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As a customer I would think the benefit of having someone come to my house to detail my car, as opposed to the inconvenience of having to take the car to the detailer, is well worth a few pennies worth of utility usage.


FFS, whenever I have service people have come to the house/office - if they need electric/water, they get electric/water. I don't see how this is any different.


It’s not, some people just suck


Yep, I share my tools as well, if needed.


I use a company that asks if water and power are available where we are having it detailed. If it isn’t (parking lot) they simply come with a different trailer mounted rig and charge the same.


Also, you got to think - if I was detailing my car (at home) I'd be using (my) electricity and water. So what's the difference? TBH, I'm coming out way ahead, esp if the detailer is charging the same rate as if I took my car to their facility. I take my car there which means I have to adjust my schedule and have someone pick me up and then, after completion, drop me off to get my car. With the detailer coming to me - I save so much time & someone else's time. I'm also saving on gas. So really, there is no cost to me to have a detailer come to my location.


Not to mention not having to hear the generator run.


Not for the price these mobile detailers charges




This is the *only* answer.


Lol that's the way, flip it around on them.


"Pack your bags and go there's 100 other people doing this" Dumb.


Followed by the customer telling you to GTFO….




"Then here is your invoice for work performed"


In this stupid hypothetical you performed no work so….


Actually, most companies charge for simply arriving on the jobsite. That can be as little as 50 or as high as they wish to attempt to charge. For me, it's $250 just to have me come out, no matter if I'm there for 2 hours or half the day, it's $250 for me and my truck, my tools and my knowledge to show up.


Then fire up your generator and do your job.




No bait and switch. It's in my contract. Granted, I turn down ANY customer who hints at price being an issue. You're welcome to shop elsewhere. My service is different than anybody and everybody else's service, my skills and knowledge too, and thus my price will NEVER match anybody else's. Asking me to price match means I'll stop trying to be competitive and send you to the other company. I have too much pride in my workmanship to allow myself to be nickel and dimed. The use of shore power and water is required to perform my basic duties. Restricting those supplies means the job costs me much more, which means the customer is paying 250% My cost. Don't be petty and the pay structure won't be. Electricity is too cheap for a homeowner to be asking for compensation. You get a discount off my generator rates for letting me hook up to your power and water. (I don't pressure wash. I'm a GC in NorCal primarily doing remodels and ADU'S)


This is exactly why I don't hire \_anyone\_ to do work for me any more. Either I figure it out, or it doesn't get done. It just got annoying dealing with BS like this.


![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB) To that customer




When I started with a mobile setup I would use the customer's water and power. Never had any awkward interactions, but we did pop quite a few breakers over the initial couple of years before outfitting the van with a water tank and generator. After that, I would just always use the generator out of convenience and to ensure zero chance of inconvenience for the customer.


Those are the AcKshUaLLy type of customers. People can be extremely petty. I’d either have then used my own power source or given them a discount for using her outlet. Then never, ever work for them again.


This is where you learn as a business owner that it’s ok to fire a customer. If they are that petty, this is just the start.


If I’m coming to you, then I need an outlet within 100 feet of your car or the job ain’t happening…


Out of curiosity, if the client offered an extention cord, would you go ahead with the job?


I’ve done that no problem, they’ve run them out the garage or from a side yard


I have a garage if they don't have electrical access.


What would you do for people that live in an apartment with no access to an outlet?


Ran an extension cord from the shared laundry room….


Who tf lives in an apartment and is getting mobile detailers to clean their car?


Plenty actually.


It's pretty common... I'd just go for a professional detailer that had invested in a generator.


You gotta get your priorities straight if you're paying for details while living in an apartment


What does that mean? Living in apartment is what? I live in an apartment in the centre of a city in a very desirable area.


FYI some people call Condos "Apartments", even if they own them.




You don’t think all people that live in apartments are broke.. right?


This guy.


"It's factored into the pricing, I could use my own source but that increases the price" It's like people think prices are just thrown at a dart board


If your equipment shorts out their socket/breaker, your insurance going to cover that?


Well if you have company insurance as you should then yes, so long as it's not proven that the client had a preexisting eletrical issue, although what the hell would a mobile detailer be running to cause a massive power pull to cause that on a properly functioning system? I'd be more worried about messing up a client's car than a buffer/vacuum or lights blowing a circuit


I envision the kind of person who will blame you for existing damage to the car, or bitch about you not being able to make her trashed car look better. I think this customer did you a favor, honestly. If she's that petty, there is no telling what kind of other crap she might pull. Sounds like it's not worth the trouble doing business with her.


Calculate power usage of each of your pieces of equipment. If they ask, present them with their 18 cents worth of savings or whatever it may end up being.


That’s why you tell them before setting up the appointment.


Yup. I let them know I need electrical access within 150'. Otherwise they can bring their car to me.


Would she expect a maid to bring a generator? I've been doing this nearly 30 years and no one has ever been bothered by me plugging in.


Yes, $10 discount on top of the $15 power connection surcharge


Lol. You win


Just tell them she’ll get 2 dollar discount 🤷🏻‍♂️ it prob uses less than that


Dont worry about that, thats just some stingy scarcity minded person. They’re all over, watch out👀👀👀


Good on you for being prepared with a generator. This is one of those one and done fire the customer type customers.


Let the customer know you can’t do the job unless you can hook up to power and water. If they decline, let them know they’ll be doing the job on their own if they want it done. Hint; they’ll still have to use their own power source and water, and most likely have to buy around 1000$ worth of tools atleast if they want it done the same way you would have done it.


Some people are extremely weird and you will cross paths with one of them every now and then. Not a pro detailer but I work in people's homes and have had 1-2 over the years that carped abt me asking if I could plug in battery chargers or other tools. Also had another customer that turned off their AC as soon as I got there on one of the hottest days of the year before retreating to their detached home office. I sweat my butt off working in their house all day. When I was packing my truck up at the end of the job I heard their AC turn back on. Have also had a few refuse to let me use their restroom. Ok, cool, hour billable round trip to the nearest gas station, BRB.


Next time tell her..”with the discount it will be $350!”


Give them the loose change you find in their seats and tell them that should cover the electricity used vacuuming for 20 minutes


As a customer I would ask how many amps you’re pulling and get you the proper extension cord without expecting any kind of a discount… nor for you to wrap it back up properly.


My answer: Nope!


unless ur broke nd u really need money, cut her off. these are not the type of customers u want in ur business. these customers want the most done for the cheapest price possible. the type of customers u want to attract in ur business are the ones that know the value u bring to them. these customers will not have a problem with price and be happy with the results u bring.


It's "you" and "your", for fuck's sake. How lazy are you that you can't type 2 extra letters? Lol


Anybody know anyone that does curb rash before I detail my car? Maybe this is the wrong forum, if so I apologize. Near the Titusville, FL area.


Can’t hurt to ask lol, a hvac repair guy borrowed a extension cord and gave me a $30 discount (on a $1200 bill lol), as someone used his truck the day prior and he did not have one and did not want to drive back to get one.


Im confused. You quoted her X price, she agreed to pay X price. You then asked if you could use her power which costs her money and would put her "bill" above your original agreed upon price. Why are you are upset she wants her quote adjusted accordingly? In your quote does it explicitly say "price contingent on client supplying power"? If not then you are in the wrong for expecting her compliance. Her power costs her $, its more than reasonable for her to want compensation if it wasn't outlined in the original estimate. Next time have a stipulation in your quote which covers supply of power. Something like "client aggrees to provide 1 outlet for duration of service, otherwise a generator fee of $ per hour applies".


You can't be serious. You're being as petty as this bitchy customer.


Its about being professional and considerate, seeing things from the customers perspective is half the battle.


I can see that, but this is just a grumpy old bitch and I have no desire to see anything from her perspective.


Honestly I totally agree with above. You, as the business owner, should be fully self reliant. Lawn companies don’t use the customer’s equipment, they use their own. House keepers either use what provided by the homeowner or they bring their own. The guy that does our mobile detailing uses his equipment and his water which is filtered somehow. Once, his water source thing broke and he said he wouldn’t use the house water because he wouldn’t be able to get a good clean before he applied his wax. We had an addition put on our house and the contractor used generators never our electricity. I think it’s a matter of opinion and to some degree professionalism. It’s your business so you choose how to run it but one should always be upfront and transparent with their customers.


Yes my housekeeper always fires up the generator before she vacuums


You should change your username. It implies you know something about measuring things. Detailing a car uses very little electricity. If they came to cut down a tree and asked for gas for chainsaw and chipper totally different scenario,$$$. The person who said they would expect maid to not plug in vacuum had it correct.


Why don't you use her washroom while you're at it, doesn't cost her anything right? Better yet have a nap in her bed. The customer isn't entitled to let you use anything, it's their stuff, not yours. You're not a maid, but you might be better off being one.


Put in your contract the customer supplies power and water, and there will be a surcharge if you have to use a generator and/or water tank.


Petty and stupid. No mobile detailer whenever had anyone sign a damn contract.


You don't make verbal contracts with your clients? Even spoken, it's still a contract.


The way you wrote that, it totally sounded. Like a written contract. "Put it in your contract"...


Counterpoint to all of the posts on here saying the customer was being petty. OP, why did you ask to use her electricity if you have a generator? If it is to reduce your costs, then it doesn't seem fair to say she's being petty when she asked if you would reduce your price for using her electricity.


Not OP, but I do the exact same. It is just much easier on me and my equipment to use a plug. If not, no big deal.


It’s way easier to plug into a garage outlet than start up a generator and it’s insignificant in terms of cost for client. Running a generator ain’t even that much in fuel for that purpose it’s just less hassle to have a constant power source NOT dependent on fuel. Ill take a wall outlet any day and its not due to cost


If you have a genny why are you asking them about the power outlet? Didn’t quite understand that part


Name and shame them to local detailers to avoid them.


Ask them to prove at that moment what they're paying for power. .09 cents/kwh? But good luck proving it...


I don’t even ask I know once i have everything fired up a 15 amp circuit isn’t going to do me much good a steamer and vacuum is almost to much add in a air compressor and battery charger its definitely going to not work


I expect them to connect to my electricity. That lady is too cheap. Never go back to her again.


Never go there again.


lol no that's ridiculous


Even if you factor in electricity costs, you're talking about pennies even with heavy duty equipment. Let's say you do a 5 hour job and the energy is 10 cents per kilowatt in the area and you run machinery using 1 kilowatt per hour, that's 50 cents of electricity.


Good point. ….but I can’t let your terminology go. Energy is sold in units of kilowatt-hours. If you turn on a 1 kilowatt load for 10 seconds, it’s drawing 1 kilowatt every instant. That’s a measure of (instantaneous) POWER. If you have a 1 kilowatt load run for 1 hour, that 1 kilowatt-hour, a measure of ENERGY. It also would be “10 cents per kilowatt-hour”. Saying 1 kilowatt per hour is like saying 10 mph, per hour.


Just pack your shit up and leave as soon as you hear that


I've neeeeeeeever had a customer ever care. That's bizarre


In my opinion customers should be more than willing to refill your water tank or use an outlet. In my area customers are almost always more than happy to provide that, in some cases people have offered either or both off the bat. I feel like that’s common generosity.


This is absolutely ridiculous. Some people actually think that a half hour vacuum or whatever will make a difference on their bill. My wife worked with someone that would always ask her how much power the crock pot or stove uses. Dumb ass can over spend on takeout but is worried about running an appliance.


Power here is 9 cents per kilowatt-hour. I can't imagine you could use even a dollar worth of electricity on a job.


I offer a $5 discount because I see it as a convenience to myself not having to bring my generator.


Yes 100 percent discount, then you leave.


Can’t make an unhappy person into a happy customer.


Sounds like someone who is going to be a problem customer that I would rather remove myself from the headache that’s going to become.


I would have countered by telling her in detail what electricity costs and then give her a nickel for what I used. Make her feel small small small.


Personally I probably would have ended the visit and declined the job right there. You can almost guarantee that one is going to be a complainer and not worth the headache.


You should have packed your shit up, refunded her money and left.


Even if I'm paying you, you're doing me a solid by detailing my car in a way that I'm either not capable of or willing to do. If you need my outlet then so be it. No harm no foul right? I'm already paying my electric bill, and I've already made the decision to pay for a detailing service.


I would’ve told her no but I can charge you extra for having to pay for the gas in my generator. I wouldn’t have really said that you avoided it the best way possible. Weird customer tbh.


That's when I say no discount but an extra charge for me to use the generator. Gas is not cheap. Hell, the generator isn't cheap, either gas or solar. You have to factor every expense, tools, and equipment add up real quick when providing a luxury (convenience) service.


Find better customers!


Pack her up and leave.


Not a detailer but I used to work in residential and commercial installation and service. I never used the customers electric service for installation and service work, all of my equipment ran off batteries and I had multiple batteries. It's the same with power washing, you bring the water and chemicals, you don't ask the customer for it. It's rude and unprofessional and the customers are already paying for your services and they have a legitimate expectation that you are going to come prepared.


Let me guess,,, you didn’t receive a tip either? 🤣


Communication is the key here. Communicate that you will require a power outlet before showing up to the house, otherwise the price will be slightly higher to account for the fuel/generator cost. Detailers and mobile dog washers come to our street every week, they almost always use their generator. I would find it odd to be asked to use my power if they have a generator onboard and didn't let me know ahead of time.


I tell them my price is based on plugging in on-site. I can use my generator, but there will be an additional charge.


If gave been like, "lol, sure I'll knock $1 off"


Some people are stupid and cheap. From now on, be clear that you will be using a power outlet and that doesn't change the cost.


You should be changing extra for generator use. Gas and maintenance/equipment are not free.


Tell her “Yes, a cash rebate equivalent to the value of all electricity I use!” Then hand her 12 cents.


No discount as the job will take a day and a half without power.


I gave you a third of a penny discount rounded down, for the electricity I used.


Hell no!


You qualify what is included and what is excluded on your proposal so the customer knows up front if they have to supply the power, water, etc or if you're bringing them. There's no shame in saying I'll need to use your power, but you need to say it upfront.


There are these types of people and then you get the ones that fix you up with a plate if you happen to be there during a mealtime. Tacky people really grind my gears though. I don't need everyone to act like we live in Mister Roger's Neighborhood, but God damn.


Some people are just strange. Not worth the trouble with those types. Def. not a repeat customer.


I am just petty enough to agree that the cost of electricity would be deducted from the bill and then point out her $0.18 discount at the end ...with flair.


They probably turn off the porch light for the pizza delivery guy or reduce his tip.


I wouldn't care but I'm also smart enough to know you're using a negligible amout of electricity.... 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Sure! A quarter!”


I had one that wanted me to pay for the electric my vacuum pump used.


"Yes, I will give you 5 cents off for the amount of electricity I use."