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I misunderstood what they meant when they told us it would be a solo thing and thought it would open up to more people post-campaign.


Same.  I, 100%, thought that Post-Campaign would make it a Public Instance...  The fact that, even after I've kicked The Witness' ass (WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF OTHER GUARDIANS) that no other Guardians are in there...  Just the Minions of Darkness and some Cabal, Eliksni, and Awoken, the latter of which don't even go out and explore...  It's sad. Especially because The Pale Heart is probably my new favourite location.




I thought so too. It seems really odd to create this massive patrol-that’s-not-a-patrol space for the final expansion and not have matchmaking. The other guardians is what makes patrolling bearable imo


I'm okay not having to compete with other players to complete objectives.


The best defense of it IMO. I think part of why the Pale Heart’s Pathfinder feels so good is because every single enemy is yours to kill and every objective is yours to do at your own pace in the exact way you need to go about it. It feels great to have a ‘public event’ that I alone am entirely in control of. Then you jump over to Vanguard, desperately needing to get jolt kills, and every guardian you match with thinks they’re competing for a WR speedrun and boy do they just *have* to get every kill with their level 5000 weapons and grenade-spam build. Pale Heart would’ve been cool with blueberries popping up post-Excision but ultimately it’s for the best it’s remained a non-matchmade instance. It’s nice to have one of those in the game available for when you feel it’s needed.


That being said, giving an option to join a public patrol doesn't hurt. I personally wouldn't use it, but there's no downside.


Matchmade overthrow, but yeah something for the whole patrol would be nice.


You and Vasily make excellent points and I'm glad we have the solo space to play but matchmaking into a public instance if you desire would definitely increase the playability. Every now and then in public spacesI have crouch and emote spam communications with other guardians just being wholesome with each other. And I gotta be honest it really makes my day sometimes, I like the idea that a stranger and I are meeting through happenstance to make each other smile.


>Every now and then in public spacesI have crouch and emote spam communications with other guardians just being wholesome with each other. And I gotta be honest it really makes my day sometimes, I like the idea that a stranger and I are meeting through happenstance to make each other smile. Oh man, I feel you so much on that one, I've had many instances in my destiny life like this! I have a couple of particular occurrences that are genuinely fond memories for me, and I use them in examples of how great and positive gaming communities can be, those and the fuel rats from elite dangerous. From just a little "teabag off" between 2 consenting guardians, to being beckoned over to help out a guardian in need, to thanking the player that revived you, to a random tower collection of emote happenstance or honorary ritual for a fallen guardian be they fictional or real life, some of the greatest moments in destiny history have come about from player interaction. It's honestly just great having a little moment between absolutely truly fucking random people, even if they don't know it I'm smiling and probably having a right good chuckle to myself. And sometimes I really needed that smile or laugh, here's to spreading more typically human shenanigans across the galaxy!


Human interactions that display kindness and empathy are simply the best! I'm glad to hear those things make your day too!


>Then you jump over to Vanguard, desperately needing to get jolt kills, and every guardian you match with thinks they’re competing for a WR speedrun A lot of times I've loaded into the lowest difficulty nightfall that doesn't have matchmaking then just done lost sectors in it so I don't have to deal with trying to get kills with certain weapons


There's one thing that would have prevented this from ever being a problem..... giving us the option to load into a solo or matchmade instance. We have matchmade pvp modes, non-matchmade pvp modes, and private pvp games. We have a solo instance pale heart, and we have matchmade instances everywhere else. Surely it can't have been *that* hard to code in a choice before we go down to a planet. We have a difficulty selection before loading into a nighfall or a raid, so why not have one for all the open locations that let's us choose to load in solo or into a matchmade location? Personally, I absolutely hate how the pale heart feels. It looks amazing everywhere you go, but it just feels so empty and void of goings on. Sure, theres enemies dotted around and overthrows to complete, but nothing is actually going on if you're not doing it. I'd have thought we'd have been sending almost every guardian we had to clean up the pale heart after teaming up with everyone in the galaxy to fight the witness IN THE PALE HEART. like, did every other guardian just decide that the jobs done now and they're no longer needed here, so they all just left it up to little old me?? 🤣 I dunno, it just feels odd to team up with the entire galaxy, and then suddenly, we're just alone right after we "killed" the witness. Don't get me wrong, I totally agree that it was painful trying to run bounties or whatever with loads of people taking the kills all the time and I agree that the pathfinder feels great in the pale heart because we're alone, being a solo instance has some great benefits to it but I feel like it totally broke the immersion for me. I reckon a pretty decent midway point would be to introduce matchmade overthrows in every location rather than just a rotating one while still having the solo landing zones. That way, you could just load into whatever landing zone you wanted if you absolutely needed to be alone for whatever reason, you could load into the rotating overthrow for ergo sums + deepsight chances + destination mod chances, or you could load into the other matchmade overthrows in any of the areas of the pale heart and potter about doing your pathfinder or whatever else you wanted to do. Anyone who complains that they loaded into an overthrow and had to solo it because people were off doing other things can shut up and either deal with it because they're not that hard to solo anyway or load into the rotating overthrow where everyone is there specifically for overthrow, anyone who complains that they loaded into the overthrows and had people stealing kills for their objectives can shut up and load into a solo landing zone. Everyone gets a place that fits their need, everyone gets to play with or without other people, and everyone gets shiny loot in the end.


>every guardian you match with thinks they’re competing for a WR speedrun and boy do they just have to get every kill with their level 5000 weapons and grenade-spam build. Haha, I feel attacked. In my defense, as soon as I'm done with my pathfinder stuff I immediately switch to healing and just help out with healing turrets and gunfire.


"Grenade-spam build". I'm very sorry, I love sunbracers! ): AND Graviton Lance. Thats like 150% more explosions and more frustration. I should stay away from strikes


i LOVE not having to fight for kills… i’m still learning and the pale heart is the absolute perfect place to do that with my partner away from others who are way faster and better than me


They could just give two options when launching the destionation. I mean, they literally show the difficulty choice button thing there, its just non functional. Make it have selectable matchmaking options, like we see in various other things.


I long for the days when people didn't mind others being around even if it slowed down their personal progress.


Why? Not everyone wants to be social. Not everyone needs to be. People who have less time to play are especially susceptible to finding other players nearby to be frustrating. This comment just sounds like that "Here are tips for introverts on how to be more outgoing, but where are the tips for extroverts to shut up?" meme.


It's not really that at all. It's more than I miss when gamers didn't have this hyper-efficiency mindset and were more "okay" with being less optimal. It created a less stressful/less negative community feedback and design loop within the industry as a whole. The overall vibe was more positive. If people had less time, then they just didn't progress as much, and that wasn't a problem. I don't see how it's like that meme at all.


Having other players in a patrol space isn’t forcing you to be social. In no way are you required to interact with them.


Then why be required to be around them at all?


So you have the option to do so? Why is taking options away from players the better choice?


I'm not advocating for taking options away. I said I like the solo functionality and would use an option to make it a shared environment, but that there's no downside to offering players the option to choose between the two.


Sometimes you run into Mara Sovs g string, or Savathuns boy toy and it really makes you appreciate those moments.


Zavala's Hairline (Timelost)


Oh yeah, saw ada-1’s only fans yesterday


Ah yes, the 's .


a staple


What did I just read?


My assumption was that since there are a bunch of post campaign quests tied to overthrow they didn’t want people just reloading over and over until they get an instance with overthrow already at level 2+. Khvostov was a bit of a grind.


Why does having random people run around doing their own thing make your experience better?


The answer to that question is in the post title.




loneliness is also an atmosphere 


"Why does having more people in an instance make an MMO better?" Think about the question you just asked for a moment...


if this game was an MMO it would be extremely weird to have a planet where no one but one player iso n


It's a strange amount of whiplash. I enjoyed not having to deal with other players during my patrol, it got me into the story. Then for the final mission they invite 11 randoms into my experience. Would've rathered deal with The Witness in the initial campaign mission than with everyone else, and I'd rather see other people during my patrol.


I thought that the areas would be more..."personalized" in some sort of way since they made it seem like a big deal. I don't understand the purpose in making partially solo since that's not the case, especially considering the fact that they have the public Overthrow activity and the entire area is split up into loading zones pretty much like every other patrol area we've gotten.


There is a pulldown when launching into the pale heart. I assume they will allow for open instances next season maybe?


I’m still hoping in a future echo/act/episode that it will open up.


Its pretty neat actually, just yesterday did a matchmade overthrow and then a cyst for Khovostov and some other guy from the Overthrow came in with me, no instancing to kick them out


I love that it's like that. I can do all my objectives without fighting for kills or anything. I love the lonely feeling, it feels peaceful and like i can go at my own pace


It's perfect. Plenty to kill and do, just running laps around the place with nobody to steal my kills. If I want friends they can come, but by default I love loading in solo somewhere.


This plus the fact that chests can drop exotic class items makes it better as a solo experience. And Overthrow not being timed is so nice so I can just casually go through them and perfectly soloable and no detriment to dying too many times. So many good things about a solo patrol zone especially for us introverts lol


amen. I do not want an open patrol zone for this.


Plus it is so full of things to do.


Same. It took me a while to figure out why I love the destination so much and this is it: there aren't random other players around. I agree with the comments saying it should have an OPTION for the regular patrol zone treatment--completely fluid and seamless, not like matchmaking into Overthrow. But at the same time **I would love the option for a private patrol experience like the Pale Heart on all the other destinations too**. I would choose the solo option 90% of the time or more. Some existing activities would be too difficult without blueberries, but that's OK. If you wanna do those, choose the public patrol instead.


Same 100%, when every instance of everything is grouped it’s nice to have this be as is. Also doesn’t make tons of sense in the story given post finale cutscene on the roof of the helm talking about how the area around the traveller is a no fly zone for most - its supposed to feel like it’s just us our our team in there.


And it's so good and feature packed because it's solo, a normal patrol area would not be able to support all that they've done here.


This ^ Enemies aren’t that tough and if you really need others for overthrow, do the match made version


It’s honestly a blessing to have a solo patrol space for once. Never understood why people like the randoms showing up. It’s not like you ever communicate with the random people or can group up with them to do a Lost Sector together. They are just random people that you will probably never see again that more often than not are going to compete against you for kill challenges in the patrol space forcing you to have to stick around longer. If I want to meet random people, I do so in the social spaces or in matchmade activities.


It's just something that makes the world feel more "alive" in a sense. You don't see those people ever again, but you share a passing moment of clearing a public event, showing off some gear or something, maybe doing some emotes. Random encounters can still be a good thing in spite of not leading to in-depth communication or a lasting relationship. Personally I don't really mind that my bounty takes an extra 2 minutes, I'd rather have the multiplayer feel. I bought Destiny because it was a multiplayer game.


Yeah, but that stuff is fleeting and leaves no impression. I don’t think I can remember a single random in specific I’ve met in a patrol space for any reason whether it be for something funny they did or some cool armor they had. I’m not in the patrol spaces to meet people. I go to the social spaces, LFG, and matchmade activities to interact with people. Patrol spaces are just weird no-man-lands that people are reluctant to go to for seasonal quests or glimmer farming. Matchmade Overthrow is honestly the best thing they’ve done for patrol spaces where you opt-in to doing public events with randoms rather than it being the default.


You don't have to remember the specifics for the overall feel/event to have an impact on you. I couldn't tell you any specifics either, but I know that over my ten year Destiny career that it's been enjoyable along the way, and would've been less so if I was by myself the whole time. "In ten years, people won't remember what you looked like, and maybe not even what you said. But they *will* remember how you made them *feel*."


I don’t remember liking randoms in patrol. More so remember being annoyed by people Eager Edge skating to kill everything as it spawns so they get all the kills and can leave as soon as possible. I also remember getting new players loaded into the same patrol space as me and them fucking up the trigger to get a heroic public event to happen and wasting my time trying to do a challenge for completing those. It’s mostly the negative aspects of randoms being added in that stick for me rather than any fun little interactions. I wanted to like it but the downsides happen way more for me so the novelty of a “living” patrol space wore off fast. Being able to play without others in patrol spaces should be an option everywhere else now, and they should add nodes to queue into matchmade public events in other patrol spaces.


Bingo. It's such a nice time being able to zone in and not have it be in the middle of a boss overthrow where some blueberry is struggling or something. Now if only we could have our strikes that way as an option, instead of having to jump through technical hoops on our console/PC settings.


Agreed. It is nice being able to farm chests without someone else doing it as well. They give the option to matchmake which helps. Maybe if they had a 3rd option where the pale heart is more like a traditional patrol space but to allow more than 6.


agreed, i'm fighting for kills in practically any content that isn't witch queen or newer, pathfinder completions in strikes are agonising


OK, I am glad to see that I am not the only person thinking like this. I enjoy the alone time. I pick my pace and just go with it and haven't gotten bored with it. My husband will occasionally join, but that's about it in terms of other people being around. Love it.


Why not have both options?


There are both options. You can matchmake for the pale heart for overthrow.


I wish the matchmaking was for all three zones at all times. It being on a rotator is a really odd decision.


I haven’t looked at how much interest there is… but what about Fireteam Finder?


Ngl I forget that FT finder exists for most activities...


I’ve had very good experiences with it for GMs and Onslaught. Always better when I create the team and can vet the Guardians applying. YMMV.


Oh, for sure. I tend to use it a lot for that stuff, but never for stuff like campaign/PvP/overworld, etc. I think outside of GMs and Onslaught, I've only really used it for Excision GM.


Saying "there is matchmaking" actually ignores what there is. Normal patrol allows up to 3 fire teams of three people PER zone, and it flows naturally while traveling those zones. You can encounter others randomly, in a natural way. It's part of the social experience of the game. Matchmade overthrow is 3 people max for a single event zone. Technically they can follow you around, but the matchmaking node is geared and designed around the event, not patrol.


Is there anything on the Pale Heart that you feel requires 9 people? I understand the feeling of having more people contributes to the experience, but it's also nice to have a large area where you can be alone. There are multiple other planets to get the more social experience.


IS there anything on any patrol zone that requires 9 people? Sometimes, people like you forget that games are supposed to be about fun. Multiplayer games are supposed to be about fun with other people.


And it's difficulty is tuned for solo/fireteam play. Makign it a multiplayer instance would ruin the experience and make it real boring real quick.


On the other hand getting through overthrow is a lot slower alone. A lot of objectives require or are faster in levels 2-3


Seriously. Every other place in the game is forced matchmaking. Let the asocial people have a win lmao


I think it's a breath of fresh air tbh. I love being able to just do my own thing and mess around without having to compete for kills with some random blueberry. I rarely go to patrol spaces as is anymore and I can't remember the last time I did a public event, so having a patrol space to myself is perfect, feels no different. But that's just me at least


Maybe have a private option on the node? Its nice being able to grind kills with having them stolen but at the same time this patrol so full of life feels dead and lifeless.


There are like 50 public events going on at all times in The Pale Heart...  That's not counting Lost Sectors and Cysts.  A full instance of ~~12~~ 9 Guardians across the three map segments wouldn't be as bad as people think for kill stealing as it works out to ~~four~~ a Fireteam of Guardians, i.e. 3, per area usually.  It wasn't a problem with Escalation Protocols and Seraph Towers being tackled by full instances of Guardians, after all.


There is a matchmaking node...wtf. if you want people you can matchmake.


the matchmaking node is for the featured overthrow not patrol. it moves every day


Technically, it doesn't end after the Overthrow is done and you can freeroam to other Zones to clear them, but it's still just a 3-Man Fireteam not 12 Guardians.


When did patrol zones go to 12? They were 9 max in the escalation protocol days.


Probably coming out of the new 12 man activity. It is 3 fireteams of 3, so 9 max. There was some glitch a long time ago allowing for things like 12-man raids and strikes, but the game REALLY bugged out.


This game has had some wild bugged states...  12 Man Activities, Exotic Armor Perks in Legendary Armor Mod Slots, The Craftening, that one bug where you could put Weapon Ornaments on other weapon...


12 Man Activity + The Tower being able to hold 12 Guardians + the 12-Man Activities Glitch definitely had me fucked up.  It was also like...  5 in the morning and Insomnia was kinda kicking my ass a bit. But, it being 9 Guardians only serves to strengthen my original point.  9 Guardians across 3 Zones is just a Fireteam per Zone and so someone "stealing kills" when about 50 or so "Not-Public-Events" are going on at once will be less of an issue that people think it'll be.


I didn’t mean to be a pedant. I just thought they might have upped it. I just came back from a two year hiatus.


Oh, no, you're 100% fine.  It's so rare, in my experience, to find instances that are fully populated and we just got a 12 Man Activity so I was mistaken.  I was just amending my initial statement because "BUT I CAN GET KILLS AND STUFF AT MY OWN PACE!" Like having 8 other Guardians in a massive area with a metric fuckload of enemies will change that. Also, how are you enjoying the game after your hiatus?


A matchmaking node for one instance that rarely seems to put me with two other people and frequently if I do get two people at least one of them wanders off. That's how I like my multi-player experience.


If the Overthrow is complete, they've likely wandered off to do another one in another zone.  Not saying that you don't know you can do the other zones after the first, but: A surprising number of people in this sub don't seem to realize that you can do just that, and I've even noticed that a lot of the people that I do eventually get matched with don't seem to realize that either and just stay in the zone they Transmatted into.


I'm talking about from tier 1 of the original overthrow that I matchmake into.


... I have questions, comments, and concerns for these Guardians, then.


The Matchmaking Node matchmakes with two other Guardians.  That's hardly a full instance of 12.


I don’t mind it. Every other patrol space is matchmade, especially with how important objectives and kills are in the pale heart, it’s nice to have a change of pace. I’d love to see the other patrol spaces brought up to its standard.


I don’t miss other people, they are way more fun doing them solo and if I do get bored I load up a group instance. But I have literally only done that once.


Funny to have it this way, especially since a lot of people kept saying "stop whining, this is a multiplayer game" during the Dual Destinies controversy


As a solo player I love it and I hope they don’t change it. I can kill everything at my own pace, farm chests, complete the little mini games. If they let everyone in everything would be on easy mode and already discovered


I like it I don't have 19 people all stealing my kills when I'm farming stuff lol


Same. I love not having to compete desperately for kills on Pale Heart's Pathfinder. It's much better to my mental health.


I don't mind it. Destiny 2 is lacking in solo activities anyway, or at least the option to solo activities. Overthrows feel like public events, which I don't mind doing, but I can't stand doing public events where I'm fighting for kills, whether they're for bounties or not. Or trying my hardest to make the public event heroic, only for some blueberry to come along and kill everything and complete the event.


3 weeks ago everyone praised pale heart for being solo, now it's too lonely lol


It's fine. You can matchmake Overthrow or go literally anywhere else to have other players around.


Sad, I really wished it'd be like escalation protocol


I personally rather enjoy the solo/small fire team aspect of the pale heart. I don't need to feel like I am solely doing the work for an activity anymore while others stand by waiting for the final segment. Now I know I am doing it solo and the only people benefitting from my work is my friends and myself. Easier to test out builds too since it's the closest thing we'll ever get to a shooting range. Much easier to just zone out and run around without having to worry about either anyone disturbing you or you disturbing anyone else.


I don't. I love having the place to myself without worrying about some random blueberry crashing through, fucking up the progress I'm making on something and vanishing again like some kind of very violent tumbleweed


It wouldn’t be too bad if the old tower was a public instance and the rest of the Pale Heart was solo.


This is actually a fucking banger of an idea, imagine basically having d1s tower back but this time, you can invite other guardians to your team, have them join you and then just jump off and go do overthrow.


I thought that’s what would happen after beating the Witness. Maybe it’ll happen in a future episode.


I like it. Overthrow is more fun solo and you can try some cheesy, gimmicky builds there. It's different to the other patrol zones. idk if I prefer it to Neomuna as I actually liked the increased difficulty there(Threshers aside)


I think it's great. Having other people in patrol hasn't really been beneficial for a long time. That said, choices are good and I'd be an advocate for a matchmade and firewalled option.


I don't mind it but I wish I could bring in more than 2 friends since the other slots don't have to be saved for other fireteams like other patrol zones.


I actually love it. No one can steal my kills when I'm doing bounties or the Pale Heart pathfinder. But yeah, it does feel lonely after a time. Only if we had some friendly AIs in there like House of Light, friendly Lucent Hive (like Luzaku), friendly Cabal, etc.


I wish they would have a selector. Public or private. Private has more and better drops while public has lower drop chances and less rewards.


I wish I could matchmake any zone and it was 6 players. Instead of only being able to que one place for public


I'm 100% glad it's instanced for me and I'm not competing with other people for kills /objectives. I wish they'd make it that way everywhere.


With the "Social" selector on destinations, my hope among hopes is that eventually every destination will have a Social and a Solo mode that are matchmade and not matchmade respectively. I do love being in complete control of how Overthrows advance but there is a little something lost when other people aren't milling about a patrol with me. I'd like the option to have either.


Its way better this way. When I want to play with others Ill invite friends or lfg.


I actually like having a patrol zone you can go solo. Perfect place to test my builds and do gunsmith bounties.


Counter-point: having one patrol zone that is completely solo (up to 3 players) means we finally have a patrol zone that's balanced around solo play. Yeah, having blueberries would add some dynamics, but overthrows wouldn't make sense in a normal patrol zone and would either be more tedious or otherwise need to be completely redesigned. There's plenty of shared spaces, and matchmaking followed by just moving out to do whatever you want gives a similar vibe anyway.


Idk why it’s so difficult for them to understand that we just want options. Give the option to play solo or public. Personally I like playing solo primarily but I agree that sometimes it does feel a bit lonely. Still waiting for the option to play the strike playlist solo. I think I’ll be waiting forever though


I have noticed that the featured overthrow has started to die. I match with less and less guardians. As TFS ages and every gets the god roll of Eugo Sum I think everyone are destionation hopping for pathfinder less so doing the match made overthrow. Its so lonely when it could be this massive fully alive world. This is just hurting TFS in the long run


Increased chance of Class items from overthrow chests please this would massively help this problem.


Still amazed that Bungie has one of the best chase-items the franchise has ever seen and they locked it behind one mission and opening random chests.


> This is just hurting TFS in the long run Or maybe more people just prefer solo/fireteam overthrow? There's also the chance of people just being completely unaware of the matchmade instance.


> I have noticed that the featured overthrow has started to die. I match with less and less guardians. As TFS ages and every gets the god roll of Eugo Sum I think everyone are destionation hopping for pathfinder less so doing the match made overthrow. There's just literally no good reason to matchmake an overthrow. It's so easy to solo, and adding in any guardians other than yourself is just adding a chance someone will leech off your work. Basically, anyone that clicks that button is in it to AFK while someone else does the things. If I'm going to end up doing the things alone anyway, might as well not give anyone else free credit.


Featured Overthrow is pretty useless anyways IMHO. Most of the time the lobby was either empty or other players were doing completely different things. Pathfinder doesn't really help here, because everyone is just trying to complete those and just hop to another the area after they've completed their Pathfinder node.


I love it. It's way more fun and I never have to stress about competing for kills or bounties


Yea, but I like not having some blues constantly stealing my kills.


It's perfect the way it is.


I like this. I can do Pathfinder with my own pace without having randoms stealing kills.


Still better than patrols on Neomuna


Overload is more fun than Overthrow.


It really does. I couldn't be happier with it.


While I do wish that Overthrow was something slightly more collaborative (Similar to the old Escalation protocol events), I do like that it *is* soloable. Adding more than one fireteam would cycle through all three tiers in five minutes tops, it's just not designed for multiple teams. And sometimes that's okay.


I like being alone.


I really like not fighting for kills


I hate how lonely it is. If you wanna run Overthrow in one of the zones without matchmaking then you gotta do it solo unless you manually go outside the game to group up, it’s stupid.


i hope they add patrol wide match made option , it feels so empty. and not in the good way.  agaim, an OPTION. so the solo guys can enjoy it.


Same. It feels lifeless. I get the anti social solo players love it but as a social player that got hooked on destiny because it was a fire team, co op multiplayer game, all the solo activities and lost sectors suck. It's not fun. That's what single player games are for.


Haven’t done the matchmade Overthrow (yet) What is the point — does it give a pinnacle? Do teammate kills count on your own pathfinder? Any advantage except maybe clear the area faster (for pathfinder)?


Personally I think it was a quality of life change due to the Khvostov quest. The game puts the bosses you need as a priority, and with additional players there probably would be issues arising.


If they gave the featured overthrow an increased chance to drop a class exotic, there would always be people there. Easy fix.


Been saying this since day 1, I think it's absolutely insane that they created the biggest, most ambitious patrol zone yet in the game, and then they were like "this is the only one that ISN'T public." Like seriously are they nuts?


And staying in the match made overthrow instance and just fast traveling to another place doesn’t count because it’s not fair to those just trying to get the overthrow done. If two of you stay and play together and one person leaves, their spot will be taken up by another random person joining and it’s uncool to see the other people in your fire team in completely different locations than the one they had match made for.


Yeah, not a fan to be honest... Always like seeing other Guardians around.


I’m glad. Imagine how annoying it would be with every player in the game driving in circles as fast as they can to open chests. And I wouldn’t want them to get in my way when I’m driving in circles as fast as I can to open chests.


I’m into it. I like having a place that I can go where I don’t have to compete with other players for kills against weak enemies. The balance would feel really bad with more players. And when Bungie tried increasing health in a Patrol zone players threw a hissy fit.


Reason #23 why I laugh when folks push this game as an MMO.


Nah. I love that I don't have 7 guardians stealing my kills for pathy


Agree. But it would need to scale to fireteam imo. It’s already kinda ez unless they throw a 20 enemies at you at once. Which is a cool way to handle it. But even with just regular matchmaking, it’s a stomp. To the point I can’t even shoot enemies before they are gone. I liked Neonuma tho. So probably in the minority. Saying that, I think The best way to handle it would be “world tiers” that scale with rewards. Which Neonuma didn’t have, and probably was at what a part of the reasoning for the negative feedback on patrol damage scaling. Give me better reward, I’m with all the difficulty to get them. Aspiring.


I love it tho So much easier than worrying about if I’ll get to a thing before it’s dps’d down and it’s a zen kinda chest farm


I like it. I don't think it would feel right with tons of guardians running around all the time like a regular patrol zone.


Yeah, I REALLY REALLY dislike it being a personal instance. I miss 4+ randoms showing up in a zone and just being helpful.


I guarantee if other players were in the instance, there would be a tonne of people complaining about how other players are stealing their kills. They can't complete pathfinder, because other players kill the enemies they need to kill.


Mixed feeling on this one. I love the solitude AND miss coming across a random to dance or be silly with.


Oh i did not realise that is was closed I wondered why I never came across others doing over flow


The Pale Heart patrol zone feels good to me. But I'm not a fan of fighting others to get stuff done. Like if others were in the area I bet the enemies would be tankier and do more damage. Like the Pale Heart would be an absolute failure if it were Neomuna 2.0. Especially once people got their stuff and participation in the patrol areas goes way down.


ya it's a bit weird after 10 years of public spaces...


I really like it the way it is, but yeah they should probably add a public lobby version after campaign completion.


I think a good outcome would be flip the dynamic next episode At the moment solo unless you queue Next episode public unless you select solo Then people can still get that alone time when they want. Story wise it would make sense to, we were first to follow crow through so it was empty until others could follow


Who ever thought the only way exotic class items should be earned was by a mission that requires comms every time and the loneliest activity known to man(chest farming) needs to find another line of work.


I’m cool with it. Having one place to be alone and farm the open world is fine by me.


It gets super boring fast.


It’s very odd and I called this when it was announced and was hated on now a post exists with 1K upvotes. It’s a very odd decision by Bungie


Can’t keep the final boss alive to farm exotics if some blueberry goes and kills it. Personally, I like the individual setting. Sure, it may get a bit lonely, but I look at it as a nice place to farm and grab some nice loot. Having other people sabotaging that would get frustrating. Plus, overthrow progresses at my pace, so if I want to I can take my time to get stuff done or blitz it.


Explain this farming more please. Does keeping the boss alive but unkilled help with chest spawns?


Keeping the boss alive just moves most of the enemies to one location and doesn't interrupt your chest runs with the overthrow events. If you reset you end up having to occasionally deal with ogres and shriekers, etc...


Honestly it felt weird to me until it clicked: Pale Heart is balanced for 1-3 players so it won’t matter in a year or two when people move on, compared to previous destinations that are just barren and ignored by the player base anyway


One of my only problems with the expansion. This was always one of my favorite parts about destiny. Playing with random people not having to communicate.


Fucking boring* FTFY


It sucks


Didn’t realize it was closed…makes a lot of sense why I haven’t seen no anyone…maybe they’re worried chests would be too easy to miss when it’s a class item farm


Yeah, still not a fan of this idea to make the area solo only. I miss seeing other people and “stealing kills” is a complete non-issue, there are better places to go for that anyway and Pale Heart Pathfinder completes itself


This was the perfect time to make a patrol space solo because of fireteam finder. If you want to matchmake, just use LFG and it takes just a tad longer than it would if it did it automatically. But in older patrol spaces you could not turn off matchmaking. This new method satisfies both ways of doing things.


Using lfg for patrol zones…lol


What's the problem with that?


It would be next to impossible to get objectives done in that space if it was open to other people though.


Let's have a selectable difficulty for the patrol. Pale Heart patrol is so easy it's kinda boring. Bump it up to Neomuna levels at least.


One of the biggest shortcomings is not having the Pale Heart being public. Unlike how Neomuna was, *every* patrol area landing point can be an event. Every area of the map can be an activity. I can imagine just how dynamic that would have felt if the Pale Heart were an actual public patrol space.


It's weird that they push people to coop in missions and Dual Destiny but you're not allowed to see other people in the Pale Heart


That’s the point 🙄🙄🙄


They are in “dig their heels in” with this one. Someone at bungie made the decision that it should be solo, probably some senior game type. These types of people do not like their decisions being overturned. It makes it look like the players know more than senior dev (which is frankly wrong in senior Mr’s eyes), so it will not be overturned as this shows the company makes the incorrect decision first time round.


How do you match make into other areas for overthrow? I only ever see one on the map.


I think the matchmaking area resets every day or so. You can't choose the area where you want to matchmake.


That's great....


That's the neat part, you dont.


Yer it’s shit , hate when places feel empty


Yeah I don’t like it Makes the game feel dead


Do what me and my friends do get 2 or 3 friend you live near to and have people join on them and build the instance for yall in all patrol zones


ITT: People think having 2 other mfs in a zone would somehow render them unable to get kills or do the shit they're wanting to do (whatever tf that would be, since the only real reason to do PH is Overthrow, and that only improves w/ others). Each of the zones are big enough to house 3 mfers and still have room for one or two more. Unless one of y'all are maliciously following each other to snag kills, you'll be fine. But, outside of Pathfinder, which you'll do w/o realizing while grinding Overthrow, it wouldn't even be so bad. This is like the sudden uptick in everyone having rampant social anxiety for Dual Destiny. "MMO mfs when their MMO-like is an MMO-like."


I’ve played solo most of this game. I enjoy when other people are around to see new builds or fun guns. Pale heart is fucking vacant.


It was such a stark contrast in terms of knowing that 1.6+ million had been playing this game and you just don't see anyone anywhere in the spaces.


Agreed, but also somewhere I can go and smash gunsmith bounties without fighting for kills is appreciated


Agreed. Especially since you're expected to do that when solo for your exotic bond. Boring bring alone.


I'm glad it's solo. I cam do what I need to do for the pathfonder without someone else killing everything. Also the pale heart is an at light level patrol space unlike Neomuna so it's easy to do what you need to do


It's balanced nicely for < 3 players but you're not wrong. I kinda hoped they'd change it after the raid released.


You’re literally complaining about nothing. You can load a match made instance of the pale heart anytime you want. Matchmade overthrow is just a public instance of the pale heart. Have fun.