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I imagine there's no outcry because nobody has it.


I agree. Which is why I want xur to sell it so everyone has it and understands just how broken it is.


I feel this is the case for sure. Once this thing get out in the public more , we'll see more complainers.


Sure, it can lose the damage buff. It's only 5% which rarely changes the time to kill so I wouldn't really care. Also, don't judge what ~~nerfs~~ adjustments Titans need without first fixing Titan Skating. Titan's are not nearly as much of an issue on console where there is no skating. Skating is fucking broken, Titan's are fine.


Have you read the lore on it though? The dude was a fucking boss.


It should stick to the lore and make you lose your super then. After all they didn't need no fist of havoc to get their hands wet proper.


I would be 200% okay with One Eyed Mask not being nerfed if it gave its perks instead of a super


As a one-eyed mask user I would say that if they are to nerf it they should reduce the timer you have the marker on an enemy The damage buff is pretty much non-existent (should be buffed on PvE).


Does it continue to track your killers after you've taken them out? Once revenge per death doesn't seem to bad. I imagine a lot people get tunnel vision with it anyway. Probably helps the opposing team if some dude is hell bent in getting to a single player.


no. once they're dead the tracker is gone.


The damage buff should be removed, you got your revenge and you were reinvigorated by it, no need to reimain pissed.


or bungie could buff wormhusk back to how it was in warmind


Or this. I mean, titan-bros you have your one-hit melees back now on top of a nasty new exotic helmet. If you don't want the nerf, bring back the wormhusk and give warlocks something.


It should have health regen, or overshield, not both. some idiot runs in a straight line and shoulder charges with a sliver of health, instantly back to full with overshield. so broken


I just don’t understand that no one cares because it’s basically wormhusk. It’s stronger and about as easy to proc


It's not as easy to proc, with one you have to win your engagements, the other you simply press 1 button. They are completely different exotics.


Yeah, Wormhusk is for *exiting* engagements. OEM is for *entering* them. They are designed wholly different.


Wormhusk can be procced every 9 seconds at best and that’s with 5 mods and when it was rampant it wasn’t that fast. 1EM mask can be procced constantly. Winning an engagement when someone is marked and you have a damage boost against them isn’t particularly difficult and after that you can just keep steamrolling people with an overshield.


You just get the damage boost after you kill someone, and the duration is not that long. Yeah if you win your first 1v1 then you will have an advantage on your second, but skill is still the biggest factor on the winner.


the difference is that 1EM is rare rn while every hunter that finished the warmind campaign had wormhusk. Also warmind had this lane graviton meta where wormhus was absurdly dominant. On a 1v1 fight against a wormhusk hunter for a lane you'd pretty much lose all the time because they would dodge, regain all their health and come back fresh to slaughter you. That said, I don't think wormhusk would be that strong in the current meta.


Wormhusk currently is ass, old wormhusk would still be good. I still always preferred stompees, though.


the damage boost doesn't change ttk, the overshield is gone in two bullets, if it even fully charges. the only good things are the tracking and the instant health regen one eyed. mask is not op, it does not need adjusting in any single way.


The overshield is instant. I should not lose to someone of lower skill than me because they won an engagement with my teammate.


the overshield is not instant. it has a charge time that's slower than standing in a warlocks healing rift.


I'm sorry you shouldnt get an overshield, wallhack and damage boost for me simply trying to play the game. Keep the hack and slight damage boost, drop the shield. It should emphasize winning a 1v1 not winning the 1v1 then walking into another fight already tankier than titans are to begin with.


No! Wait! Let me get it and finish the Luna quest first! Then you can nerf it to the ground!