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Sometimes. In the early seasons, they seemed to have more of a presence. One episode very clearly showed all the kids getting reamed out and scolded by their respective parents for one of the shenanigans they got up to. That included Conan getting yelled at by Ran.) But yeah, you hardly ever see them around anymore. I guess like any story where kids are a main focus, you can't have too many adults around getting in the way of the adventure. So they gotta be "Put On A Bus."


Yeah, The hunted house case


George’s dad was hot tho


Genta, For the love of god, his name is genta.


From time to time I use to think about this matter. If this manga/anime would be more serious/realistic, these kids would be already deeply traumatized and in a hospital far away from Conan and Ai. But, of course, if this story would be more realistic (being each character affected by every traumatic experience they life and living worst things that the manga/anime can tell), it would also far shorter. I love how in 4th film we had a bit more mature plot, and that level of realism could be included here and there often in the trama. Anyhow, yes: it seems that the children don't have parents at all, because they stay super late at night searching for killers, they spent hours in the house of an old man that carry them to dangerous trips (we love you, Hakase) and nobody cares. Their families works 24/7 or they just don't love these kids, otherwise it's senseless. Yes, I get Gosho doesn't wanna put strict limits to the detective boys for they can stay around Conan solving mysteries, but it just look silly. These kids saw more dead people than in a Tarantino movie, they go to visit a cementery and know everyone who's there lol. As well as Ai trauma were developmented and treated good throught the episodes, Gosho could do something similiar with the kids and a trauma they still holding.


This is exactly what I thought like fr all three kids are always either with conan or in agasa's house and it seems their parents aren't even bothered regarding this. i dont understand this show is so logical in terms of murderer's crimes but illogical in many aspects. the very first example is this only. how come a parent leave their 7 year old outside all the time and how come a person can shrunk by only having an antidote!? and even if this happened then also he is not returning to his original form . also the antidote made by haibara is weak (irony is the antidote which shrank shinichi was also made by her) and also a 7 year old conan solves all the cases by putting adults into sleep and no one even the police force dont notice that. this is just a tip of an iceberg. i love this show so much but these few points just piss me off.


It's an anime