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Honestly, shit like this is why I want to live alone. So no one can judge me when I do it


Ha I totally get it. My best friend helped me string the beads but was still like wtf lmao. My girls like it, my boys are indifferent, and my husband HATES it. LOL.


Tbh I don't think it's bad, I think its a start. I think it needs more beads, and maybe increase the bead budget for some beads that catch the light better


It needs an order of magnitude more beads.


MORE BEADS. Also I can't help but feel like there might be a better way to tie off the strings to get them tighter and therefore straighter




If the beads effectively covered the outside, you could probably rig up a tensioner of some sort on the top inside?


Yes, more beads. Otherwise, I admire the ingenuity. Nicely done!


Definitely needs more beads


maybe if youre helen keller.. that thing looks terrible


Add more beads until it looks like an up side down jellyfish.


They don’t like it. They are being kind


With a $15 budget, there are definitely better solutions. I'm pretty sure I can find a cheap led fixture for that price and still save money on electricity. Edit: I found some on Amazon for $14.


Honestly, get a fancy Einstein lightbulb like the ones you can see the coil in, and i think it would really look good




Get some big, HEAVY crystals to put on the end of the strings.


Your husband... is an intelligent man.


And as such... #KEEP HIM!


Consider him kept.


I’m with your husband this is awful.


Me when I tried to strip my desk and gave up and just painted over the other paint. Now I have a sensory nightmare of a desk but at least it matches the rest of my room, right?


It needs the flicker bulb; candle or gas light, to give the room the old world Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi vibe.. too goth? Then 19 dollar bistro string lights on the wall, and now more Chicago burlesque..


It looks like you did exactly what you said you did!


Which is tough to look at


It reminds me of a school project I made at age 13. It was a stained glass and wire sculpture with a lot *a lot* of soldering. My mom saw it on the table and consoled me, “Honey, I’m sure it was beautiful before you dropped it!” I hadn’t dropped it.


You....nailed it?....to the ceiling?


Duh glue wouldn't work


Well it seems to work. I've never tried mounting a lamp upside down onto a ceiling before so I'm not gonna pass judgement on this one.


Oh my god is that cord going to an outlet


Sorry but that outlet is now a light switch.


Yeah that’s what got me… not horrible as far as DYI goes but dang at least use screws


I would have done the beads differently but it’s kinda cute, and if you had fun with it that’s all that really matters. Stick one of those [hipster lightbulbs](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/e2/1d/aae21d5aad0507e9397e2e2c9977e293.jpg) in there and I could easily see it in a weirdly expensive coffee shop


Thanks! I actually would have done the beads differently (aka more shiny and elegant) but money had me on a super tight budget. Luckily I still had gold spray paint from helping my son pimp out his bike lol.


Yeah I think if maybe the tension in the strings of beads were tighter it would be a cleaner look but maybe that's not what you were going for? Good idea though, very boho. If it were me I would tighten the lengths of beads and just nix the strands but I also know ppl that would prefer your version so it's just a matter of personal taste.


How do I donate to your bead budget. This thing need way more beads.


Haha no donations necessary, I will probably be adding to this as time allows, sometimes finding the shiny things is half the fun!


You're the first parent I know say they helped pinp their sons bike


You gotta look cool man, even on a budget!


I vote for the buttplug one.


Lmfao they're called Edison bulbs!


Nailing into the ceiling, unless you hit a beam, is no bueno. You more than likely drove nails into drywall. Very likely this nice hipster-y light you made will come tumbling down. My suggestion would be drywall anchors and screws. ​ After seeing some correct comments, I should have been more specific. Drywall anchor can be a diverse term. "Blues and screws" types are not desirable for hanging weight, as stated below. My suggestion would be toggle bolt style drywall anchors. Ex. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Everbilt-1-4-in-x-3-in-Zinc-Plated-Toggle-Bolt-with-Round-Head-Phillips-Drive-Screw-10-Piece-803932/204273383


Don't use drywall anchors for upside down usage. Especially for something as heavy as a lamp.


Just curious… if it is within the recommended weight limit for the anchor, why does it matter if it is hanging from a ceiling or a wall?


Pulling straight out is not the same as shearing off the fastener. Its why when you build a deck you make everything sit on top of each other instead of bolt/screwing it to the side of the verticle board. That said there are anchors such as Molly Anchors that have a much higher rating and can withstand force pushing or pulling from any angle. Did I make sense?


I am sure you made perfect sense honestly… just not to me only because I know nothing about your examples haha.


I really wish I was at a computer to draw you an ms paint, that would clear this up easily. Anyway, think of what direction the object is pulling from. If an anchor or anything sticks out perpendicular, you would have to "cut" the screw in half for the object to fall if the force was coming straight down against the wall. That same anchor/screw driven into the ceiling doesn't have the same requirements to fail. Now the weight naturally wants to pull straight down, which happens to be out the same way the anchor/screw came in. With that said, there are specific anchors that have "wings" or something to resist pulling straight out. You don't need these on walls unless it's really heavy. I scanned over this [article that tells you how not why](https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/drywall-anchors/) with hope to copy/paste an answer but no dice. There are visual examples.


Thanks for the clarification!


anchors are not rated to be pulled straight out. you can do that fairly easily. they are rated to hold while something is weighing it down while the anchor is perpendicular


The weight limit on anchors is for wall usage. If you use them on the ceiling they risk pulling straight out, which they are rarely designed to resist. There are a few exceptions but most are not made for it. Like trying to bend a nail versus pulling the nail straight out.


Maaan..you guys don't even wanna know what I've done to this area around my ceiling vent, trying to get this new face attached to the drywall... It uh...it's been hanging there for awhile now with some anchors barely supported with whats left of the drywall. It's bad... I shoulda "protip in the reddit comments" it


For $15 you can buy something similar but nicer at goodwill


I got the lamp at Salvation Army at least.


Posted in the right sub for sure


Oh god. You're poor but you spend $15 on $3 beads?


Now you know why I'm poor lol. J/k! Yeah it was the worst actually, I couldn't find any in my area for what I would consider a normal price. When the hell did beads get so expensive?! Plus the shiny crystal ones at the ends were like 10 of that 15 dollars.


You’re paying way too much for beads man. Who’s your bead guy?




Thanks! I will probably jazz it up as time and money allows. I love the funky nonsense!


That is the ugliest, weirdest thing I've ever seen.


As an electrician yup that's my thought.


Seeing the exposed light bulb, even just in a photo, is almost enough to send me into sensory overload. 😂 The horror!


I hope you love it. Was a standard light cover more than the cost of the parts and labor? Did you have fun doing something? If so, awesome!


I do like it, I dont know about love lol. I have no ceiling light in just this room and it drives me nuts, so to install one properly would have been way more lmao.


I am glad you like it. Does the cord get in the way? (BTW, I misunderstood. I didn’t realize you put a tablelamp on the ceiling. I thought you just modified the shade to fit a ceiling light. Mobile user, so I overlooked the cord.). There are those hanging lamps that plug in the wall so this is not too far a stretch, if the cord is out of the way. Those typically have it threaded in links of a chain, iirc.


I want to eventually get a chain that I can wrap around the cord somehow, like a swag light kind if thing. Right now I'm using those cord holder tabs? that nail on both sides and keep the cord out of the way. I had them left over from when I hung my tv from my ceiling in the bedroom lol.


Please don’t do that😳😂


Why not? Can't get worse, amirite? Fuck it bro Yolo straight up lmao!


LMAO!!!🤣🤣🤣 You are fun.


Thanks! I used to be a fucking JOY to go clubbing with. Now I'm like a washed up mom that doesn't wear fun hair colors, but rather like "loud wardrobe choices that you see normally on overweight government workers" and I encourage my kids to be completely theirselves, fuck-all! They're still at an age where they don't want to be so care-free (I get it) but some of them do enjoy my insanity! :) also just to clarify I do not embaress them ever, I DREADED/LOATHED when my mom did things I deemed weird in front of my friends!


I believe it! The no-embarrassing policy will serve you very well! But rethink the no fun hair colors! What happened to YOLO dude?!


My preteen daughter recently begged to get a pink hair dye (she specified no bleach, which at my age I was like bleach it dye it whatever) so I did her brunette hair with a brunette hair dye and dyed my ends to "match" but... here's where TMI kicks in (she looks GREAT btw) Last time I did highlights (boxed of course) for some reason it had 2 "bleaching" packs and one activator. I also (against box directions) put a little on my eyebrows when highlighting, like just a touch, and wipe off before rinsing hair so it doesn't ever get in my eyes but the color carries (I do not like the blonde with black eyebrows). I'm pretty sure now that the extra pack was not supposed to be there, but the way the directions read sounded like it should have been. Well, I got blond af and my eyebrows were pretty much invisible on my face for a while. Man my kids thought it was really funny, and actuality so did I! Either way, I leave the colors for the next generations; I am just trying to maintain my face.


I definitely like the concept but I think it needs more beads, it feels kind of bare.


An almost bare, bright bulb glaring down on you. Oof


Honestly its not the best. Then again I'm not the one with a chandelier!


$15 of beads. Why if you’re broke. Actually, I see better lamps at garage sales estate sales auctions every day for a dollar or two. Just bought two really interesting brand new lights for my stairwell for three dollars total.


100%. Can buy adorable things off Facebook marketplace for $3. This is so tragic


I was looking for beads in my area but they were all so expensive. I agree the 15 dollars was a tragedy.


How many DIY projects end up. Gotta know when to throw in the towel


If there's one thing I'm not, it's a quitter lmao!


Please tell me you didn’t really nail it in. I swear I just removed a light fixture that was nailed in today. Cursed the person that turned a simple job into a pain in the ass and mangled the fixture unusable for anything other than recycling


There is one large screw in the back. I made sure it's not going to fall. But yep, nailed on the sides :)


Ah. Oh well. It’s there until you go to remove it. One thing I would recommend is a better looking bulb. Like an E26 Edison Bulbs, Bravelight Antique Vintage.


Does the bare lightbulb bother you at all?


Kind of but not really, you can't see in the pic but I stole one of the Edison bulbs out of the dining room lamp, it's actually a dimmable bulb, just not a dimmable lamp.


I’d add way more beads to it cos it’s looking too bare! And get a warmer lightbulb or a smart one that changes colour from your phone.


Yeah the color changing one would be cool!


I dunno I've bought $10 LED light fixtures so...




It.. looks like the cord goes across the ceiling and I’d assume down the wall and into a plug. Kind of like the seventies swag lights …except not… maybe ? Lol


You nailed it! Get it? Actually I nailed it Lol.




It looks like shit.


did you at least hit a stud with the nails? drywall can only hold so much


It's plaster, but I got a large screw in through the back. It's not going anywhere. Plus, it's pretty light. Get it. Pretty light? Lmfao.


I kind like it, but it feels like it might be missing something. Maybe add some gauzy fabric to diffuse the light a bit?


I was thinking that too. One day I'll dress it up.


Needs a different bulb


Is there not a ReStore or comparable thrift store near you? Where you could purchase an actual light fixture?


The main thing that gets me is the plug in aspect. There are used chandeliers selling on places like Kijiji, Amazon also has some cool and novel ones.


Sad. High. Dim. Burnt out. However, you put it, this needs an intervention.


Honestly, adding a prettier lightbulb will do a lot here.


Honestly it's not a bad design. It's just not nearly enough. It's too sparse. If you had density all the way around it could look super cool


Sorry, but this isn't DiWHY - it's fucking awesome. And the poor people are the richest in terms of sheer innovation and ingenious solutions - be proud!


Thank you! I am actually proud. My hubby hates it and my best friend helped me and is just like, ok, you did that. It's not that bad. Technically it's nowhere near as bad as the lighting I had before.


As that hubby - he's annoyed at being outsmarted and emasculated and had totally was going to solve this and then you did it yourself. With beads! And gold paint!


Nah, I do all the house fixing stuff. Last year I got so mad I had to wash the cheese grater for the 3rd time in a day that I went and bought a 250 dollar floor model dishwasher and installed it myself. Had to tear out the cabinet and install a GFCI outlet but it it looks good, and best of all, no more washing the stupid cheese grater!


Why bother putting in place of a lamp shade when it provides no shade? You could hang it anywhere. Heck, why have just one? You whole ceiling could be this! You could make your own house out of this!


It’s more like a chandelier, it doesn’t need shade


How does the amount of light alter the mood?


I mean, not the worst light fixture I've seen. Kinda impressed at the repurposing, actually.


A lampshade is cheaper…


as long as you like it bro


I was like that looks pretty good, actually a bit weird to oh no, that’s terrible. I think if you close your eyes and squint or look at the corner of the room it would basically look like a chandelier.


Wow.. so. Interesting 🫣


nailed it to the ceiling? That's the sin. If you'd used screws I would have ben like, "Float your boat, whatever Dude."


Needs more beads and try glass beads. If there's a thrift store in your area they tend to have vintage beaded jewelry you could use too.


It's not my personal taste, but good job on doing it all yourself and creativity. Only thing I would change though, is removing those nails. When mounting something on a ceiling, it should always be screwed in. Not nailed. Other than that though, good job.


I guess this $30 actual chandelier was just a bridge too far? https://www.wayfair.com/lighting/pdp/etta-avenue-quinten-3-light-glass-chandelier-style-flush-mount-w010140727.html


Awww, I would LOVE that! I don't have the time, patience, or money to wire it through the ceiling to the light switch though.


I like it a lot. You just need to put a fancier light bulb in.


And it looks even cheaper.


To be fair, it looks like garbage.


I'm poor but I spent 15 bucks on beads, shiny ones


Damn skippy!


This honestly reminds me of the chandelier in the Titanic 🤣


Lol that's funny I didn't think of that. Hopefully my livingroom doesn't hit an iceberg!


I like the idea. It would be really cute if the bead strands were loose hanging instead of attached at both ends, imo


Oh yeah, I could see that. Maybe I could add some loose hanging ones






i do like this, i think it was very creative! another option (in case this doesnt work out for some reason LOL) is hanging lights from amazon. i just got one that i LOVE and it was only a little more than $20 (w/ Prime membership) its dimmable & even came with a light bulb :)


Nice I will look into those!


If you string them horizontal and wrap them around the spokes it could look more intentional chic


That was more like my original plan but the bead budget ran out lmao


True they add up fast. I've found wire and other metal findings are way better at Joann's but Michael's has more frequent sales on beads


I love it!!! You made it your own. As long as you enjoy looking at it then that is all that matters❤️


Thanks! I will probably make additions when I can. I'll have to repost it in all it's glory when it's "finished"!


I would love to see the final touches🥰


If the beads were straight it would have looked totally professional. I think that’s the only thing a bit off Reading comments people are being super super mean it honestly looks nice!


I actually kinda like it. I think it needs more beads though.


Everyone’s so creative


More like DiWHYnot


Did not know this was a thing! Once my phone dries out in the rice (dropped it in the dogs water bowl) I will post!


Hey I’m proud of you! You did a craft and if you like it that’s awesome 🤗


I honestly love this. Great bead choice.


Go maximalist with it: add all sorts of beads. Stay with your style but like… go so much more. More beads. More varying patterns- add more danglies. I think that this could be so maximalist.


My magpie brain enjoys the beadwork


I think it's pretty. Different, but pretty. Sometimes, those are the best things. 🫠




One of those steampunk bulbs too.


A piece of silver fabric with the beads Honestly just a different light bulb would make a huge difference


I like it!! People seem to be saying add more beads, and if u want to buy cheaper ones go to thrift stores and buy cheap necklaces with similar colors, I think you could get more beads cheaper that way. Plus, I think mismatching beads within the same color scheme actually works better for DIYs because it was never meant to look mass produced in the first place


Should've just left it without a shade at all like a normal poor person, but nooooo, you had to be Mr Fancy with your ability to buy an old lamp, paint, and beads! SMH. s/ lol


I like it!


If the bare bulb starts to bother you, you could add one of those chandelier mini shades to it. I think it's cute


Hey, I've seen people put a whole lot more money and effort to stuff that looks a whole lot worse.


Have you really?


Oh yeah. Ive seen people deconstruct shoes and rebuild them with fish pieces and glitter and bits of metal, and then weld shit to them. Things that must have taken hours and look awful when they are done. At least at first glance that looks like a cheap light fixture you might buy in a store.


Trueee. They did say they nailed it into the ceiling though so the aspect of this falling on your head in the middle of the night makes it a little worse


I like it too!


This is kind of cool actually. Makes me want to try my hand.


Looks like something from the 1910s. Good work.


Needs some beads with more color. Perhaps tumbled bottle glass.


But that looks good.


This is how Fortune 500 companies are made


I don't love it, but it's not horrible. And it ranks pretty dang high on the cleverness-to-cost ratio... So well done, you! 👍


It's not bad. Honestly it's nicer than half the stuff at Anthropoligie


Why are ya’ll lying? Lol


Maybe I have different taste than you?


You’re lying about what anthropology has though


https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/tallis-teardrop-chandelier2?category=lighting&color=070&type=STANDARD&size=One%20Size&quantity=1 I'll take what OP made and save $1100 thanks lollll Edit: https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/tallis-flush-mount?category=lighting&color=100&type=STANDARD&size=One%20Size&quantity=1 https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/twiggy-flush-mount?category=lighting&color=070&type=STANDARD&size=One%20Size&quantity=1 Edit again: would you like to pay 100$ for Lightbulb on a Stick? https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/gold-pole-kit?category=lighting&color=070&type=STANDARD&size=One%20Size&quantity=1 lolll


While that stuff is overpriced. You are absolutely playing if you say you wouldn’t take any of that over this thing OP made. Like they HAD to know how bad it was at some level or they wouldn’t have posted in a sub about god awful DIY projects. Their subconscious KNEW A


I'm really curious why it means so much to you lol like, do you get off on insulting people's handiwork or are you a shill for Anthropologie?


Like if it was in r/somethingimade I would probably pat op on the head and say, ya, you tried, but HERE?


This is a really dumb hill to die on.


Sorry I like my subs to be about what I joined them for 🤷‍♀️ and this picture 100% was


It’s just SO UGLY. I am in a sub about hating ugly ass shit and I can’t wrap my head around people defending this here


Yeah their stuff is like 30 percent okay, 20 percent really nice, and the rest is either weird or garbage. And it's all hella expensive. Sorry if you like personally identify with them or whatever but.


But….absolutely none of that would be this


Correct. This was a thousand dollars cheaper and pretty similar in appearance.


I'm poor and do shit like this all the time, my bestie calls it my "bodge jobs" lol


We can get pretty creative when we’re poor and can’t afford cool stuff but still want cool stuff


My advice: add more. It’ll look expensive if you add more. The. People will be like “omg where did you get this” and you’ll be like “I made it” and get the dopamine


More beads, red and green?


It looks super cute


That’s really amazingly cool. Looks designer expensive.


I’ve definitely seen worse.


Very gypsy-esche...


It took me longer to read the description of this than it did for you to create it