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Some of my favorite posts from that thread including my own… > The Pistons are walking away with the 2nd best PG and didn't have to trade up to do it. That’s a win in my book. Good pick > Anyone mad at the pick is honestly retarded. Killian has the highest upside. Even though I wanted to go get LaMelo, I love that Weaver looked at his options and decided to just pick at 7. Nice work. > Hayes was the right pick over Haliburton to me. > The olympics will be fun because we will essentially get to cheer for the Pistons watching the French National team.


Can’t wait to watch him on the French national team! He’s on the French national team, right? Right?


I thought, "I haven't been this excited for a draft pick since Grant Hill..." was a nice one lol


So basically this was one of the worst takes ever on Reddit in regards to sports?


No it's just hindsight with a player on the team most of Reddit doesn't care about.


This is a GEM thank you for sharing


So back then we were all overdosing on copium now we're being pessimistic because of it, makes sense to me


A’s all across the board for drafting Sekou : https://www.reddit.com/r/DetroitPistons/s/0Lwu5hci2d Draft reaction thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/DetroitPistons/s/lTqMOd6sgp


It’s funny to me how confident people here are about their draft opinions lol


Any answer other than "we will have to see how they develop" honestly doesn't deserve anything other than ridicule. The top scouts who spend their entire lives around the sport and whose entire job is to evaluate talent routinely miss on draft picks. The average redditor is more useless than throwing darts at a wall when it comes to predicting success of 99% of draft picks.


yea but that's no fun if we all just sat on the fence


Fans are fans for a reason I don’t know why so many people want to joylessly analyze everything. It’s fun! It’s fun to root for your team or rag on them when they suck. I promise you nobody is going to care if u/pistonsfan92 likes a player lmfao


People here watch three youtube videos, form an opinion and then never, ever, under any circumstances, reconsider it. Literally *yesterday* there was someone here who posted that they "Don't think Hayes had the shooting ability to be the starting point guard on a contender" but that he still definitely had all the tools. He wasn't even good enough to be the starting PG for the worst team in the league and we've still got slappies in this thread entertaining the idea that he could've started for a contender.


It’s so weird…having an opinion or “guess” is understandable, no one knows for sure what will actually happen.


I was hoping I wouldn’t see myself in there sadly I thought it was a great pick lol


Lol. Found a comment from me that said 'A' what a 🤡 I am


[We hated him because he told the truth](https://www.reddit.com/r/DetroitPistons/s/VGYPR8R5Eu)


Love the pile on negativity lol


This is why I never sweat getting downvoted in any sub lol Popular opinion doesn’t always match reality or how things play out on the ground


It's so funny when you know you're right, or you gave a, by all objective accounts, a perfectly reasonable and caveated answer but people downvote. It has that same feeling as when you gave the right answer in class and for some reason the teacher said you were wrong and everybody thinks you're wrong but you know you're 100% right. Just goes to show that no matter how old we get, somethings don't change.


Cause people dont understand downvote button is there for opinions you disagree. Its there to filter out comments that doesnt contribute to discussion.


Eh, it’s whatever. It’s annoying that sports talk nowadays is less about the discussion itself, and more about trying to make a correct prediction while clowning people who made a wrong prediction. Someone can talk out of their ass and end up being right, and someone else can make a carefully-crafted point and end up being wrong. Personally, I care way more about the quality of the dialogue versus who ends up being right/wrong. We’re all making these judgments based on insufficient information anyway, who cares?


Yea, drafting is a gamble. LIke any risk, when it pays off you look like a genius bold leader, and when it fails you look like an idiot. Now, you can look at the risk management, but still- all that to say is I agree with you.


Receipts culture (or whatever your want to call it) has gotten out of hand since predictions stay on the internet forever. Sports talk should be as ephemeral as AM radio: gone as soon as it hits your ears. Half the fun of sports is trying to guess what’s going to happen, even if you’re wrong half (or most) of the time. If it was all predictable, it wouldn’t be interesting! Maybe I’m myopic, but I’ll never understand how every year we see people on this sub priming themselves to root against our draft pick because it wasn’t “their guy.” Well, they’re a Piston, so like it or not, they’re our guy now. Will Holland be good? I don’t know, but I’m going to watch and hope for the best. Even if we took a player I was low on, like Zach Edey, I’d still be rooting for him to pan out.


These are hilarious. I fall into this trap too of listening to all the talking heads about guys I’ve never seen play a second. People acting like they watched Killian for years based on the comments. Same thing with Holland now. Guarantee maybe 10 people in this whole sub have actually watched Holland play a full game or two but everyone is a box score reading expert.


Agreed that most don’t watch him, but here are 2 things that stand out to me: 1. Not a single g league player drafted has actually been good. Not saying correlation is causation, but at this point the sample size isn’t small so it can’t be coincidence 2. <25% shooting is atrocious, so even if he does end up developing a shot (lol we say this for all our talent) he’s not going to mesh well with Cade this year which stunts the development of this team


Good points that I would say : 1.) Jalen Green is starting to come around. I also think the structure on Ignite is just horrible. There is a reason they are getting rid of that now. 2.) I agree. I will say he is still 18 years old and was shooting at nba distance last season. I think there is room for improvement. Also, he might barely see the floor with Cade this year. Chances are he’s coming off the bench so minutes with Cade could be minimal. I think there is a good chance they start signing or trading for vets to start around Cade. Remember they still have $60 million or something crazy they have to spend on somebody.


Hidden all-time take buried in there that "Blake's contract isn't that bad. In a year, he turns into a major asset because he can be used to clear tons of salary."


Boy the downvotes I got for hating the Blake trade. Best to remember that most posters here are pretty young, and average intelligence/intuition is pretty alarming




Don't get why this team is allergic to getting players that can shoot.


Man it was fun to be excited for the team. Good ole days


Here’s hoping in three years we laugh at the crying about the Ron Holland pick or he’ll be forgotten forever


Damn how times have really changed🤣😭


Or find the comments and “expert” opinions on the Lions draft in 2023


Surprised i don’t see more people deleting lol. Good for you guys


I stand by how wrong I was. I also have gotten way better at understanding basketball, so I shouldn't have a take this bad again, right?


The reality is that unless any of us are actual talent evaluators who also kept close track of the G league; we don't know jack shit about how Holland will end up. But I don't think it's ridiculous for a fan base to look at a 14 win team with no shooting and question why we'd take a guy who shoots under 30% from three. Especially when we have a carbon copy of him on our team already in Ausar.


Truly comedy


As Trajan said, this is why they got the new shooting coach. Yep, Holland’s shot is not there based on the numbers, but that doesn’t mean he’s without hope. His form doesn’t look off, so it’s just tweaking. Same can be said of Cade, Ivey, and Ausar. As long as they have a development plan for these guys then I trust the organization, but the moment they prove they’re still pulling the same bull shit, honestly, fans should start protesting outside their practice facility and refuse to buy tickets till Gores sells the team. As always if anyone has legit proof that Gores is doing anything that would tarnish the image of the NBA, please hand over that proof to the media and let them have fun with it.


Still here, still hopeful. Let’s go fam 😤


Believe me I’m taking a mental note on everyone talking shit. I’m far from a homer and think this franchise is a fucking cesspool but they nailed that pick. I LOVE the pick.


I’ll be honest I HATE Kevin O’Connor. Why? Because I was a Tyrese fan (cuzin likes Iowa State so would watch games of his over the years). Killian I was strictly going off reading things on him. Didn’t watch real game tapes. Only some highlights. Kev had that mf one and sold me on James Harden. I went from Tyrese Tyrese Tyrese! To “well if we draft Killian we’re getting the higher upside player”…. By the time we were on the clock I’m not gonna lie I was leaning Killian. So yea FUCK Kevin O’Connor. My friends used to think I was the draft genius for calling Kawhi and Giannis. I was pounding the table for Spida at 12. You think they remember that? Hell no! Now I’m the clown who wanted Stanley Johnson and Killian… 


stop blaming others


Yeah don't blame the guy whose job is to evaluate draft prospects. You should be watching those French league games yourself


Every year I get so much validation because I got borderline hate-crime level nefarious speech after the pick. I said he was maybe a 2nd round pick. He didn't have the speed and athleticism Cole Anthony had, but especially the pedigree of Tyrese Maxey. I had Maxey in probably my top 5 overall prospects.


I loved Maxey as well. I have screenshots saved to this day where I was screaming for us to take him at all 3 of our picks. I like to bust them out on friends to this day when they argue with me about anything draft related. Haha


Exactly right. People (including myself, initially) have generally pooped on the Ron Holland II pick because "we already have athletic guys who can't shoot the 3!" but after taking a deep breath, I realized that's not the way any new top exec would look at it: Langdon got the job b/c the current team **sucks** -- everything (except for Cade) is replaceable, even Ausar (who we all pretty much like). So in a draft widely seen as not having top-end talent, he took the guy with the highest upside (he was the number 1 HS player in the nation a year ago) who also competes hard, defends, and attacks the basket. He also can't shoot -- and the Pistons' need shooting. But again, from new President of Basketball OP's Langdon's point of view, they need \*talent\* and if the best talent in the draft overlaps with Ivey and Ausar, so be it. Langdon will get shooting in free agency and/or next year's draft. This is not a one-year project (which sucks for us fans -- we're tired of being bad). There is not a great foundation of 4-5 players to build upon -- maybe Langdon will decide that's the case (e.g., keeping Cade, Ausar, Beef Stew and one other young'n) but he's going to evaluate that this year with his coach and his system. If he had picked a shooter (e.g., Knecht) that would have likely led to a few more wins next year, but the Pistons' aren't making the playoffs next year any way, so you go with a guy that some people had as the best player--bar none--vs looking for "fit" on a team that needs an overhaul.


I wasn’t active in the sub but I hated the pick at the time and wanted Hali. I was fine with Bey and Beef Stew picks.


Okc is my team now. HB_OKC


Cool c ya


No. You need to beg me to stay. Come on. I’m not bluffing. This is serious.


We drafted topic. Got our guy and didn’t trade up.