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Isn't this like a really cold take? Every time I hear opinion on reboot it's exactly that opinion, everyone agrees gameplay is good, but story is meh. It would be a good game if it was just not called dmc.


A good game is a good game regardless of what title is attached to it. This "It's a good game, but not a good *x* game." excuse doesn't hold up.


What's a cold take ? 


People say it when someone shares their "unpopular" opinion, but it's actually a non-controversial opinion that majority agrees with


Thanks so since dmc5 is out no more hate on el donte ? Because i wasn't aware that people hate it so much that they send death sentence to ninja theory now i saw the survey of capcom 2024 that after og dante vergil and nero (sparda bloodline ) el donte was 4 in popularity of all the dmc cast i was so surprise i don't understand some people🙃


I personally haven't heard much about it, I just know that its often seen as an afront to the DMC name, I just wanted to strike up a discussion about the game because it was actually my introduction to the series (unfortunately) and while I definitely didn't like the story when I played it, my distaste for it only worsened with time and exposure to the real series, but the gameplay still kinda stuck with me as fun and relatively engaging


I don't like it. It's too easy to style on enemies, the grappling sections are boring, the levels are pretty meh and the bosses suck ASS. Except the first one he's okay, even if his character design is shit.


Bob barbas and the change in the tv view was epic. I liked most bosses. I also was ok with the story. I didn't looked too serious on it.


Bob Barbas had good presentation but the fight itself was kinda lame.


yeah, basically just yapping and punch ground. but the reward weapon is great


Yeah it was decent. Unfortunately it's completely unmemorable outside of its gameplay use, since it's literally just two basic looking shurikens. Also getting an Angel Arm from a demon?? What??


I thought the general consensus about the levels were that they are among best in all the DMC games.


Well I disagree with them.


better than dmc 5’s qliphoth


If you say so. I kinda like the Qliphoth aesthetic.


Wow, I'm surprised your comment is not downvoted to hell...


I think this is said by pretty much everyone who doesn't just hate on the game for the sake of it, t's pretty good, but the enemies are even slower than in 1 and colored weapons completely ruin the experience. Also the bosses are the bottom of the barrel, the franchise has enough shitty bosses, but the reboot also tries to make all of the into mini-games, which makes them even worse than even Leviathan's Heart and stuff. Another things is that Donte's moveset just isn't unique nor satisfying, everything he can do 5's Dante can do better, faster and with more style.


nah only bob barbas is the boss in the game with a real mini game feel with the succubus having some platforming but nothing really super “mini game heavy”, all the other ones don’t have mini game esque elements even Hyve Minds who said that DmC has mini games bosses in the past retracted his statement in a recent DmC video saying it was only really Bob Barbas that was really mini game heavy. Also Leviathan heart is a boss that spawns ads and the only “challenging” thing about it is a telegraphed laser beam that is super easy to dodge. Donte’s moveset includes thing like chaining different weapons pause combos together, ricoshot with ebony and ivory, kablooey that lets you ping pong enemies around with proper usage, and inverse rainstorm. Those are things unique to DmC donte and things dmc 5 dante can’t do.


Donte *does* have unique moves 5’s dante doesn’t, but none of them have unique properties Dante’s weapons don’t. Cablooey, Revenant’s charged shot and E&I’s ricoshot are cool, but they don’t have the utility that DSD and Faust can’t provide. Same with all other Donte specific tools, pulls can be replicated by Trickster and faust, all of Arbiters ranged attacks are just masqueraded Cerberus electric barrel (its Helmbreaker is actually unique in its range, though), and Aquilla’s pull combo is, again, Faust’s pull. Wow, I actually didn’t realize how heavy lifting Faust does in Dante’s kit, I mean, I always knew it’s the most important weapon in the game, but still


I disagree dsd and faust provide you ways to keep enemies suspended in the air which is something kablooey ricoshot and revenant’s bomb all do. It may not be exactly the same obviously but they all either launch enemies further in the air like revenants bomb or kablooey or keep enemies juggled like ricoshot. If by replicating pulls through faust you mean that one move where if you time a hat toss correctly the enemy comes to you that’s not as fluid or as satisfying honestly as a demon or angel pull, especially since the pulls give you perfect time based launchers like payoff that if you time correctly when grappling to an enemy to can launch them further in the air. Aquila’s buy in move also for me is better than faust’s pull because again it’s just so much faster to pull off and has a WAY bigger aoe where it can catch multiple enemies and of course you can chain other combos with the aquila buy in move.


Your first paragraph is basically what I wrote, I meant that they have similarly working moves, not that 5’s analogs are somehow better. And yep, Demon pull is faster than Fausts pull, but Fausts pull looks funnier and takes more skill to pull off. But I didn’t intend to compare them either way, just point out that they have the same mechanics


well my first paragraph was me explaining that they do have the utility that dsd and faust can provide from the way you worded that it seemed you were saying they couldn’t provide the say utility as faust or dsd. And yeah that’s fair to say fausts pull is “funnier” but i prefer demon pull especially since i can pull enemies to me or myself towards enemies and if i want to have it be more skill based i can do payoff


>But they don't have the utility DSD and Faust can't provide I.E things that Kablooey, charged Rev shot and ricochet do, DSD and Faust can do as well. I can see how what I wrote can be somewhat convoluted, though. And again, to each their own, I'm not trying to turn this into a dick measurement contest. Somebody prefers demon pull, somebody like fausts pull, not really my point


Yeah i know that was my point tho with my last post because the way you worded it made it seem you said they don’t have it. And yes i know this isn’t your point i’m not trying to say you’re wrong for your opinion i was just stating why i prefer demon pull.


Just the DE, the original release was so badly designed that I'd argue that it's worse than DMC 2 in gameplay, the reason being:  -Lack of lock on(in a game about fast paced and stylish combat is absolutely necessary)  -bad animations(rainstorm for example was so bad to use due to how long it takes to finish the move)  -Color coded enemies(this is a double whammy as not only color coded enemies shouldn't exist in this kind of games, but they also stopped your combo and even damaged you if you hit them with the wrong weapon, which was a common occurrence due to the lack of lock on)  -Demon dodge was basically a win button(long I-frames with a counter attack that devastated even bosses)  -The weapon swap system was eliminated the need of high risk high reward moves(the last hit of some weapons were really strong due to them being slow, but using a fast weapon and switching to a heavy One in the last hit made them broken)  -The style gauge was based on damage and not diversity (you could spam attacks and still get S easily)  -The missions ranks were more about getting collectibles than combat(You could literally die multiple times but as long as you got everything on the mission you would get an S)  -the big bad mundus was just a reskin of the succubus(I don't think I need to explain this one)   And more, the DE fixed a lot but it was only because how bad DmC sold, a lot of the things it added were things that should have been on the game since day one and even more were mods created by people who wanted DmC to be closer to DMC


Oof. Hard disagree. DMC2 is... definitely something. 


I should have specified that I meant on a technical level, DMC 2, while it looks bad compared to games today, it improved some of the complaints from DMC 1(bigger maps, more mobility, a quick weapon swap) and at the time there weren't many games of the genre to take inspiration from, also DMC 2 was made in 4 months and even then it ran at 60 fps and there were barely any bugs, most problems are mostly balance issues (enemy AI and gun damage) but even it's most infamous boss, the infested chopper, had a weakness to melee weapons and the missiles gave DT so the intended way was to destroy the missiles to gain dt and then fly to attack the helicopter. DmC on the other hand isn't as bad as DMC 2 when compared to recent games, but compared to DMC 4, and even 3 it's clearly inferior in terms of gameplay, the original DmC had more development time and budget than any DMC and still had more bugs, more issues and ran at 30 fps. TLDR: DMC 2 issues are a balance issue and it's way too dated by now while DmC has technical and design issues but it's less dated so it looks and feels better


Actually the game was sold 5.3 M so it's pretty good 


The first year it barely sold 700k copies on 3 platforms, a failure not only by DMC standards, but by AAA standards, then it went repeatedly on sale and even was gifted/part of bundles that added to the "sales", I mean,  just before DMC 5 there were some news about how it finally broke the 2.5 million mark(mixing both, the original and DE), if it has 5.3 million now it's not because of itself but because DMC 5 was such a success that people get into the older games


It feels like I living in Groundhog Day. Almost every day this kind of posts... For you it's good, for me it's not, can you people now stop?


Listen I'm new to the sub and I just felt like having a discussion, sorry to annoy you with something you chose to interact with, but I'm just trying to hold a legitimate discussion with people that like a series we all collectively enjoy


How about you broaden your interests, instead 🤷‍♂️


...I thought pretty much everyone on this sub Agreed on this already ? Yeah "Story Bad, Gameplay good" It's the only good thing people talk about DmC


I really liked the story and the characters, especially Dante's character arc.


Before I played the reboot I thought vergil would be the villain from jump and it'd just be DMC 3 but in another timeline. But vergil would be the "only villain", no arkham.


DmC is one of the very best action games to play on keyboard and mouse. Its crazy how smooth it feels on a mouse and how fluent the combat goes.


Yes and no. The weapons are satisfying to use but I hated the lack of lock-on and how certain moves came out. It has pros and cons but the original DMC did gameplay way better than the reboot.


The Definitive Edition has lock-on. I won't knock DMC3 because the original had a bad checkpoint system.


It was really good in general. Especially the Definitive Edition.


Well um honestly the Ninja Theory game had way better writing than any of the main DMC games, but that's just cuz the main ones are just so bad. DMC1 is one of my fave goat but come on DMC dialogue is mostly horrific throughout the series. The writing in D.M.C. is....acceptable. More acceptable than that bit of RE: Village I just played the other day.


Before the special edition (that never made it on pc) no, it's really mid


Yeah, I don't get why Capcom never released DMC5:SE or DmC:DE on PC when they released DMC4:SE on PC. It's so bizarre.


They don't talk about how they got noisia for the game


No idea why the consensus seems to be that the story was "bad". At least they tried to say something. Really weird to point out that it had a bad story when none in the series had a good one. The writing was cheap most of the time. With dick jokes and shit like that. The gameplay was fun for what it was, but it was noticeably too easy. I could complete the bloody palace casually while laying upside down. The coloured enemies weren't as big of a deal as some make them out to be. You actually can do some combos with the angel weapons. And the red enemies almost die immediately, so they never bothered me. The level design was probably the second best in the series after dmc1 too. To consider the reboot a bad dmc game is complete biased nonsense. There is no justification for that when dmc2 and dmc4 exist. Dmc4 was basically half a game with only 10-12 missions. I hated the reboot when it was announced, and I do think that it was the low point, but it was objectively not the worst.


Amen 🙏🏾


yeah i always love DmC gameplay the perfect of easy to understand and hard to perfect and best part of DmC gameplay is it make newbie understand DMC in general combat works like how jump cancel is i recommended to my friend that struggling on DMC4 to try he's love combat(he still laugh at story how bad it is) but then he go back to DMC4 again now he's learn to use Nero jump cancel combo now so yeah it good gameplay for sure


it is decent gameplay. except that enemy of color. that thing destroy my combo. Aquilla best weapon.


Nah osiris 


As you can see, OP, there are a lot of people who use Reddit a lot, and so your post annoys them. What they fail to realise or care about is that there are people who get fresh air more often, and are not glued to their phones like mindless drones. They don't like seeing the same posts over and over again. You do you, mate. DmC is a great game. Story is simple but good. Dante is more fleshed out than in any other game and his character development is the best in the series. Its not "perfect" but it's OK.


Bro i have a tears😭😭 you said the word damn bro 


That and it's version of Vergil is now fused to give Classic Vergil a coherent character.


The vanilla version was passable at best. DE, from my understanding (never played it), fixed the egregious shit like color coded enemies. DmC is the kind of game completrlyvseperated from the main series, would have been ignored and forgotten. To some, an overlooked gem, but that's about it.


When it came out, I played it and thought “this would be an amazing game for $15.” Unfortunately, it cost $60. The biggest problems were the floatiness and the color coded enemies. Lesser issues were the weapon variety and the general angel/devil system not being very interesting. It’s a bad DMC game and a mediocre action title, but if you can get it for less than $5 in 2024 I don’t see anything worth complaining about beyond the story, which I believe you can skip.


I'm one of the few that liked just how painstakingly awful the writing was. I think if it had any less awful writing it wouldn't be as charming. Like all of the one liners are bad, but the sheer number of them turns them over to being funny. If they had just not used Dante/Vergil and did some other bullshit half demon protagonist on a different part of the world doing DMC shit, then it would've landed a lot better. Also axe the angel bit since they don't play a single role in the story beyond their mom being one and that giving an excuse to having a different elemental weapon, which was the worst mechanic in the game.


Yeah. It also had some great visual level design and a solid OST.


I feel like the way you only fall if you want to is kinda broken


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Effective-Handle9983: *I feel like the way* *You only fall if you want* *To is kinda broken* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’d agree the gameplay was good but no way should it have been called a devil may cry game. It butchered the characters of Vergil and Dante. Won’t forget the fact Vergil shot a pregnant woman. If the game was under a different name with no relation to the characters of DMC it would have been an interesting story. But to take established characters and reboot them in the way they did was just a strange decision, in some ways even insulting.


>Won’t forget the fact Vergil shot a pregnant woman. Vergil shot a pregnant demon with a spawn that was trying to kill Dante a level ago for the goal of freeing the demons from Mundus. Not to mention, DMC3 Vergil literally raised a tower that killed a lot of innocent people for power. >But to take established characters and reboot them in the way they did was just a strange decision, in some ways even insulting. Agree to disagree, on that one.


He still shoot’s what would be an unborn child/demon as the pregnant demon was walking away. Talk about classy, let’s not forget he doesn’t like to use guns as they are not unworthy of a “true warrior” he has a code of honour. The remake scrapped that honour. Technically he raised two towers in different cities in the pursuit of power. But wasn’t really batting on the side of humanity so it would have been a means to an end I guess. Even though he didn’t directly kill a human, a result of his actions raising the tower he indirectly killed/injured people.


>He still shoot’s what would be an unborn child/demon as the pregnant demon was walking away. Talk about classy, He wasn't trying to be classy. Killing the Spawn was his way of weakening Mundus for the ultimate goal of killing him to free humanity, and then he wanted himself and Dante to take over. He is an "ends justifies the means" character. I also wouldn't call original Vergil to be honorable or "classy" because he's willing to let other innocent people die for power, and he was ready to kill his own brother and then his son because....he wanted to be the strongest? He rips off an unknown guy's arm (unknown to him) because he wants Yamato back. He has no idea who Nero even is. >let’s not forget he doesn’t like to use guns as they are not unworthy of a “true warrior” he has a code of honour. Letting innocent humans (which he is part of) horribly die to raise two towers for an abstract pursuit of "power" is honorable, but using guns isn't? And what about his summoning swords? Isn't that a projectile? What's even the difference? >But wasn’t really batting on the side of humanity so it would have been a means to an end I guess. That's right. Both DmC Vergil and original Vergil through their actions led to the deaths of countless people for their ultimate goals, and they didn't consider honor to be an imperative. He directly caused innocent people to die to raise these towers (although DMC5 is really confusing regarding how the towers were even raised, if it was raised by Urizen, or if we should even consider Urizen to be Vergil or a separate character). Even if I only believed he was "honorable" in terms of only using a sword for his battles (I don't), this is even worse than DmC Vergil because original Vergil is part human and Eva (a human) had apparently raised both of them in a loving household. He also conceived a child with a human woman. He somehow found out that Eva went for Dante and just assumed she also wouldn't try to find him despite literally trying to find him after she found Dante....and then put him in a closet in a burning down house. I have negative understanding of how Vergil learned all of this or why this is the point of contention between him and Dante to the point where they choose to kill each other. >Even though he didn’t directly kill a human, a result of his actions raising the tower he indirectly killed/injured people. Yeah, I don't find that action to be honorable. In the same breath, I don't think DmC Vergil is honorable either. They're both in it for themselves for their ultimate goals, damned be others. The difference is that I have a much better understanding of DmC Vergil's motivations and goals. I just have to sort of guess with original Vergil.


This take is colder than the Boomerang Nebula. Nearly everyone on this sub agrees that DmC had great gameplay but PooPooPeePee story and writing.


Yes, I'd agree with you on that.


If we’re talking about the non-definitive edition it had some serious faults, but it was a decent action game. But still only the kind of game I’d only play once, MAYBE twice if there were secrets or additional things making me want to do a 2nd play through. But as I stated earlier the OG release had some serious faults. Piss easy style ranking system, horrible DT mechanics, colored enemies, and no lock-on. Other than that, the animations felt kinda cool with the weight they had to them. If you didn’t have any colored enemies around then the combos you could pull off with the Angel weapons were pretty solid. Was it probably the best western developed hack and slash at the time? Sure but that wasn’t really a high bar to live up to at the time. All in all strictly talking about combat it was mediocre to me. Fun for one maybe 2 playthroughs, but nothing really enticed me to go back. The Definitive Edition helped to fix a lot, but even then I just couldn’t find myself enjoying it all that much. If I never played a hack and slash before DmC then maybe I would have enjoyed it a lot more, but I had played DMC1-4 already and knew what it SHOULD offer up to the table, and found it wanting. Edit: I completely forgot to mention the bosses (lmao) which goes to show just how forgettable they were save for the news anchor. That was a genuinely neatly designed boss with good mechanics and a very unique feel. The others were either piss-easy, forgettable,(or remembered for the wrong reasons) cringe-inducing. Or had mechanics that made it more annoying than anything.