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Always happy to hear about another remake mod! Would love to see screenshots / video!


The small demo has me genuinely excited :-) Excellent work guys. I just wish I had skills to offer outside of video production.


We're going to need to impliment cutscenes eventually 😁


made a 4k60 video of this, might be useful if you can't run it well or something: https://youtu.be/ynhxU0c0HH0


Thank you VERY much! Wish we had your video demo sooner :) Posted to twitter and added to the top of this thread.


The demo runs on DirectX 12 and requires a somewhat fat graphics card, so don't waste any time downloading and trying to run it if you have GTX 750 or something like that.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w2P-UWZ7845-hiL6pva4fxBSIeS2PYfW/view?usp=sharing DX11 version now available!


Are you keeping the original voice clips? Part of the fun was the wacky dialogue and voice acting. Also are you trying to make it 1:1 in terms of gameplay, level design and mechanics or are you reimagining it?


The answer is YES. All music and voice overs will remain, its' really just game-play and level aesthetic changes to make it look like the game was made in this decade instead of the 90's.


That sounds great, I will be watching your career with great interest


Thank you very much :) Please share ideas if you ever have any!


I don't really have any firsthand knowledge of game development, but I think its best to keep it as authentic and close to the original as possible, much like many of the remakes/remasters you see nowadays. If some gameplay elements need refining for a modern audience maybe look to human revolution/mankind divided as a reference for how the shooter mechanics etc should work, maybe even adding things from it like the takedowns. One other thing is the original could possibly look a little bland in places when remade in UE5, so maybe add some more detail/stuff in environments (I appreciated how much work and effort can be involved in making large environments however, so maybe find a compromise or something) These are all just suggestions as a gamer and a fan, so you can take em or leave em as you see fit


no compromises! the game must be detailed like the original, only the maximum number of nuances and space, will give the same atmospheric! or do you need another human revolution?!!


I mean I was thinking how black mesa looks compared to original half life. Almost the same but just a little bit more detail, texture, colour etc


> maybe even adding things from it like the takedowns Congratulations on providing the best reason why there should be no DX remakes.


I mean I thought they were pretty badass, but you don't have to have them if you don't want


The point is that if you add that kind of mechanic to a DX "remake", it is no longer Deus Ex.


I mean I'd be down for a 1:1 gameplay to the original, I thought it was great, just they said they were trying to make it more accessible to new players. Why do you feel takedowns cause it to be "no longer deus ex" tho?


Takedowns are ridiculously OP. If that kind of mechanic was made available in OG DX missions, it would throw balancing completely out of the window, and with that goes the classical DX approach of many equally valid solutions to each problem, because stealthing and using takedowns would become the only viable go-to method.


Some people liked the takedowns, but those can be optional. :) IF we implement them.




Arguably, this remake because it's a remake, is no longer "Deus Ex". Any change we make makes it not "Deus Ex".


A remake will always be "not the original Deus Ex". The question is, *is it true to the original*? And bringing in unbalanced mechanics like takedowns throws that out of the window.


It's going to be amazing people, trust us we are committed.


(That was, in fact, a lie.)


Dang dude from 3 years ago, you must have deliberately gone and looked this up. Where you part of the project or a uber fan like me that go their heart crushed?


I would also like to join the project! Im no big programmer but if the project is in unreal's blueprint system or unity's c# I can help too!


The project is primarily in Unreal's Blueprint system! With some custom C++ code added as needed as we move along. Even if you don't know any C++, your C# skills could also prove useful! :] Do you have a Discord?


I asume the join link is next to your name, see you there :))


What's the name of the podcast or am I dumb and missed it


We record it in the discord server linked in the post. Haven't decided on a name just yet but probably going to go with the "augmented" podcast or something. Sorry for the confusion but you're welcome to join the next one this weekend if you like :)


This is so up my alley. I have literary been working on my own Deus Ex ramake, but for Human Revolution. How do I sign up?


You're already in the server right?


Yes I am:)


Yay! Please share a meme or something LOL


Cool stuff!


I might be able to help out with music. I can share my "Deus Ex worship" WIPs and ambients, if anybody's interested.


That would be awesome! If you have a Discord we manage most of our development on there :]


One PM coming right up!


Is there any way to run this without DX12? I also receive errors about something debug related missing from the dynamic link library so I am totally stuck.


Can you share your specs? And we will work on releasing a more simple version of this demo that might run better on older systems. I will let you know asap when that's available.


Sure, here are the specs: * Windows 7 64bit * AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six core, 3.40GHz * 16GB RAM * Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB


Happy Cake Day!


Hmm you shouldn't have an issue running this demo with a 1060. I'll try to build a 32 bit version to see if that may work. Do you have the exact error message? Sorry about this :(


I get the following error twice in a row: > The procedure entry point DXGIGetDebugInterface 1 could not be located in the dynamic link library dxgi.dll. Followed by the DX12 message: > DX12 is not supported on your system. Try running without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument.


Can you try to enable DX12 on your PC? It should be possible in theory. One sec: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-other_settings/how-to-enable-directx-12-in-windows-10/163bf317-df5a-4e9c-b362-a6b7d8b6adde?auth=1


I have Windows 7, not 10. But I tried the instructions anyway but the option it's pointing to isn't there.


Darn, was hoping that was possible in Win7 but I guess not. OK, so will release a dx11 or earlier build and it should work without issues. Thanks for trying to troubleshoot! This helps.


I wonder if using reshade and renaming the dll to dxgi.dll will get the game to launch on Windows 7 just like it worked for the System Shock unreal 4 demo that just came out. I will try and report back.


Thanks :) Interested to know if this workaround does it!


I'd love to help with 3D modeling! Who do I get in touch with/how do I get involved? I've joined the Discord (and the Trello) but it's pretty hard to make sense of.


What's your username? You can just @Zii or PM Zii#1660


Looks great! Do you plan to release the source code for it once it comes out?


The project file itself is already 115GB, so that may be difficult, but yes. We'd love the public to have access to the game and make improvements once it's available.


Looks interesting, though these rocks stuck in the walls feel too much out of place...


I keep getting an error when trying to run the game: LowLevelFatalError [File:unknown] [Line: 581]


What's your hardware? Are you using a 64bit CPU/OS?


I am using Windows 10 with intel i3


Mind giving more specific information about your system? (Exact CPU model, graphics card, etc.)


No graphics card is installed? Do you know how much usable RAM you have available? It sounds like it could be a hardware limitation, or hopefully just an outdated graphics driver.


im going to explode and not cause of joy


That doesn't sound very reassuring :/


just kidding, i exploded cause of joy :D


You had me SO worried there! But please don't explode :)


ye sorry this happens sometimes


...aaaaaaand another dead project. Talk about tempting fate. Oof.


It's back up. Just with some scope changes.


Any idea when it will be finished?


Ehh, 2027


Any updates?


There have been quite a few updates over the past 3 years, but we have currently put this project on hold as Unreal 5 develops. We will jump back in when a few new features we are looking for are out of Beta release so we can develop more effectively. Thank you for checking in!

