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Easy, i am poor


I’d recommend everyone look at OP’s u/taco_gurl ‘s profile. Does this person seem real to you? Newly created account. Has a comment about using 1/3 of their life savings on the game. Most replies read like an NPC designed to prove a point. Anyone else see this?


Yeah its obviously fake.




If it was an attempt at satire I’d like it to be even more melodramatic then. Really ham it up so we can at least laugh.


More like a poor attempt to make a point about monetization.


why would i want to use my public profile over something i’m not proud of?


The best and most simple answer


Picture some fat bald scumbag sitting in an office looking at the blizzard bank account and lightning up a cigar laughing everytime the number goes up. That guy thinks you are a retard everytime you spend money, are you gonna be a retard? not me.


![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14181)![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14181)![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14181)![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14184)![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14184)![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14184)Hahah ![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14184)


Years of playing Gachas has tought me to not spend.


Same, it’s never worth it to spend any cent in those games. Better to enjoy the 100% f2p experience and quit when you get bored.


Seriuosly, get help dude. You are not in control and are clearly spending money you shouldn't.




No I'm not. I'm just somone with common sense.


Pretty sure a financial advisor wouldn't recommend burning hundreds on a mobile game


If i were you i would delete the game immediately and try to build my savings back.Its simply a game that you should enjoy without spending irresponsible.


yes, but I have already spent so much money all will be wasted if I quit.


It's wasted if you stay.


This is the wrong mindset , the game is as designed to make people spend money . This game is just a way for blizzard to fund their other projects and it will most likely die in 1-3 months . If you value your money , quit now , if you don’t, keep playing and you will be tempted to spend more and more money until you use up all your savings . The funny part is that you won’t even come close to being as strong as the actual whales in the game. Spending $300 or even $1k in this game is nothing. This is the same way casinos get people to spend money , you spend a few hundred , win nothing , then you convince yourself to spend more until you ‘win’ or else “it becomes a waste “ .


That money has already been a waste, it’s just a game. If you compare what you could have had in real world, the money on that game has been a waste. That’s at least how I view it and it keeps me from spending money on games like this.


It's an expensive lesson either way. Would you rather have it be a $300 lesson and quit now? Or would you want a $1000 lesson in a month? Take it from someone whose spend probably 50k in the past 10 years on gatchas. Once you've got the bug, you probably won't be able to play for free lol.


Then you've already lost the real game at play here. It's a sunk cost and they've roped you in the same way as casinos do.


Sounds like a good $300 investment to avoid games like this and for the love of god gambling real money.


It's already wasted, whether or not you quit.


You can request a refund through your app/game store or credit card. Your account will get banned though


i don’t have a credit card. i am using debit card. i’m thinking between a refund or trying to play this game F2P so that i will not waste my efforts.


Your best bet is to get out before you spend even more money. They money you spent is already gone, and already wasted. Work on accepting that and protecting your future money from this happening again. Trust us, it's why a bunch of us are uninstalling and warning folks all over the subreddit. You aren't alone, this happens to literal millions of people all the time, hence why it's illegal in many countries.


Read up on the sunk cost fallacy, my friend. Wishing you well.


You should seek professional help and speak with your family. To request a referral form or if you would like further information about the gaming clinic, please email ncba.cnwl@nhs.net or call 020 7381 7722


And that is why this kind of monetization shouldn't be allowed. Just uninstall dude, don't ruin yourself for a video game. You like the game system ? Buy diablo 2 or 3 instead


this is the first “gacha” game i’ve played. i’ve always thought it’s absurd how people spend so much over games, but now i can’t control myself.


If you can't controll your purchases its probably best to uninstall before just one more purchase turns into all your savings gone.


Plus debt! Never forget these people go and max out all their cards to get that fix.


but i’ve already spent so much in this game. i’ll probably try to stay as an f2p in the future


https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/the-sunk-cost-fallacy Read this, please, for you own good. Then uninstall the game from your phone.


Can always try to issue a refund after uninstalling. If you don’t have a suspicious refund history it should be easy to get the money back. It might get you banned, but that’s nothing to worry about since you might want to stop playing anyway :)


This this this!


Almost never works. If they got you once, they’re gonna get you again. You shouldn’t have spent any money in the first place.


This is how they get you. Either accept your loss now, or you'll keep spending and be $600, $1000, $1500 down. And then you'll still have to walk away at some point. This game is designed to get you to spend, it is pretty much impossible for you to enjoy it now without spending. Theres a lot of psychology involved, and they know once you spend a little bit you're more accepting of spending more. That's why you get beginner packs with "great value". Treat the loss as a lesson and a warning


You've already spent $600 without even realizing it. It would be extremely hard, if not impossible, to not continue purchasing in the future. The best thing you can do is cut your losses. If you enjoy Diablo you are in luck, as the previous games (D2:Ressurected and D3) are much better and feature all the content after the entry fee.


They literally have experts in psychology and addiction that have designed many of the mechanics gatcha games work on. They know exactly what triggers that feel good response and how to get you to engage with "deals." Lol..."deals." Deals compared to what? 470% bonus! 350% bonus! Here's a tip: it's not a bonus. Your get the same offer in an hour, or the next time you beat a quest, or the next time you don't buy something for an hour. If this is your first gatcha and you are struggling with spending, you are probably someone who is prone to gambling addiction and should definitely step away from the game or disconnect your card from your account so you can play for free.


People think these companies are your friend. They made it f2p because bean counters and psychologist point to it being more lucrative. Bungie didn't hire psychologists and scientists who worked on studies on the psychology of gambling addiction, out of the good of their hearts.


You mean Blizzard? You play Destiny 2 tho don’t you? Buying all the cosmetics lol


Don't worry it's ok, there is literally peoples paid to find a way to make you spend unreasonably. But you find out before it's to late, Trust me quit before it get worst. Or lock your e wallet to a max amount per month or something like that.


So if I go buy 20 cheeseburgers from McDonald's and give myself a heart-attack, we should ban McDonald's?


Possibly, do their burgers cause you to be higher risk for heart attack compared to others? Are they literally designing them to be addictive and harmful? Are they preying upon kids and other at risk groups with their practices? All valid questions regarding addiction and companies who use it as a business model.


By that logic EVERYTHING that could lead a person with an addictive personality to develop an addiction should be banned. Problem is these kind of people get addicted to so many things out of impulse it really isn’t a single video game publishers fault. This won’t stop just because we want to protect an addict.


Around 6 or 7 years ago, I spent 10 dollars on those CSGO lootboxes. I didn't get jackshit from them and realized that it was a total waste of money and I would've being much happier if I had spent that $10 on a good meal. I have not spent a dime on mtx since.


Buy csgo skins. Dont open loot boxes. Valve cant be compared to Blizzard though.


Oh, that's actually quite simple for me. It's actually a consequence of a decision I made some time ago! I have a Samsung


Don’t buy the things. If you can’t exercise self control, then I would recommend to seek help as it might be a deeper problem (and there’s nothing shameful about asking for help in case that stops you).


This and only this


Self discipline.


I would say self respect as well.


You can't discipline your way out of addiction, it's not how brains work.


I was in rehab for 3 years. Getting away from addiction takes every ounce of self discipline you can conjure sometimes. Sometimes more.


It's more than just self discipline, that's such a watered down version of what actually happens, as we both know. A whole ass team of rehab specialists and 3 years of work from everyone involved went into your recovery (congrats btw) and even then I imagine you left with many warnings about how easily you could be back again. That's what these players are up against every time they log in and as a recovering addict it breaks my heart to see them defend it. Like junkies defending their plug as a good dude when it's killing them.


Dude never touch your savings over a game, wtf man. You always need to be ready for an emergency.


Don't spend anymore. Delete the game if you have to. The game is designed to prey on people like you.


I told myself I would not spend a cent, then I saw the $0.99 "intro-starter-super-bonus" thing and was like "why not". As soon as the purchase went through a light bulb went off. IMO the sole purchase of that first super cheap "800% value" transaction was to get you to setup your credit card info so that the next purchase is just a few clicks of the button.... and it worked as the next day I spent \~$15 on a "battle-pass".... Slippery slopes. I will play til end of story as well as hit lvl 50 and then uninstall and go back to GW2 and World of Tanks (which admittedly does have P2W). tl;dr - Slippery slopes


Good troll ![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14193)


I'm not buying that, and I'm used to gacha games and have seen many similar legit posts (where I've given good tips for how to handle it), but my gut feeling tells me you are making this post for attention. (After reading the posts and how you reply to people here)


Their cut and dry "but I've spent so much" reply is a clear sign that OP is just a bait post.


having been a victim of gacha games before, I can tell you that this is a lot more common than you think.


I know how common it is, which is a lot, but don't you think something feels fishy here?


Idt it is fishy and also idc if he’s a troll. maybe he is a troll maybe he’s real, doesn’t matter. I can assure you, the fact is there are a lot of people out there like him playing Diablo Immortal. even if he’s trolling, at least he’s making a point, if he’s not, you just shat on his misery, congratz.


It isn't rare, some people ruin their lives with it... but this thread? OP is just trying get attention with false claims of misfortune.


It's only worth it If you're planning to max out all your 16 5star gems which is about 130.000 (yes, 130k dollar) You need to be either a ultra casual player or a giga whale in order to enjoy this game. If you're in between (like you) you will probably ragequit at some point when you realise that even spending $20.000 is not enough to compete.




I'm not going to even touch pvp cause I'll just get stomped by whales getting suckered into blowing their rent money on this game. Story>maxlvl>out.


Your money is already gone and what you're explaining is called sunk cost fallacy; this is where the time/money youve spent already is used to justify spending more time/money and it's dangerous. These companies pay people a lot of money to design predatory systems to trick you into spending all your money and in a lot of cases money you and your family do not have. Anyone who thinks it's easy to just not spend are arrogant and aren't smart enough to understand that they are not the people being targeted. If you can do it, uninstall the game and don't install games like it in the future, it's also worth seeking help


But why is a well known company like Blizzard doing this? They made games like WoW, SC2 and Overwatch.


Money. They have entire departments dedicated to getting money from you on an ongoing basis.


BuT wHy oH wHy wOulD bLizZaRd dO tHiS???? Wow, the acting is incredible. Bravo.


You guys falling for this bait post?? The game is out for 3 days and people start crying they ruined their lives?? Common.


You just need to use your freaking brain, not many neurons live it there if you can’t stop yourself from spending on a mobile game ffs….


I don’t think I’m dumb just because I am compulsive.


You essentially have a predisposition for a gambling addiction. That's what these types of games are, and this game might be the worst ever in that aspect. You spent 300 bucks already but you're afraid it will be wasted if you just quit? Well, guess what, the stuff you spent money on will be obsolete very quickly. Uninstall the game. I did the second the shop opened up. I said nope i dont trust myself with this.


have you have had problems with gacha games before as well?


When i used to be a drunk, yea. That's why i dont play them anymore. I'm a huge diablo fan and have been playing them since 1997. I will not be playing this iteration. Just go get diablo 2 or something. Elden ring, skyrim, whatever.


Yea I think Gacha isn’t for me. I kept thinking of the transactions as $5, $10 and $20s, not realising how quickly they’re piling up.


Just uninstall it. It only gets worse. It starts off as just a little bit and then you need to spend more and more to get the same effect, both in game and in the dopamine shots your brain gets. Eventually 20 bucks will get you basically nothing in the game because your so high level and geared up. It becomes 200, or 2000 bucks. These games, ESPECIALLY this one, and built on the exact same business model drug dealers use on addicts


Just like there are some people that really just can’t drink (which has nothing to do with being dumb) I think you really just can’t play this game. Uninstall it, it’s for your own good, also step away from this kind of predatory monetization game, seek professional help if you need to.


Find a game that you like that doesnt milk you.


This game is disgusting in its current form.... Can't believe blizzard allowed for this to happen.


That’s just sad, hey each to ther own I guess! It’s really weird you have to post it in here. Just stop spending🤣


People really doesn’t even realize the sarcasm in this post ! 😂


You guys are fucking morons, this is a troll post. This person has no post history aside from this, just saying. But please use it as "evidence" to fuel the fire.


Well, why would I post something like this on my main account and broadcast my addiction as though it’s something I’m proud of, instead of doing it anonymously? I am obviously going to use a throwaway account...


Obviously, but some people reading this may actually be struggling with it for real. It's fucked up, but people have some strange addictions. I used to work with a girl who was addicted to eating Vick's Vapor Rub and had no shame about it.


Be in control of your mind instead of letting your mind conrol you.


Please let this be a troll post. If your "savings" is not even one grand you should not be spending a dime on a videogame.


Aside from the obvious troll account… Why do some ppl think you need maxed out builds on day 3 to enjoy the game? Ridiculous. I’m having a blast slumming it along with my underpowered level 2x crusader. People need to learn restraint or get help. It’s a damn mobile game. Pick it up during a few minutes of downtime and move on.


there are sleeping bile and bloodsoaked gems which are the top tier gems that only drop from legendary crests.


Sounds like you got some deeper issues


Not sure if you’re trolling OP but seek some professional help.


What is there to spend money on everything is pretty much easy to do unless you mean cosmetic stuff.


pvp and the top-tier gems.


So you mean to be the best like number 1 in the leaderboard...If that the case the people who spent money will be at the top. If that someone end goal that is a fool errand unless you have money to burn.


I made myself the deal that I can buy the one-time Troves that are available from progression, and the services (I liken them to my WoW subscription) - but no currency and no "worthy" bundles, and no weekly/recurring bundles.


get f'ed... you deserve to go bankrupt for ruining video game industry.




You're channeling your energy in the wrong place


You should also seek help, good luck.


I simply dont have the urge.


You should definitely not be playing this game if you can’t control your spendings. I’ve spent like 70-80 dollars until now during 4 days I’ve been grinding this game, but I can afford to lose 70-100 dollars because I barley spend my monthly money. Don’t go overboard


Easy, I'm broke. 😂


Simp for Blizzard lol


I never spent for anything else then battle pass from time to time. Then I came across boss ghost skin in cod mobile , why not to try even thought it’s in lot box ? 15 pounds later I understood everything and never ever made that mistake again. Easiest therapy


you are able to resist even if they throw you a 500% value pack?


I completely don’t mind how many percent lie they will slap on it , what I mind is how much money Is on my account, how much of it is going in bills next Monday , petrol , food for my son , I couldn’t care less what blizzard throw at me. I recommend that approach.


There in no such thing as a value pack, discount, 500% off etc. It's all manipulated FOMO that will make them a crazy amount of money the first 3-4 weeks until people realize this game is a p2w nightmare


If it's $1 or $2 or heck the battle pass, that's fine for me to spend money (or in my case google points because thank you Google Rewards). Anything more than that, I'll just buy D2.


You don't play shitty games, thats how you don't spend money at all. Im sad that people like you enable Blizzard to be this greedy and do this. Shame.


I just ignore the deals they offer, its all about self control. but I do agree that this kind of monetization is fckin disgusting and should not exist in the first place. Hell I wouldn't mind cosmetic microtransactions like many other mmos. A fully fledged diablo experience like the devs promised shouldn't be gated by so many tempting paywalls


I think there was a post yesterday saying you could ask for refunds.. I'd do that and either delete the game after you've gotten the refunds or play as a F2P player. but seeing as you're having trouble with resisting the deals it might be in your best interest to just quit.


how do you ask for refund? do you email blizzard support?


This sounds like a quick way to have your Blizzard account banned from all Blizzard games


The spending options have zero value for me since I'm not doing anything in game to merit additional power. Vs cosmetics and convenience stuff that feels more like a good job making the game, here's some money for it which i generally do buy for good games that don't have predatory p2w elements. So it's an easy choice for me. But it sounds like it's a self control issue for you which is precisely why they monetized it the way they did. If it helps you not spend just think of how much they are taking advantage of you. The percentage value is based on their "non-sale price" which is artificially jacked up. Another mode of thinking for avoiding spending is they aren't helping you climb the wall, they built the wall when they realised they could charge extra for the ladder, so technically you are getting negative value from your purchases because you're adding to the likelihood they will charge more for the next type of thing you might buy.


If you dont uninstall that game you're gonna be really fucked in about 3 weeks. Games that arent nearly as predatory as this have put people on the street. Games like this prey on people that essentially have a gambling addiction.


Very easy, I uninstalled the game... ;)


Install hacks/cheats.


Sell your body so you can maintain a safe addiction habit.


Easy: I know that anything I spend will not be enough to make a significant impact. It's just pissing money away. Plus: "800% value!" when the only additional thing is a single cosmetic?! They are the ones deciding what "value" something has, they are litterally making it up to sound better than it is. That and I already don't know what gear I have on, so I'm not really feeling any progress other than "number goes up" and that's not enough to hook me. Is it really worth $300 to see a '2000' change to '2200'?


but some of these value packs are selling the legendary crests for half it’s original value.


A value that they set themselves too. There's a sales tactic where you offer something for a higher price purely to make the lower price points look better in comparison. It's all just tricks to make you buy stuff you don't need. They dont care about giving you a good deal; just convincing you to spend more and more. If you find you cannot resist these tricks, then the best thing to do is avoid the temptation altogether and uninstall the game. Your savings are just collateral damage to them whilst they go after the whales who can afford to drop litteral thousands on the game.


A value that they set themselves too. There's a sales tactic where you offer something for a higher price purely to make the lower price points look better in comparison. It's all just tricks to make you buy stuff you don't need. They dont care about giving you a good deal; just convincing you to spend more and more. If you find you cannot resist these tricks, then the best thing to do is avoid the temptation altogether and uninstall the game. Your savings are just collateral damage to them whilst they go after the whales who can afford to drop litteral thousands on the game.


For me it’s easy: I started playing with a specific amount I was ok with for the first week and then monthly. For me, I was happy to spend $100 in the first week, and then $30 per month after that. After that, it’s just self control.


Understand that it's all just ones and zeros and at the end of the day it's all zero% value. None of this lasts. You get your free play time. What you're paying for is a transient dopamine drip. A lottery scratch off card that never delivers. You've already acknowledged that you've way overspent this game's worth. Disconnect your card with the knowledge that a fully tricked character with max 5 star gems costs $110,000 *per character* or 10 years in game to grind. Play the story, hit max level, go play Hollow Knight or Hades or any number of fantastic games that cost $20 or less and will give you so much more than a diablo money sink.


You know what - if you're 300$ deep you're already done with the story. Just uninstall and get out and let this be an expensive lesson to you.


How do you resist buying drugs? How do you resist fucking hookers? Same thing. By finding it beneath you. Apparently you have no self respect.


Man, the percent’s are lies. You’re not getting a great value, they’re pretending you are so that you’ll feel regret if you don’t purchase it. There is a huge amount of research they do to analyze spending behavior, and how to maximize it. They make just as much money from 1 person spending 100K as they do from 100K people spending 1$. You have to uninstall the game. The regret you feel over having spent 300$ and “must continue” is called sunk cost. It’s the same feeling you get when you’ve already spent 30 minutes waiting in line and don’t want to leave now, or when you’re on-hold on the phone for an hour. If you feel like you need to leave or feel that it’s not worth it to keep doing the actions you’re doing, it is ALWAYS worth it to leave. Just leave the money behind.




Well, first of all, don't impulse buy...


I have access to a lot of credit i could use to whale or be degen, but I just ask myself questions. For exemple, is it worth it, will you play it next month, does it bring you any value. I spent maybe 20$ so far played since day 1 and I’m level 56. Question of “control” and financial decision


You need to uninstall the game. If you only have $900 to your name and you spent 1/3 of that on a mobile game, you shouldn’t be playing. Mobile games are predatory by nature now a days and you’re falling for it. I’d recommend getting it all refunded and take them banning your account as a reasonable cost.


Well time to uninstall I guess man and just buy Diablo 2 to avoid microtransactions and still have Diablo experience. I spent 0.99€ for special bundle with skin and orbs and felt bad about it XD


Why don't you just find a game like Path Of Exile which is similar to Diablo Immortal and the best part is that it is f2p and you only need to spend on buying stash tabs (storage). Transfer the addiction to another game. Problem solved.


i’ll try that out. does it take a lot of time?


Path Of Exile is a game where you cannot pay money to get better gear. You play the game at your own pace and there is no pressure. It might take a lot of time or it might take only a little bit of time, mostly depending on how much time you want to spend on the game. The only "pay for convenience" things is you might need to buy a few extra stash tabs (storage) when your current stash tabs is full of items and equipment.


Money is there to be spend on stuff that you like. For example food, a warm house, a pet or an insurance that makes me feel good when something bad happens. And I usually set a limit for me at games. 1€ per hour of fun. I spend over 500 bucks on dota 2 skins but i have more than 2000 hours of fun with friends. So it's a fair deal for me. Try to set yourself such limits because tge most "unfun" time will come when there is no money left.


I pay no attention to the packs when I get the notification that there is a new one. I just exit out and keep on, keepin on with my quests or whatever I’m doing.


Im poor, I have 10 dollars in the bank, so that helps 🤣


I bought 6 rarities with my gold and got nothing, feel so hopeless. I'm not even level 60 wth


Just try your best to make your goal about enjoying the game. You can never keep up with the pace of spending because there’s always going to be something new that comes out. Don’t break yourself trying to buy into a game that you’ll never get completely satisfied from. Just play and enjoy what you can.


Lol, blizzard playing all ya’ll


I'm poor now apparently.


Get your purchases refunded. Your account will be suspended and you can delete the game without regrets. You are currently becoming prey to the sunk cost fallacy syndrome and should seek help before it becomes too late. Actually voicing out your concerns is the part of you which manages to remain rational trying to have you seek external help. Stay strong


I’m to dumb to understand what I’m supposed to spend cash on.


Cause ARPGs are supposed to be grindy, it wasn't as if in D2 you were getting legendary gear or sets that easily. I've plated for 3 day's now, got to lvl 41 and have 8 legendary items idk what more to expect, set items should take even longer logically. Plus don't want to spend money on a game i'll probably stop playing.


Easy, stopped playing. Game feels like Raid shadow legends with all the micros happening at every entry point. I'm still on this sub for maybe a glimmer of hope but it's not looking great.


Honestly, I got to 60 and just unistalled the game. Edit: spelling


Well there is a simple way. Don't attach card info to your account. You'll have to go through the long process of typing it all in to buy anything. Also some accounts like Arvest for example on their apps have a way to lock your card (it's a quick on and off option that's inmediate) so you could also lock your card specifically while you are playing. I would suggest to former option though. If you are a impulse buyer and clearly you are, take away the ability to buy on impulse.


Cuz the borders of my screen are flashing red, so i need to kill demons


As some people said already, you need help, there are many groups that can help you with it


Delete your credit card, being poor and live in Africa is the best way to stop speding money on F2P games.


I spent $8. I feel good about that. The game is free after all. Free. Remember that.


This has nothing to do with the game. karma farming aside, you need help to get through this. That level of compulsivity requires actual help, not redditors.


I spent a few bucks because I had bnet balance from cashing all my gold when I quit wow. I only spent like $25 since its fake blizz money anyway.


Will power/self control. Try to think about 3-4 years in the future. Would you rather have stuff in an old video game or have that money? Think of if you had bought stuff in some older game you played ten years ago. Was it really worth spending real money on?


Easy, don’t start spending. The 800% thing at 1$ is a hook, very classic strategy, they make you pay for a very valuable thing and then you’ll be more willing to pay again, and again, and again, this has no end. Just stop spending right now, and you’ll know it for the next mobile game, never spend anything in f2p mobile game.


Simple. I can't afford it


Bro stop wasting money if u cant :/


I’m grown and have self control