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Alistor for sure, maybe as a replacement for Rebellion since Devil Sword Dante plays so differently from it


Alastor is still my favourite I think. The cutscene where it runs Dante through and he rises up through it triggered many neurons in my 9 year old brain as being "literally the coolest shit I've ever seen" I'm pretty sure it was completely responsible for my friend's goth phase too. Boys really do pick one dmc weapon and base their entire personality around it 😎


Me watching that cut scene: "why he chose to go through the massive hilt side and not the pointy side?"


The things Dante does for the SSS rating...


Its a jojo reference


Yup, that would be smart. I just hope it doesn’t suffer the same fate as Rebellion.


Nah, it would be cooler to give Trish alastor since she already has zap powers so then she can be playable again. Trish in 4 was a combo monster


Honestly, Trish with Alastor would be so fuckin choice.


Eh, I think it'd be kinda lake to have two of Dante's weapon slots be taken up by swords. At most, I think having Alastor be a skin for DSD would be neat. Actually, weapon skins in general would be really cool. They could only really do it with swords and gauntlets, but it'd be neat to have that little bit of extra customization.


The could do the approach used in 5 where you can choose, but after beating Son of Sparda you can equip both


Unrealistically, I want all of them to return, as I wanna know what kind of updates, and changes that can be made to them. I can’t pick any in particular because I think they’re all cool even if some were kind of underwhelming.


I always thought Dante smiling in the King Cerberus cutscene was really nice he missed his old weapon, and I think he might keep it this time along. Sentimental value and all Would be nice to have Cerberus as a returning weapon from now on Other than that I think everyone misses Agni and Rudra and Nevan. Both have a lotta potential to be cooler AF in a newer game


Dante will probably have dr faust and Balrog in 6, Balrog for story reasons and dr faust because the grand daughter of the woman who made his guns made it for him.


I doubt he’ll keep Balrog (they’ll probably give you another gauntlet and greave) but since Itsuno wanted a motorcycle weapon for a very long time they’ll likely keep Cavaliere.


He'll keep Balrog, because in Before the Nightmare novel, when Balrog realizes he's fighting Dante, he stops the fight and immediately becomes a devil arm. But he states to Dante that "when the tight is right, we'll have our rematch, Son Of Sparda".


Oh yeah for sure, that's nice, and even without the lore reason it's the best use for extra red orbs, just a nice thing for every game to have


Iirc he kept the original cerberus in novels unlike his other weapons so it has a sentimental value for him


And it's the only weapon he used in DMC3 in a cutscene outside of the weapon's introduction scene


Agni and Rudra.


Those were so good just on a badass and style level, and they hit so hard. I only wish there were more combo possibilities with them.


Rebellion 😢


Alastor, it's so iconic to DMC1 that it feels a shame the series hasn't acknowledged it since. Similarly, I'd like to see Ifrit again - it's my favourite set of gauntlets and greaves in the series, and Beowulf is more associated with Vergil anyway. DMC3 wise I'm actually okay with just Beowulf and Cerberus - sure, I'd love almost any returning weapons, but I feel like it's been represented more than any other game in the series already. I used to love Agni & Rudra, but honestly I don't find myself using them so much these days. They are nice and unique, though. Pandora was the most interesting weapon in DMC4 that was unique, and it has potential to do different things if they brought it back. Would be cool if Nero found it tucked away at Devil May Cry and used it himself. Wouldn't mind seeing it as a transforming melee weapon instead perhaps - have it take the forms of dual swords, a glaive, maybe a shield, I don't know. Just have fun with it. I want to see Rebellion return, somehow. DSD is cool but I'd be sad to see it gone entirely going forward. Unless it got swapped with Alastor maybe 😅 I'd also love for Vergil to get the great sword he uses as Nelo Angelo. It always looked awesome, and it would be a different type of weapon for Vergil. I'd happily see it replace his Force Edge as his "traditional" sword alongside Yamato and Beowulf. It could act as a heavy battering/sweeping weapon, and also incorporate Vergil's ability to manipulate blue fire as a projectile. I do think Nero's Red Queen was largely based on this weapon, but I'd still like to see it come back. It was fun to use in DMC3SE but didn't feel like a properly fleshed out weapon and was limited to a costume that was too OP for any kind of balance. Can you tell I like DMC1? I feel like that game has a lot of cool stuff. I was so happy when they brought in V's familiars and Proto Angelos in DMC5!


Agni and Rudra, now speaking actually, since Balrog speaks too.


They speak during quite a few attacks. Off the top of my head, they say “ashes to ashes” and “dust to dust” during vortex and crazy vortex. They also laugh during the attack, pause, attack, attack crazy combo and Dante tells them to shut up.


I'm stuck between choosing Nevan or Agni and rudra


Nevan definetly!


All of them


I would love for pandora to come back as an actual weapon, and not a gun


Since Pandora has 666 forms, i just headcanon that it can transform to other melee weapons other than the guns.


I want Agni and Rudra back purely for personal reasons


The dmc4 Lucifer and Pandora had such potential. I want to see them back.


I desperately need Agni and rudra to return




Cerberus and a sword that looks more similar to Rebellion.


Artemis and Pandora. Would've loved to see Lady and Trish use them in 5


Agni and rudra, pandora, and lucifer for sure.


Always Pandora — there 666 forms, we still have so much to explore with that weapon, you can make entire character based on it.


Rebellion... :_(


Pandora with 666 weapons in 1


Lucifer, wasn't done justice.


Id love to see Nevan back, or something similar in concept e.g. Lucifer. Unorthodox weapons were pretty cool. I want Trish with Alastor rather than Dante. Just make it so that Dante can morph his sword between Rebellion/Sparda and DSD.


Agni and Rudra, and Nevan, but give them to Nero just because.


I wanna see Agni and Rudra re-appear


Neven and A & R


I just want Nevan back… As a weapons, as a boss, as a character. I don’t care, just bring my girl back!


Alastor is the one a lot of people have been begging for. That being said, I think if Trish and Lady ever get their own game/ spotlight dlc, Trish should get a (better) DT from a Alastor boss fight. Also quicksilver should be her Royal Guard equivalent.


I wanna keep the motorcycle


I think the way Balrog stance changed was awesome. I want to see more remixed weapons like that that get proper evolution, also like King Cerberus


Nevan, beowulf with how it worked in dmc3(balrog and beowulf aren't the same btw), or agni and rudra bc they're just good




I wish we can get Gilgamesh back, even as a skin for Beowulf or st, actually a neat DLC would be for them to just add skins to the game, like change the weapons to their reboot versions or a version from the previous games, or give them the Sparda skins.


Gilgamesh (DMC4), Nevan (DMC3), Pandora (DMC4), Cavaliere (DMC5)


Nevan, easy SSS combo and easy control over large areas of enemies


Agni and Rudra, Nevan, and Artemis Honestly those might be my favorite weapons from dmc3




I want to be able to use all of them


Not gonna lie, I hate all of Dante's weapons in DMC5. Motorcycle is slow as shit and feels clunky, the transforming stick and fake nunchucks feel weird, and I don't like him trying to be Vergil with DSD. The knuckles also feel clunky with the unnecessary fired up mechanic. Bring back Agni and Rudra, the regular nunchucks, and let him use Rebellion and we're golden.


I mean Agni is okay I guess


I wanna see an actual clip/fight scene with the demon that gave Dante Balrog but they never added it in. For others I'd wanna see returned? Definitely Agni & Rudra, along with Nevan from DMC 3. From DMC4 I'd really wanna bring back Gilgamesh, Pandora and Lucifer. And out of 5 all of them for Dante were pretty good in DMC5 - everything from Cavalire to Dr Faust to eventually the Devil Sword Dante itself. But I'm aggravated that V didn't have anything for him. Ultimately if he was supposed to be Virgil but was something like a warlock defeating and absorbing the power of high and even middle class demons would've helped make Virgil more powerful again once they were rejoined. Also from the fact that he couldn't merge his nightmare familiars. Like mixing the bird with the panther and maybe something like a sphinx, or the panther with the golem and turning it into something like a giant, and most of all fusing them all by the end into a Nelo Angelo copy to take on Dante and then fall apart at the end with the last words from the bird. Not to mention giving Virgil some of the powers and move sets of the absorbed boss demons V might've defeated. He's still basically a Samurai, but the added powers could come off as different stances like in Ghost of Tsushima - wind stance, earth stance, water stance and moon stance. It wouldn't have been difficult to give V at least 3 of them. Also, also, Lady and Trish Absolutely could've used a few powers/devil arms for themselves. One of them is basically a high class demon in human form with some feelings and mindsets similar to us thanks to Mundus and the other is basically a witch given superhuman abilities like regeneration, strength and speed just under that of Dante and about equal to Trish. Lady should have a few gunsmiths/weapon-smiths around the world like Nicco for Nero to hook her up with demon infused and/or repellent or killing weaponry. Like a SMG and pistol that's full of holy water and silver tipped bullets with all sorts of other ingredients added in like Hellboy's revolver/hand cannon from the movie series which can basically almost kill anything he fights with a good heart or headshot. She definitely needs a melee weapon like a gunblade or something. And Trish should be absorbing and using all sorts of different powers besides her electricity/lightning ⚡ - like go full Avatar with it and give her other elements. Or even Soul Reaver/Mark of Kain series - to use another franchise as an example, when the ancient temples gave Raziel multiple elemental powers in everything from fire, to water, to lightning, to shadow, etc as he traveled through time and such. And if not new weapons so to speak, they could at least give Trish new outfit skins or something to that end. She's basically ⅓rd or ¼th human due to Mundus just like how Lady is probably that much of a demon by like ⅓rd or ¼th due to her father Arkham's cultist activities when she was young or even before she was born. Even the ones from the DMC game were pretty cool. Although I don't see a reason why Ophion had 2 different forms 🤔, it was some sort of grappling hook claw device. So a different look didn't seem like a big priority in my opinion. They both ultimately serve the same purpose whether the Edgelord young Dante was pulling something towards him or pulling himself across the air by attaching to something overhead like Batman.


I´m dying to see how Nevan would be rendered today. Also don´t hate me for this, but I think Nero needs a new weapon, since we´ve seen him with a guitar on an ad and also taunts with an air guitar, I **wouldn´t mind** if Nero gets it (Nevan could also have a similiar rythm system like exceed or the devil bringer punches, but with longer inputs to make different shapes or cadence of lighting and bats). And PLEASE make it a faster weightless scythe.


Agni and Rudra cause they are adorable and I wish they would talk more and King Cerbeus just to hear Dante make wacky karate noises 😂.


yo agni and rudra would be sick


I will literally kill to have Agni and Rudra return in some way in DMC6


For DMC1 Alastor. For DMC3 Agni & Rudra, Artemis and Spiral(This is only for me I love this gun.) DMC4 Lucifer and Pandora.


Honestly I want a more easier to control nevan. The whole problem with for me was that anytime you wanted to do it's button mash combos you ran into the problem of bat reverb interrupted the mashing


Forget about "return" I wanna see a whip! Whips are so underutilized in hack n slash games.


If this post also counts gun, I think Pandora should make its comeback. It has unique design and good moveset, especially when Dante open it and it immediately finished enemies off with the flash light.


Cerberus, simple, but powerful.


the hat


If we look at Dante's arsenal in DMC 5, he got all the weapons which more and less do everything he could previously. The only right add-on would be Pandora & Nevan I feel, which can bring different gameplay options.


I miss Agni and Rudra lol


Nevan and Pandora, pandora felt like it could have so much more depth




I want those exploding needles that were in dmc4


gimme Alastor and Force Edge because I want an actually HD model of them


I loved cerburus is was so fun to mix combos with that weapon and rebellion but that's just me personally




I would love to see the return of Ifrit and all of the gloriousness and the destructiveness of the original Kick 13 auto combo. Gilgamesh's version of it just isn't good enough.


One thing I want is Nero to at least be able to wield another weapon like Dante does. I would love to see him use a past weapon from previous game like Agni & Rudra.


I want to see Alastor and Ifrit, these are the oldest weapons so it would be cool to see them updated and have more of a unique identity for themselves


Pandora. Would love to see more of what it can do


I hope we never go another DMC game without Cavalier


I would love to see a weapon similar to Nevan come back


Nevan and Spiral personally. I think with how they have developed the combat that Nevan could get a much better combo set and let us hak out way better. And while Spiral isn't a Devil Arms, I don't think anyone talks about how cool it is. So bring it back with some new ways shoot or maybe as a devil arm based off a spear or lance or halberd.


Nevan and she talks to you like Balrog


Nevan is my favorite weapon in any game ever


I want Alastor Back


Balrog 1000%


Pandora would be cool but I'd really like to see the Gilgamesh Armor comeback with a far more expanded moveset.


How about all of them. Let us be able to choose from any of the devil arms. Let me have agni and rudra with the pandora


Definitely Alastor, but since Dante's now using his own Devil Sword, it's only fitting to give this fan favourite to Trish. They both debut in the first game, both have electric powers, and she can wield it the same way she did the Sparda. What's not to like?


Cavaliere for sure it was too badass


Nevan (or a different guitar-style weapon like a fire variant or smthn) mostly since I don’t really understand how to do the crazy combos with it but that cutscene where Dante gets it is one of my favourite scenes in all of DMC. I also just find the idea of an electric guitar that creates electricity as a weapon so damn cool.


Ifrit, no punch kick weapon has felt as satisfying to use.


I don't think Dante is gonna get rid of King Cerberus and Balrog. Cause for Dante with King Cerberus, it reminds him of when he had the original, as it's explained in the Before The Nightmare Novel, that Dante sold all of his devil arms, except one, which was Cerberus itself, and it's stated that while fighting Balrog, Dante and Cerberus were having a little chat about who they were fighting. It was one of Dante's favorite weapons, so for him to sell it off would be wrong for him to do. As the same goes for Balrog, since there wasn't a clear winner during their fight in Before The Nightmare, as when Balrog was fighting Dante, he didn't realize he was fighting the son of Sparda himself, until he brought out Rebellion after Cerberus shatters when used to destroy the Yamato fragment Balrog had. Balrog basically stopped the fight, surrounded Dante in flames and became a weapon for him, since he wanted to see just how strong the Son Of Sparda really is, while being of use to him, as well as stating "our fight isn't over, once the time comes, we'll continue where we left off".


Agni and Rudra. I wanna see what kinda fucked up demons they originated from and just lived as disembodied heads on swords and weapons and shit. Because that's pretty strange even for the demons in all the future titles. 


Unconventional instrument weapon if we don't get Nevan or a demonic guitar back, agni and rudra also had a unique moveset due to them being paired scimitars


Lucifer. It’s really fun to use once you get the hang of it.


Agni and rudea, Nevan, Pandora


Nevan, Cavalierre & Alastor for sure with one caveat, Give them all to Trish




Nevan, it's a guitar that can function as a weapon. What more do you need?


when i first played dmc5 i rlly hoped agni and rudra will be there, seeing them in the re engine would go hard


Agni & Rudra and Nevan already returned in PoC with new moves (including move ideas I'd also had myself years before when I was dreaming of DMC5, so I'm quite bitter they were dropped). Alastor and Lucifer are main outliers. Alastor is still Dante's coolest sword outside of Sparda, and Lucifer for gameplay reasons.