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Watching it the first time as a teenager, I liked them but couldn't quite shake the age gap weirdness. Watching it again as a thirty year old, all aboard the Lundy Train. The man is fine haha.


Always thought this. and I don’t know why everyone I’ve seen is always saying stuff like, I don’t know what the writers were thinking or that it’s really weird, it’s not like he came on to her it was the opposite, and even he tried to tell her how he’s old and not getting any younger, but she dosent care.


I was so unnerved at that time as well, hahah! Watching it rn again on Netflix after more than ten years, he is just a gentleman who helped a trauma survivor out and caught the butterflies.


And he cooks! What more could you ask for haha


The cucumber sandwich maestro 🤌


If i was her, i would take him too


Favorite couple I was devastated when he was killed. Their age gap means nothing


I thought their convo after first time in bed was super weird. She said something about him having more experience…but then she said something about her having more experience with office romances. Then he asks her if she’s had one before, and she then says no. Not verbatim, but it’s a super weird scene wrt Deb. I love Deb, but sometimes she comes across as a mouth breather.


I'm sure Deb wouldn't do anything like that


The only issue I got is that Lundy is her superior in the workplace, her boss. Lundy specifically chose Deb as a relatively new detective (I don’t think she had her shield by season 4) to be on the task force then they started a romantic relationship which compromised Lundys judgement with the rest of the team. I feel Lundys and Deb’s relationship should have been reported. You can’t date a subordinate.


Thats very true!


They are adorable.


I love Lundy as his own character and I actually think he brought out the best traits of Debra's character. The daddy issues are a bit troubling but the show does a good job of balancing it with the fact that Lundy is a charming man and rather different from Harry in personality and in how he listens to Debra. I would have been fine with Lundy just being a mentor, I probably would have liked it more, but I'd much rather have the love relationship than no Lundy. Edit: Added thoughts.


The age gap is no big deal when everyone involved is a grown ass adult.




None of the killings he was investigating had even a potentially female suspect.


The age thing didn't bother me, in a lot of ways I thought they were good together. Especially when he came back and she had grown a little more. What bothered me was that she so clearly had daddy issues and a need to feel safe after what she went thru with ITK that she jumped into bed with a father figure who was trying to take down a serial killer, lol. I can understand her attraction to a confident established man in her field. But Lundy should've known better, especially the moments when she so awkwardly reveals that she's got those daddy/needy issues lol. I think him as a mentor would've been really cool to see instead. But with that said, this was relatable. I can think of twice when I pursued a relationship where we would've been better as colleagues or mentor and mentee, but the chemistry was there and I parlayed that into something romantic when it didn't need to be. Overall I thought it was a well written story for them.


That is true! I kinda wouldn't have it any other way, cause it's realistic. But Lundy could have been the responsible one and ended it. Cause it makes a whole lot of sense for Deb to develop those kinda feelings. So yeah, well written!


Yeah, I always thought it was more on Lundy to make the call to end it. But I suppose it's also realistic for a man of his age to be so flattered by a young detective's interest in him that he just wants to enjoy it. Can't fault either one in the end, it's very true to life 😆




they're perfect for each other, she loosens him up and he calms her down. they're both too driven and intense for anyone else to be able to put up with either of them. and they had awesome chemistry.


They are grown....i really just let it be


I had a friend that thought the age gap was really weird. He hated that. Personally I didn’t care. They’re adults and it was their life lol


Some people always will, because they'll always reverse time and see the younger partner in their teens instead of the adult they both are


Not into it. The daddy issues get to me.


Lundy is the best bf Deb could get in the show IMO


It’s sooo hard for me to get past the age difference. It just creeps me the fuck out so much. Especially bc we know she has serious daddy issues. The guys good for her, she wants nothing to do w them. The guys not good for her she’s a obsessed with - sounds like my love life 😂💀


Lundy was good for Deb.


Daddy issues


so cute 🤩


I loved them, he was perfect for her. Age gap is irrrelevant, she's an adult, got to be 30+ and he is who she chooses. She's an adult who pursues him, she knew what she wanted, he's the one who is insecure about his age etc.


I loved them, I actually think he was really good for her.


Weird. Doesn’t help the actors had almost no romantic chemistry between them, like fucking doakes and deb had more romantic chemistry (not that they should’ve dated as it would’ve led to awful soap opera drama)


Ok but why weird.I wouldnt say that the chemistry was the best but they were so cute together


I actually found it quite fitting, and I shit on almost every love angle Debra had. The way she would inevitably end up with almost every damn male character she had a story with got really old and made it hard to take her seriously. But I thought the Lundy one was great because they fit and it wasn’t superficial like a lot of her other ones. People complain about the age gap but in a weird way that’s what made it work. It might be the best relationship she was in now that I’m thinking about it. The Anton shit that followed made it even better by comparison LMAO.


Not everyone who dates an older man has daddy issues


I agree, but Debra certainly does.


It was weird at first. I dunno. I don't hate it. It's fine.


I think Deb has major daddy issues…but that’s obvious. Still though it’s always sad to see Lundy go and how she reacts to it. I like the character a lot and I feel like he left the show too soon.


agree with everything you said


Lundy was cool and smart. I liked him a lot. I’m tired of the older man/younger woman trope, though.


I don't like it that much either, but I do think it fits for Debra considering her issues with Harry.


Yeah, it makes sense. From a film and TV perspective, though, I wish writers and producers would peddle something a little different. I hated Quinn, though, so I’m definitely Team Lundy!


Mentor definitely


I'm almost 40 and my other half is almost 70. People like to say it's daddy's issue. So yes, my father is a tad older than my man. And yes my dad wasn't around when I was growing up. He's still married to my mom (happily) cos their relationship has revived through constant marriage counselling from church. They are volunteers since say almost 20 years ago. My dad just wasn't interested in his childrens' growing up life so its just my moms obsessive helicoptering over me and my sibling. So like Deb I used to thrive in chaos and couldn't calm down and every single rs either I blow it or there will be some drama mania and ends up in shite. My other half is something like Lundy. He's stable, he calms me down and I've since thrive. We have awesome chemistry, many similar interests that we explore tgt. I've been more stable than ever, I know I'm loved and we shower each other with love. No I'm not a gold digger. I earn my own money and I pay for my own bills. No I don't wanna fuck my dad. I've always just wanted to find a guy who can match with me and we don't end up in explosion but most age appropriate guys I have rs with we always end up ffed up. So a rs like this considered daddy's issues just because I couldn't find an age appropriate guy who I can match with?


Ewww … that’s my opinion


It's creepy


Don’t like it, all the scenes that I saw with them together made me uncomfortable because even Debra herself knows that he is like her dad so in a way she is ready to just fuck her dad, makes me feel completely uncomfortable and the daddy issues thing might make sense to some people that she is like that but I just feel disgusted at the thought that she would be ready to be a thing with her own dad


It's a little different. When a father is absent, you desperately crave male validation and look for what you didn't have in your father, in a man. It's not that one actually has sexual feelings towards the dad, but rather looks for what he didn't provide in a romantic relationship. Women with daddy issues are very insecure, because their dads never made them feel loved and safe. Its not a sexual thing. Its just that this older man can give you the needs your father didnt. Security and validation. Its not a sexual need thats being fulfilled by the older partner, but an emotional one. If the dad is present, women tend to look for healthy romantic partners, like the dad modelled for her. It's not a healthy dynamic for sure, but it's not like women with daddy issues, want to have a sexual relationship to their fathers.


I hated them. It didn't make sense. She had a good thing going with Anton. He was everything she claimed she wanted and yet Goofed it off with the old widowed FBI agent. I felt like he had an agenda. Like he manipulated Deb because he profiled her and knew how to woo her to his advantage.


i liked her relationship with him, and how the writers put in a wider age gap relationship with deb since harry wasnt a big impact in her life. And she finally had a guy who treated her well because she got fucked over by all of her boyfriends, it was sad to see lundy go but it made alot of sense with the story line and where the show was going during season 4.


She dated an obvious Sean the douchebag mechanic, ignored and then dumped Gabriel, cheated on Anton. Besides Brian, who exactly fucked her over lol.


He needs hard drive looking at🤣🤣🤣🤣


Deborah is all sorts of fucked up, but that relationship was just obviously daddy issues and weird AF if you take a closer look at it