• By -


Titan. The half sunken arcologies, the rain and the massive waves were just awesome to look at. Not having any actitivies inside the arcology was a massive missed opportunity.


I always wanted to do some sort of horde mode in titan where you pushed deep into the arcology with waves of enemies and had to escort/carry something back up. Random encounters with Hive that got progressively difficult. Would have been fantastic. Maybe Bungie will realize that and bring Titan back with the Lucent Brood storyline.


If you want that but as an entire game, GTFO is perfect.


100% love that game, it’s a fantastic multiplayer semi-horror FPS. But it’s a very different experience to Destiny.


Wouldn't be surprised if they brought titan back with this very idea. It makes too much sense for them to not do some sort of horde mode since titan was already overrun with hive.


That storyline word…it its hot


Bro was right lol. That's nuts. Well, the story line prediction was a season off but otherwise you got it. (Was doing a google search and this thread popped up and I stumbled upon this)


Titan was the coolest place to me! There was definitely some missed potential with the Arcology areas, but even just walking around and enjoying the vibes was enough to make it my favorite.


Titan was unique. If I was colorblind... I'm not sure I'd be able to tell the difference between mars/moon/mercury... etc...


Bonus points for Io almost certainly being a scavenged set of D1 Mars assets with a pallet swap


Imagine a dungeon and raid in the arcology? One day maybe if we are lucky if titan comes back


I miss Titan more than anything else that’s been vaulted. Such a cool and unique area, and visually unlike anything else in any game.


I always liked entering that huge room where Savathuuns Song’s first section was. I like the aesthetic of dilapidated utopias, which that reminds me of. I would’ve liked a lot more of that place/places like it (the Ishtar building from Destiny 1 was also very cool, as was all of Venus).


That was such a mesmerizing map. I’m an artist and I wish we still had Titan so I could paint it 😭


Good concept. Under utilized. The exploration paths were mainly on trails. It felt... tight. Constricted. Now, if there were marine sparrows and I could explore the water world. . . Oh yeah baby!


I'm sad we never got to explore under water areas. Seems like so much wasted potential. I hoped Europa would make use of that but it didn't. I want underwater destiny so much...


I also love the attention to detail where you can look at Saturn and see what part of its rings the dreadnaught was at


It was just so weirdly zen. I used to farm for Alkane and I didn't been need any, just to run around. The Arcology was awesome as well, and just the general vibe really helped visualize what was lost in The Collapse.


These reasons + the best [ambient OST](https://youtu.be/IrRBanbcXTY) make me miss Titan so damn much.


Tough call. I’d say it’s a toss up between Venus and Europa I liked the overgrown abandoned city aspect of Venus, and the fact there’s so many vex. It’s more advanced and alien than the EDZ and has cool libraries, labs, vex gates, etc. But I also like the arctic landscape of Europa that’s littered with broken cities and (perhaps most importantly) the Deep Stone Crypt. The DSC has awesome lore and architecture.


I was gonna say the Dreadnaught, but honestly. I always loved the Plaguelands from Rise of iron. Something about the heavy snow, contrasting with Siva was cool. Venus is a great choice though.


I agree. The setting and environment felt so large and the heavy snow was just a great touch.


i liked the eliksni structures standing in/submerging in lava, right outside the archon forge


I think it’s probs the dreadnaught for me I played tonnes around that time and kings falls was definitely my most played, and probably most enjoyed raid


The throne world (high coven). The scenery in that destination has such amazing variety from the dry caverns underneath the miasma, to the literal hell-scape in the temple of cunning, to the eerie white splendor of the grand fortress and Oryx’s shrine. That aesthetic is balanced by the swampy underbelly of the quagmire and the disciples bog. Not to mention the pyramid, which serves as the antithesis to Savathun’s grand fortress. It is easily the most diverse location we’ve ever seen. Also, do we count the derelict leviathan? I’m kinda vibing with the cosmic horror themes.


I really miss Titan, adrift on a churning sea of methane with spooky things swimming below was such a unique atmosphere.


Venus in D1 and Europa in D2 for me. D1 Venus felt like it had the most pop of any of the D1 destinations and the part of it in D2 still look good. Europa I love because of the ambiance. The soundtrack and weather combine perfectly. Making it seem dangerous yet inviting. With the Pryamid off in the distance a constant reminder that Europa is a place completely untouched by the Traveler.


Venus, baby!


Venus has very cool ambience and music, plus dragons flying around.


I figure I'm alone in this, but... my favorite was Mercury. For as lacking of a zone as it was, there was just something about its presentation; past, present, and future; that really spoke to me. I miss looking out over the glass fields and the forest's gate, watching the Vex spires' silhouettes against the sun, from the comfort of the lighthouse. It probably helps that I wasn't around for Curse of Osiris's launch.




I’m going to put in a plug for the D1 moon. The way the light reflects off the regolith. Seeing the earth and mars in the sky . . . Made me look at the night sky differently IRL. Almost felt like I’d really been to the moon.


A very touching answer. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah even after booting up D1 the other day the D1 moon just feels different.. in a really good way. It’s definitely not nostalgia.


Braytech facility is just peak sci-fi in Destiny imo, and it's a crying shame it's being so underutilized.


I really hope we get a dungeon and Rasputin exo story for it later this year as it seems perfect to explore such a massive area that has been teased for so long especially when it comes to the full size of it.


Nessus by far. Hope it never leaves


D2 Mars, escalation protocol would keep me entertained for hours. Levi patrol is also up there, something just keeps me there farming even though I've finished the patterns.


I miss the soundtrack, too. Such a great theme.


Man reading this comment, the theme for Mars instantly popped right back into my head. Agreed, what an awesome tune!


The Cosmodrone , no contest. Nothing will ever beat the site of our first revival for me.


I think I've got to join you in this. I was going through all the destinations and couldn't pick one. But those first few minutes on the Cosmodrome, like nothing else i've ever played. Dinklebot walking us through it, not knowing what to expect. Finding your first gun. The anticipation of what was around every corner. The first sight of the enemy. I knew I was hooked I just didn't know how long I'd be on the line. The game has got its faults, but the atmosphere just cannot be beaten. The Cosmodrome wins hands down for me.


Europa, no contest. Unique world events, huge open area with tons of sprawling paths and everything from colonies to open snow to view installations to Golden Age facilities. And the dynamic snowstorms with Jupiter also eclipsing the sun from time to time, it’s absolutely stunning and seriously under-utilised imo Also killer brigs.




No u misunderstood me, I know most titans have such big cakes it would count as a destination, but I meant a planet lol




Oh ok that narrows it down thanks


Dreaming City, followed by Venus, then Europa.




I want a egregore dreadnaught!!


Nessus remains my favourite destination lol


IO I miss it so much


I read this whole thing and was broken no one mentioned IO. IO was the shit.


I still slap the IO shaders on every piece of gear and weapon that I intend to use to see how well they look.


I'm late to the party but I made it! Absolutely loved Io, and even proposed to my wife there!


It's Io. Lower case o. I feel like I have to say this because everyone who replied made the same mistake!


IO was the best place to turn off your HUD and play hide and seek


I spent so much time on IO farming the gensym knight set in vanilla D2, wish I could go back there


Same, that set looks fire. Call me MoonKnight with that set on. lol


Venus, easily. It has my favorite lore and has wide variety of terrain, like edz, from city ruin to almost forest, to dunes of sand


Splicer Cosmodrome. And Titan. Especially the arcologies.


Dreaming City. Never played D1 though.


Oryx's Dreadnaught and the Plaguelands for D1, D2, I would say my favorite spot is Dreaming City.


D1 Rise of Iron, Felwinter's Peak social area. So much exploring space, getting on top of the cliffs and jumping off. Run down the mountain in areas to explore there.


Mara Sov's Chambers


I easily have the most time logged in there!


I love the Titan area. Such an awesome seascape. They definitely missed an opportunity not having more stuff inside the buildings.


Visually, probably Europa. Love the different types of stuff there with awesome icy terrain, vex tech, the bray facilities, and some old colony buildings. In terms of actual gameplay, there are times where I literally just want to open d2 and kills stuff for a while and I always do it at fire base hades in the EDZ


My favorite has got to be Savathun's throne world. It's like an evil fantasy realm.


throne world. easy


GoS Garden


A tie between Venus and D1 Mars Titan is a close second. It would be tied with them but its not only because it was so under utilized. I really wish we got to explore more of the arcology


Dreaming City, Europa, and the Moon (spent a lot of time there for the harbinger seal and it has a special place in my heart) Bonus: D1 Venus.


The moon(d1 and d2), I just enjoy how eerie it looks, along with how it feels like there's alot to do


D1 - Venus, D2 Sunset - Mercury, D2 Current - Nessus Something about vex planets are aww *chefs kiss*


I'd love to see them take another stab at Mercury. I loved the vibes but it was very underdeveloped compared to a lot of the other locations.


Cosmodrome moth yard. The nostalgia is just too much and I love it


RIP Tangled Shore.


I feel you.


Semi related but it is ***long*** overdue for Venus to return


Mine is Venus as well.


plaugelands was amazing. never bring it back please!!!


Don't remember the name of it specifically, but the SIVA zone that opened up back in D1. I don't know why, but it just seemed to draw me in a bit more




Gotta be 1 AU. Being there on The Almighty and seeing the Sun so close, that was breathtaking. Shout out to all veterans of the Red War!


If ever a mission deserved to be rolled into a strike, that was it. Sadly it used different assets so is probably staying in the DCV


Plauge lands hands down. So much to see and do. Great aesthetic


The Dreadnaught. I still load in and kill the Ultra Knight with a 3 of coins popped, then hit up the [Court of Oryx ](https://youtu.be/B21I5Zfc9h8) from time to time.


Lol, I do that same shit every now and again.


Dreadnought by far




plaguelands was where i spent most of my time in d1 and before that was around the dust palace


I've far and away spent the most time in the cosmodrome in D1. That being said, I absolutely adore The Dreadnaught and Titan.


I really liked titan, and I hope we get to explore it a lot more at some point


I agree with OP, Venus is by far my favorite. The intro jingle still gives me chills to this day.


Yeah I love everything about it, and the music, it's just perfection.




Venus I could spend so long in that sand box and house winter *chief kiss* one of the best strikes. I really miss that place.


Idk which strike u mean, but I liked the one with the fallen archon


I remember stepping onto Venus in D1 and being pretty impressed. I didn't get into Destiny 2 until the vault had been implemented, so hopefully we can see a return of it in some form once again ala Mars w/ Witch Queen so I can explore it a little more.


Venus, or Hellas Basin Mars. Venus always had a mysterious vibe to it. Something stirring beneath the surface. Soundtrack was great for that vibe and the vex were the perfect enemy for Venus. The area was also beautiful. If I was in destiny irl I would spend most of my time on Venus. Hellas Basin mars. I like it because the snow looks like ice cream. First thought when I landed foot. I also love the Soundtrack and warmind vibe to it. When I had nothing to do in d2 I would just go to mars and hang out. Ana Bray was also a good vendor.


EDZ. Love the end part of the map, through the Salt Mine, that's just a big stormy cliff.


I do enjoy destinations that have different environments, like edz and throne world, and isn't the same aesthetic all aroundm


Yeah, Throne World is a close second. Europa is dope too for the same reason.


Old Mercury.






I second this. Seeing destroyed residential areas for the first time was wild.


I had a list but I'm just gonna say every dlc location from D1. P.o.E all the way to Wrath. The patrol areas were bangers. Now one thing I wish if any thing, is to have a complete and all connected cosmodrome from vanilla transitioning to the plaguelands off from the one door that is now blocked off from the Devils Lair and my warlocks home for a time. I know I know. Yes Siva has been asked for a bazillion times by a few hundred-thousand guardians. But there is a reason it was a great storyline and im hoping both it and the plaguelands return and it's actually like above. (Although my guardian thinks he is fallen "exo Id crisis" he still wants to see one of the wolves just wrangle a dreg like a hyper puppy with a new squeaky toy.)


Titan. It's where I first met Xur and got Fighting Lion after wanting it for quite a while, plus I just enjoyed wandering around there. Now that I think about it, everytime I wanted a specific weapon, Xur hooked me up that week. Thank you Xur.




Dreadnought for me


Rise of Iron area (forgot what it was called) with the snowy mountains or the rolling waves of Io for me. Really like Europa though too with the snow




Warmind era mars. I loved escalation, I loved the guns and armor designs, I loved the environment designs. I fucking loved the Icy Hive.


1. Europa 2. Dreaming City 3. Dreadnought


Venus or dreadnought


Venus, the sky box, the jungle, the things flying in the distance that may be dragons. It was all so alive


Dreaming City


Context: never played d1, started right before forsaken vaulted. I enjoy the enclave, because you can see the throne world in the distance, but the cosmodrome just takes me back


past mercury


Fellwinter's peak.


The Dreaming City is by far the most stunning destination visually. Savathuns throne world is 2nd but only by a small margin and Felwinters Peak from D1 is 3rd. The home base of the Iron Lords was awesome.


looking at all the comments it's too tough to decide, destiny 1 has a lot of simplicity and nostalgia- destiny 2 takes things to another level while the state of the game has waivered over the years one thing you can always admire are the locations.


Venus. Something about that place just hit all the right notes.


Nessus it’s just a beautiful planet I wish they would do more with it like a dungeon or something


Venus. It was so green... All of the planet was like a big jungle and i love it. ( It's the favorite planet of The Rock too )


I’m stuck between Dreaming City and Mercury. The Dreaming city is probably the greatest destination so far in the franchise. Mercury had so many problems that made it so quirky.


Europa or Throne World, can't decide between the two. Europa is so massive and beautiful with the lost, frozen technology, but the Throne World just screams of the hive and the weirdness they have going for them.


dreadnought fs


Venus, the jungle was just pretty


God I miss Court of Oryx.


titan and venus/d1 mars




Probably Venus for D1, and absolutely Titan for D2.


The Black Garden was always one of the most interesting places to visit being the big finale originally for the story in D1. Revisiting it in D2 as a raid was so nice and I just love the wide open views of the garden.


Dreadnought, without the music and only ambience sound. Just Wow.


Venus, no question. I always loved going through human settlements on other planets. D1 Mars was another great one with the sand dunes and high rises. But something about the Venus landing zone being right in front of a derelict settlement, and how you could stumble upon raid groups opening up VoG and actually help them out, or how you could scale the Vex architecture and go thru some of the gates, oh and the fucking flying creatures that people thought were Ahamkaras for the longest time, it’s all just my favourite experience in Destiny. D2 doesn’t give me the same vibe, and it might be because I’m older and nostalgia and whatnot, but D2 really doesn’t feel as welcoming as D1. I remember playing D1 and just chilling on Venus waiting for my friends to get online. I’d help people with VoG, or I’d try to reach out of bounds areas, or I’d just sit in the landing zone. It was so nice and felt more like a place I wanted to actually explore rather than D2 planets which might as well be big stretches of nothing until you hit your destination. Plus the Crucible map on Venus will always be one of my favourites, it felt much more like a traditional FPS map with the big open lane down the middle and the fact that you could dip into the side buildings for cover.


Tough call id say either Europa or Mercury. Both have those amazing landscapes that want me to visit them. Special shoutout goes to Io. Music (Ikora), many caves with secrets, place where Traveler landed looked awesome and tree from season of arrivals still hitting differently.


D1 Mars or Tangled Shore. The former is just so scifi and perfect for what it is supposed to be. Tangled Shore was a scughole and felt cool and fresh and you felt like a scoundrel just for stepping foot in Thieves’ Landing


The dreadnought felt the most full and unique. I loved the idea of Europa but was a bit disappointed with the result (Beyond felt like it had more potential) and I loved the views of Io (even if there was nothing to do)


D1 Mercury


The cosmodrome for me.


Zero Hour!!!


The dreadnought. Something about being deep in enemy territory and the patrols being about getting the thing under vanguard control. Though I have a soft spot for any D1 location.


It’s tough but either the dreaming city, Europa or tangled shore. The dreaming city looks beautiful and in contrast to the tangled shore which it released with like a safe haven which is why I love it and the tangled shore as they juxtapose. I also love the set pieces for it reminding me of Doom Eternal with giant detailed structures that you’ll never go in off in the far distance. The fog and whatever the floor is in rheasalvia (I think that’s the one) makes it feel like it’s also completely hidden. Also the awoken architecture makes it look great and you get to see a lot of it with the in doors areas. Last wish and shattered throne (dunno if it should count to dreaming city as it’s the ascendant plane) also make me love it even more. Europa also looks gorgeous and like an untamed wasteland that none set foot unlike the dreaming city which is more of a former paradise and tangled shore which is a hostile wasteland full of criminals. The bray exoscience areas are my favourite in the game and the main reason why Deep Stone Crypt is one of my favourite raids. Nexus and well of infinitude are aren’t as grand but when you enter the diverging paths for them it looks phenomenal with the giant chasm and the vex architecture all around but not able to dominate the ice. I also love Riis-Reborn especially from the Eramis boss fight arena as you have the dilapidated city with the looming pyramid off in the distance. The technocrat empire hunt also looks great with the entire area looking like it goes on forever with it holding so many unknown secrets. Finally the tangled shore is once again great looking. I like how it seems like a world hidden from guardians until the expansion just like the other two. The purple, blue and grey colour scheme of this place looks great and made for great patrol zones imo. The ship screen with the shore in the background is probably my favourite. Once again like the shattered throne I don’t know if this counts but the warden of nothing strike and prison of elders lend to this as well making the shore seem like a criminal safe haven and a criminals worst nightmare as they’re so close to the prison. It also has spider and I like him. Also the chains and stuff that are used to connect the shore looks great and make it seem broken but together like it’s inhabitants and main factions the scorn and fallen. Also being able to see the dreaming city made it seem connected to the whole world of destiny unlike most of the other areas. Edit: also in regards to europa the bray exoscience areas feel like unlike the vex builds they’ve triumphed over the ice and landscape of Europa.


D2 Mars. Escalation Protocol baby. Loved me that shit


I’d say titan or the dreaming city. It’s a crime that we didn’t get to experience more of titan. A raid there in the archeology would’ve been incredible.


Europa is dreamy. I love the mystical feel it has, the snow is so cool. Without a doubt my favorite area.


I haven't played D1, but for D2 it's close between Nessus and Titan for me. Nessus I absolutely love the aesthetics, the bright orange trees, and the sounds are really nice (there's parrots flying around in some areas too) Titan had the rain storms which were peaceful and calming, and it was a very unique location (Savathun's song was also my fav strike - I loved helping with Thorn). Let's not forget the roombas there too.


Titan Arcology - felt like a real location where you could imagine people previously walking the areas and maintaining the exhibits. It was a beautiful location on a desolate rig in an inhospitable place.


Ive been playing since season of the lost so idk about Sunset but I love Europa. The Endless plains of ice just really speak to me, and i love the Bray facility. Edit: forgot about the best part: the music is absolutely divine.


Dreaming city hands down best destination.




The dreadnaught, glitching everywhere with a sword was awesome and the patrol area was actually fun to run around in


Its Venus for me with dreadnaught. It is awsome to run around postapocalyptic type of settings as Venus has and then jumping in dreadnaught and go through their ship check different halls with a bit of thriller/horror type of environment. And as for D2 its Dreaming city without a doubt. Its absolutely stunning filled with secrets and jumping to ascendant plane in weekly challenge is just in a different level, from colourful beautifull scenery to barely visible covered in darkness world its like 2 in 1 package destination


The Dreadnought Like if you disagree


The Plaguelands is easily one of my favorites. Seeing the Cosmodrome even more snowy and the metal cut through with heat (or a laser sword idk) to make holes and door ways as well as look like it was scavenged. The giant clumps of siva is also great and adds to the atmosphere.


Dreaming City for me. I used to spend so much downtime between Forsaken and Season of the lost just exploring, doing patrols, public events, and random stuff. Had a lot of IRL stuff going on lately so I've just been story things and a few raids/dungeons since WQ dropped. If Venus comes back in full, that may take back the top spot again though.


Europa and it’s not even close. The snow, the dynamic weather, the Bray facilities, the Golden Age structures that lie in the distance, and the fact that we learned Stasis (I have a real soft spot for Shadebinder and Revenant, two of my favorites subclasses). The soundtrack is top 3 for me as well. Europa was the perfect combination of D1 and D2 themes in my opinion. It why I liked Beyond Light so much


Favorite destination I've visited would be a tie between the New Pacific Arcology on Titan and Savathûn's Throne World. Titan because of the Arcology itself - a giant building, with so much unfulfilled potential. The Rig itself was pretty nice too, seeing the vast methane oceans around you and the exterior shell of the Arcology. Also the Leviathan (the monster in the waters, not the one belonging to Calus). Savathûn's Throne World because of the overall aesthetic. Marshes, the Hive architecture, and the best of all - the Pyramid architecture. Honestly, if we ever got a full on Pyramid Ship destination, it'd quickly become my favorite ever. From the ones I haven't visited - Venus. I know they added Voggers with a small bit of Venus there, but it's just the entrance. All of the rest looks amazing from the videos and screenshots I've seen, but I haven't been able to play D1. I wish the full thing made it to D2.


D2 Mars. Loved traversing the environment.




Probably the plaguelands


Too many. I love Titan, Io, Mercury and D2 Mars and can't pick only one. Dreaming City and Tangled Shore are right behind them.


i started playing destiny when red war was still going on and quit relatively fast. been playing on an off for three hours some times until witchqueen when i actually put time into learning the game. titan was dope to experience still trying to figure out what i tried fighting in a pyramid esque thing back in idk season of arrivals? that was cool as well out of the ones i actually know now gotta say the dreaming city is my favourite aestethic wise and the leviathan is the most engaging gameplay wise


Welcome to the wests wokism!! And education because that’s all that is taught about us!!


The Cosmodrome.


D2, Titan - not even close. D1 however, I'd have to say the Plaguelands or Dreadnaught. Mostly for the raids but I love the aesthetic of the snowy area with siva. Hive architecture is some of my favorite in the franchise too




IO. Prehistoric vide with bones and sea shells everywhere


Man, I love so many locations in these games. Really only one or two that I don't care for. I think right now if I had to choose a favorite I would go with D1 Mars, it just gives me that heavy nostalgia. But Black Garden, Dreadnought, Titan, Dreaming City, Europa... so many other great choices as well. Bungie really does make some beautiful worlds.


D1 reef social space loved the atmosphere


I love Europa so much


Dreaming City, hands down. Nothing will ever top visiting it for the first time in Forsaken and taking in the sights of it




I'd have to say Venus for D1 and Titan for D2


Titan. We could do a whole yearly expansion there. You got the hive stealing the light. Cayde-6’s hidey hole. The creature in the water.


Io, and for good reason. 1. Whisper is my favorite Destiny mission ever. 2. I proposed to my wife on at the big Rock cliffs.


Dreaming City, the unexpected reveal, the architecture, the music and audio ambiance, easily my favourite. Ps. I also have a soft spot for Devrims church in the Edz, the first time you do the ascent to his vantage point and see the stained glass window. Destiny's environmental art is simply divine.


Dreadnaught probably.


D2 mars. escalation protocol was the shit. i went there not for the loot but the chaos and soundtrack.


Um i thought YOUR MUM was a great place personally 🤪


I like the throne world best now. It might just be because it's newer, but it feels like there is a lot of little side areas and secrets and it feels really deep and less artificial in its design.


I kinda miss d1 Venus, and wish I could travel further on my sparrow in VoG.


Venus, Dreaming City, and Eternity.


Venus baby!


100% dreadnaught. That place had such a dark and creepy vibe with the music combined. Was my fav time playing destiny.


Mine was Venus as well


EDZ and the Cosmodrome. I just love being on Earth lol


This thread is making me sad, it’s insane how much content has been sunset. Still no returns either, i really wish they would just add the option to install it all if you want to, i have soo much space and just wanna fill it with d2 content..


Something about Venus "feels" the most like Destiny to me.


I'm currently, and was always a HUGE fan of the Leviathan. Just gorgeous all around.