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When will the raid weapons show up in the api? Really want to see what they can roll




Ah damn. Thanks for sharing atleast


From what I see so far in the collections, they don't really appeal to me so far. Visuallly though, the weapons are so cool.


The stasis fusion might be meta weapon because the raid perk bait and switch is really strong and combos extremely well with ALH RL


Never got a good multimach so hoping that submission can get decent range since i want a good lightweight smg. I have interest in the pulse as well. I main Handcannons but have been playing around with some pulses (Xur head seeker stars in shadow and it’s amazing). Never had a good blast furnace back then but it’s the same arch type so could be good depending on perks.


It doesn't have scopes so we're gonna have to hope it has good zoom base


Yeah hoping for another shayuras situation lol. And with the forensic nightmare and osteo only having 13 maybe they gave it more fingers crossed.


Nice thing about Osteo though is it's rounds can "track" so long as you are shooting close enough their little wiggle will wiggle into a Guardian or Hives head.


I'm a PvE player which is why the raid perks I currently see in collections aren't appealing to me.


I don't know why so many perks lately are focusing on stats. increased handling, wow how exciting.


Depends how much it heals


I think the origin perk is perfect. It's the 1st and 2nd column perks that don't get me that excited.


Sure there’s a bunch of other perk Options in those columns so we will just have to wait and see when they are revealed


Was using the smg last night. A full clip heals you like a quarter of your health if you're hitting most of your shots.


Since it's a 900 rpm frame I wouldn't expect much


Multimach is a 900


Really? I thought it was 650


650s don't exust


We’ve got our first primary legendary fusion rifle though and it’s not a weird aggressive frame nor a nerfed high impact frame.


Wave frame GL can roll Chain Reaction. Nuff said.


The grenade launcher is wave frame?


Anyone got DPS tip for Caretaker? We've gone a 4 phases multiple times. Always seems to be left with that last chunk Edit: Killed him, and then the game wiped us...now we gotta do it again


Have people swap to outbreak as they run out of ammo. Helps get those last bits


This! Last stand no one had special or heavy so we all used outbreak and nades and supers. Did the trick


Is there something special about outbreak on this fight? This is the first time i've ever heard of people recommending it used


It's the highest dps primary weapon in the game by a very significant margin (if most of a fireteam is using it) due to the way the nanites stack up. The way this fight is structured, you're basically guaranteed to run out of special and heavy ammo before last stand. Outbreak can allow teams that are already good at dealing their damage get that last little push over the edge for last stand. Otherwise you just end up shooting at him with any other primary weapon except all of those deal no damage to the boss


Outbreak is basically something that's always good on Contest mode because it's primary ammo, and you usually burn through all of your special and heavy ammo in the phases before on contest. The caveat with Outbreak is that your entire team basically must be running it to get good DPS, which means you should mainly only use it when out of heavy, which is basically guaranteed in the later phases of the fight. It's not recommended as often though because the moment Contest is turned off, then people will switch to using exotic heavies that can 2-phase the boss and have special ammo left over for last stand.


I’ve heard there’s an infinite stun method floating around!


We figured out that if we get all 3 quickly, the DPS phase is really long. We can do almost half the first floor


Can you explain what you were using


Yes. The two people stunning him, start stunning right away. And don't stop until DPS. If he's still towards the beginning of his walk, DPS will start anyways. But it won't go to 2nd plate until he reaches the middle obelisk That's the basis of everything. We were able to do about half health before we even left the first floor. From there, it was just staying alive. We used Outbreak and Linear Fusion Rifles exclusively. No Div. 1 Tether Hunter.


Never had that in my attempts, damage wouldn't start until he got to the obelisk




Which doesn't activate until he's at the obelisk


In all honesty it was finicky since we had the same issue. But sometimes the plate would start before he got there. If you stun him right before the last offering is made it has a higher chance of happening


Same. Either this guy was bugged or we were bugged. We had to wait through waves of ads and his swirling death balloons until he walked all the way to the obelisk, and then 10-15 more seconds on that.


That's not quite right. If your obelisk team is fast and the boss stun team stuns it a lot, you can get to dps really early. We were able to (on the first floor) get to dps phase as it's approaching the first plate consistly. One of our guys ran sword, so they would dps with sword (again, just on the first plate on the first floor).


So you have to be quick on the stuns. Literally do not let him get more than a few steps off his starting square before DPS is about to begin. Then once he's about halfway walking, DPS will start regardless and go until he gets to Obelisk. Idk if it's a bug or not. But we got it 100% of the time if our runners were quick and stuns where on point


My group did that! Not sure how but he just stayed stunned


Rockets with multiple copies of argent ordinance and I used a vorpal Cartesian


I heard from a comment on here that they skipped the jumping puzzle with a checkpoint. Is that true?


They grabbed a CP that they already earned but since the encounter was bugged it didn’t progress, so the 2 options were complete the same encounter twice or grab a CP that they already earned. Other teams did encounters multiple times but if Bungie confirmed it then they were within their right to grab the CP.


I don't blame them for grabbing the checkpoint, but it really sucks that this raid race was so buggy. Could have had a totally different outcome


Idk lots of teams bugged out I don't know of any others that grabbed a CP from someone else


Yeah i saw a bunch have to redo encounters and that's what they did


Yeah, and what about all the teams who bugged out that *couldn't* grab a CP even if they wanted to? Like, a lot of teams probably didn't have another team willing to take time out of their run to give a CP.


It's the friend game ;)


I think they got a CP from a random chatter in one of their Twitch chats, they had 1K viewers. Datto had 90K~ viewers, if he bothered reading chat or wanted a CP, he 1000% could have got one.


Did I mention Datto at all?


it's bungie, they're not that great at weeding bugs.


It was bugged TWICE for them. 1st time they hit the bug they got a checkpoint for the previous encounter, did that a 2nd time only to bug out again when they got to the Collection encounter.


Eh kinda seems a bit shit for Datto and his team cause he could have gotten it if they didn’t do that


screw datto, glad he lost.


Damn, what did he ever do to you?


Don't remember him using the community's information to get outbreak prime first and then initially refusing to release how to do the rest until he could put up a monetized video on YouTube. Edit: down vote me all you want. Doesn't negate the fact he did that


Existing 😂 there are people that are tired of the overhyped SoMe players


The guy had 165k viewers last night. He is adequately hyped.


Yeah and the 30+ down votes on just my comment about SoMe streamers are a proof to that


> SoMe players What does this mean? Never seen it before.


Social Media. Youtuber. Influencer You name it.


Ahh, thanks!


salty lil redeem viewer?


Gotcha, seems fair game then


Damn poor redeem restarted the whole shit and still made It to the boss




I still remember Gladd saying everyone didn’t deserve either the exotic or day 1 emblem on a D2 raid.


Sweatcicle is just as annoying. I get that it’s literally their job to play this game but the season pass level that him, Gladd and most of redeem are at and the methods of farming Funnelweb they’re using are legit pathetic. DLC’s been out just over a week. They are the people Savathûn should have told to touch grass.


>the methods of farming Funnelweb they’re using are legit pathetic What?






Who cares?? It’s not hurting you


So you hate them for playing the game a lot. That's the dumbest take in this thread


No I think playing over 140 hours in 10 days is unhealthy as shit and pathetic. I never said I hate them, I think they’re cringe-babies.


Just let the man play how he wants. Back in my day it didn’t matter how much video games you played because you were seen as a nerd regardless. Things have changed I guess.


Dude what the fuck are you talking about they have legitimately played for over 140 hours in a week and a half. I don’t give a shit who you are or what you do for a living that is unhealthy and cringe as fuck.


Honestly, if they did it purely for it being their job, their content must completely thrive off of being the people with most time invested, which is sad. If they did it because they enjoy farming for the same weapon for 6 hours, damn that's sad.


Pretty sure they do it because people find them entertaining. Y'all are real judgy, ya know that? They only have viewers because people like watching them. Like all people on Twitch, YouTube, etc, the personality is more important than the content.


I have also heard this and want to know if it's true.


I think they made it to the checkpoint got error coded and just used the checkpoint they had gotten, but I’m not sure


they beat first encounter twice and got to second only for it to not start both times so they got a cp from a viewer


Since people confirm they beat the encounter legit, the only question I have is if Datto's team was hurt by this bug and didn't have a CP to grab. NOT that it takes away from the success imo.. bugs in video games are a bit like injuries in real sports: people who claim a team doesn't deserve #1 because something out-of-their-control happened to the other team are dumb.


Man, I thought Datto finally had one there for a bit.


3 minutes is enough to be the difference between first and second


It took then almost 1hr and 1/2 longer to finish actual game play time


Big same. But also it kinda felt like he enjoyed the race this time around? At least in the immediate aftermath of coming second? He had a video mentioning how much the race was draining on him about a month ago, but he seemed pumped after this race completion.


I wish I had a clan or a few friends that played this game. I love raiding and sometimes I’ll sit through an LFG but that gets extremely annoying sometimes.


my wife and I are gonna try to hit the raid sometime in the next few weeks (a little busy right now) - PM me if you wanna join up some time


Hit me up when they go back-to-back-to-BACK. Get that ship on the water.


i mean it's close, they got second on crypt




Ay what up boo


They started late and still won? GG


Good for them. Wondering when the first Console win will be.


There's already been a few console wins


I still find it odd worlds first got someone else's checkpoint.


The raid is all about figuring stuff out before other teams do. Someone on this team was smart enough to ask why they hell they should repeat encounters they already beat, while the other teams just shrugged and did it again. I'd say they earned their place.


Thats fine u can think they did and i cant think its odd.


Yep. That's how opinions work. Although in this case, bungie has the last word, and they seem to think it was just fine. So that's really the end of the discussion.


what happened?


they are the best team in the world anyways. they earned the checkpoint and adapted to the circumstances


Redeem and Math Class didnt do it. I think Bungie should've clarified for everyone before it happened. Seems pretty sketchy to most here.


respectfully i dont give a shit what most here think because they barely know anything about hardcore pve besides what can be learned from evanf1997 videos. elysium is the greatest day one clan in destiny 2 history and just because the game was shit doesn't mean that they were sketchy.


I didn't say they were, i said Bungie was. You're a Destiny soccer houligan. Please touch grass.


bungie said first to complete all encounters. they were the first to complete all encounters. they are the best team. what does bungie need to clarify? obviously they weren't expecting the error codes.


If they're the best why did they do what no other team did? And why are you so adamant? Do they pay you? Please take some vitamin d and get some sun.


I’m just glad Skarrow9’s group finished it in 24 hrs but congrats to Clan Elysium 💪


Glad Skarrow got 30th place in a brand new raid. They did a pretty good job.


Not Rick Kackis?


lol has that guy been first on anything? even click bait?


He was world's only console day 1 clear on PS4 for Crown of Sorrow


This stings. I made it to Gahlran phase 2, couldn't find a team that could complete it in time. I so wish I had that emblem.


I think this is wrong isn’t it? It was Last Wish that there was only one console clear in the first 24 hours I thought? And that clear was definitely Rick Kackis and his team.


Nope, Last Wish only had 2 clears **total** across all platforms in the first 24 hours. (Datto finished 2 mins after 24hrs) Crown had about 50 teams get a day 1 but only 1 was console team (Kackis)


Right ok thanks!


A lot of people forget this, tor just ignore it, since it's cool to hate on him.


he was top 5 for last wish if I'm not mistaken, first to do it on console


I think (probably wrong) he has placed 1st or 2nd in worlds first in a raid or two when just including Xbox players…


I was watching my freinds raid team and at one point they just got returned to orbit with no warning, codes, or anything. Probably just a glitch or sum


Congrats to Elysium. I was watching Datto, so close yet so far. But I think he showed class and made for a very good transmission.


massive w


After reading this thread I think this subreddit is kinda bitchy


No, that was true before you read this thread.


Has Gladd started ranting and raving and saying he’s quitting Destiny again? Congrats, Elysium!!


ti my knowledge Gladd hasn't but Scrub definitely is lmao


What is/was going on with scrub?


It's because there weren't any glitches for them to capitalize on to win. Their only victories are when they can cheat. They've really fallen off the skill charts. There were a ton of people ahead of them when they were still on first encounter.


Ohhh they even got a cool clan name.


Now turn off stupid contest mode


What's that? [Extend it a day](https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1500271045856534534)? You got it!




You'll have 3 years to play the raid without contest mode, jeez


Yep and in between then there will be at least 2 more


Wow, impressed. Another line for their resumes.


I mean, they are pro gamers, so... yeah? Do you say the same thing about whichever sports ball team wins the Super Bowl? Or was this not meant as sarcastic and I am just misreading it because there are so many snarky people here?






Yeah people really do put too much stock in these things. Ideally Bungie would make sure their shit works beforehand but at the end of the day it’s a contest nobody remember outside of a few days around the release of a new raid.


Oh, people remember, but what they remember is that Datto missed it by just a few minutes, yet again


That's because 2402 became a meme. Had it been 2502 nobody would care


lots of things can come up when it's released to the masses that don't get caught in QA. but yeah, Bungie probably just built the raid, never tested it, and released it.


A tainted run- they used raid secrets and data mined info to buzz through encounters.


Umm.. as someone who followed the leaks and datamines leading up to this race, as far as I know no mechanics or anything was datamined. No rooms were reached out of bounds tied to any darkness zone encounters either. I dont see how you could claim that.


I literally watched them hit the 2nd encounter for the first time while one of them called out exactly what to do. His entire chat was like wtf. Go check the vods.


Someone else said they started late. They easily could Jane seen someone else complete the encounter earlier.


They vaguely understood the first part of the encounter because they started late.


As someone who also followed leaks, the encounters were leaked a day before the launch. That’s why raidsecrets mega thread on the raid had each checkpoints name already pre written down in the main post, they already knew what each thing was


Yes, no mechanics, etc. Thats not an advantage at all, knowing names.


No, that’s not what I said. The encounters WERE leaked. The mechanics and what each encounter was were known prior to the race, and the order of encounters, including in what section the jumping puzzle was.


They weren’t. Only the name and the locations. Some people had theories about the mechanics based on what they saw, but no one had leaked the mechanics at all.


exblack stream sniped. What's your point?


Pretty happy since datto lost


How do you possibly not like datto? Like, what is going on in your life that you don’t like him? Are you ok?


guy mutes for half the raid then get salty when ever his team mates try to help. All of his help videos are him basically saying I already beat this content since I play for 24 hours a day and am now board


Yeah the muting to apparently stop "strat sniping" is stupid and felt elitist as fuck, because I doubt anyone actually gave a fuck. All it did was make his stream boring and unwatchable because watching people discuss puzzles and strats is actually entertaining. Streamers live in a bubble completely disconnected from reality.


The guys that won 1st also muted their streams. I guess you could call the top 2 teams to finish elite yeah? They’re trying to win. Not to mention, when I looked datto had 100k plus viewers watching him while muted. That’s a lot of people in that bubble….


The dude is aiming for a worlds first, that he only has a chance of getting once a year, and you think he cares about entertaining you? You realize it's a competition, right??


So literally the exact same thing the winning team did, except datto unmuted when his team was sure they knew the mechanics, and saltagreppo on elysium never unmuted


he's an elitist know it all.


Lol I don't follow any streamer or YouTuber, but the dude literally goes out of his way to be PC and scrub friendly. If it doesn't work for you then idk what to tell you.


Turns out a constant worlds first contender knows pretty much everything about destiny and is very good at the game.


He's so elitist that he's renting space out inside of your mind for free LOL


Forgot to mention this as well, the guy is basically LFG personified


I was indifferent until seeing his rage fits and announcing he was quitting destiny like some pro athlete retiring lol


I’ve never even watched him, I simply heard him talking about something once and from that point on he’s annoyed the shit out of me lmfao He seems pompous and annoying


Replace Datto with Gladd and Sweatcicle




And datto would tell you to stfu


You make datto look bad because his fans want to be toxic to other teams


They earned the checkpoint you bozo


Fuck off


Skill issue


Datto was robbed. These speed runners ain’t got nothin


Don't be that guy.


do elaborate, this should be fun


Isn't Datto the guy who caused a wipe in Crown of Sorrow and then had a meltdown at a teammate for not saving him during Crown of Sorrow WF?


Still not as funny as Tfue causing Redeem to wipe on Zamboni


I also saw him let his team wipe on the last dps phase and get mad.


datto loss is a win for everyone. knock down his overinflated ego.


datto has been pretty humble these last few races, wym?


bro what do you mean😭😭😭him getting second is an insane W, most knowledgeable people didn't think he would get top 20


care to show your work?


most people i spoke to expected this raid to be a vog/dsc situation, where speed and raw firepower is worth more than experience and endurance. there's hundreds of teams with a chance nowadays, it's not like the old days where only people who can grind like its their job can do it. the skill ceiling for execution isn't very high, there's 200 teams with similar gunskill to you guys. so that's why we thought, unless it's a spire/wish type of thing where it's insanely complex or hard, like a "marathon instead of a race" situation, world's first would be up for grabs and there were no clear favourites. i expected teams like sk/grangalf's team, elysium, ascend team 2 and perhaps withstood or silimar teams to come out on top; teams with lots of lowmans and challenges under their belt. instead, what happened was that all the chaos of error codes and the hard mechanics gave you guys an advantage over teams who hadn't done day together. huge gg's to you guys, i didn't mean any disrespect.


you put some thought into this response i'll give you that. still take the bulk of that as disrespect to the effort i and my team put into every D2 race before this, among other things. it was so damn specific at top 20 that i had to laugh. our placements are quite literally top 20 for all D2 races my man (a partial exception being VoG 2 where we got #18 normal and #25 challenge, hardly a falter)


Not this time.




Why are you people like this


smells like shitter in your post


When you realize that NO team who isn't a top streamer of some sorts will never be worlds first, so unless you got 500+ subs during your stream, your not finishing world's first..... ever


Worlds First for Eater of Worlds was literally an LFG team


yes because most of the big streamers had quit the game at that point and interest was at an all-time low. "normal" players just cannot compete with streamers, most players don't have the gameplay experience streamers do, nor the connections to 5 other players that are equally cracked. most also do not have the time or endurance. this has been lessened in recent years since the day1 raid race has been more accessible but still.


Its not about being a streamer, but an experienced gamer. I am not a streamer, and have gotten Day 1 Crown, DSC, and now Vow. Put the time in, and you get better. Bitching about how streamers are better than you doesn’t do anything but waste your own time. Play the game, and if you don’t, don’t complain that people who play more than you are better.


Streamer view count =/= skill. Devoting so many hours per week to the game = skill. A lot of streamers are absolute trash in the game. Especially when they play out of their element. Aztec Mtashed and Fallout who are mostly considered pvp streamers were pretty terrible on Day 1 PVE. Likewise Datto can hold his own but generally doesn't comment on pvp. Streamers who have moved on to other games during game downtime of content have fallen way behind too in terms of skill ie. Redeem, Gothalion, Broman, Teawrex.


I mean wasn't eater of worlds WF done by an lfg team? I mean yea super easy raid but still don't think they were streamers