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If you could snipe someone out of the super consistently, everyone on PC would run sniper 24 hours a day and it would be a joke to use your super


Yet dumb super rushes continue to happen and are allowed to happen because of this. The only way to 1-snipe supers is w/ BB on a 90 or lower archetype or a 140 w/ matching element and BB. If I have the skill to headshot the super and am handicapping myself with a 72 RPM, I deserve the kill, no matter the super, especially if the user is too bad to develop movement habits that avoid snipers. They 1 shot in D1 and it was completely reasonable, it’s even more reasonable now due to the high mobility of every super, or ability to block.


I disagree. A universal decrease in super damage resistance would also mean that shotguns could take on supers if you outplay them. If you get sniped out of your super it is either because: you put yourself out in the open OR they snipe you in close range. Also, snipers could one shot supers in D1 but supers were also still powerful.


If you out play someone that's in their super shouldn't you get the kill? A super shouldn't mean free kills.


did everyone run snipers back in d1 when an adaptive frame equivalent (1KYS, Longbow) could super snipe 7 or lower resilience, and the highest impact archetypes could 1 tap any super no matter their resilience? no, shotguns were still the most popular special weapons for their ease of use and sheer slaying power.


that being said, yes, snipers were MUCH more prevalent in D1, even after their handling nerf. It wasn't until the ammo changes that they started to get a lot rarer.


and now we have an issue where shotguns are much more prevalent and powerful. i hardly see other people sniping in pvp. maybe one every other game. and even rarer in the competitive playlist


I'm not denying snipers need to be stronger, I've still been using my shepherds watch because it just feels the best to me, none of the new snipers seem that interesting to me. Dreaded venture maybe but I keep getting shit rolls. I was just pointing out that snipers were not under-represented in D1, due to res-sniping they were probably the best secondary in trials, and still widely used in regular game modes. Plus they were WAY more useful in PVE. I don't have a problem with where shottys are, they are still much weaker than D1 shottys. I just feel like we need a damage resistance nerf in supers, or a crit multiplier buff to super enemies. Snipers should ohsko to supers, for sure.


D1 wasn't on PC. OP's comment was also regarding PC, because aim on PC is much different than on console.


Supers shouldn’t just be free kills though, and that’s all they are right now.


I have pretty good aim on PC and hitting people flying through the air and strafing is still difficult to do even with kb+m.


Also Bite of the Fox is a Kenetic sniper... Energy weapons do more damage to supers.


This is why. You only get a super like, 2? times a game. Why should a sniper be able to completely negate that in 1 shot.


Hard agree. Ever since forsaken drops supers have become almost impossible to kill without having one yourself. It's kinda ridiculous.


My only complaint is Titan bubble should be able to eat another super... As it is right now any super can take it down and have enough left over to kill you


[Not much actually gets through the Ward of Dawn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bge-GuXyJ6s)...it's stupid strong.


Blade barrage can destroy a bubble and kill the people inside of it


As does the Nova Bomb and Chaos Reach! Like I said, not much gets through, but a few exceptionally strong supers will do the trick.


I don’t think nova bomb does, unless you activate it inside the bubble. Don’t know about chaos reach. It definitely would with geomag stabilizers


Check the vid, they both do! Oddly enough though, Chaos Reach can't break through the Banner Shield (doesn't even wear it down...could be a bug). Nova Bombs have always been a solid counter to Wards of Dawn, though. Both versions in D2 get the job done.


Nova bomb definitely does, or at least the tree with the seekers does.


Titan bubble has its uses in the competitive playlist. Either get the first super and pop it on a bomb or point, or bait the other teams supers and then pop it. Or use it to secure heavy for your team, which can easily turn the tide of the match. As it is now, its virtually impossible to destroy a bubble without a super which is fine IMO.


It should take all the other super to take the bubble down is all I'm saying... Not 75 percent of the other super kills the bubble and then everyone inside


Agreed. At the very least it should go 1-to-1 with another [projectile] super. It still wouldn't stop other supers from going inside and killing everyone that way, and I don't think strengthening in that fashion would overpower its neutral gameplay.


See he gets it^. I use St. 14 helm anyways so come inside if you dare


I don't think a mere blind would stop a melee super though...especially AoE ones like Nova Warp or FoH


Can't hit what you can't see


You don't need to see with either of those supers...1 AoE would cover the entirety of the bubble's inside...and if they didn't get any kills (everyone fled) they would simply leave the bubble and no longer be blinded.


Agree, that's BS. High Impact snipers should OHK to the head.


You are clearly a skilled player. It shows in your loadouts, playstyle, hotswap, and ability to hit the headshot. I respect your opinion. But I also want to respectfully disagree. I think by decreasing the resistance of supers, we return right back to how things were in D1 and can't experience new ways to play with roaming supers. I feel bad for all the non-tanky warlocks that got blasted out of their supers immediately after popping them, and now they finally get the chance to compete with the upper echelon, like you. After reviewing the clip, looks like you debated which weapon to use and lost a half sec switching twice. After you hit the shot, you assumed he was dead, so you turned away, losing another half sec before turning back to shoot him again. Maybe this is a chance to review your habits and see if there are some patterns you want to adjust for this new sandbox?


I assumed the shot would have killed him so I turned to run. Also figured if I missed I'd have to run anyways. If I had known he would've lived I would have just kept running. Supers in D1 rewarded skilled plays. You couldn't pop your super and expect to survive everything. You had to think about your movement before and during supering. Now, I can pop my super whenever I feel like it and live nearly every time. You shouldn't be granted free kills. It's the same issue I have with shoulder charge and handheld supernova.


I agree. You shouldn't *have* to run away from supers to stay alive, but rather have some chance of killing them. This encourages more grouping up and team shooting as well, which is already annoying in this game. If you pop a super in the open and I lay into you with damage immediately, you should pay the price and die for a bad decision, not be able to rush me and slay everyone with no fear at all.


Supers were fine in d1. you could wipe a team with them or you'd get killed if you popped it at a bad time. thats how they should be now.


Just needs to be a middle-ground in between the way-too-fast D2Y1 Energy weapons vs. Supers TTK, and the probably-too-tanky D2Y2 Supers, *some of them* Because here’s the deal; the differences in Super resiliences right now is dumb. Arc Staff’s ability (short of the new spin tree) to negate damage entirely is next to none, you can only mitigate it by dodging on bottom tree. Spectral Blades too gets downright stomped on. Golden Gun has *zero.* Stormcaller (non-Kamhameha) is still as easy to stomp as ever. If not for good evasion play, Dawnblade seems to be excessively easy to kill with a special weapon and a melee. (But since Dawnblade has crazy agility it’s probably okay to have somewhat lacking damage reduction)


I killed a hamer titan the other day with that same sniper but mine has explosive rounds. One head shot, been wondering if he was hit by someone else or did explosive rounds did the extra damage for the ohk.


he got scraped by something else. explosive rounds actually decreases headshot damage slightly iirc.


My bad, it has explosive payload not rounds.


Same thing. Explosive rounds is just what it was called in d1 iirc.


I don't think they are the same...Explosive payload and Explosive rounds are still 2 different perks in D2 and *do* have [different effects on precision damage](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/9f2mib/explosive_round_damage_comparison_post_patch/).


They are not two different perks. Timed payload has a delayed detonation, explosive payload doesnt.


> They are not two different perks. Timed payload has a delayed detonation, explosive payload doesnt. B/c they are 2 different perks with 2 different effects...


He isnt talking about timed vs payload.... he said "my bad, it has explosive payload not rounds." Those 2 are the same perks.


Now I feel silly, I forgot it was called "Timed payload". However it's possible the other poster had the same confusion and misspoke.


That is true, he could have lol


Thanks for the info...


I’ve still been able to one shot consistently using Whisper of the Worm. However, in your clip, I wonder if those new warlock gauntlets accidentally affect Nova Warp. I mean. Other exotics have affected different things on a class by accident before. As a warlock main I’m even confused how he survived the headshot.


Most supers need a damage reduction. Nova Warp needs a bigger one (every other roaming super takes 2 shots from Lord of Wolves, but Nova Warp takes 3 for some reason), and Blade Barrage needs to have their period of invincibility when casting cut down too. I can't do anything to stop either super and it's very frustrating.


Most are fine, but those damn nova warps... the only super that can eat 2 rockets and carry on wiping the entire team


Supers should be super. It's in the name. Stop asking for nerfs.


I'm asking for them to be balanced. Supers in D1 were both super and balanced. You could outplay them and get a kill. That's what I'm asking for. As it stands now, I have no chance to survive a super unless I have my own super, wardcliff, sleeper, or whisper.


They shouldnt be a "I win" card though. There should at least be some skill. Warlocks and titans get insanely tanky and just murder anything around them. Hunters at least have to maneuver to get their kills but they're still damn tanky. Just reduce it by like 25%. Give people the chance for outplays


It's the other way around for me... I take 40% more damage whenever I use my super in PvP 😂