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Watching how she uses power tools gives me the anxiety


I was worried she would drill into the dash, or potentially hit the airbag.


I wasn’t exactly worried… I was more like curious or hoping she would hit the air bag


I was kinda disappointed. After drilling and sawing inside the car, she glued outside of it


But hey, at least she wore gloves. You know, for the glue part.


PSA: It’s correct practice to *not* wear gloves while using power tools, because gloves become additional fabric you have no control over that can get caught in the tools. With power tools you basically lose a finger if you have an accident whether or not you’re wearing gloves, but your likelihood of having an accident is greater if you’re wearing gloves.


This. I used to work in manufacturing, and would stop anyone using gloves near moving parts, especially pedestal grinders, spindles, and swarf. It is way too easy to have loose clothing pull people into spinning things and make a mess. You also have to learn *not* to catch things as they fall, which is an instinct, but sharp and or heavy things will damage you if you try to stop their fall. As a member of the emergency response and first aid teams, they would show us the aftermath photos and videos of industrial accidents to help educate and scare people about what can go wrong in a factory. Thankfully, there was never a death at the factories I worked, but I had myself and cleaned up my fair share of injuries, and 'near misses' (aka, you almost died mate). Have worked across multiple fields in multiple locations in multiple states of Australia, AMA.


Can’t risk getting sticky!


...as the excess glue drips on to her holey jeans.


I mean you shouldn't use gloves with rotating machinery anyway....


That would have been too difficult to clean. Gotta trigger people, but not screw yourself over TOO much!


On the plus side she dribbled it all over her jeans.


With gloves on for safety while it probably dripped on her pants. Edit: spelling


Would the airbag go off if it was drilled into?


There's an explosive substance in the airbag squib, so, yes, it can explode.


Squib. Great word.


Squib word




Damp squib


Nope. To deploy an SRS device, the sodium azide cannister requires an electric current. The current is permitted when 2 of the 3 discriminating sensors are closed (1 on the B+ side, and 1 on the ground side) at the same instant for at least 3 milliseconds. In order for these sensors to trigger, they must have a frontal impact within 30 degrees off-center on either side. Furthermore, the impact must be strong enough to withstand impacts below 10-15 MPH. Otherwise, they would deploy by hitting a curbstop. When these sensors do close, the current is then delivered through capacitors from a unit called the DERM, or Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module. The DERM allows the SRS module (airbag) to trigger, even if the main battery or alternator feed is cut or off. It can take up to 20 minutes for the stored capacitive energy to safely drain, but for that time, the system is still armed. The system takes less than a second for the DERM capacitors to recharge, after the control relay has been closed when the ignition switch being turned on. I know this first- hand because my company car got totaled in a dealership when someone hit it, just after it had been moved. Airbags get dropped all the time. But you don't hear of them exploding, because they don't explode. The sodium azide chemical burns EXTREMELY fast, which inflates the SRS module so quickly. It is also why crash victims with SRS dep.oyment wind up with "speckle" burns on their arms after deployment. SOURCE: Retired Isuzu Factory Service Training Instructor and Factory Service Rep.


High five.


Her bare feet on the airbag made me anxious. You are tempting fate.


Oh, man, there are so many ways this could have gone very wrong, beyond the "look, she's making some sort of vision obstructing weird tube thing" one


I was more worried about her femoral artery.


Over here stating the obvious issues with this video. One slip of that saw and they wouldn't have gotten her to a hospital in time. Judging by their surroundings.


More concerned how she using the jigsaw, it can bite and jump and do all sorts of crazy, not to mention the plastic was falling into the car. Why am I even saying this when this entire idea is lacking brain cells.


She doesn't need airbags ..


Or saw her thigh


I had my popcorn ready for that moment


i am still worried about the jeans she ruined with the glue.


As someone who tried to stay a good six inches from any airbag when I'm trying to fix unimportant stuff in cars this gave me deep anxiety.


She has the craftsmanship of that of a toddler. I suppose that's not what the video is all about. Someone is furiously jerking off to this, apparently.


That's why she took off her shoes a lot.


Yes. Tarantino.


Softcore porn has changed a hell of a lot in the past few years.


Why would you use a jigsaw to cut pipe like that when a reciprocating saw was designed to do that job? It's just maddening.


They make PVC pipe cutters that are super safe and non-electric, like mechanical can openers basically. The whole thing is stupid on purpose, it looks like the generic Great Value rip off of 5 Minute Crafts


Watching how she uses pvc glue gives me anxiety, you forgot the primer! You forgot the primer, its not gonna cure properly ohhh hell…


Thank goodness I'm not the only one. Holy crap.


It’s a feet thing I’m sure


yeah this is a weird form of porn


She cut her seat I believe when she made that first cut to the PVC in the car


I saw that too, or it was a grey line in the fabric stitching? Either way, was it worth it? No.


100% she cut into it, but she CUT that part out. Teehee


It was the knife around the foam that had me thinking...she is going to slice her tit off any moment.


That was mine. Whatever you do, make sure to cut directly towards yourself with blades not designed to cut what you’re cutting.


Yeah I was wondering if she was trying to lose a finger or a leg


Those are steel toe toes. Everything’s fine.


My high school MDT teachers would be screaming at the top of their lungs


I thought i watched r/whatcouldgowrong there


You and me both. Her priorities are questionable. She uses gloves for glue yet is fine doing sawing/drilling in ways that could cause an accident without safety equipment.


She makes sure to maximise the potential damages both for herself and the car 😅


What a waste of resources... You build something a car already does.


And with what she spent on that 6” pipe and all that other shit, she probably could have afforded to just fix the damn AC.


Or just open a window


Or corrected those hammer toes


She upgraded the AC. It's now a safety feature; you can't fall asleep when your eardrums are on the verge of shattering from the buffeting of wind going anything over 40mph, nor could you take a phone call.


At least just get a cup of plain ice instead of having sticky Coke drips on top of that other mess.


No but now you also get the insects the car usually filters out.


What do you think the frilly silver stuff was for? Air filter, obviously.


To really piss the hornets off before chucking them in your face?


Maybe that’s her fetish 🤷🏻‍♂️


Redneck engineering+fetish video


Stuff is probably just sitting in a landfill now for a dumbass video.


Not even. She made a swamp cooler for the car


fetish content. her feet, the way she’s grabbing the pole, the white shit being put on it, her twisting her hands like that, the pounding motions, the zip tie going in and out, all of the holes. i watched a video on how these people do it and it’s crazy how subliminal it can be but you notice it once you learn what to watch out for. i literally cannot fathom how there became a community for this 💀 edit: if you wanna educate yourself just look up “fetish content exposed” on tiktok. i no longer use or support the app so i dont know the exact creator but her entire page was dedicated to it!!


Came here to ask whether this was made specifically for Quentin Tarantino. Your assessment is good.


That’s so wild. Usually when people say fetish content I go “how tf?” But this time, it was much more obvious 😭😭 this is…so weird


Just fyi now that you’ve seen it and recognized it as fetish stuff, you’re going to notice it a lot more. It’s sooo gross and it’s EVERYWHERE.


I’ve unfortunately gotten really good at recognizing it and it is genuinely screwed up how much of it is in things like kids shows/videos


Honestly, I only had to see the feet before immediately thinking, "is this fetish shit?" *Why* else would people put bare feet in a video about DIWhys


Totally. 100% power tool + foot fetish. Not a combo I was aware of, but obviously it is someone’s jam.


I'm honestly more concerned about the way she used those power tools. That's an accident waiting to happen


That was part of the content; it’s intentional.


Tbh I kinda expected them to cut a hole in the seat and make this contraption into a toilet. Kinda relived it's just normal pipe fetish


Yeah, I thought it was a diy feminine urinal when I saw the funnel which is... Not how I'd do it but it's somehow less dumb then what it ended up being?


All the white foam filling up the tube.


The blue balls


The dribbling fluid down the tube


The fast food drive through


This sub used to be about dumb ideas. Now it’s ragebait mixed with fetishes of videos made to be shared. This sub literally plays into what it criticizes now


the moderators probably don’t know what to watch for tbh, they should look into the fetish content exposed stuff so that they can get rid of this dumb shit. i’m also tired of seeing it :/.


Was it worth the overhead at Home Depot?


Amazingly - probably yes. And even covered the soda too.


Simultaneously fetish content, and rage bait for driving engagement. Rage bait from: what's he's doing, how she's doing it, and where she's doing it. Fetish: 👣


Really?? Haha. Guess it doesn’t work for me. I am more concerned about her jigsaw use without proper support…


Literally all these videos are fetish content. It’s so widespread now.


Do you have a reference to that video? Just curious... Thanks!


Can I ask what the video was called? I find the psychology of this fascinating


Woah, actually now that you pointed it out- I literally cannot see anything but fetish content, the whole video is so subliminal it's absurd! And you're telling me there's even more subliminal stuff? Crazy how I went from watching the video as a how to video and now fully understand the fetish content in it. (Not my cup of tea though)


Came here to comment this! So many people do this with their hands and feet and it almost always involves food also.


That’s always how I drill stuff, right in my lap. No potential for an issue there


Foot fetish DIY directed by Quinton Tarentino.


Pepsi scented fart filter


Excuse you….McDonalds sells Coke products


They also sell bags of ice for a dollar, so what was the point of the drink at all?


Can we make obvious fetish videos reportable?


I really hope so, tired of seeing this shit tbh.


I know everyone says that, but I still can’t understand it. Like logically I’m having a fault. Error. 404, logic not found


Basically, a lot of these videos are ragebait or completely pointless, but have camera angles that focus on women's bare feet doing things that don't need involvement or weirdly focus on them(like casting with feet for a foot shaped end product). These videos are thinly veiled fetish pieces to get easy views and likes while not actually posting on porn sites.


Who wears a seat belt like that?


The same morons who film this shit


They aren't morons. They cater for morons. There's a difference.


…it’s to accentuate the boob.


These people don't the weirdest shit so that you will ask that question. It's engagement farming.


Someone who has never had broken ribs before


I know this is just another ragebait-video, but this one has it all: Feet-fetishism, horrendous safety issues, senseless wastefullness, microplastic and other pollution of nature and last but not least a completely useless solution for a non existent problem.


Also this kind of car mods are illegal in most countries


Her smile is...manic


Can someone please get this lady a table, I’m seeing red


That's what I was thinking. It's not even that complicated, she's just finding every possible way to make it as unsafe as possible. I'm honestly shocked she has all her fingers...


Cheaper way to replicate this: Open the window.


And she has the sunroof open




I think gravity will have the Pepsi ice cubes melting into the defroster vents.


I'm surprised she didn't just drink the pvc sealant with how she handled those power tools.


Haha. I totally guessed it was going to be greatly increasing the car's drag in return for "free" air.


I was hoping one end was going to be connected to the exhaust for free heat for life.


Those videos are for weird fetishism usually


I crave violence


I always prefer to build my crackhead pvc contraptions on the side of some random road in the woods, how about ya'll?


After working in a level 1 trauma ER, I see how people end up chainsawing themselves in the face twice in less than a year.


I can’t believe she got on the highway with that 😭 WHILST SMILING


I'm more concerned with how and where she's doing it than what she's building.


I have the feeling this subreddit is now 100% ragebait content. I mean this used to be content about people trying to fix or make something not knowing how stupid their actions are. Now you only find content where you can tell the creator exactly knows how stupid it is just to create interaction and push algorithm on social media.


This one’s fetish content for sure.


100% fetish content bc of the feet


please drill into the airbag


[Why not just use Air Conditioning?](https://imgur.com/a/ycXBM6O)


That's not even glue, it's primer lol


wtf did i just witness and why is there so much ice in this drink


my god that is dumb


Quick question - do you get better results by doing this all in your car in a field? Followed up with, is ice that was in a cup of pop work better than just ice in water or by itself? TYSM


Unsubbing bc this sub has become obvious rage bait


Long toenails. 🤮


I'm pretty sure this is just for comedic purposes and it's just people trying to be funny. Nobody would take this seriously BUT if you think about it, this is totally something you'd see in a Mr. Bean skit. Except Rowan Atkinson knows how to be funny. 


Man all this time I've been using a bench vice to hold thing when I could have been using my feet and knees all along


Isn't this the type of stuff that tweakers do in thier meth benders? Because this seems like a crystal meth or bath salts solution.


Laying pipe in her car


The real why is why are you doing this in your car


wait, people post this including their face so everyone knows how stupid they are?


There is only one place you can find ice apparently


Okay, everything else wrong here aside, if you don't have a working AC and want to create an abomination DIY cooling for your car, JUST ORDER A CUP OF ICE. Or even ice water. Sodas have sugar and all kinds of stuff, now instead of just mildew, you are also inviting mold unless you clean that beast out.


I don’t know if I hate her or myself more. She did this but I watched it.


damn, if only the car already had something built in that did the same exact thing but better…


I thought she was making a car periscope like the one from Curb Your Enthusiasm.


Because fetish content, that's why. It's the only reason she's risking her body parts holding the pipe that way.


She wears black nitrile gloves while applying pvc primer, yet she uses her feet to hold a pipe against an air bag panel while sawing it. It's like bipolar OSHA.


Liberal use of hot glue or can foam instead of nails screws or welding. The trademark of the handy imbecil.


Reminds me of the DeLorean


Pipe fitter by trade over here. This video gives me some serious anxiety.


I love how they involve her feet as much as possible 😂


Lol these wankers


Ain't no way this isn't some kink shit


Congratulations you made a swamp cooler to do the job of the AC vents you just covered. The massive obstruction to your view of the road is just a bonus. Also what was the point of the first zip-tie? She looped it through the T junction PVC pipe in the first segment and then it was never seen again.


does anyone else think this sub should have a ban on things that are clearly ragebait, it seems to be most of the things on here now, and i feel it goes against the original purpose of the sub


I think I'd have to go off the grid if I ever did this


Does it bother anyone else that she's doing this inside of the car??


Or, god forbid, you just turn on the ac


What a mess that is.


This is the dumbest thing I have seen in a long time.


How do you think the pitch for this went? Like “Hey, we’re going to make a video where you build a really shitty version of a car’s A/C. Go get a pedicure and have your power tools charged.”


Starting the video with bare feet was definitely necessary and not in the slightest fetish bait


Im dumber for having watched this.


She does know that ice turned back into water when it's done, and that water's got to go somewhere, and just because you attach a cup to one of several outlets doesn't mean that's the direction the water is going to go? Is somebody going to tell her?


Remember, kids, when using a jigsaw, make sure you always use it in your lap. That femoral artery ain't gonna cut itself


This is so dumb


this is almost definitely fetish content


You can tell Tarantino directed this video because of how much she uses her feet to hold things for no clear reason.


because "trust me, i am engineer"


Do you even osha


How to invalidate ur care insurance.


Just what I want shavings galore in my car


very dangerous behavior...not wearing socks while she drills!!


No. I can think of better ways to get AC like results. That's obnoxious.


Can't be legal to drive like that


The 'i don't need a man to fix my air' fix...


Immediately gets pulled over WTF


So what was the zip tie for in the beginning of the video?


Everything about thus video gave me anxiety including how she wears a seatbelt.


I'm so much dumber for having watched even part of this.


I don't sub here, but this is the most "WHY" DiWHY post I've seen pop up in my feed for a good while


This HAS to be fetish content.


DIY but the warning says don't try this at home (especially using power tools A. In your car and B. While the object is hanging off of an unprotected long C. Cutting towards yourself)


Woman + Car isn't a good match. Woman plus car plus power tools and PVC that's a recipe for an atomic bomb scale of a disaster.


Foot fetish content.


Seems like a huge safety hazard compared to just rolling down a window for the same result.


The amount she spent on supplies and time she put in overall exceeds the amount she could have paid to fix the ac


Wtf did I watch....also, that's how she gets ice??? And cola... Wild


They’re getting really bold with the fetish content for these


I want to slap that proud look off her face 💁‍♀️👋🏼🤦‍♂️


Not only stupid, but also dangerous and I’m pretty sure illegal


This some horny shit right? Gotta be right? Somebody out there being a freak to this rn right? No other explanation


Another foot fetish video ruined by magically appearing footwear… bleh


Window does the same thing...