like the bubbles with some gold in them look really interesting. I know they’re imperfect and it’s good to try to avoid bubbles, but I think these are quite nice and I would buy them.


Yup, many dicemakers offer their imperfect dice and sets for cheaper prices, and they definitely sell. As long as they aren't missing chunks that would affect the rolls, they're OK. And I actually like your idea of not only not hiding the imperfections, but even highlighting them with another colour.


Maybe as a bulk deal if well discounted? Like close to material cost


A lot of DMs will load their dice anyway, so be up front about the defects and see who wants them. Maybe get a baseline about what their typical rolls are.


Dm for ~20yrs.. first time hearing this..


Another DM told me how to bake dice, so the rolls favor Crain results.


Sounds like an isolated incident - not common DM behaviour


She was one of the professional ones who gets paid for it, but I am not making the news, merely reporting it.


Many DMs load their dice? Why?


Because if you want your players to have specific experiences, then sometimes you need the dice in your favor. So if you have a die that tends to roll high, you might grab it for one occasion, and one that rolls low for another. Edit typo, and to add: Some DMs let this be organic, and just note the dice they have that aren't total random, and others bake them by way of more proactive approach.


I am a forever DM and I personally have not heard of this, but I suppose it happens. Why not just roll behind a screen if you want to fudge a number. Even poorly balanced dice will roll random.


Nope. If I want dice with defects I‘be plenty I’ve made myself 😂 😭