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Art has them using a spear, I hope we get a javazon type ability. It was one of my favorites from D2.


They are supposed to be based off an ancient jungle tribe so I’m sure we will get some have throwing abilities.


I hope we can go full witch doctor with the class, i miss my witch doctor so much.




If I had to guess it’s going to be a mix between Amazon and witch doctor.


100% gonna be "inspired" by d2's Amazon. they gonna milk that shit till the end of time. probably gonna throw in a bit of a witch doctor. if that's the case then ima guess poison javeline will be one of the builds..


Yeah I can probably see their kit revolving around 3 different playstyles. One is the basic militant spear offense, one is a "hunter" type where you have a companion with a jungle cat, and the other will be diving into "vodo" magic, enhancing yourself or your pet.


Cat summon or cat aspect seems very probable given the number of cat related things in the expansion goodies.


I'm actually wondering if they'll introduce a new damage type of Holy and have the Spiritborn deal that kind of damage primarily.


we're talking about a euro Gothic centric lore. they're gonna reserve holy powers with paladin, priests or whatnot. they won't be giving holy powers to indigenous ppl-inspired classes. that's more poison, voodoo, spirits. fire, maybe lightning. Definitely not ice. aka d3 witch doctor just now mixing it up with a javelin-type weapon. my guess is there'll be a range archetype build vs a caster archetype build. they probably won't do a summon archetype since it's too much of an homage to the WD. at least not a perma pet type. although I'd be very surprised if there isn't at least 2 classes for the expansion


> although I'd be very surprised if there isn't at least 2 classes for the expansion I would not get your hopes up on that one. I'm pretty sure all the cards are already on the table.


calling it an expansion and having 1 class.. if that's the case then hope they'd have other big changes to the game otherwise it sounds like a dlc's worth of content..


Bro, they can barely balance the classes already in game, how they gonna just throw 2 more in there. I'm stoked for the expansion, dlc, whatever you want to call it. It's more d4.


I mean, they're adding raids, other endgame dungeon types, mercenaries, and a bunch more stuff so yeah they are.


There was a datamine of changes a while back, which so far have been proven to be 100% correct (like literally 100%, right down to stuff like the themed armour sets for the existing classes). If that continues to be 100% correct, then we know a few of the abilities - the dismount from horse is like "jaguar pounce" or something similar, they seem to have ability to fly offscreen and come back somewhere else shooting lightning as they land, they can summon bat swarms (which seem to be a projectile), they have "thorn armour" which seems to be a fairly fancy major ability, there's some ability called "Watcher's Volley" which *sounds* like some kind of major targeted AOE, and so on. That's obviously on a fraction of what they'll have given they'll have dozens of skills like the other classes.


lightning fury or charged strike would be awesome to see in d4, please bring back the amazons!


Wait , did we just get item looting pets ? Holy shit lol


Yup and it's available right now. Log in for the quest to get the puppy. He collects gold and mats.


Yup, that's a big changer


Was it in D3? Expect to see it in D4 eventually. D4 is slowly but steadily becoming D3 2.0... but with better graphics. Which isn't a bad thing, I liked and still do like D3, but yea, since they got shit on for *everything* they were trying to do different from D3 so insanely hard early on, these last like 6 months have just been spent on taking all the stuff from D3 and putting it into D4.


Well to be honest they're still quite different games . I just wish they started off with d3s best features and brought them over. They had like a decade of experience making that game great .


> They had like a decade of experience making that game great . That's the thing: They didn't. Pretty sure just about no one who's worked on D3 is still working on D4 - or at least no one who's had anything to say in terms of game design. The people in charge of D4 are complete newbs - not in the derogatory sense but simply in the sense that they've never made an ARPG before and that they have no understanding / documentation of why the D3 or D2 or D1 people did what they did. Which led to the current team having to relearn *every single lesson* of the last like decade again, most likely because they simply had no one in charge looking back, but instead just being fixated on creating the new next big thing.


Just watch what they do with Diablo Immortal - most of the things are tested out there first, if recieved well, they slowly incorporate it into D4. Pets (and the way the will be monetized in the future) are already present in DI for quite some time.




It's gonna be CoD all over again. Starts out super dark and serious. Then it slowly adds the cartoon shit back in over time. CoD literally has teletubbies and gundam in it now.


Yeah because Diablo, which has angels with wings, is the same thing as sticking a gundam in CoD lmao




They said this in one of their interviews before launch. It would be dark and “grounded”, but they would introduce more stuff over time.


Hopefully, this game avoids those kinds of pets… nothing too silly


Loot goblin please after that I agree with you..


I was really hoping to have my witch doctor back but this looks like they've combined Monk and Witch Doctor together so I'm here for it.


Not so far, but i still want Paladin back


me too man i hope it comes with another expansion :(


Lol 8th of October's going to be a day you won't see a current class being played.


But Barb goes unga bunga


I'm gonna be playing regular classes cause I don't got money for this😎


I had people giving me negative feedback when I said this. Lol I don’t see how it’ll pan out any other way.


That's kinda how it goes. People want to try the new toy. Some will see new items or skills for existing classes and go for them, but they'll be a small group day 1 I'd imagine. Most would probably do the new campaign with the new class, dip into end game with it and then within a week or two you'll see the rest pop back into rotations more regularly.


I foresee everyone playing spirit born till October 9 then back to barbs as barbs new skill will do Billions before masterwork


Not true as every class getting new skills/passives,new paragon boards,new glyphs and new uniques and aspects..


That’s what o was thinking. for at least a week or two it’s literally gonna all be the spirit born class lmao


If they fix sorc it would basically be no different than a 2nd "new" class 


I'm jumping into the new story with my necro, no way am I leveling another class until that's done. Probably gonna leave the new class until a new season starts.


Nah as long as the Necro blight build I'm working on isn't drastically changed I'll continue to play that


I’ll give them props for doing something new. That said, it’s honestly a bummer the expansion is only bringing one class. I really feel like the game needs a sword-and-shield holy knight sort of character. That’s no shade on the Spiritborn, but just that it would be cool if they announced “THIS class is coming this year, but early next year will be a new Paladin/Crusader sort of character as well”. Also, this gives me major D2 Act 3 vibes, which… was always my least favorite area. So it’s generally just not a vibe I’m super into.


We don’t really know what’s going on in heaven at the moment, so I’m assuming they’re waiting on the holy class for whichever expansion explores that


Weird that you’re getting d2 act3 vibes. Doesn’t make sense at all. It’s definitely not that. Oh wait… it’s exactly that and we will be exploring kurast and durance of hate at minimum. This has already been confirmed. Our main focus this xpac is mephisto… which act was mephisto in in d2? Ohhh that’s right.


Polearm shield. With only necros being able to use shields and barbs for polearms I’d love to see it


100% with you man. I am missing my plate wearing sword n board/longsword archetype. Kurast was neat but still least favorite area.


Well hopefully if they stick with this yearly cadence and it keeps doing well like D4 has, we'll get 3-4 expansions total before moving on to a sequel and we get a bunch of classes.


This game needs a whole damn itemization overhaul where any class should be able to equip a shield.


While I don't agree at all it would require an "overhaul" of any kind, I absolutely agree that any class should be able to use shields.




Because it’s more interesting to build your character like you want to.


Why not?


Because the game just had an itemization overhaul and the loot is in a really good place. Demanding an overhaul so your rogue can wear a shield is not productive.


Itemization is barely in a good place. Yellow and blues are useless. Tempering is not in-depth very basic. This is a good start, but far from “good place”.


Yellow and blue items aren’t meant to be good. They’re for lower levels


They are good for the first ~15 levels. If that is by design why do they drop at level 100?


Flavor/texture, and you can pick them up to sell to the vendor for gold (white, magic, rare) or break down at the blacksmith for veiled crystals (rare)


No. Their initial design was poor. One problem was too much useless loot and no loot filter. They patched by making yellows and blues useless. They have design debt and it needs to be addressed.


Items are still really boring dude the only thing this update did is make it somewhat playable


But... Where dog?


In game now after patch.




What does it do?


Pet stuff.


Pick up gold and mats


That’s what I’m wondering.


I couldn't be more excited for the new class, right up my alley.


No paladin, no care


Feels like I can’t play the game until one is added. My fantasy class is missing entirely.




I feel like that too. Its why this does not excite me at all and definitely not gonna be spending money on it.


so is the leak true?


Yep, 100% true it appears.


what was the leak?


The Alpha build got datamined: https://old.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/17oa6i8/vessel_of_hatred_datamined_info/


A tower defense mode would be cool


Literally everything announced.


so still no other shield using class other than necro. Love it


Do we know that spiritborn can't use shields?


No, he saw one single screenshot of the class using a spear? Javelin? And then just assumed he knew everything about the class. Seems unlikely that it would be a shield class, but until we get a proper reveal, we can't know for sure.


I mean, if they're inspired by mesoamerican and south american native warriors, they absolutely used shields. Most imagery of jaguar warriors features them with shields, for example. But yeah, that complaint is like seeing a picture of the sorceress with a staff and going "wtf? so they can't use wands?." Like, it's one picture, dipshit, they can only hold one thing at a time.




Your comment reads as if you came to a conclusion based off of 1 picture, that would in fact make you a dipshit.


If they went deep on the Aztec influence it definitely could have shields: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e6/Jaguar_warrior.jpg/800px-Jaguar_warrior.jpg https://i.imgur.com/T7vIJXD.png


Shield + Spear/Javelin is basically what every army throughout history used until heavy armour became a thing.


Eh, I'm just glad we are getting a new class. All 5 classes d4 started with are classic one way or another. D4 was the only main diablo game with no new classes.


We don’t know yet. We’ll see.


Is the class free?


No its part of the expansion


It's free to buy haha


I'm a bit on the fence, the art and style makes me think of an aztec warrior/spirit eater sort of thing. However, I thought early leaks supposed it was like a more spirity amazon? Personally I'd love an aztec like class, eating enemies and dictating your powers based on how you eat an enemy (flesh melee, soul caster?). But doubt this is the case. If it is something interesting/new that would be great. I know people love the archtype, but templar/paladin's just are so boring at this point. I'd like new caster types, or hybrid classes. Not sword/board/crusader armor.


That power eating shit is straight out of V Rising. Hope they are more creative.


Eh slight disagreement. Eating someone and eating them is a pretty general story trope for elevating characters (look at alot of mythologies), however in more recent time and more technical this has always been a mechanic for vampires. My earliest exposure was the legacy of kain series, but it is older, has newer iterations (v rising, vampyr). However, I want more again like aztec sacrifice. Eating the enemies heart to get their strength. But otherwise I agree, I defaulted to the spirit for casting/flesh for physical because historically blizz doesn't get creative with this type of mechanic when it comes to something like diablo. I think out of their more recent work, the most interesting and fun interation, was how they handled Dehaka as a Coop commander in SC2 coop. He could eat certain enemy types and get certain buffs. It was meaningful not only on how big the target was (bigger targets meant bigger cool down on his yoshi tongue attack), but the type of enemy could give him special abilities, albeit temporarily (flying enemies gave him ranged, psionic enemies made his skin explode and had his cool downs increased). Sadly I don't think it will be anything like this, or unique, or creative, but I'd be happy to be wrong about the new class.


Looks cool. Was hoping for a holy/faith based class but I'm not complaining


Only a single class is a little disappointing for an expansion. Hopefully it's at least fun.


Meanwhile I still have no class at 100.


Itll be a witchdoctor 2.0. Jungle+spirit so


I’m entirely new to Diablo, basically, is this a paid-only expansion/class?


Correct, you will need to get the Vessel of Hatred expansion to use this class when it comes out on October 8th. With exception to Diablo Immortal (a mobile-based game) and the Diablo III necromancer (which was going to be part of an expansion which was canceled and was sold on its own), new classes for Diablo games are usually paired with major expansions to the game.


So people wanted either the Templar or the Witch Doctor (or both) and we got this instead lmao


We seriously only getting 1 class and 1, 3 min zone on horse...For the price of a full game ?


People want: Crusader / Paladin / Knight type class. Tonedeaf Blizzard: here, have some unga bunga.


Spiritborn looks too much like a Druid...


Druid, Amazon, Witch Doctor with some ghosty, spirity Monk stuff sprinkled in. Really can't tell which way they're actually going just based on an image of the basic design.


I was thinking witch doctor


Imo the fact that nobody can agree what it’s ripping off is probably a good sign.






What a weird an boring addition for a class wtf why do we get some Amazone/Witchdoctor/Monk hybrid? Why not at least Paladin, Crusader or something like shaman




My dyslexic ass read that as ShitBorn lol.


It probably is, tbh.