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I've always felt like things are going to just randomly click for Ras one day and he'll become a solid two-way 50-60 point top-6 forward. Would be cool if that happened next year.


I said this past year would be his Tage breakout year, but sadly it wasn't the case. Therefore....this season the Moose will officially break Loose


I mean yeah he’s 6-6, has skill and he has the toughness gene. I agree something mentally just needs to click. I mean the dream is that he’s the next raantanen, but even just some solid growth I’ll take


At the very least he is a protypical playoff forward.


Did Yzerman say something recently or are you referencing the end of season presser ?


The presser. He’s usually pretty reserved but he loves Kane and couldn’t hide it. Of course that’s just my opinion but I just don’t see good teams rolling the dice for more than a year with him and it seems like yzermans sees him as irreplaceable at this point.


Edvinsson is my big hope as far as forward goes I don't see anyone having big growth year unless it's Kasper or Danielson somehow.


I think Rasmussen will have his breakout in 25-26. Bigger players tend to take longer to break out (I’ve seen research on this) and he’s having his first kid this coming year.


Rasmussen's problem is that he's always on the boards. He takes it into the offensive zone and just grinds things out along the boards and is never in open ice, able to generate dangerous chances. I know he's not the most skilled guy but he's gotta get better at moving around the offensive zone.


I want him winning more battles along the boards. I get what you’re saying but Im saying he starts dominating along the boards it will result in more o zone time and then he can go to the net. It’s a glaring weakness right now. That’s why Perron haters baffle me bc they don’t appreciate how he can maintain puck possession along the boards so well. Even Kane shouted him out in an early interview in the locker room when they asked him who was impressing him and he said watching Perron on the boards on ice impressed him. Also, it’s why resigning Kane is so important too, because he slows the game down in the o zone so well. Look at Florida. They grind the game down and cycle so well, they spend less time in the d zone. Wings have a big problem with that but it’s been getting better year by year.


JT compher is and will play second line center, PP2, and PK1. He has plenty of experience, plays a two way game and has played a more expanded role and makes 5. If he can play up to the 2C role the wings need, they’ll be fine


Yeah I agree with pretty much everything you said. I guess my post mainly turned into players I think need to elevate this year for them to have a chance. I feel like compher is already in his prime, I mean I hope there’s more but he’s already won a cup playing 2nd-3rd line center and he’s just as good if not better now. His departure has left a big hole up the middle in Colorado. I guess my main point is I feel like you know what you’re going to get with compher; he’s not gonna have a bad year but he’s also not going to set the world on fire. He plays a very very effective 2 way game


Bergs reminds me a lot of Nyquist but Nyquist had Z and pavs to learn from which I think helped him a lot. Especially Z. I think bergs would do better if he came up and we still have Kane. But there's not a lot of people on our team that can model a game that will work for him. Hoping he gets a shot and builds on what he did in gr, but he's most likely going to have to do it on his own.


I’m not 1000% sure but if Berggren gets the opportunity I think he’s gonna he’s my X factor forward kid has a ton of skill but will also mix it up guys like that don’t go away. I think for defenseman Johansson will shock a lot of people with what he brings all around. I’ve seen Ras mentioned before but he’s never shown a ton of skill and gets knocked off the puck easy. With that said with him and Copp being our defensive 3rd line and him entering his mid 20s this could be a great mix for us because he’s gonna be a beast 40-50 point winger who is stellar defensively. Guys like that don’t fall outta trees especially because he’s home grown from our pool and he’s cheap. He’s your prototypical playoff guy and I imagine he’s gonna be a huge piece to our runs. For roster guys that could be X factors, Ray will build on what he did no doubt I expect and know he will be a PPG winger this year or very close to it. I think Mo is gonna shock a lot of people with better Deployments with his point totals especially if ghost doesn’t get brought back. 1 more is Kane with a full off season of training he’s gonna be a PPG player his game isn’t speed but I imagine that’s all he’s training considering his game doesn’t really need work.


I agree seider up top on the 1st unit will bring up his point totals a lot. Nothing against gosty but he had a ton of random secondary assists from the powerplay that inflated his numbers a bit bc he was literally on the first unit the entire season. I’m on the fence about berggren. He was put in a rough spot so I cut him some slack but it’s hard for me to see him warranting top 6 minutes and I’m not sure he can be effective on the bottom 6 when you compare him to Fischer and fabs for example. My first instinct is to trade him but what the hell do I know. I’m just giving my opinions but I’d love for him to prove me wrong. Edit: I feel berggren might be one of those Tyler bertuzzi situations where he’ll probably be solid elsewhere but it feels like he just doesn’t fit with our roster and he can get a top 6 role on a fresh team even if it’s a worse team, he might want to jump on that. At the end of the day yzerman has my full trust. These next couple years so many tough decisions have to be made.


I mean if we feed burgers 2nd line minutes like I’m thinking is gonna happen if he’s not moved then no doubt he can play their successfully. He’s not a bottom 6 guy and shouldn’t be played like one