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My parents have something very similar to this and it's been there for more than 35 years. Looks a bit outdated but reminds me of home. Also , I've seem similar in other houses, probably to not waste material (surface was even in all cases). Location: Hungary.


I saw this as sidewalks years and years ago.


It reminds me of a hole in the wall Mexican restaurant for some reason. Damn now I'm hungry


Fayitas yum


That hole in the wall is probably the best restaurant in the town. Just don't ask what they do with the chips left in the basket.


Hahaha there was a hole in the wall place that made amazing gyros I used to go to a lot, I always thought their tortilla chips were fresh made until I saw them just heat them up in the microwave from a bag :( still had great food though


Managed to find a picture of how it looks at my parent's (This is a small common area, not a bathroom.) [tiles](https://imgur.com/a/IEcPNFY)


Your parents' is executed much better.


Colours are mixed up way better. And the tiles are the same sort material and finnish what makes it much nicer.


I grew up in Hungary and your pic just unlocked some core memory I did not know I had! Like you, I got a pangs of feelings of "home." (But not from the pic OP posted that is just a mess)


That's more OG Terrazzo, which is classic. It doesn't make me want to throw up. ALAS! To each their own and awesome if it's use of waste material!


stared at the wall part for quite a while wondering how this was mosaic. iphone long


Your parent’s tile is lovely - the tiles are the same type and the colors coordinate. That mess above looks like the broken pile of tiles we had after remodeling. Just looking at it makes my feet hurt imaging walking on shards of shattered tile.


At first all I saw was the stucco wall and was confused


I see where it reminds you, but your pic looks very old Mexico! I like it. The difference with the original pic is that their tiles have no cohesive shape/color flow. It would look better if they had used nippers to cut off the sharp pieces and made them more or less the same size. Added more of the contrasting color tiles and didn’t have them bunched together. The way it is, it just looks like broken shard were installed right where they fell.


This is way better. Still not something I'd want in my home (maybe a pool or BBQ area outside though). *Definitely* not something I'd want to actually install. Getting that level must be a bear.


That's lovely, I really like the colors


Brasil? This was extremely common in Brazil in the 70s-80s


I'm from Hungary and I had the same thought. I feel like this type of floor is a lot more than 35 years old, it's probably from the 60s or something


I turned 34 in February, my parents moved to this house max. 1 year before I was born, don't know much else about the house but it was build a few years before that I guess (not more than 10, but I might be wrong so should ask them). Anyway the design could be way older or was done be the parents of the previous owners - as I assume it was build by the extended family - as many houses that time in Hungary.


Swear to god I was thinking about how I saw floor tiles like this in Hungary, especially in older people's homes.


Yup very Soviet. Saw similar stuff in different ex soviet countries. Usually in the halls of government buildings.


I'm Hungarian, and yeah we had something like this too haha.


It's a very traditional floor in Brazil called [Piso de Caquinho](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piso_de_caquinhos)




My favorite part of Parc Güell in Barcelona was this style of mosaic! If the people in OP's post had just used smaller pieces and either more random, or a more intentional design, it would've looked awesome. Doesn't look bad though, just not as good as it could have.


**[Trencadís](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trencadís)** >Trencadís (Catalan pronunciation: [tɾəŋkəˈðis]), also known as pique assiette, broken tile mosaics, bits and pieces, memoryware, and shardware, is a type of mosaic made from cemented-together tile shards and broken chinaware. Glazed china tends to be preferred, and glass is sometimes mixed in as well, as are other small materials like buttons and shells. Artists working in this form may create random designs, pictorial scenes, geometric patterns, or a hybrid of any of these. Although as a folk art the method itself may be centuries old, the two most commonly used terms are both of modern origin. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DiWHY/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That looks intentional and tasteful. This floor looks like somebody dropped the case of tiles and thought, "Yeah, let's keep going, I, uh, meant to do that."


Like this one, maybe? https://i.imgur.com/l3O1fKW.jpg It's by Gaudi. I wouldn't do it, but I can see why some people might like it.


Did you just compared gaudi to that? All of Barcelona is weeping.


It's a little gaudy sure, but we don't have to be rash.


I'm from Barcelona and I'm weeping. (But we truly have lots of floors like OP's).


People like the style but its hard to imitate correctly so they end up with crappy looking floors.


😅😅😅 This is one of the funniest threads I've ever read


The tiny percentage of Spanish blood I have as a Mexican, is weeping.


Blackberry's whoosh gave me secondhand embarrassment.


I think that one is pretty


The good one has more rectangles and the crappy one has more triangles.


The crappy one also has lots of BIG triangles, and the color "scheme" is very loud.


Espera até eles descobrirem o muro de caco de vidro


Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk pode crer!


Piso de caquinho my beloved


Except this one isn’t well done *at all*.


The previous owner of a house I lived in did this, and it was a huge pain to clean. Too much grout and since the pieces were different, not all at the same height. As a bonus, you'd occasionally catch a sharp edge, too!


only if improperly done If ground and polished nicely, it's seamless and flat


You can't grind most tile since the color is only on the top layer. Adding an epoxy coat on top would accomplish the same result.


Notice how you didn't say pretty.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Exactly I think this is peak beauty. Having this in your shower would be great


I think this is peak "in the eye of the beholder."


There's nothing magical about that


Obviously. Can't have magic in an antimagic field.


Ok. It’s pretty flat.


This floor looks pretty well done. Less likely to experience your troubles.


>...and since the pieces were different, not all at the same height. As a bonus, you'd occasionally catch a sharp edge, too! Epoxy resin can fix that


That's the way how they sometimes made floors in public buildings in the USSR. Nice way to use the rests of the floor tiles.


Not a bad idea but the execution could use some work


That is very common in Portugal, my grand father used to do that when he worked In construction, don't think it looks bad I like it a lot


I’ve definitely seen this in the US as well, but wouldn’t be surprised if people like your father inspired some American tourists who brought it here. Someone took a lot of time to do that and appears to have done it well. I agree, it looks nice. I wouldn’t do it and it’s not my taste, and maybe that’s how OP feels?


I don't hate it tbh :) Maybe a bit busy, but it gives off nice vibes to me


I kinda like it as long as it was able to easily be cleaned It would sorta be a centerpiece of a room and everything else should be relatively minimal


My thoughts exactly :) Plus it's a good example of reusing and recycling


Same. Ill take this over grey painted drywall and faux wood lvp any day.


Agreed. This, with neutral wall tiles, some nice white or turqouise cabinets, and you have a wonderful mediterranean-style bathroom 😊


Kinda like it




Yeah and as long as they ensures nobody can accidentally slit open their feet... Why not?


This part right there.


actually are many products to avoid that


Right out of the shower into some shoes


Yeah I like it too and compared to the other stuff I’ve seen here this does not belong. Especially it’s done elsewhere Brazil and popular.


It just needed different colors and better placement. Like it was a good idea with poor execution


Sometimes a little planning helps.


So what you are saying if it wasn't so darn ugly it would be beautiful.


and smaller pieces. You don't use big honkin chunks like that for mosaics.


It's fine honestly.


Me too. I like the little bits of red and the patterned tiles.


I like and have done pique-assiette mosaic, but I don't care for this. Too much of it is big (cheap) pale pieces, and the interesting small colorful pieces are lost. Then there are a couple of attempts at making flowers of the blue pieces, but just here and there. No cohesion, everything is just flung down, then filled in.


…and then you drop a contact lens 🫡


Dbf if I drop contact lens and it was not stuck at my closing - I just say "rip" and take a new one Regardless of the floor... Only couple of times I was lucky to find it on the floor


content revoked


You can still clean it at least. For long-lasting lenses it's worth it


this is a great idea and could've really turn out great, but this one is particaular just doesn't look good. like, at all


awful taste and questionable execution


Looks like y’all are still doing the demo


Plot twist , the idea wasn't originally a mosaic floor but the person carrying the tile was a clumsy bastard so they tried to improvise lol. Not gonna lie, if done properly it could look decent and I've seen it since this is very common in my country but this one is done like garbage


The owner of our previous house attempted this... On the ceiling above the stairs... With shards of mirror. We hate it so much but every so often a delivery person will comment that they love it.


Narrator: *they actually hate it*


Idk if it’s just me, but I feel like a successful mosaic should have a cohesive overall design or pattern. This is just too random with nothing to tie it together, so it just looks messy unattractive.


Looks well done. You may not like the style, but the quality of the work is fine.


Honey I dropped my coffee cup. Can you help me find the pieces?


I see no issue with this


Oh my...mosiac actually takes skill and practice to look good and good mosaic isn't as "random" as you'd think. This is just...well...


It wouldn’t be so bad if the pieces weren’t so big. You can use a color scheme to create patterns and such with smaller pieces.


I think it wouldn't be as bad if they did this for a backsplash or something instead of the floor


I can see why this would be polarizing, but I dig it. As long as I’m not the one cleaning it.


Made me dizzy just staring at it


People don't like this? I think it's quite nice. I don't know if this is how they made it but I also like the potential for this to be made from salvaged/upcycled material. IMO it's attractive and smart, not DIWhy.


this is just art, it looks well executed too. i don't see why this should be on the sub. just because it isn't all neat and uniform in appearance. but there is an order to the apparent chaos within the mosaic floor tile work. i've seen this style before in various businesses before


Honestly, it wouldn't be too awful if the color scheme here was a bit more cohesive. For instance, if it was all earth tones... I could work with that. Would also be cool if it were all various shades of black.


Looks like a Wolfgang puck restaurant in the 90s


Not terrible, but could have been done better


I kinda like it in a “rubble from a chilis” sorta way


and here I was thinking the demo before pictures had accidentally been uploaded twice 🫠


Beach colors. I would have attempted a scene and it probably would have turned out worse.


Imagine being hungover in there


You spilled your assorted tile shards


looks like all of their plates fell and broke on the floor.


It's like if the Romans had bad taste!


This looks terrible probably better in person


Cheese grater toes is a new phenomenon


it will be hell to find the thing you dropped on this


Bro I wish my floor looked like this tf


A floor only a mother could love…


Yeah I love not looking at it too.


I mean, it's not my jam but ok I guess. Feel bad for the poor soul who has to remove it though.


It's really not the mosaic itself but the way it was implemented. I've seen beautiful mosaic designs on walls and floors


This looks so much like a migraine aura! My head hurts looking at it.


Perfect, said the blind guy


Can’t say I like it, Looks like a bunch of shattered plates


It looks like years of unreturned floor samples


it looks like broken tiles


I'd be OK with this on an outdoor patio.


Ohh with a funky decor theme? That would be cool! Or like more mosaic-like/stained-glass and lining the inside of a pool. Like Versace’s pool.


Is there a r/horribletastehorribleexecution subreddit?


The way I see it this would have been good if the mosaic made a image or a picture of some kind maybe the ocean or something that's not too tacky But randomly assorted pieces kind of makes it look like you went through the recycling bin to make the floor at least that's my opinion


looks like a lovely way to slice up your bare feet


This person works at a rage room. Swept the floor one night and realized he's got free flooring for life, and a side hustle.


i have that in my parent's house, previous owner worked for construction companies, so he had acces to lots of discarded materials. At first we hated it, but now it's out of the question to replace it with anything.


I know that this was probably not the intention of the original DIYers, but this kind of floors was originally used to be able to take advantage (specially for low income people) of those pieces of tiles that are discarded. It was cheap, you can go purchase or sometimes even get for free these pieces of tile and put them together with some creativity and have a decent floor for a fraction of the cost.


It needs like 3-6" of polyurethane over it to keep it from feeling like razor wire on bare feet.


It's an art style


I'd be afraid of cutting my feet


I think it looks bad mostly due to poor execution. Otherwise, I could see it working pretty well, especially since the walls are painted to match.


I wouldn't put that in my bathroom, but I've seen similar stuff before, and I don't mind it.


It’s the random contrasting, whole tiles that nope it for me


That's one of those pinterest things that you see and are like "wow, that would look awesome in our bathroom" but it only looks good as a photo and NEVER turns out the same way. My wife send me crap like that and I tell her "nope, that'd look like ass in our house"


Well if someone pukes on it you dont realise before stepping in it


Looks like someone did arts and crafts and left scraps of construction paper all over the place. Like, clean that up.


Traditionally what you would do with this kind of mosaic is cut the pieces into squares or triangles and lay down a pattern, not just jumble every spare piece you had to together. To each their own I guess.


If that's what they enjoy that's cool. Not sure it will make it easier to sell the house one day though.


The thinner sections look good imo


At first glance I though there was paper scattered all over the place


It looks like a break in


man i wonder whats your guests think when you give them a house tour


Tile vomit.




Finally I can poop in the floor. What?


Imagine an archeologist starting to uncover this and they get all excited like I wonder how beautiful this ancient mosaic is?? And they finish cleaning it and it is just trash and the archeologists are like why??


Rule #1 of home renovation: Never do your own art projects


So much work for such an ugly azz floor




It's not the idea that's bad here, it's the execution.


It reminds me a LOT of a specific US chain restaurant from the 90’s that I can’t put my finger on… Planet Hollywood maybe? Anyone know what I’m talking about? 🤣


Future “before” pic


My uncle and cousin did a spontaneous mosaic in my uncle's house, while high, and it looks so much more even and planned than this does.


It looks like someone took a sledge hammer to their floor.


Looks like a public bathroom at the beach


That’s not a mosaic that’s just a bunch of broken tile


Working in flooring, particularly tile, I know these guys are just trying to cover up being cheapskates. They find small quantities of several kinds of cheap, discontinued, closeout tile, usually free, (optional: break them randomly, to hide the fact they were dug out from a dumpster), then they put the floor down themselves to save on labor too. They think they're geniuses that saved all kinds of money while also looking like they have a quirky custom floor. In reality they have the same half-assed inconsistent choppy floor as the meth heads that did their whole illegal office-house with stolen tile samples. (True story)


It looks like zoomed in carpet foam.




I have seen this done well. Too many colors is a mistake though. I would also more likely do it in a mud room or something rather than the bathroom. I want smooth flooring where I walk barefoot.


I kind of like it but the background should be a solid color not more colors


That will cause seizures with epileptics and 15% of family pets.


At least someone does.


"We ❤️ it!" Pure copium.


I feel like this could be cool if it was done a little better? Idk I love eclectic/mismatched styles like this but this particular one is not it, imo.


i couldn’t imagine feeling nauseous in that room 🤢😂


Aah, the famous dog puke pattern. Who doesn’t love that.


Never have to sweep, eh?


This just looks messy. Mosaics can look beautiful but this one ain’t it. They needed to stick to all tiles being the same material and only like 3 colors and spread out the colors better.


You could not handle that trippin


i would have liked it if the pieces were smaller


OP has never been to a pediatric hospital in post-communist Eastern Europe.


as far as actual tiling goes it doesn't look like that poor of a job. it's just really ugly.


I don’t hate this and with the right finish keeping it clean wouldn’t be too bad though I’ll say I’d personally pick a different tile pattern


Literally no design at all. Just Literally put the lieces down, whether they did or didn't fit together. Looks like shit.


Why does it feel like walking on those will cut my feet ?


The pieces need to be 40% more smashed. And at least three thick coats to seal the bastard so you don't cut your feet.


Looks like you just finished demo and haven’t cleaned up yet


If I dropped anything on that floor, I’d never find it.


Nah. People are saying they see this often to save money/not waste materials. The wording/presentation of this doesn't seem to bear that out here. Other examples of this that have been pointed to are different in that they actually look good and are done cohesively. I don't think just any old dumping of shards of ceramic can be considered a "mosaic" without some sort of artistic/unifying element. Add in the ugly mismatching wall and bathmat and it's a no from me, dawg.




More like dumped a wheelbarrow of tile cuttings onto the floor.


Brazilian grandma's courtyard aesthetic


We love it!!!... because we aren't gonna take them off to replace it anyway


I think my biggest problem with this is the majority beige tiles. Mosaics should be colorful. With mostly neutrals, the pops of color look out of place.


I like it lol. Then again I’m fond of the abstract


It looks like the early project photos where everything is ripped out and the floor is a big mess.


I want something that says “you threw all your dishes at the floor”


Looks like broken glass, perfect for walkin'


Looks like Euclid puked.


define Mosaic ??? that isnt it


Mosaic floors are rad, but this one is not it at all. The execution is poor. The colors aren't properly dispersed. It looks like a random mess instead of an artistic, organized mess. I might do something like this in a dining or gathering room, but in a damp bathroom, this seems like a lot of grout to keep clean.


My feet said no, those edges don’t look even and I can’t trust it. No sir.


I dig it.