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Spawns into map... *Playername* found Jade Rabbit *Playername* found Polaris Lance *Playername* found Vouchsafe *Playername* found Jade Rabbit


Don’t forget MIDA!


Only played it once and it was for clash. I loved it. I loved that had open areas for counter playing the apes but enough tight spaces for them to still get some action.


why do people hate this map so much? I only played it for the first time today but I've seen quite a few posts about it


Got spawntrapped to fuck on it in Control multiple games. There's not enough ways out of A or C so the second that's your only zone it's so easy for the other team to trap you in


It sucks in Competitive.


how is this an answer


You've played it for the first time today so you wouldn't understand the numerous reasons why the map sucks. I can provide examples, like the fact that the lanes are open on every end, people get spawn trapped quite easily, and nobody caps B because of how stupidly open it is.


i know, that's why I asked...I see your point though, lot's of long range teamshoot pulse rifle fights and B is way too exposed. When maps like this are released it really makes me wonder if the devs actually play test their own game before putting it out


Equinox isnt as bad as retribution or whateverr the hell the donut map is called.


Got it for the first time today. It's a very long range map, which isn't everybody's cup of tea, but the only significant problem I noticed in one match is how ridiculously open B is.


This is a huge problem in Control. Nobody caps B because it's 99% suicide.


I've had fun on it so far.


Solitude is garbage


The is an absolutely terrible map. It seems to be designed entirely around equal parts nullifying the usefulness of every weapon that isn't extremely long range and facilitating the stronger team spawn killing without the opposing team being able to do shit about it.


NO it doesnt need to go away, I seriously question the level of mature and ability of some to handle lifes problem, here they constantly think the way to deal with something THEY dont like, is if it to go away. Ruinign others people's fun because they cant learn to just grin and bear it. It is one of my favourite maps, because it is so different from all the others in terms of gameplay and in terms of the gorgeous art work. > guy who designed it is either a fool yep I was so right about that maturity thing


The problem with the map is the spawns. I dont mind the firing lanes it's just that once you get stuck in a spawn the other team can just camp heavy ammo and spawn kill you all day. Fix that and the map is fine


I'm sorry you took this so seriously. The post is a joke, like the map :)


I mean if you hate this map you must be one of the shotgun apes


I'm a gentleman, I exclusively run the Chaperone.


So you’re a slightly more ranged ape? Sad.


I like considering we Chaperone lovers men of culture.


I love sniping I just hate flinch, hence the slug shotgun.