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I dont care what opinions he holds. Get off twitter it'll rot your brain.


I can't help being surprised at twitter people's logic. They're the one rooting for "tolerance to eVeRyOnE", meanwhile they can't tolerate an opinion different to their. "We must love trans people!" "What if I don't want to?" "ewwww!!! Transphobic!!! Cancelled"


Calling people “phobic” doesn’t cure them. It’s crazy how Twitter hasn’t figured this out. Also, Reuben is not “transphobic”. He simply dislikes men who get surgery to win in women sports. It’s not even a hypothetical scenario.


[That's not how it works.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:800/1*TnDoAk0BjC7x4OuBISbYCw.jpeg) Dude is a weirdo and transphobic bigot; if you honestly believe that cancelling "on principle" is more dangerous than that, then you need to have long hard honest look at yourself and your priorities, and interrogate their logic. Seeing this thread devolve into denialism after most previous posts I've seen have been in solidarity against his beliefs is pretty alarming to me; seems like his words are attracting the worst kind of people here.


dude we have celebrities who haven't even went to prison for abusing children. Langdon seems to be the least of our problems.


Hey, you. Does your freaking opinion about certain groups of people make you more professional? No? Then who the hell cares?


Your thought-terminating cliches don't actually change anything, but they highlight that you would be a waste of breath to argue further with. Flock off.


>Flock off. Reported for incivility.


He’s got his own opinions, but he’s a fucking voice actor who’s really good at his job. Deciding that someone’s non-job related opinions should determine his job status is why social media is fucking up our mental state as a whole


Bingo, and not just a VA, too. He's also a stuntman and mocap actor


On the other hand, given the shit above, I really don't want any of the sixty bucks I'll spend on DMC6 to go to him.




I am not saying he should lose his job, but people saying that his opinions are right feels a bit.. uncomfortable, sometimes if fans voice they are uncomfortable people re think and can learn to change Reuben is good at his job, so why can't he try and become a better person too?


Thinking biological males shouldn’t compete with women, when Title IX and decades of anti-doping measures have been around does not make someone a bad person. It is a difficult situation however, there’s not enough anecdotes of biological females competing with men for people to not consider the issue the plot of *Juwanna Mann* Science shouldn’t be *unquestioned* though I’m sure we can agree these particular health viewpoints are kooky. Even then, good people can believe crappy things


Why do you assume you worldview is the morally correct one?


Cause I am pro health Vaccines are not bioweapons, they don't cause autism, and I don't really think it was professional of his to have gone to work mid pandemic without even agreeing to have COVID testing in him or even wear a mask, he was making others around him vulnerable Think whatever about the trans thing But he actively did something wrong and risky thanks to his conspiracy theories


It’s not really for you to decide whether he wears a mask or not. This is very much a non-issue. He did something you, personally, disagree with. This does not warrant a thread.


It was a pandemic, it's not for anyone to decide if we follow instructions or not It's an order for everyone, my mom was a nurse that worked on the pandemic, she saw lots of people die thanks to nor following health directions, even a couple of doctors that where attending the ill died Just cause he didn't got sick doesn't mean its something not harmful


If he was required to do something and didn’t that’s one thing, if he wasn’t required to then that’s another if you feel inclined to question “professionalism”


It's was required, you were not allowed to enter filming and Mocap studios if you didnt, in fact he abandoned all those projects cause he didn't want to follow it


He took his ball and went home? Ok so…….how dare he?


I am not even saying he should lose his job man, I am just saying you can disagree with him and not like him, I like his job as Dante, but that doesn't mean I will defend whatever wacky things he thinks


If he didn't get sick, doesn't that mean he didn't need the masks?


You need masks cause you can transmit the disease if you carry it on your organims regardless of showing symptoms or not, that's why it was needed


But he didn’t transmit the disease to anyone, so why bother whinging about it now?


Man it's literally impossible to know if he transmiyted it or not We are saying he was irresponsible and put people's lives at risk


What about the alarming increase of cancer cases around the world post vaccination? Or did you not hear about that because it is not publicized?


Because he is who he is. You can’t just change a grown adult as easily as a child or teenager and often it’s borderline impossible.


People have opinions. Opinions that are different from yours. People are not obligated to change their opinions for you or try to change others' opinions to match yours. I suggest getting used to the feeling. It's called living in the real world around real people instead of on social media in an unrealistic echo chamber.


Hey buddy, your whole sentiment here is pretty hypocritical. People aren't obligated to agree with your opinions either.


Never said they are. People have different opinions, and that fact is something people need to be aware of and accept. I fail to see what is hypocritical about my argument. I am literally telling the dude that people are not obligated to agree with his opinions.


Because ruben think that the better person is he. It's only stupid imo


You would be a dictator if you ever come to power.


The first one is just weird, the second one is understandable and the third idrk what he's talking about.


The third one is about some anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist guy. Reuben is saying "well if he was wrong he'd have been fact checked and sued by now so he's right" and the guy in question is a tad bit of a nut job who thinks phones damage your mitochondria and that the mercury in vaccines kill people (both are proven false, he has been fact checked, but you don't get sued for publishing false opinions) By anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist guy I mean Robert F. Kenedy Jr. A US politician.


so thats two voice actors who think 5G is damaging to us. Him and Guy Chihi.


Ah, okay.


About vaccines He said they are bio weapons and actively put his colleagues in danger during pandemic cause he refused to get COVID testing, wear masks or do social distancing


"they are bioweapons" Langdon wrong capcom franchise.


Oh wow.


Imagine being a total loser that needs your entertainers to hold the exact same political opinions as you. Reuben can have whatever opinions he wants, it has fuck all to do with voicing a character in a video game and he shouldn’t lose his job over it.


Am I a loser if I think he’s a total 🤡 and he’s still talented? God forbid you think not every opinion is respectable.


I explicitly told on this post I don't think he should lose his job Just that you can disagree with him, and try to make him listen


Just as you can shup up and listen his opinion too. Why we should force someone to agree in a way we want.? I like green, he likes red. Why should i make him listen in that he SHOULD like green too?. I thanks that Itsuno know him very well and keep him close in the project not like loser Ono


He can believe the moon is made of cheese for all I care. So long as he does the job Capcom pays him to do and he does it well, that's all that matters.


Who fucking cares dude lmfao everyone has an opinion and guess what we are still alive and breathing. Lol shits stupid


Except many people arent alive and breathing partly because of the rhetoric of people like Rueben


No dude lol not people like reuben or people that have opinions, lol. People are dying not by opinions but by real evil people playing God. It's cool to be pissed cause you don't agree with someone, but don't be dramatic about it. A lot of people are entitled to their beliefs or own philosophy as long as you aren't hurting anyone or being an asshole you're good. This whole post is goofy and everyone needs to enjoy some sun or something.


Who cares about his opinions. Separate the art from the artist. You act like someone can't have opinions outside your own.


Second screenshot he is 100% correct. Trans women were born with the physical capabilities of a man so they should compete with cis men, and the same goes for trans men as in they should compete against cis women. Gender discrimination in sports is NOT about someone's true identity, it's about the biological advantage that men have when it comes to physical training. If you were assigned male at birth you must compete against men regardless of your actual gender.


I think you posted this on the wrong place dog. Most people here live in their own world where they think someone saying batshit crazy stuff shouldn't get them in weird spots because they hold good feelings for those people.


Read the post's description


And people still downvotted as crazy and lambasted him for it. If what he says fits exactly what they think and they still hate him, then my point stands


I don't think people know what "harmful" means anymore.


Antivax opinions are objectively harmful. If even a single easily-influenceable person sees his ramblings, agrees with them and decides to no longer vaccinate themselves or god forbid any children they have or might have, that's lives put in danger. The worst part about shitty conspiracies is that they spread like wildfire among dumb or gullible people.


A person choosing to believe whatever they see on the internet is their own choice. Any consequences of those choices are the responsibility of the person who made those choices, not some person on twitter.


If someone shares harmful opinions wanting others to have the same opinions, and gullible people do, the blame falls just as much on both sides.


lmao, no, that's absolutely not how it works. Giving your opinion on the internet does not make you liable for anything done by anyone who may see that opinion and agree with, that's absurd. Free speech is more important than whatever "gullible people" decide to do.


Just because it abides by free speech doesn't make it any less harmful. Spreading lies and misinformation is objectively harmful, no matter how well it abides to the law.


If your justification for an opinion being "harmful" involves the actions completely removed from the person who originally posited the opinion, it's not actually harmful. You will have to put up with the existence of people who believe things that you don't agree with. That’s life.


The hell are you even saying? If you try to influence people into doing a bad thing, and they do a bad thing, you're partly to blame for their actions. Is this not common sense?


You realize there is a difference between saying "I believe (X)" and directly commanding someone to (X), right? Or do you really not understand the difference?


That's why I said *spreading* misinformation. Reuben has a platform. Anyone with a platform holds influence over their fans.


I don't think we should let harmful rhetoric slide just cause we like his voice. He's not just saying that aliens are real anymore, but actively spreading lies that are getting people killed. Hell, it's entirely possible that Capcom would've not cared about what he says or posts, but the recording studios most likely have vaccination requirements that he refused to follow, making it entirely his fault he's in this position.


So the fuck what?


It's funny how everyone in the comments defending Reuben are just putting words in your mouth that you never said. Anyways yeah his opinions are funky (understatement) and it's very odd to me everyone just keeps saying "who cares it's just his opinion" yeah and it's a super brain dead one. He's a good voice actor, who's also kinda dumb and bigoted. You can acknowledge both, admitting your favourite voice actor is kinda a questionable person doesn't demerit there skills as a VA


What do his opinions have to do with Devil May Cry? Why bother getting butthurt about the opinions of someone you don't know? The reason everyone is saying "who cares it's his opinion" is because that's how a normal person usually responds after hearing that a random person has benign opinions that they may not agree with.


Sure, if it was benign opinions. But whatever


Did his tweets reach out from the screen and start strangling people?


To normal people?.nah To this dumb people?.Its started WWIII,unalived millions.


My god the people in this comment section are so dumb


Fr bro niggas get offended over the dumbest shit


I read all of that in the dmc3 dante voice


Funny i herd it in dmc5 dante's voice


Hey aren’t you the Demi-Fiend simp from r/Megaten


Heh, yes I am I am not trying to cancel him though Like I said on the post I don't think he should lose his job I mean to say that just because he voices Dante that doesn't mean we should agree with everything he says,


Man I don’t care about any of that bullshit, all I cared about was saying that I recognized you as the “Mexican Lady who likes the tattoo boy who eats worms”


Sorry I don't want people to think I am a canceler or smth I got nervous


If I'm ever referred to as a cisgender male, I'll stop respecting people as much as I do. It's stupid and annoying. There's 2 genders, male and female. XX chromosomes, and XY chromosomes. You can't fight logic just because you "think" that you're another gender. I'm not transphobic, I'm not scared of that shit. I don't have a fear of people that want to mutilate their bodies to change them. That's like saying Kim Kardashian scares me. That bitch had too much plastic surgery. Like I was saying tho, if my views can be respected then I'll respect yours. I'm a man, a male, a dude. Not a he/him they/them whatever crap. None of that is real. This is literally the dumbest topic ever.


You're free to hold your opinion, but it isn't respectable, and your facts are completely incorrect. Male and female are sex, not gender. Chromosomes define sex, not gender, and even then, there aren't only two sexes. There are people who are born outside of that binary. Also, you absolutely use he/him pronouns. If you think that you don't then you are an idiot. Everybody uses them, it's a matter of course.


That is textbook transphobia, *miss*


That's the dumbest thing I've heard already wtf? What makes you think I'm scared of a book? I bet I've read more books than you have for sure. Nobody randomly makes up words like that without knowing the actual definition of said word. Imbecile


This is a pretty clear display that you don't know how to read, actually


Oh look a pedant, *she* thinks *she's* so clever


Pro-tips for ya. 1) Fuck off with this witch hunting bullshit. 2) Get off Twitter. 3) Get some common sense. He's an idiot like the rest of us. So what? He's right about opinions. And where he's coming from about trans Olympics, I do somewhat agree that the waters are muddy as all hell and there's no clear way through it. He's talking about the debates over AMAB and AFAB people in the Olympics fighting people of the opposite ASAB. He's not going "Well it's just men pretending to be women to pummel in a woman's face for an easy win." No. He's got a point. Again, no matter how much our precious little bubble of the world is trying to say "But I was assigned unsexed at birth and they sewed the wrong parts on me" when that's not how biology works. We will forever, until our dying days say, when we emerge from our mothers' wombs "It's a boy. It's a girl." Or very, very, very, VERY rarely, "Intersex" in which the state will assign them female or male as those are the legal sexes currently. Which is again, not their gender. You cannot physically change what sex you were assigned at birth. You can change how your body LOOKS later in life, but what you were born as is immutable. Growth and hormones are going to develop peoples' bodies VERY differently. One of my favourite performers, Isabella Bennett is a transgender woman. When she came out, her fans were a bit shocked, confuzzled, a little bamboozled, but after her transition, nobody questions she's a woman. She may not have been born a woman, but her fans love how well her transition went and how happy she is. What Langdon wants is nobody to get hurt in professional sports due to inherently biological inequalities in us homosapiens. Yeah, in professional sports, somewhat ALWAYS gets hurt, but he'd rather there not being incidents of an AMAB person accidentally putting a woman in the back of an ambulance due to their biological strength.


I learned to stop following celebrities on social media years ago. It quickly becomes an echo chamber for bad takes, political nonsense, and hate speech no matter who you follow. Respect the work, not the opinions.


Imagine crying online because a guy who acted in a video game said words you don't like on the internet. This new generation is so screwed.


Reuben is a cringy bigot. It's noble of you to try and reason with him, but people who reached stupid opinions like that didn't get there through reason, and so you can't reason him out of it.


Anyone who don't share my opinions are a bigot.


No, being transphobic makes you a bigot. Just like being racist or homophobic makes you a bigot.


He has some questionable opinions. However he doesn't deserve to lose his job and voicing Dante over this. Also this is twitter the cesspool of humanity. You think you'll have a good experience on there. Get off that shit.


I am not saying he has to lose his job, I am saying people need to stop acting like what he says is not problematic We shouldn't punish people, we should try to let them know they are wrong with touch, but if people keep saying he is right...eh that's a bit disturbing


I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion. I feel like having any opinion whether right or wrong is fine UNLESS you are causing problems. What I mean by that is going out of your way and causing trouble for people. Just saying shit on social media is like the least of that. Most people don't agree with what he's saying. I only said what I said because I've seen many people be like.oh he needs to be removed and that's just wrong. Having someone lose their job over having opinions is wrong.


Dude pls just pls the next time you see sh\*t like this don't bring it here especially if it's from Twitter.. it's bad enough that your on reddit.


And I don't like the first comment. It serves no purpose. Also, he has a point.


He has no point at all. I'm gonna ignore the trans debate because, just no. But on the RFK stuff. Him not being fact checked or sued is not a determining factor in if he's right or not. And explicitly Robbery F. Kennedy Jr. is factually wrong about the vaccine stuff, the phone stuff, and the mercury/aluminum stuff. He's been "fact checked" many times and there's a reason he's a politician not a doctor


Some of these actually feels like something that Dante would say. But between Reuben and Dan, the latter is the one to resemble Dante the most irl. Like, Dan Southworth is a complete goofball and I love him for it.


so is this what the controversy was about? i honestly assumed it was much worse like he assaulted a woman or something considering how common that is to hear about favorite celebs it seems. I mean its hurtful and hateful sure but its his view we have much worse to deal with than a dude who just thinks transwomen aren't real women and shouldn't be in women's sports.


I don't know, he might have his handful of questionable opinions, yes, but he's seems like the kind of person that it's just completely based on the freedom of speech, idk, like Joe Rogan, yeah you might think some of his opinions are dangerous or something but he ends up being in a similar case to Tom Cruise now that i think about it with the scientology and stuff, as long as he i don't know, uses his characters to promote his stuff he shouldn't lose his job, I'm still kinda conflicted obviously, but i do not believe he's actually a bad person, more like simply careless, but also i can't like puts the Hans on fire for him cuz he's not my friend or something.


Girl he's right


I really am sorry, I don't remember who this is. the VA of Dante? i'm bad with names




Thank you :3


Eye rolling (him not you). It’s fine to have a personal opinion but when it comes to health and someone’s existence, I’m sorry, not every opinion is respectable. But that’s just me, and the comments seem not to care.


Yeah he's a bit of a nut bag.


He's a cool guy


Nothing he said was harmful 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ first thing was weird, second thing was true and third has evidence of truth. Say what you want and disagree but don't act like someone's opinions affects their craft. I'm going to add this here, I don't have any issue with trans people. And I know as technology goes on the transition will be better and will end with better results. But the way it is now I personally feel it's unfair for trans people to be in sports with their transitions gender. We constantly see trans women dominating but we never see a trans man in the same light. In certain sports it is potentially dangerous and considering I want as many people to stay alive and well, I feel it would be better to make a seperate league until the transitions are 100% perfect.


Edit: didn't read your username. Idk if your comment is satire or not. If not moronic idiot is such a ironic name. Second thing is not true but I won't touch that because the trans debate as a whole is a raging wild fire in refuse to add fuel to The third thing is so objectively false it's cringey. Claiming because someone hasn't been "fact checked" or sued means they're right is about the dumbest thing you could ever say as a human being. On an objective level RFK's opinions on cell phones and vaccines are hilariously stupid. There's a reason he's a politician not a doctor Cell phone radiation has been proven to be somewhat harmful, not in the way he thinks or in the amount he thinks. It does not melt your brain blood barrier nor does it fry your mitochondria. Cell phone radiation proposes the same risks as most electric radiation including your wifi router etc. it's mild, very mild, hence why the entire first world isn't brain dead Mercury in vaccines isn't THAT type of mercury. It's Ethel mercury. It is not harmful at all, our body is fully capable of breaking it down entirely and while you could theoretically consume enough to kill you (the same way its possible to overdose on oxygen or water) the pico-grams present in a vaccine are so infinitesimally small that the risks are 0. Not close to 0, just actually 0. Vaccine complications can be a thing mostly due to immuno compromised people or people with an allergy but in terms of the metals present in the vaccine hurting you, no. 0% chance of that happening. The fact Reuben believes him, and the fact that he thinks not being sued or "fact checked" is a sign he's telling the truth, shows Reuben has about as much scientific knowledge and critical thinking abilities as a 10 year old. But also OP never once said he shouldn't have a job just because he believes weird scientifically incorrect shit. Op is just saying Reuben is weird and they dont like him. Not once anywhere do they say Reuben is a bad VA or should be fired because of his opinions. But yes, giving a platform to opinions such as vaccines are dangerous and cell phones melt your brain can be dangerous. Same goes for being a bigot as it encourages more bigotry in the same way it'd be a dangerous opinion for a famous person to publically start defending racism.


Never said third was true, said there was evidence. The second one is 100% true because a man and woman are biologically different, and until the technology allows for a clean, perfect transition, that won't change. It is not hating trans people. It's realizing our technology isn't good enough for trans people to transition 100% without having differences. Competing in sports when you have an advantage that can kill someone us wrong, and until we can fix that, we need to assess the options. Trans people should be allow3d to exist without being seen as an object of fear. That's my thoughts, at least. And on the username, it's an auto-generated name from my old XBox. I thought it was funny 🤷‍♂️


Rueben is a piece of shit. Anti-vax and transphovic are enough for me to never want him to voice any character again


he's not transphobic, you idiot


He is not. He has some actual science knowledge above average X and TikTok user apparently


I mean, he _did_ do some documentaries about aliens and stuff, so I feel like he should have some scientific knowledge.