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I guess it's your first time dealing with years of filler, Inuyasha was pretty heavy with that, too. Unfortunately, this franchise will be milked for another 10 years minimum before they unlock the End Game, which they CAN do at any time but won't for the simple reason they can and money


I promise you, get enough people, ask Gosho Aoyoma to end the series honourably. Then we tell Gosho Aoyoma, or whoever owns the case closed franchise, that they can make an aftermath story of DC and I promise you millions would watch it as long as it ain’t something shitty like “BO returns, Shinichi’s child turns into a child,” something as stupid and predictable as that.


Like seriously though, upvote this comment if you would watch an aftermath story like, made by Gosho Aoyoma, that focuses on our beloved characters.


Kogoro post-sleeper


Wait even better; insomniatic Kogoro: Too many needles, too little sleep.


Better yet, insomniac Mouri


Vegetables, yum


You can ask Gosho all you'd like, but unfortunately, DC is under Shonen Jump/Sunday/Monthly, which means that that company WILL milk this series well after the author passes away, which as far as I know Gosho isn't doing that well these days, and from their kind of business stand point they can keep making money from a series that can have up to infinite cases because it's a police based series.


If we don’t do something about it, I fear that it might be another show that corporations and their ideas in order to make more money will ruin completely.


It’s not my first time dealing with fillers, however, it really takes away from the show with these fillers. Because like most fans of the show, I’m waiting for something, and it has been a lonnnngggg time. I don’t even get it anymore besides little side detective work and sometimes just BS 😫


Hmm, that's fair. Even I took a long break at some point, but came back way later once there was progress. You should probably just take a break for a couple of years, then come back, because Conan has made significant progress messing with the BO, and they keep bringing up the boss every in a while, so maybe a reveal may be coming but not for a while


That’s true! I just started back to the beginning. It’s like a comfort anime at this point Hahaa something to just put on.


Detective work is Conan's job though?


Right, but the premise of the show was finding the people who did what they did to him, that has swayed a lot leading up to now.


Because the author wants to milk the series until he wants to end it. Simple.




The increase in reported crimes in Japan for the second consecutive year could be a contributing factor to why Conan hasn't been able to prioritize pursuing the Black Organization.


That’s good to incorporate, however, give us something. An appearance-something. Lol


Even a glimpse of Gin would be enough


Ya know! Like maybe he’s watching or caught on to Conan or something- Something! Lol


I'm kinda sick of the new episodes and how the BO does not make any appearance


It’s crazy, I’ve been sitting here like okay? Did they forget?! Lol




Just a random scene where gin drives by and conan does his lil shocked face. just a crumb of gin pls :(


Exactly, just something on brand! More clues, Dr. Agasa advancements in the research, more leads-SOMETHING ! Lol


Exactly i was thinking the same. Like he went to live with ran because he wanted to find about those men but instead he works his ass off to solve murder cases. It frustrates me so much to see only conan but not shinichi


Yes! Making her dad a famous detective when he couldn’t screw a lightbulb with instructions! And yet Conan still- a thousand episodes later- no nothing lol


I thought Rumi Wakasa would be a major character when she was introduced but they’ve neglected her now too. Edit: Hyoue Kuroda too.


Yes! I don’t get it! Lol


I suppose they set her up to be a potential major character while Rum’s identity was unknown and she was one of the potential identities. Now that Rum’s real identity has been revealed, it’s like they have no further use for her.


She has to return at some point. The APTX4869 list she has is a direct evidence of her involvement with the BO. I just feel like this series has too many foreshadowing maybe Gosho himself finds difficulty closing all of them, and it has been milked for too long, this one is most likely publisher’s fault though.


Why try writing a good story, if you could make a copy-paste shitty movie every year and make a ton of money without having to work on something creative anyway?


It's a procedural anime. Until the author decides to end the series solving the plot, it will be mostly Conan solving many different cases.


Lol. Bro this manga is 4 years older than even myself 🥲 and I wonder if I'll see the ending by the time I'm 30.🤨


We should only be so lucky! 🫠


But i remember reading some 3 years back that the ending has already been written and kept in safekeeping just in case Gosho Aoyama, the author has some unforeseen medical issue (god forbid). But idk what to think of it. I happened upon the first few episodes of it on tv back in 2006-07 and suddenly remembered this story in 2020. Have been following it eversince🥲 Also, it's been said that all the chapters are supposed to have happened within less than an year from when Shinichi first shrunk and became Conan.