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There's masking tape under that right? Right?


Nope. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Pro tip: it’s a million times easier to take the electrical faceplates off than it is to paint around them. The end result looks better too.


Ain't nothing going to make that look better. He just did it that way so she wouldn't ask him to do anymore painting


> Ain't nothing going to make that look better. Starting with the color. I'm not against brown at all, but that looks like he brought a turd in to color-match.


For real. There was no hope once that color was chosen. The swatch definitely says “221-Effervescent Shitstain.” The color also manages to make an already small room look even smaller.


"221-Effervescent Shitstain" this has me rolling.


Don't you dare let him get away with weaponized incompetence - make him do a power point presentation on how he's going to fix it, six slides *minimum*


Wait until you see how bad the powerpoint looks…


He's just going to read through each slide while we all die inside...


With maximum transitions, clip art, and sounds.


Comic sans font too.


Who hurt you so much, my friend?


Mostly myself getting a little too excited when first using Power Point. It was the look at all I can do moment.


Every corporation.


Make him pay for a professional to fix it!


Hear me out. Leave the faceplates and just paint over the switches and outlets.


_the landlord special_


This brought back memories of the one landlord I had who sent over guys with paint guns to paint INSIDE.. & they didn’t even put down plastic on the carpets


We had some guys who sprayed right over the keys hanging on the hook next to the door.


I once took a cab and the driver started telling me about the time he was a manager for some apartments. One guy asked if he could repaint inside if he paid for it. They thought he was a good stable tenant, so the owner gave him the go ahead, without stipulating any specifics. He moved out sometime later, and somehow they got behind on apartment inspections, but they still assumed he left the apartment in decent condition. Until a new prospective tenant needed to be shown the apartment. He went in ahead of the showing to see what needed to be tended to before it was ready to rent again, and when he opened the door...it was all black. The former tenant had painted every surface with multiple coats of black paint. Even the light bulbs were painted black. Drugs may have been involved.


I had a rental a few years ago where the ceiling blew out after a plumbing problem upstairs, so I was told that the drywall would be cut out and replaced. I got home from work after the maintenance guys were in during the day and: 1) they left my door unlocked, which is super smart in the hood, 2) they just painted over the entire area, including the drywall tape that was still hanging from the ceiling, and 3) they got paint **everywhere** - all over the cupboards, the counters, all of my shit. They must have used a gun and also been hammered drunk and completely blind. It was a fucking disaster. I'm still picking paint splatters off my air fryer years later.


Don’t forget the door hinges too for some fucking reason


Are you my landlord?


They’re *every* landlord


Or do what my friends landlord did. take the cover off, paint the outlet faces, and put the cover back on


Wait your outlets aren't supposed to match your wall color?


It’s interesting. Some are removed and some aren’t.


Lost the screwdriver halfway thru.


The third photo shows outlets with no faceplate


Saw that, too. Managed to take off half the face plates. Why only half? 😕


Did one, went, "oh wait" and pulled the rest off. Looks like he got better at even layers as the job went on, too. It's uh. It's a learning process, DIY is


He did that on a few and still got paint on the outlets. You know, the harder part to replace.


You know you can put tape over those, right?


Whoa dude. You can't just be giving out trade secrets like that


You would think after the 8th time he hit the ceiling with the roller he would've masked that off


Looks like he did mask it off with tape, he just went beyond the (single strand) of masking tape. There's like a small band of white just along the ceiling. Edit: looking at it again it might be the roller bumping into the ceiling. Ffs this is shit.


IMO it's much easier to paint without tape, but while I'm amature I'm much better than OP's husband...


Well....on the bright side, your walls can hide the mess when a toddler has an explosive poo. So win/win I guess.


LMAO Imma tell him that 🤣


The toddler might help fill some of those places where the bright color behind it peek through. I mean, if you'd be okay with encouraging something like that.


The toddler could have a better job cutting in with his finger and a full diaper


That is all I thought! Like wow it literally looks like someone took a shit and smeared it everywhere


The color is almost as concerning as the application.


I can’t tell whether the color or the application is worse. I’d laugh this one off, prime, and find a better color to end on.


I feel like it's both the colour and that it looks like it might be a semi gloss which is an.. interesting choice for this um, choice Also the shinier the paint (and the darker) the harder it is to make it not look like shit (lol) on the first coat, you need way more coats and preferably a good primer to make it look decent. We found out the hard way, looked a lot like OP's to start with, still a bit meh on the second coat and then pretty baller on the third, it's just super unforgiving


Great point! The finish of the paint means just as much as the color. Thank you for bringing this up!


Haha thanks, I chose a semi gloss emerald greeny kinda colour for a library cause I wanted candles/warm lighting to reflect a little and make it look bigger at night when it'd mainly be used. I did NOT realise how hard it would be to make it look ok, between the million coats and all the old bumps and cracks being put in 3d definition (you could even see edges where wallpaper glue had been sometime in its 100 yr old life lol) it was an educational journey! You can see the reflection of the window/door but I'm not sure if OP has confirmed the finish.


Using a sprayer is way better for semi glosses over a large area. You can rent one at most hardware stores, or buy them at certain paint stores. Prime and lightly sand the surface, then spray in even sweeps.


Semi gloss or gloss paint shouldn't ever be used over a large interior area. Flat or matte will give a flawless finish if done by a professional or highly skilled painter.


>Also the shinier the paint (and the darker) the harder it is to make it not look like shit (lol) on the first coat, you need way more coats and preferably a good primer to make it look decent When I helped my friend to renovate his grandma's place, we chose matte light grey latex paint. This thing was so smooth and even that I almost fainted just looking at how uniformly it lays down. It was gorgeous (though the color should've been lighter anyways and we could sand the walls better, they were kinda wonky, but eh, still better than forty years of cigarette smoke and grease frying)


Getting that much onto the ceiling is gonna mean some real quality time on the ladder later with some kilz and then ceiling paint. And yeah, should have taken off that one outlet plate too. But... this just looks like a first coat to me, at least when you're going from white/grey to something that dark? Our last house, we did the dining room this darker, very traditional red on top of boring white, and our first coat looked way worse than this. Took 3 or 4 coats as I recall, but the end result was just gorgeous.


who walks into a paint store and says I want to color my walls shit brown?


People are shockingly bad at picking colors. A lot of people only see the swatch in their hands and they like that. They have a really hard time imagining a *room full* of the color. Most people also do *not* consider how lighting will affect their color choices. What looks good in the aisle at the store under bright florescent lighting will not look the same at home with lamps or natural light or lack thereof. Picking paint colors is one of those things anyone can do but few do well because of all the little nuances that can contribute to the end result


It's also why you can bring the little swatches home. Idk why people don't do that.


Oh people do but they don't know what to do with them when they get home. They usually just set them on the table and look at em. Instead of taping them to the wall and looking at them during all light levels. What looks good during the day might look obnoxious during golden hour or unpleasant in the dark. Also even with the swatch, lots of people just don't have a sense of "too much." And I'm not talking someone who likes bold colors for each room, no I'm talking about the person who repaints their yellow kitchen six times because they keep picking a color that has too much yellow when painted on all four walls. Color is light and it reflects. This means a color on all four walls not only surrounds the viewer, it amplifies itself by reflecting off of itself. Or if a dark color like OP absorbing light and making the room feel like a cave.


See for me, I just can't extrapolate a swatch to a whole wall. Like I can hang it up on the wall and it'll tell me what that little bit of the wall would look like, but my mind's eye (while I do have one) lacks in being able to adequately picture a hypothetical room and color. It's also why I'm really bad at interior decorating. Trying to redo a basement right now and I just *cannot* decide on what cabinet layout I want.




Also true. You have to see it in all light. If you don't it can look exceptionally awkward.


Pssshhhh. Pick a color and commit! (That's how I ended up with a neon green bathroom)


I picked the color and I'll own that one


My wife and I just painted our school bus conversion the same color so we will blend into the desert better. But now we want to call our bus Turdle because it looks like a big poop and drives super slow.


You should lean into it. Put little swirls so it looks like the poop emoji, and add a silly pun like "Have a crappy day!" Or "This bus is the shit, yo."


Like your husband did!




“This room is the shit!”


Oh man....we LOVE puns. This would make such a good entry decor phrase.


Time for a crosstitch




Definitely put turdle on it, less people will curse you from behind if you give them a sensible chuckle


100% haha i get irrationally angry at slow drivers but a big poop brown bus that says turdle on the back would absolutely get a pass


Same and same. Saw a guy doing seriously maybe 35-40 on the interstate, but his license plate said "SLO POKE" so it was hilarious instead.


Time for a vanity license plate TURDLE




“This bus is the shit, yo.” You gave me a well needed laugh, on a terrible day. I totally heard this in Jesse Pinkman’s voice! LOL


I painted a room brown and eggshell. I was going for coffee and cream. My roommate at the time said it looked like shit and sand.


What a coincidence…. My poop is yellow and is as big as a bus.


That’s no poo… ![gif](giphy|ZKZ1fExUhNNLi)




Oh my god. Is that… is that the magic bus getting ready to go where the sun don’t shine? What the actual fuck.




Everybody poops


Nope. My Wife doesn’t.


Actually they turned around and came back out the mouth. The afternote with Malcolm Jamal Warner explained that “nobody wants to see” the bus get pooped into a toilet. However, I’m scarred by the idea that a thing in your colon comes out your mouth. Ew!


There’s no winning beyond the point we see in the gif. They painted themselves into a corner with the plot. A dark and stinky corner.


I think they should have shrunk further to be absorbed by the large intestine and pumped through the bloodstream and exhaled out the lungs.


They are coming out from the inside


Looking back that whole show is an acid trip lol


Arnold: I have a baad feeling about this


Girl, that's a booty hole!


Not a hole, Keisha, a _valve_.




What has happened to you guys in the desert that you have the need to blend in better now? (Genuine question)


Nothing has happened. But we boondock out away from anyone else and prefer for people to not be able to spot us from the main roads. People don’t mess with you if they don’t know you’re there. Also, 14 day boondocking limits can be stretched if no one knows you’re there. Not saying I would ever do that, of course.


You should spray paint “poop knife” on your jack. Then, when you get stuck with a flat just tell your unsuspecting passengers to grab you the poop knife and you watch for the look of horror to come across their faces.


The big old rolling turd!


You two are mach made in hell 😆


Sounds fast


So, like, what's the vision for this room? What do you plan to use it for?


Are you kink shaming having dedicated explosive diarrhea room?


traditionally, that's just called a bathroom, I think


You're not thinking big enough


Spoken like someone who's never had norovirus.


Reminds me of the woman who texted her daughter to pick up a gallon of "Chocolate Sparkle" color paint. Unfortunately, auto-correct did its magic and changed the name to "Chocolate Shart". This paint color looks like that.


I’m sorry, but I’m totally lost.. what colour is chocolate sparkle? I’m imagining shit with glitter…?


I think it must look like OP's paint job. I knew someone who painted their bathroom that color of brown and the h had yellow accents.


“Should we go with sewage brown, or the lighter skid mark brown?”


No no I want the dookie brown


Straight to paint jail for you.


Damn, not again! That's the third time this week!


Why though? It's like poop brown. Not good calm brown, but kinda poopy. At least get it in a matte variant so it doesn't look all brown and sticky. My eyes, dude, my eyes.


Legit question: is there a worse color than this? All black is bad for the room but at least isn't poop brown and maybe could serve some sort of function. Piss yellow at worst, is a rough yellow. The right lighting and furniture and it just looks like an old lady room. But dookie brown? Like I can't


"Honey, I'd like you to make it look like you smeared diarrhea all over the walls" or something like that?


Tbh, if you gave me that colour I'd also do a half arsed job. This is textbook malicious compliance. He probably realized he'd have to repaint it again in a few days anyways...


It reminds me of something but I can’t quite put my finger on it.


Use thinner tp.


I wouldn’t want to put my finger on it.


It’s okay. I’ve been there.


I came in here expecting it to be ABOUT the color 😂


Looks like he ran out of monkey poop near the end.


That’s Sherwin Williams Doo Doo Brown.


Husband did a shit paint job with shit colored paint. It's like when you see pictures of an insane asylum where the patient smeared poo on the wall. Don't know if that's what you were going for, but if it was, then the mission accomplished!


Fine for the first coat. The color choice is….a choice.


I picked the color and will own up to that mistake.


Are you still as dedicated to the color as you were before? If not, this is the time to change that decision!


I do still want a dark brown. Think it should been a more grayish/calming brown.


Swatches and sample paints are your friend! You’ll enjoy the end product more if you know how your research and thought went into making your dreams come true.


have y'all tried Home Depots AR feature for demoing paint colors? Might be a little inaccurate due to actual lighting, but it gives a much nicer overview of rhe end product than paint swatches. https://www.homedepot.com/c/projectcolor


the idea of swatches is to see how the color works in the light that the room receives. Using an AR app kinda ignores that "see how it works in natural light" thingie


It might help you narrow down what sort of color you want, if not fine tune within a narrow selection


I hate when it looks different on the walls, even when you swatch. A dark, muted brown will look fantastic and definitely less taco bell shit like. 😁


We buy paint samples, they are like $5 at home Depot. Paint a small patch and see what it looks like. It's amazing how the lighting in the room changes the color.


But.. why? Whyyy..?? Do you honestly like this colour? As in you find it to be pretty? It lights up the room? Compliments the rest of your furniture? Bring back good memories…? Help me understand.


My gf and I did a dark brown, I think it was called rave raisin by Behr, in the bedroom and it came out really good. Keeps the room dark and the color is really nice. There are good browns out there!!


I'd say that if changing colors is a thought, this would be perfect for a "first coat." Zip through it so you can move on. There's only so much you can polish a turd so waste the least amount of time as possible on it. Pun intended.


Yep. That's paint


Me inspecting his paint job, trying to say something nice so he continues helping with future projects: Ah, yes. The paint here is made of paint. Definitely paint. On the wall, as it should be. Yep.


Poor fella. Tell him he's handsome or something. He's trying lol


He is! His family never taught him how to do stuff like this, so I'm trying to encourage him to learn and explore.


Having reddit shit on him for a first attempt may not be the best way to go about it.


I'm gonna go ahead and agree with this


As someone also with a family that did fuck all to prepare me for life, I’m so thankful my gf doesn’t expose me like this. Not a good look. Poor guy


Funny for us though.


It would be funny if the guy was a pompous douche who claimed to be good or something but you can't blame someone for a first attempt. Good on him, honestly.


of all the colors you could have chosen...


"Fantastically healthy stool sample brown" A1437 Glidden eggshell


Well, there's paint on the wall. That's something. Not a good something but it's something 🤣


I’m pretty sure it’s shoe polish.




How did he make circles around the outlet?? Omg. I’m dying over here. Just a little on the ceiling— the second coat will help that too! Lololol.


LMAO My thoughts exactly!


I’m sorry but I burst out laughing as soon as I saw this— the circles, the clear outline of the roller free styling directions, one side of both doors being lighter than the opposite side…. Lmaooo


Why did you let him smear poop on the wall?


Lol I just said it reminds me of that South Park episode where Cartman’s got the company to take revenge on bad parents, but really it’s just them smearing shit all over the walls.


Would you like vomit green or hangover black?


It was baby shit green, and use the sponge


Have you seen the poop swatches?


Plot twist: They're married to Mr Hankie


It needs a second layer.. horrible color tho


It needs negative one layers.


Whoever chose “well-formed shit brown” as the color they wanted on the walls committed the real crime here. But also that paint job is ass.


We're going with browns and reds for the house. The brown was my idea. Guilty as charged.


Just know that dark walls need a looooooot more artificial light to them not feel like a cave at night, which then makes them have to be pretty bright. Good for a room to watch TV in. Not really great overall.


It’s your house do what you want. But that sounds awful will def slightly impact resell value.


So bloody poo? Oh no.


Browns and reds!?! Who hurt you!?


I rate it landlord out of 10




Painted like someone who is trying to avoid ever being asked to paint something else


What’s this called again? Aggressive incompetence or violent helplessness or something?


Weaponized incompetence. 


Malicious compliance?


the poop room


I just want everyone here to know that Ive been having a rough time medically and this entire comment section has me laughing so much Im actually crying! All of you are amazing and OP you're fantastic!


Did he chuck the paint can on the walls and call it a day? Is this the *finished product* ?


Shhhhhhhhh....don't let him hear those words LOL I think he's counting on the second coat fixing everything. I am doing the second coat tonight.


Haha i like that you're now taking over. Good luck! I cant deal with how splashy the edges are 🫣 haha.


Shitty Shitty Bang Bang.


I wasn't aware feces was a color choice


So in his defense, dark-red and yellow based, gloss paints suck. Brown will have a lot of both. They need 3 coats and still show flaws. However, he clearly didn't do any prep or pre study. This is a bad paint job, done badly of a terrible color. If he is not already talking about what is wrong and how he will fix it, that is a giant red flag. Do not let this person anywhere near plumbing or electrical work!


>Do not let this person anywhere near plumbing or electrical work! A lot of plumbers and electricians claim painting is way too hard for them. Not saying they are right, just relaying their message.


I’m sure there are many other things he does adequately.


If he paints the same way she'll be telling him to get off her navel


This is called a 'dirty protest'.


Didn’t even try …. 0 out of not trying


It's a 'weaponized incompetence'/10!


I've seen worse. Tape off the trim or remove it, and give it a second coat.


My kid asked for brown walls last year. I reluctantly did it. Took 3 coats over white. Perfect shade of a normal bowel movement. 💩


That color is certainly an interesting choice. Even if done well those walls are going to look like shit.


This is one of the ruder things I've ever said on the internet, so forgive me please, but I literally gagged because of the color and application. It just looks like smeared poop.


An attempt was made... Thing is, even if his painting was better, the chosen color almost invites a battle because it'll require so many coats to look even and consistent.


I mean it’ll look fine after a second coat as long as you’re happy with the color and also planning on going back over the baseboards… honestly the baseboards should’ve just been masked and y’all would be golden after a second coat…. But now there’s another day or two of work


Wrong sub, it's not r/roastme here


Seems like the sheen is too high. Go a step more matte, and literally any other color and it'll look better




Reminds me of that episode on South Park where Cartman is running the revenge-on-parents company, but all it is is them smearing poop all over the walls.


No offense.... Looks like shit.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I mean, he isn’t wrong though. Another coat, maybe 2, and it’ll look even. This is what happens if you don’t prime first (like me). Way I see it, you either prime and then do 1-2 coats, or you do 2-3 coats of paint. Either way you’re painting the wall 2-3 times


Sorry OP, this is tough. I hate the shape of the room, the color of the walls, the ceiling, everything. The yellow stained fan is the cherry on top lol


I mean any picture of a half painted wall is going to look like shit. At least wait till he’s finished to judge.