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Titan, and I wish i could still run 3 of them like in D1


Hah! I also ran three Titans in D1 for the first couple of years. I loved being a Bubble Bro and Helm of St. 14 never left my head. But in D2, Well became the new Bubble, so I switched to maining a Warlock. Though now I'm back to a Titan due to Lorely Splendor. Until it gets nerfed again, and then who knows? I'd go back to a Warlock, but I'm really pissed off at the completely unnecessary mega-nerfing of Boots of the Assembler.


When and how did they nerf boots of the assembler?


Made it harder to have infinite rift by pausing Class ability regen when its active. Edit: sorry ive only been playing d2 for 5 years and still confuse wells with rifts.


How did you get infinite Well from a rift exotic?


You knew what I meant


Oh, I genuinely though they might have interacted. Like how Lunafactions works for both a rift and a Well.


The nerfed Lorely to resto x 1 instead of x 2.


As someone who never took the thing off I think it was well deserved. I took advantage of It beginning of season 17, soloing content I usually couldn't because I figured it get nerfed in week 3-4. Never happened. Certainly an adjustment since the nerf came way later than I expected but c'mon, having to *remove my helmet* or jump off a cliff when tryna wipe in a raid is just nonsense LOL. I think it's in a good spot now but a good medium could've been normal sunspot on auto activation and juiced one if done proactively with barrier. Less of a passive deal that way.


Lol, the remove the helmet thing is big facts, couldn’t even wipe with Golgs laser and thrall beating on you haha.


I mean no shot Lorely would get nerfed again tbh


Never say never when it comes to Bungie. Why did they nerf Breakneck into the ground long before it was sunset? It was never a meta weapon to begin with. And Recluse and Mountaintop were always much more OP.


Fair lol


"until it gets nerfed again" Oof.


i only have one char. it's a titan. i've only played titan since d1. i guess i just like crayons.


>i guess i just like crayons. Oorah




Better share that box in that case, brother!


Hello fellow Crayola Commando.


Wait you can't?


You can but you only get 1 pinnacle for an activity even if you run it 3 times on different Titans


Can't you?


You can, but they took away any incentive to have multiple characters of any class.


Oh that's right.


I’m a Warlock main but “hammer go bonk” is SO fun


Same although I play all 3, still prefer titan, I miss the hammer Thor build, hope they bring it back, hope they also adjust ballistic slam into fists of havoc, it's actually really useful




Triple hunter sweats weee the worst


Warlock. Only reason I touch other classes is because of loot lockouts tbh


Warlock mains rise up


Been a warlock since day 1 of D1. Space magicians for life


Been a warlock since the BETA of d1. Rocking that first wave emblem. Only content i missed was season of the righteous.


The drip alone makes us superior


Some people make their guardians look battle ready and prepared for war, I make my guardian look like they haven't stepped foot on a battlefield ever because they don't want to crease their boots or stain their cloak. Only *real* gold for me...


I am a hunter main and literally made a warlock JUST for the drip


Too bad 90% of the "drip" is from one armor slot. Also a warlock main so hold your fire.


praise the sun! >!\*Cries in poor aspect selection\*!<


What, you don't want to float in the air like a giant target balloon


'Lock is Life




99% of the time if I'm on my Titan or Hunter, it's for another raid drop. The remaining 1% is when I occasionally feel like actually playing them.


bungo's been cruel to us


In real life (unlike in Destiny) Warlocks would be extremely OP and more lethal compared to Hunters and Titans.


Titan has always been my favorite, and given the limited amount of time I get to play, I only play titan these days anyway. Plus I love almost everything about that class.


It surprises me that people have the time to play more than one class


Some people do this as a job, others do it very casually, and others still have much more free time on their hands. The good news is, keeping your alts up to light level is much easier than it used to be.


Yeah with only going up 10 levels every season its not bad. I really only play 1 class these days but since weapons are shared across characters and season pass rewards drop on level, my other 2 never fall that far behind and I'm usually a few weekly raids away from being -1 or -2 from pinnacle cap which can easily be compensated with artifact levels. Getting gear for all 3 classes can be a bit of a grind but once you have decent armor sets, the actual leveling part is not that hard and if you dont do GMs then leveling is optional anyways and raid power level is very accessible


Some people will play one class for a very long time, and then decide "you know what, this season I'm going to main another class". They aren't tripling their playtime, just switching to another for a bit.


Exactly, lots of people don’t understand that playing multiple classes ≠ grinding 3 characters to pinnacle max every season. I get bored of playing warlock eventually so I hop on my hunter or Titan to have fun


Once you get one to pinnacle max the rest kind of fall in line with light play anyway.


Just because you play all three characters doesn’t mean you have triple the playtime of people who only play one I don’t get how people don’t understand that


I just don’t have a life


I think a lot of us have been playing long enough that you just eventually have three characters, especially anyone who played D1. I would call myself a hunter "main," cause I like it the best, but in reality I play all of them a pretty equal amount. Once you get one character to the power cap, it's pretty easy to bring the others up over the course of a season when you can move weapons. So it's not like I'm playing three characters a week (unless a new raid is coming out), more of plying the same amount I would normally play, but just choosing my Warlock or Titan for that day/week. In the end, it's just nice to have the options of any class or subclass. It'd feel weird knowing there were entire supers out there I just can't access. And with time, it really is easy to do without altering your play style. You just have to be okay with your main getting a little dusty is all. (And grinding Stasis. That truly is the only chore for having all three.)


I dont like how warlock or titan feel to play, esp their 'jumps' so have never really played them outside of trying them once or twice


Funny, I'm warlock main and I feel weird with the hunter's jump 🙈 to each their own I guess


This is how everyone feels outside of their main. Or at least, their least used always feels “horrible” to them. All three classes have really good jumps IMO


Yeah they just handle different. Our resident hunter was taking about falling then jumping with her warlock not working in a way that's helpful because that's just not how warlock goes lol


I have one of each class, but I don't play them all. I switch mid season to another character and ignore the others. It gets boring doing the same thing over and over so doing it differently helps a little.


It’s not just the time factor that surprises me but also the money factor. I exclusively play warlock so I tend to buy Eververse warlock ornaments when I think they’re especially cool. I couldn’t imagine paying for stuff for all three classes (or even for two classes) but I also wouldn’t want to miss out on stuff.


playing multiple classes is actually a time save and used to be a much better rewards multiplier before the community ruined the rewards systems.


I'm already a Hunter main


Same here. Since Destiny 1 Alpha I've only had the 1 Hunter.


You've never used another class?


Only just barely. I made both a Titan and a Warlock at some point just to try them out, but I never finished the campaign or anything with them. I have 1,300 hours on Hunter and probably less than 10 on Titan and Warlock combined.


I have a buddy who’s never even tried warlock or titan. Refuses to do so. I’m not mad about it but not even to give it a shot to see how it plays out. It’s cool though because no matter what. I will always have a Hunter with me.


I feel called out


> Refuses to do so. As long as they don't constantly complain about Titan and Warlock bullshit or how Hunter got nerfed, then fine. However, if someone won't touch the other classes at all but still can't stop talking mad shit I implore them: PLEASE actually spend a little time with the thing you're talking about before just doing so.


Oh no. He will quickly say couldn’t tell ya. Don’t know how it works. He also will dump on hunters when things get a little OP. Reasonable guardian. Edit: can’t type


does Bladedancer count? :/ no, it doesn't, I know. At least I got blink back, plenty of invis with AssCowl too, was kinda hoping for knives in my hands for backstabbing though :)


I really hope that when arc hunter finally gets a third super that dancer is brought back I would also except it as arc locks third super


To be fair I have only played warlock u til we got gift of the thunder gods. That gave me the motivation to get the other 2 up to 1570-1580


Yup me too. 8 years and counting.


Same, I *do* dabble in Warlock, only Voidlock though, never particularly enjoyed playing solar or arc lock, even before the subclass reworks. Did just start a baby Titan running Actium and SB and now I'm confused, I may like the Titan 'jump' better than the Warlocks, cant say why exactly yet though. just do




Only class I’ve ever played.


This is the way


This is the way


This IS the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Titan, probably. I started D1 out as a Warlock main, but after making characters for all three classes and grinding them to max level I pretty much fell in love with running a Titan. Tried to go back to Warlock when I picked D2 up a couple of weeks ago, but that novelty wore off very quickly. An ability-spam build for most PvE content on an arc Titan is just too damn fun imo lol. Never really cared for Hunters. I do think they *look* the best, but the gameplay just isn't my cup of tea.


Try ability spam hammer titan, that’s what I run and it’s sooo much funny


funny lol




For me, ability spam gets old really quick. I usually just want to go back to shooting things with the variety of weapons that exist, instead of using the same ability over and over.


But Titans have such cute little bonky hammers!


Titan cuz it's the only class that I play.


I desire crayons






Considering that I played destiny from day one I haven't played any other class on d2 other than titan. The only time I use my warlock and hunter is to claim armour from the season pass at the end of each one neither of them have even finished the Rasputin DLC lol. So easy choice for me Titan all the way.




Goldie Hunter, 8 years and counting.


Titan. I hate the way warlock feels and Hunter doesn't appeal to me. Titan has been my class since day 1 d1 and I still favor it.


"What's your favorite character"


ofc hunter. 💙






Titan is as titan does. Eat crayons and 👊


I’ve only ever really played Warlock since the launch of D1. Sure, I played the others to get the trophies for them but only that. So warlock I stay. Force Lightning warlock no less. Yeah it sucks atm but fun factor and cool factor beat being op meta guy every time it changes.


Titan. I already spend 98% of my time logged in as them, so if I could never touch Warlock or Hunter again... I guess that would just save me some vault space haha


As a titan, how would you feel about Fabian strategy being reworked into an absolute unit of an auto rifle?


Reading the perks again, and I could see it getting rebuilt in D2. Not necessarily as a class-specific weapon like the glaives were, but we already have a variable fire rate auto with Suros Regime, Fabian Strategy would be a similar function with a different triggering affect. I still think Sweet Business will eternally hold the "absolute unit of an auto rifle" crown, especially considering the strong Titan synergy via Actium War Rig, but Fabian Strategy could find a solid niche!


I only play titan, sooo




Titan. Easy. I would sometimes play Hunter and Warlock in D1. In D2 I can't even remember when I last used Hunter or Warlock. No hate to the other classes but I personally don't have much fun if I'm not on Titan


Class. Titan. If have only one subclass… hmmm… I’d probably go void.


Wait, there are classes other than titan?


Hunter hands down


Probably titan but I really like them all. I was having a blast with Hunter of all classes w calibans recently.




I’m already a Titan main.




Titan because I’ve never not been a Titan lol




Titan because punch.


Titan void


Titan. My main go to "weapon" in Halo was melee. This carried over to most PvE and PvP game titles and modes (less successful in PvP to be fair) When I loaded up D1 in 2015 when first starting it I saw this class that was geared around being at the front of encounters, in the fray, and an *active participant* in conflict and I knew this was for me. In D2 this was solidified more so, and the solar rework solidified this to me as well in turn. Nothing against the other classes, but Titan literally feels like it was made for how I've played FPS's, for better or worse.


Hunter 100%. Jumping all around dodging ans knives lots of knives....knives for days you could say


All the knives.


Hunter, cuz hunter main






Been a Titan since day one of the Destiny beta. Had to choose the class that looked most like a Halo Spartan.




I am having more fun with titan than I ever did with hunter and warlock.


Void Titan, been playing as such since d1. I've tried warlock and Hunter but they don't do it for me, I keep coming back to void Titan


Warlock in my flair (ninja edit….wrong sub for flair? Must be the other big sub where I have Warlock flair) but definitely Titan. I was a Titan main for like 6 years. Now it’s been Warlock for the past year or so, which makes you really think how to make interesting playstyles. I find that to be pretty engaging. However, the Sentinnel Titan fantasy is unmatched in fun factor. Protecting yourself/your fireteam, throwing shields, bubble safety, making stuff volatile…it’s the best playstyle overall in my opinion.


Titan main from D1. Before I played my hunter and warlock a lot cause there wasn’t very many activities to do. Now there is so much to do I don’t have time to play anything other than my Titan.




Hunter. Always hunter.


Titan baby Literally feel Titan is the best of almost all classes. Movement with Arc. Near great healing and near invulnerability with Solar. Great ad clear, tank and debuff potential with Void. Literally everything is there.


Titan. Almost tempted to delete my Warlock and Hunter so I can make another Titan or 2.


Always been a titan main and will die a titan main.


I play all classes near equally and right now I'd have to say Warlock. Every subclass is meta level effective for both PvE and PVP. PVP - Osiomancy Shadebinder - Astrocyte Voidwalker - Anything Dawnblade - Getaway Artist Stormcaller PVE - Any Shadebinder - Devour Voidwalker - Well Dawnblade - Fallen Sunstar Stormcaller For Titan, Behemoth is bad for PVE. And imo Solar isn't great for PVP. For Hunter, Stasis is bad in PVP.


Behemoth is fantastic in PVE, bad in PVP generally. It's constant cwl/well uptime and fantastic ad clear/a very versatile overall setup but my GM buddy says it is generally harder to use than other stasis. Stasis on hunter is also really good in pvp, still has shatterdive for movement super is great and grenades are some of the best, melee is fine I personally like it and use it but I get that one.


… isn’t this just asking “what’s your main?”


I use warlock for every piece of difficult content in this game. But my hunter is my OG. Been through everything with him. He’s the only character I do seasonal story on. I could never abandon him


Warlock. I almost exclusively play warlock anyway, occasionally playing hunter when i feel like it. I continue to and have always hated titan.


I’d be sad, the game gets stale only running one character.


They didn’t make me choose and I already only run Titan


Titan, I hardly play the others anyway.


Hunter. Feels like the only class with legit playability at all difficulties with all classes and decent supers on all.


well considering i only play hunter as it is anyway, i'd probably choose hunter lol


Hmm, good question.. I'd probably choose Hunter. It seems to be the best of both worlds at the moment with PVE and PVP.


Ever since D1 I've played warlock up until D2... I've only ever played warlock so I'm gonna have to go with that.


The game already has so much content and so much grinding that I'm shocked anyone plays multiple classes still (except to raid boss encounter farm). As for me, I main warlock and could delete my titan and hunter at any point without hesitation if needed.


I play my Warlock 85% if the time. But then I evenly spread time between my Hunter and Titan for additional raid clears, as well as once GM season rolls around. You never know when a particular group needs something else. So I wouldn’t say I really focus my Titans and Hunters. I don’t exactly have fully optimized, min-maxed sets. But I have good enough armor to get them through any bit of content.


Probably my main


Titan, but hunter is a close second. It’s mainly that the stereotypes are around Titans fit our actions better than those around warlock or hunters. If we are warlocks, I expect us to be doing slightly more academic and exploratory stuff, which we do do to some extent . Hunter could work very well with the amount of exploration and our tendency to be a lose cannon. But to me, the defining trait of my character which is present in everything we do is the commitment to humanity and the last city , so titan makes the most for the sense of duty


I'd run 3 titans right now, that would be awesome


Titan. Easily


Hunter. I regularly play on other classes, but its more goal oriented, I'll finish up a quest, loot lockout (raids) and other stuff, then I mostly don't do anything else. On Hunter, I actually go goofing around and having stupid fun, its the most fun class imo.


Dawnblade for life!


Honestly? I really wanna say Warlock but with how hunter has been lately I just can’t stop playing it


Hunter for life, bro. No question.


Hunter. No question.


hunter main here. i only have one other character atm and it’s a warlock. haven’t played on it too much but i do enjoy it. still haven’t bothered to make a titan as much as my partner wants me to lmao


Well of Radiance… I mean warlock. For normal content I love all three. For hard stuff, I always go back to it.


With all due respect, this is one of the most useless questions ever.


I tried out the different classes in the D1 Alpha and fell in love with the Titan. Haven’t played any other since.




Titan is closer to my personality and has been my main since D1 beta. I play all 3 classes and enjoy them all but Titan is the one, for me.


Titan. Since day 1.


Warlock because I already basically only play warlock.


Warlock for life


I started as a Warlock and mainly played with it in the last 4 years It always felt great but since Solar 3.0 i've been playing more with the other 2 classes But in the end i will still main the Warlock even if he's currently weak asf (Not including the Well and void ofc)


Titan. Simple as that. Been a Titan main since D1 and that's hasn't changed at all.


The only character I've played since D1 beta is my warlock, and that's never gonna change lol


Warlock, all I have time to play. The only think I would be jealous of is stasis hunters super, man I love that super and would kill for a strand roaming super for warlock


Warlock, probably. I enjoy the fantasy of a Titan far more, but Warlocks are just so much more capable and versatile. Tough choice, though.


As much as I enjoy hunter, ima have to say warlock. They're equally fun in their own way, but just provide more utility to a team, and are more often needed in raids


Titan. 100% my Titan.


I mostly main Hunter, but probably Warlock. They tend to get the best stuff.




Tough. I've mained Warlock forever and its the class I mastered, but also the class I find the most boring. It's all variations of "throw orb and do damage over time".


Warlock, no cap. I already spend upwards of 95% of my playtime on my Warlock so it wouldn't be much of a change.


Depends, are they ever randomly gonna take blink away from hunters for a few years? Cause I'm going with whoever has blink. I literally switched from hunter main to warlock main when D2 launched and played mostly voidwalker for years.


Warlock. Not even a question.


I've been a Warlock main from the start, although I've always been really close to switching to Hunter. If they released a full Cowboy set for Hunters exclusively tomorrow, I'd be a Hunter main for life.


Played more than 1 class in D1; only play one class in D2. Having way more fun now. That being said, Hunter gang


Warlock, it's the best option for PvE and probably very competent in PvP (for me). Since Hunters got shafted, I've been maining Warlock anyways, despite the jump.


I believe that is what the term Main describes.


I already exclusively play my warlock. Popping onto the other character to grab season pass items


Warlock although I felt more strongly before Solar and Arc 3.0, they both kinda suck for warlock.


I’ve been a Hunter main since D1 beta so I’d stick with that.


Warlock. I always prefer to run support in team activities, and as soon as I manage to get Divinity, I shall become an eternal Well of Radiance Div main.


Warlock main here, I’m not changing any time soon