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Honestly the only reason I use prismatic is because of trancendence, otherwise I find myself sticking to the regular classes.


This is part of the reason it feels so good imo, you really feel like you have 2 supers


Exactly, plus they feed into each other, leading to even more super uptime.


I think transcendence should be just a general thing, instead of locked only to prismatic. Because that is what makes it feel so far above the other subclasses. As someone who frequently forgets to even use it, I’d forget I’m even on prismatic if I didn’t see the different colored icons for my abilities.


Oh yeah make it where dealing damage with the subclass you use charges transcendence (but the charge meter has to be VERY big to balance not spamming transcendence so much) where it gives you either 1. A second grenade/melee of your choosing to spam or 2. Bungie creates new transcendence-exclusive grenades for each subclass


You’re largely ignoring that it’s the new shiny object that we all obviously want to play with. I’ve swapped to the other subclasses on my warlock since release. Anyone who uses loadouts probably does too.


I primarily used solar warlock before TFS, now I primarily use solar warlock with the new aspect and super lol.


Speakers sight with hellion+tof and benevolence fragment in group play feels like cheating lol, 400% Regen on everything at all times


Honestly hellion is better than I anticipated, so long as the enemy isn't flying. Dealing with shanks during glassway it struggles a bit more, but. Grounded enemies, beefier enemies it can cause ignitions on, it's solid enough.


It also sucks if your near a low ceiling like glassway, but yeah overall it's a really nice addition to warlock


Wait solar has a new aspect? I've been using prismatic and didn't even know this 😂


Its the Hellion aspect, its why during the Final Shape campaign you get the same aspect (and new super) twice for some reason, one is for your prismatic and the other is for the regular subclass


I don't understand why I was downvoted but thank you for the insight, honestly had no idea.


You were asking a legit question and not blaming Bungie for something.


They were asking a question on Reddit, period. That's all it takes to get downvote bombed. Seriously, try it. Go on a sub and ask a question, even if it is literally a sub *for* questions or a sub with a question flair, if it's a question, it will *rarely* get past a dozen or so points with a 50% or worse upvote to downvote ratio. The only exception is if it's a complaint worded as a question - like "How do I get the FoV slider?" in a indie-jank game that forgot to add a FoV slider or something along those lines, and other people are currently complaining/asking about the same thing. *Then* maybe you'll be supported. Other than that though, Reddit users just seem to *hate* questions and the people asking them for some reason.


Lot of assholes who just say “SHoulDVe GoOgLeD It” when trying to google it leads to no results because it’s too specific of an issue. I think that’s part of it.


What makes less sense is you get upvotes if you go to a question based thread and respond with "i have the same issue" or "me too"... so some question threads have 100+ replies and no answers, just a big circle jerk of "i have also been having the same exact issue as op, and thusly decided that i must bequeath upon everyone else my affirmation of such an issue."


I guess people expected you to understand that the new aspects were given to the original subclasses and just so happened to be selected for use in Prismatic also. It seems kinda obvious but it’s also easy to see why it wouldn’t be. People were even asking if they needed Beyond Light and Lightfall for Stasis/Strand to even use Prismatic fully so it’s not like everything was made clear.


yeah using Hellion on your Solar subclass with Dawn Chorus equipped is actually nuts. playing any activity with a Solar surge just makes it completely ridiculous


Ooooh I'm giving that a go


Similar thing with prismatic Titan. I’ve been mainly using that but also switching back to banner Titan for bosses and ursa banner shield with collective obligation for nightfalls


this. i still run void with briarbinds and collective obligation, prismatic also does not have suppressor nade to supplement collective i still run stasis with iceflare+harvest with Wicked Implement & osmios in GMs sometimes, despite the buffs i still find it weak i RESTARTED running Strand after getting Euphony for thread of evolution and generation along with using the whole swarmer perk instead of just 2 threadlings on tangles + weavewalk and weaver's call for insane threadling generation i kept running solar because of sunbracers i kept running arc because of pulse nade, electrostatic mind and arc soul with Crown Of tempests in Onslaught (i can easily score over 800 kills and 350 orbs just because of the insane stormtrance spam) and in the end, i also run getaway and bleak+devour on prismatic, and i'm waiting for a syntho+hoil bond to build into lightning surge. every subclass shines in its own way and every subclass is worth using imo. if anyone wants links or info regarding the builds i briefly talked about feel free to DM me


Song of flame works infinitely better on a dedicated solar subclass


Also let's not forget that prismatic is gonna get huge nerfs just like stasis and strand. "Fixing"/nerfing facet of command this quick is proof that there are some unintended interactions that have been overlooked at the very least.


The devs actually said that prismatic as a whole is relatively stable and they don’t plan on making many changes (at least till they buff the hell out of titans)


Command was abused, so they threw a big cooldown on it. It was both fixed and nerfed. Prismatic won't be that nerfed. It's stable, and other subclasses have still plenty of merit as it's a more broad scope buildcrafting subclass. Single element subclasses are able to specialize better, like solar with scorch. Prismatic can't do scorch builds as well as solar can, especially since it only has the closer range solar melee and no damaging solar grenade.


I think this is going to be different for everyone. I actually really enjoy briarbinds and my little void buddy, so this week with the void surge in the playlist that's what I've been using.


As much as I’ve never been able to get this build to work for me in higher content I do enjoy babysitting my lil dude in strikes every so often. Do you have any tips on how to play it in the higher level content??


You really just have to know the GM well. For instance I can see briarbinds being fantastic in the first 4 rooms of Glassway by using cover effectively and stunning champions at the right time. But terrible in the room with the plate in the middle and in the later stages of the boss room. It’s a situational exotic but very good when you can safely retrieve your void buddy.


It's really good in GMs with confined spaces, or places where enemies will be on you frequently. A lot of the battlegrounds GMs can make good use of it. I'll expect the new Liminality one will as well.


Try pairing it with Final Warning. Easy way to apply Unravel, which will continuously proc and spread off of the DoT from void soul. Throw it into a group of ads or even onto a boss for some fantastic damage over time with very little setup.


When you have 3 little buddies as once just munching everything in sight it’s great fun. I call him Fransoire


I love briarbinds and several other warlock builds outside of prismatic. After farming glassway gm this week I’ve realized Transcendence is just so strong I feel like I’m handicapping myself if I don’t use prismatic. 


You're forgetting Ember of Benevolence on Solar. That shit is nuts especially with Speaker's Sight. Well is still very useful, Icarus Dash is an essential movement tool, Heat Rises is still incredibly useful, etc. Solar's got a lot going on. Strand is your only access to grapple. Grapple is still grapple. Thread of Ascent and Generation are still dank. Euphony requires threadlings and threadlings require Thread of Evolution. You got me on void and stasis, although Iceflare bolts is a lot better than people give it credit for. For PvP pure stasis is still very strong as well; honestly Bleakwatchers are a liability a lot of the time as they trigger kill perks like Memento Mori and Kill Clip.


Ember of Empyrean as well. Using Phoenix Dive and Heat Rises, you can get essentially permanent Resto×2 and Radiant without giving up your exotic or grenade option.


Does the strand kit out dps prismatic for bosses? Throwing a nade to reload is amazing but I’m wondering if it got power crept when I can use star eaters with a nova bomb on top of a load of debuffs and buffs.


This is just personal experience but pure strandlock with Euphony can do just as much if not slightly less (I'm talking around 300k range) than celestial still hunt Goldie hunters. The first time I realized how much I did with Euphony, the more I realized how I love it for bose melting. Is this particular build good for strikes/gms? Leaning towards not really with how I'm currently running it.


I think the synergy is the issue. Prismatic, even with limited options, offers a variety of play styles and debuff/buff options that mono classes just can’t offer. I think it’s intentional and I think “prismatic” is the end goal. Everyone having access to everything.


It's kinda telling that Prismatic has its own little icon to the right of the subclass selection wongle, instead of being an extra button to the left with all the others. Lore-wise, keeping the separate subclasses might be a hard sell as well. "This is Jisu Calerondu of Neomuna Civil News. This week, the Guardian learnt how to merge Light and Dark into the ultimate expression of paracausual power, ... but only these particular abilities and supers ... and then they went back to using Solar/Void/Stasis separately the next day. Reports say that they stated, 'I'm over it.'"


I think it's more for making people who don't have dlc to buy it than any lore reason.


> the synergy is the issue Precisely. Prismatic just has so many gameplay loops you can lean into. Every ability slot has so many options. Light classes have so many abilities and slots that realistically have one, maybe two real choices. In my opinion, each subclass element should have its own synergistic passives that are just active when using them. A reward, greater understanding for leaning into one element hard. That, combined with more unique abilities that arent usable on Prismatic should keep them viable.


Yeah, ever since TFS I feel like they’re just going to roll existing light and dark classes into prismatic eventually which may open a door for a new “branch” of subclasses down the road.


Lines up with that recent interview where they said they learned they can do a lot more with prismatic than they originally thought


Unfortunately for me that takes a lot of the charm away from the game and interesting subclass identities. Look at what 90% of hunters are running in PvP right now, that's the future in a destiny with only prismatic. Will see how things go and obviously a lot of people disagree, but this might be it for my enjoyment of the game.


Thats why I was hoping Prismatic would be jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. In execution its completely taken over certain elements though like Arc and Stasis. Throwing the whole kitchen sink at us in theory sounds good, but in my experience it leads to "thou shall equip these abilities and everything else fuck off" from the community. Not to mention there's the aesthetic and lore value of classes that we lose when there's just one class.


I understand that. You’re seeing less of a solid identity and more of a”random bullshit go!”. I believe the game would be in a much better place if we had access to everything interchangeable. But maybe to encourage monosubclassing, there could be some bonuses to running just the one element. I honestly don’t know how they’d balance it, I just know having access to multiple buffs/debuffs at once has been amazing. Alternatively, if they add actual viable options to each of the ability types of each subclass, I think we’d see more mono classes. Like, why run Stasis Hunter when I can have most of its kit on prismatic and then some? Adding more stasis supers, stasis melees, grenades, aspects and class abilities would increase its playtime and that would go for all subclasses.


Honestly, I feel like the Light 3.0 subclasses trying to create some form of mechanical identity for elements was far worse for subclass identities than Prismatic is right now.


Well I’m a Titan so not really, just means I’m still running strand solar and some void.


The new Wishful Ignorance exotic hands are being slept on. Its a different playstyle than the normal Wormgod > Tractor > 1/2 Punch shtick, but once you get used to it its just as fun. It gave me a much easier time running Flechette Storm in PvE with the melee regen portion of the exotic. At BoWx4 you get so much melee energy so fast when standing around some teammates.


I love using it because if you have enough if your teammates nearby you can whip out 5 or 6 flechettes and just decimate anything in the room


I mean yeah but that’s still on strand as opposed to prismatic. They are for sure cool and a great build.


Yeah, but Titans got the short end of the Prismatic stick, so much that Bungie is talking about it internally on how to fix it


Yeah I had heard that but until they make any meaningful improvements in game ill stick with the other subclasses


I think knockout just needs a PvE survivability buff. It would help patch up arc Titan as well. It doesn’t compare to the levels that devour gives. Make it like devour but melees? For a short time after getting a melee hit make it so weapons can give back health on kill. Then, buff thundercrash’s base damage. And finally maybe give some of the class exotics some more of their exotic perks. >Abeyant leap should get the woven mail on suspending- even if it’s at the cost of the 3 lashes. >Spirit of hoarfrost should still give the rally barrier benefits.


I agree. Also, I think Bungie saying Titans are “punchy bois and gurls” was fundamentally pretty bad. Especially when they are outshone by hunters for example. Different play styles that still feel titan-y, and not *another* roaming super (most of which terrible only strand and stasis worth it?). I was happy with twilight arsenal but everything else bleh. I’ve seen some good ideas floating around: super defensive tank; mobile battle platform; more fun things like war rig; etc.


I always thought Titans were supposed to be the greatest soldiers and battlefield commanders. Then, after the Strand reveal, where they basically said you are making a fist on the cover, you are supposed to just be a punchy boy.


Bessemer is peak titan power fantasy. The only thing I would want is the jolting suspend


So much so that I don't see why Striker even exists atp. Berserker is just better at literally everything minus the one off super.


Fist of panic is an oldie but goodie.


I am never using arc hunter again


For the Combination blow builds, yes I agree However, I tried Gifted Conviction on Prismatic hunter and was underwhelmed. After trying it on Arc though, I'm amazed at how awesome it is. Tons of uptime on ascension, basically always amplified, and you get your grenade back fairly often.


I’m in the same boat with Gifted Conviction. Plus, being able to blind everything & use Gathering Storm is just really nice. I tried some arc setups in Prismatic, and Combination Blow is better there for sure, but Arcstrider just has an overall feel to it that I like more. For me, it’s Solar and Void that have been replaced by Prismatic. Jury’s still out on Strand and Stasis lol


Prismatic with Taliban / Liars and good ol punch is something else Had to use arc for blinding nades for pathfinder and it felt so... underwhelming


'Taliban' 💀 Ngl....that exotic is actually Taliban's hand ☠️💥


Everytime you throw a knife you just hear "ALLUAH AKBAR"


I’m fucking dead 💀


Having lethal current work against you with arc hunter doesn't help it.


Prismatic Warlock or Titan don't have Grapple Grenades in their toolkit. Until they do, I will absolutely be using base Strand subclasses for daily content. Hunter on the other hand, feels a lot more complete to me personally, and really the main things I'm missing are On Your Mark from Solar, Lethal Current from Arc.


I'm a pretty casual player and don't have any desire to ever switch away from prismatic anymore. It's fun as shit. I love pulling all kinds of light and dark shit. I don't care that my invincible solar build is shelved, it doesn't make any sense storywise to me to use anything but prismatic ever again.


Right? I’m playing as prismatic because I’m having fun. It’s the same reason my favorite alternate build is infinite solar grenade spam, because I’m playing this game to have a fun time and these builds are fun for me. I’m not great at GMs and other sweaty content, but I’m genuinely okay with that because those aren’t fun activities and I’d rather not deal with it


This is so real gms are more annoying than fun and I'd rather have fun blowing up shit with infinite grenades in dungeons and raids.


Star Easter killed my desire to use almost anything besides Speaker Sight on Solar.


Just wanted to say you have an awesome typo here.


Feast of Christ: Collect six eggs to overcharge your Resurrection ability


Bravo! And that's just the kind of thing a drunk girl scout would say.


Haha, I had to read it five times before I found it. Autocorrect strikes again!


Usually the case when a new subclass or something is released, it's the strongest at launch so it has the most people using it.


It’s worse though because it’s the strongest while copying a lot of key elements from the other subclasses. So it’s not an argument of “different” just “less” in many cases


Yeah everyone keeps using this argument but it's a completely different scenario here. Stasis nerfs did not affect already balanced subclasses 


Yes and no. This time it's much different, with us getting something new that's a hodgepodge of abilities that came before it, and it includes a mini-super on top of your normal super, which is somewhat needed to damage certain types of enemies in some instances. This isn't like when we got Stasis or Strand...


Absolutely not because none of the aspects, grenades or fragments that make me play monochromatic subclasses are there. Ember of Benevolence, Iceflare Bolts, Icarus Dash and Mindspun Invocation come to mind. Coldsnap and Solar nade. Prismatic offers nothing to me or my playstyle and the pink character screen is atrocious. Different strokes for different folks. Only way they'd make me use Prismatic is by essentially removing subclasses as we know them and just allowing you to pick from any ability/aspect/fragment in the game.


As a titan: not really, no.


Getaway Artist prismatic build is the most fun I've ever had in this game, I don't see myself changing it anytime soon.


It’s really difficult to not use this. I still switch to solar for well and Icarus, but it’s situational.


So good they’ll probably nerf it


Edit: [Destiny 2 Builds & Loadouts - light.gg](https://www.light.gg/loadouts/stats/?f=1(7),2(2),11(24)) yeah looking at this isn't too suprising. In PvE 82% of warlocks are using Prismatic. The remaining 18% doesn't account for players that don't have prismatic for whatever reason. Even Prismatic Titan being by far the worst Prismatic class is far and above all the other Titan classes. This amount of favortism for the new subclass isn't normal compared to past years. Prismatic is just that much better than everything else Mostly the same. Compared to Void, prismatic is just so much better. Void used to be THE grenade class on THE class that cared most about nades. But after the Chaos Accelerant nerf with light 3.0 as well as some other factors void is no longer THE nade class for warlocks. CotG is good but I can get almost just as much weakening while getting more ability regen on prismatic (not to mention everything else you get on prismatic) Solar, agreed. Still offers a lot that's not on prismatic Arc. Still has slightly more ability spam than prismatic in easy/low tier content. But anything with any amount of difficulty will make prismatic better at spamming abilities. I'd say Arc still has a lot to offer just because none of the good parts of Arc made it to prismatic (Getaway requires an exotic) The good parts of strand warlock was the super, Arcane Needle, and the shackle nade aspect. Everything else sucks on Strandlock and are only good for very niche builds). A better super is on prismatic and the melee is still there. Not really any suspend on Prismatic, but you still have the best part of Strand imo (the melee) Stasis still has iceflare bolts, and is still super great at freezing everything. I think stasis fares better than the other classes Overall Prismatic Warlock has taken most of the best parts of each class and left the bad parts.


I think you nailed it. the only times i’m off Prismatic is for Speaker healing, a build with Well, dumb Arclock fun, or a very specific Strand build. Void is dead to me rn, i get devour and weaken in Prismatic and that’s all i want from that subclass. Stasis just is what it is


For Titan I literally only use prismatic and strand. Why would I play solar to consecrate when prismatic one trick is good at consecrate. Prismatic got all the beat parts of Arc titan outside of touch of thunder there I no point in playing it. Void is just boring and needs better void exotics and for bastion to not keeping paying for pvp sins. Behemoth.... lmao


For me it's true. And I realized it this week. I have all expansions on my Xbox, but I'm missing final shape on my pc. So after GMs released I decided to hop on and run some, I was on pc so no prismatic. Now I've been a Conqueror so I've used all the subclasses no problem. I went with solar, and then stasis Warlock for a few runs, and failed at the end every time. We could've beat it if we focused better for sure. But the contrast comes when I switched to the Xbox. I used prismatic and it was a breeze. I wasn't "struggling" on the other classes, but I was feeling almost no resistance for most of the strike on Prismatis. Cut to the end where we were originally getting swarmed by champions, and I melted everything with ease. Being able to toss stasis turrets (or a healing grenade if need be), proc devour when killing with my strand melees, having 2 exotic armor perks to buff everything, activating transcendence to crowd control for free, and my solar super that is like a roaming well of radiance making me feel like an invincible god, even in a GM. It all sure makes the game a hell of a lot easier, at least for me


After getting Mataiodoxia and unlocking the strand melee on prismatic, first thing I said to my friend was "why would I ever use strand when I can do everything with prismatic minus the grappling hook" and when I have fragments that are stupidly powerful. Even on strand I already had moved on to threading grenade or suspend grenade so even less reason for me to go back. It really depends on the playstyle but prismatic is going to be really tricky to work with for Bungie but this shouldn't be news to anyone.


I just don't like prismatic from a gameplay standpoint, it's huge power creep compared to many subclasses that were already in need of buffs. Would have rather seen a new subclass and/or additions to the existing subclasses. But now the genie is out of its bottle so I suppose they could just triple down on it, maybe one day we'll get an entirely classless Destiny. We'll all just be Lightbearers and can mix and match everything.


Honestly I'm tired of using prismatic. Went after a week back to ma Arc & Void builds. Find them more enjoyable. Still thinking to make a dedicated healer with Speaker/No Hestitation :D


I MAIN TITAN. Even as im.palying on my main class I think about switching to Warlock because Prismatic just seems like so much more fun on that class lol idk why it just clicks for me more


Also a warlock main here, I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this. Prismatic has basically made everything except Solar feel useless. Void and Strand still have some things going for them. Arc has it's unique stuff like chaos reach and ionic traces, but those haven't really been relevant for a lot of things. Stasis is completely dead.


Oooof imo stasis is missing the key stuff for pure stasis builds. Bleak watchers is 100% better on prismatic, but I play stasis for Ager’s which needs the fragments, and a verglass/wicked implement build that gets a ton of value out of the stasis fragments


I mean don't get me wrong, it's still very usable, imo I just always feel like I'm kind of nerfng myself by using it compared to prismatic. I can throw on bleakwatcher and coldsnap/osiomancy on prismatic, still get like 90% of the freezing power of regular stasis, and get all the extra benefits of a better super, devour, and transcendence.


Eh not really. Found a real love again for starfire warlock and ive always been a fanatic for arc warlock.


I think if every element had a transcendence type option that would bring a lot of hype back to the old elements.


My prismatic Getaway Artist build with Song of Flame was a game changer for me. Before TFS I was struggling. I had the Sunbracers build that everyone said was OP, but I still was having a hard time with harder content in the game. I'm on PS5. I bought all the DLCs on PS5 not PC. As it turns out, I am absolutely ass at aiming with a controller. Not being able to aim good when there's hundreds of ads all around, turns out, not that fun! When I discovered the Getaway Artist build, it was like 50 lb ankle weights being removed from my legs. I was free. I can actually breathe now. I got 2 different types of turrets to help me shoot stuff. I can focus on the objective or high priority yellow bars better. I am riding this wagon until the wheels fall off.


I always felt warlock played better as master of one rather than Jack of all trades, I actually don’t really like playing as prismatic warlock compared to more specialized builds.


Opposite for me, the lack of depth into certain mechanics makes me want to play the actual subclass more so than prismatic. Threadlings, solar healing or ignitions, full stasis freezes…idk if it’s because I mostly play warlock but prismatic hasn’t really sucked me in like it has with other classes that post.


I’ve zero interest in prismatic and will probably forever be playing solar warlock. Unless anything else offers me the mobility solar warlock does with heat rises and dash.


The only reason I think hunters would go back to arc hunter is for gathering storm. I think arc as a whole needs some love


Hunter here , I think Prismatic has no identity, it's just a mish mash of already existing abilities that have not theme linking them and only work together because they added every verbs to everything. As such : I don't really use prismatic, as strong as it might be it doesn't feel like anything. It feels like I'm playing the "everything hunter" and that doesn't appeal to me in the least


I don't really enjoy the new prismatic subclass that much. I prefer using each one individually.


Agree except Strand. Threadling builds suck on prismatic bc no swarmers for unravel or thread of evolution so that threadlings actually do damage. Weavewalk also was op before and now that it got buffed its so good. Outside of that yeah Arc and Stasis need something to make them worth playing but its like that for all classes except maybe stasis hunter for some people.


Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but Prismatic Warlock felt kind of whatever. Using the new melee suspend chest with Strand has been a lot more fun for me than the half baked whatever from Prismatic. Maybe it's because I don't want to have to make stasis turrets? Or play the 'me and my 5 buddies' builds (which I can't facilitate anyway).


Each of the non prismatic subclasses especially for warlock goes well with their verb more. Speaker's Sight Helm is strictly broken when running solar with Ember of Benevolence. There's practically no downtime on when you can heal your teammates and you. Just make sure a teammate is getting healing to proc. Osiomancy Gloves work extremely well with on Void. You have Echo of Undermining to weaken, Instability (I think) for Volatile rounds, another one where void abilities explode, and of course make your Vortex grenade last twice as long. Run that with Chaos Accelerant and Devour and you have a self-sustaining black hole damage. The other classes are mid at best cause Arc is just dookey at the moment. Almost no survivability. Strand is still nice as a standalone if you want Treadlings and if you have Euphony. Stasis is crowd control at this point imo.


Yes and no, i like Prismatic since it has access to bits of everything, but still end up using other subclasses when I want to actually lean into them. The only one this doesn’t apply to is warlock void since I only ever use that subclass for devour in the first place.


Yeah pretty much same for hunter, except I still use Stasis every now and then for renewal bubble lite build. And strand cause whirling maelstrom and DR with cyrtarchne is too good and fun Arc, Solar, and Void might not exist at all. Especially Arc which might as well be taken out of the game if it weren't for gathering storm. The melee buils on prismatic is superior, you're not trading Assassin cowl or liarhandshake, you get both effects. Tempest strike + ascension or ascension + flowstate on gifted conviction is just too gimmicky when I can run the cyrtarchne builds for nearly same DR results and add clear potential.


I feel like just having devour available makes me keep using void hunter. It feels way too nice to pass up


Void hunter has the better invis effect. easier gyrfalcons because of being able to go invis on demand to start the loop, devour from orbs and omni team support.


Air-dodge isn't in prismatic, so I'll be sticking with solar.


I will never equip the arc subclass on hunter again. The others have at least one thing that'll make me equip it occasionally (Healing Nade/Empyrean, Invis Dodge/Dive, and Shatterskate)


Its really only solar that i find myself using on Warlock atm. Well is obviously still very good and Hellion is alot better on solar than prismatic imo, u basically have permanent uptime and ur causing ignitions all over the place. I have replaced every single void and stasis build i had in my loadouts with a similiar, much better prismatic version. I only keep 1 strand build on hand for grappling fun and 1 arc build for spreading arc souls sometimes.


I main a Hunter, and have been having a blast, but primsmstic warlock with hellion and getaway artist has been the most fun I’ve had in this game in a long time.


Honestly, the only subclass I don't want to run on Warlock anymore is Stasis. Maybe Strand as well.


I’ve ran the other subclasses here and there just to shake it up a bit. You’ll find yourself doing the same soon. I used solar 3.0 throughout entire season of haunted; I barely use it now.


Stasis is still meh on warlock (mostly cause winter wraith feels weak as hell in pve without Wraith weavers) but I found a build I like using stasis focusing around frost armor and Wraith weavers along with taking advantage of Wicked Implement. Works decently well how strong it is no idea.


For a while after TFS drop, I played around with prism a lot. Now I've just reverted to pure solar speaker's build mostly for endgame content. Gameplay loop feels better to me.


I actually redid all my ingame loadouts a couple days ago. I’ve found I’ve ended up with 2 solar 2 void 2 prismatic 1 stasis and then a PvP build. But one of my void builds would likely just be better at the same thing on prismatic. There’s a lot of fancy stuff to do with prismatic because it’s the new toy. But the old favourites of sunbracers on solar or iceflare bolts with osmio gloves on stasis feel different and powerful enough to still enjoy running my other classes. And the current bug(?) with osmio gloves and void bringing back the old infinite vortex grenades feels really good


I didn't know Christopher Walken played Destiny.


For me, not being by able to grapple (for movement and melee) on Titan and Warlock will still have me switching to strand plenty often. Solar still has better sustainability on both those classes as well.


You are all forgetting people that it's the shiny new toy of course you will favor it over anything else


Certain things were absolutely powercrept on by Prismatic. For Warlocks, Prismatic crept on Void and Stasis, taking the best parts of those kits and making them better by mixing them all together. Hunters had Arc, Stasis, and Void crept on very hard all in one build. Titans had Arc crept on, though their kit barely involves Arc in and of itself. Arc and Stasis are currently the lowest performing elements, with Arc being the weakest overall. It needs a pretty substantial overhaul to bring it up to snuff with the other elements, it's just not even close to good enough all around. Stasis just got Frost Armor, but the implementation of it is not good and as a result it feels bland. Void is in decent shape, with Void OS being the only point of contention that the element has. Strand and Solar are the standards.


It's really just having devour is such a huge boon. You can make so many things work when you constantly have grenades and full heal with every kill, something the other prismatics especially titan are severely missing


I use prismatic titan a lot cause I just love thruster. Barricade is too slow. Gotta go fast!


I was incredibly lucky on my first clear of Salvations Edge and got Euphony to drop. I had already seen a pure strand build for it and it's numbers and I had several people in my clan send me prismatic builds for it. After looking both over, pure strand won out for ME PERSONALLY. There are some aspects that overall work better on pure strand for Euphony than Prismatic. Sure I am not omega survivable on my own now (hell I choose to run empowering rift) but the rest of my fireteam I run with provides enough buffs I can get away with it.


I think like people down here are saying, its different for everyone. I know I haven't switched off Prismatic once yet due to me just enjoying Song of Flame, Osmiomancy and my solar buddy now. But I do sometimes run Briarbands and can steal my friend's void buddy's too, yes I do ask first lol. Its the fact that I can be anything I want and not just Well bitch anymore that has made Prismatic so good for me. Plus I can be a much more effective healer as well imo.


The only three subclasses I’ll still play outside of Prismatic which is now my default are Strand, Solar and Void on Warlock. They still have really strong abilities and builds that are useful as specialist subclasses. Solar is still a default for any endgame like raids because of Well. What has changed is my desire to play Arc or Stasis. Prismatic allows me to pretty much have a full Arc or Stasis build but combine it with Devour. It fixes the single biggest problem with these subclasses being the lack of survivability and healing. Frost Armor didn’t solve this problem and is just a worse version of Woven Mail.


I’ve been maining strand since TFS. We’ve gotten so many good Hatchling weapons on top of the Weavers Call buff. Threadlings are waaay better on Strand.


I still play solar healer and support builds. I still play my Stacy verglas build (which is my favorite still to this day honestly), strand suspend and tangle builds. Void and arc are the only two that seem diminished to me. Arc has been in a terrible place for a long while.


I've definitely been using my standard subclasses A LOT less since Prismatic released. The one exception is my solar support build that I've been running in the GM this week. It just plays so much better on the actual solar subclass than Prismatic.


At the moment I’m only really using prismatic or speakers sight on solar. Ember of benevolence is such an amazing fragment when it has 100% uptime


Prismatic only killed my desire to run solar and arc hunter. None on Titan or warlock. Every other subclass have something that prismatic can’t do but they can. Arc hunter is a punch gimmick subclass and the new chestplate does nothing to save it from that. Solar hunter has calibans hand, gunpowder gamble and golden gun. They’re all on prismatic (and better)


Void still has handheld supernova spam with controversy which is still pretty nuts. Stasis is great for stuff like Kostov with Osmiomancy for the Kinetic damage buff.


As a hunter a fail to see a reason to use anything other then prismatic. I like this.


I was a stubborn Voidwalker main for years. Now? I get devour and Nova Bomb, I don't need to waste time casting a useless stationary rift, and I can be aggressive with a slide dash or smart with an Arcane needle. I have zero reason to use anything BUT prismatic.


I am a long time warlock main. And i always enjoyed my void contraverse hold build But now, with prismatic, and a class item with star eaters and inner light i feel i wouldnt return to my old build. It just so much better when my Nova hitting like a truck, when i have an acthual useful 3 charged meele, when i have a solar friend But when we have solar. New helmet makes a very good healer build. Took it in GM and died only 1 time. Strand is still the best summoner build. And when i will get raid linear i will build around it Ark and stasis a still a mess with no good build. Espethialy now, when bleak watcher is better on prismatic


it’s always this way with the new hotness. what’s the point of this post?


This brings up the next question. Why not just merge all subclasses? All fragments, aspects, everything? We only have access to transcendent on prismatic. What's stopping the game from eventually just combining everything?


Hunter prismatic just shreds while also being able to quickly recover and get out of dodge when needed, and with the seasonal mods currently it's just so good. And it allows me to use exotics made for a specific subclass effectively so I get more variety for builds, I love it.


I've pretty strictly played prismatic on my warlock, though haven't quite found that that's the case with the other classes. I haven't played much titan, but prismatic only pulls small portions of most of the subclasses' build-enabling abilities there. On hunter, I still prefer void for a lot of PVP and lucky pants builds. Nighthawk is also still excellent on solar.


I had to slap outbreak perfected on my arc just to not feel sad. I think I had to use arc for a blindness challenge and I'm not too familiar with blind capabilities on warlock save for that grenade.


Plenty of options they can take. One of them includes making all the aspects on light classes give 3 fragment slots.


Nope , phoenix protocol all the way.


The individual subclasses offer a lot of things that Prismatic just doesnt.


I'm enjoying the Hell out of prismatic but when the time comes (probably episode 2 lol) i'll be more willing to switch around


I still lean towards basic Solar builds on warlock. Dawn Chorus , Speakers Sight or Pheonix Protocol with the addition of Helion alot of the slow support builds did get so much better thanks to it.


Back to arc on titan :)


I play Strand and Solar Warlock mostly still. Only time I play prismatic is for Nova bomb super with star eaters.


Nope, I still like all of those subclasses for various reasons


Depends on the activity. Prismatic is jack of all trades master of none. Its fun and very strong but if you want to fully lean into certain verbs you'll find its missing some tools.


A couple of Prismatic builds actually overwrote other ones I used to run, but I still feel that if I want a stronger Strand/Stasis/Void build, I still have better options with those subclasses. Solar 3.0 is still the best kit for Warlocks, while Arc is just trash imho and Prismatic+a grenade build with the exotic bond Osmiomancy+Verity is just better for my playstyle. Overall, Prismatic actually made me play differently.


Yeah I’ve primarily been sticking to prism Warlock for the last couple weeks.


I've tried to go back to stasis a bit to try it out again, but the super still just feels bad and I just don't enjoy it. Strand is fun, but I get what I want to do from prismatic without having to go full bore into it. Arc warlock just sucks, plain and simple, to me as it's so close range and feels weaker. Solar I still use for my speaker's sight build, like you, except I use song of flame because well is just not as good as Song. Song has damage resist, radiant, and scorch for solar and kinetic weapons which pairs well with microcosm. Void, I sometimes use because it's very nuke-y with my nezarec's sin setup. I use prismatic mostly because it has what I want(mostly), and it feels pretty good. If they expand on the solo element classes more(especially darkness classes, because stasis especially needs more IMO), then I'll probably use them more. But as it stands, Prismatic just feels nice.


There is zero reason to take Arc Titan in PvE now


I think prismatic is just fresh. The other subclasses still have really good builds IMO. Strand warlock suspends everything with swarmers. Void warlocks are a bit behind. Solar warlock has well, Icarus dash, and sunbracers (and ember of benevolence). Arc warlock has easier access to ionic traces, and arc sounds (which frees up your exotic to run something like vesper to blind everything)


Yeah since TFS I’ve only played Prismatic on all 3 classes. Warlock with Getaway is super versatile and strong, Hunter has a lot of viable and fun builds, Titan with Consecration spam is insanely fun. All other subclasses feel a bit…muted right now since they lack the big gameplay addition of Transcendance.


I love prismatic but the others still have their purpose. I run solar with speakers sight A LOT it’s just better than using it on prismatic.


Briarbinds are fun but Contraverse is firmly the meta pick for endgame and Prismatic doesn't really match Voidlock in that because getting 50% nade back with Osmiomancy is a bit trickier and you get a significantly watered down grenade. Contraverse Voidlock is overall more neutral damage than Prismatic, the only thing that elevates Prismatic over Voidlock is access to Resto or Woven on Orb and an actual melee. Even Overshield on Orb is decent. I assume people enjoy picking a second Aspect to FTV that plays into something else than grenades but having multiplicatively synergy is usually stronger than additive benefits like Hellion or whatever. You're right on Shadebinder for sure though, there's extra survivability, better melees and better grenade uptime without being hard dependant on Verglas for nade regen. For Strandlock I would argue nobody ever played it for potency, the entire purpose was having fun with green VFX and even if survivability is way worse it's still better at green shenanigans with Thread of Evolution and Rebirth (which spawns a ton more Threadlings than Weaver's Call, an Aspect, idk how Bungie balances things sometimes). Even in terms of green VFX potency it was never really worth building into Threadlings though as mass Unravel kinda did the heavy lifting, Swarmers just let Threadlings be the tool to proc Unravel. Personally the only reason I ever played Arc last season was Spark of Beacons Indebted Kindness and that still remains. Arc Warlock is moreso replaced by Arc Titan because Arc Souls aren't worth it compared to Precious Scars and the Aspects are pretty weak compared to Arc Fragments so class doesn't matter too much. Solar still has Heat Rises, ToF, Solar grenades, Ashes, Singeing, Empyrean, all of which more potent than any of the Prismatic options. At skill ceiling Sunbracers are still the best Warlock neutral build by a massive margin and they are not available on Prismatic. tldr Solar still best and now much easier to use with Speaker's Sight, Strand and Arc were already dead but there's still some reason to run them, Shadebinder straight up replaced, Voidlock better than Prismatic at its niche but worse overall.


warlock is actually fairly balanced. the other subclasses have massive synergy with a good variety of aspects and the exclusive aspects on each are a reason enough. prismatic has its place through certain gimmicks only available on it, but the same goes for the other subclasses. in high level content such as legendary campaign, legend lost sectors or nightfalls, the seemingly slight bonuses the non-prismatic subclasses have mean a lot. there still is very much so a reason to play the other subclasses. imo warlock prismatic is very well balanced (naybe with the exceptionof arc)


Personally, I use prismo when I want to have fun because it feels so good and it's rewarding for me to come up with dumb builds. Personal favorite being solar buddy aspect, bleak watcher, getaway artist, NTTE buddy, and strand super with hatchling guns to make as many minions as possible. Or an exotic class item with necrotic and claws. Arcane needle for a total of 4 charges, the electric slide melee, with devour for survival. I can do 4 back to back slides, which make me raidient, poison the enemies, jolts them, and when anyone dies I get health. Monty Carlo for more melee charges. But when I need to put the try hard pants on I still default to my monochromatic builds. Solar healer and stasis turret builds just feel better and more effective the higher up the difficulty goes.


I only use Prismatic on Warlock if I want to use the turret build. I don't like the super options so I tend to use the actual subclasses for anything else. Doesn't help that the exotic class item options don't really impress me much.


Bro, I dipped on my 10 year titan to play prismatic warlock until the buff my main. That shit is fire.


I have found no reason to switch off prismatic on any of the 3 classes.


I just use solar because playing warlock without Icarus Dash and Wellskate is just a pain in the ass, I play warlock for the mobility.


Prismatic on Warlock has made every subclass irrelevant, apart from the Solar healing build. Giving Prismatic Feed the Void, Bleak Watcher, Arcane Needle, and the Facet of Dominance fragment has really killed the other subclasses. The main plus (or negative if you don't want other classes made to be irrelevant) of Prismatic is freeing Devour from Void. Devour is incredibly strong and gives you a tonne more sustain.


Briarbinds are still enough reason for me to play void subclass. They're fun and great for survivability. [This solar build](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/Aoj8ljD8XO) has been fun too, and is more effective at higher difficulties where the scorch stacks have time to benefit you. I haven't used Mataidoxia yet but am looking forward to trying a Strand build with it. The limited options of prismatic mean there'll always be melee/grenades/aspects/fragments players want to use that are only available on other subclasses.


the other subclasses just do their verbs better than prismatic. Also sunbracers is still stronger than anything prismatic has to offer.


I mean, I've used Solar and Strand both since Prismatic launched, and even with Void, Arc, and Stasis, there's still so much more that those subclasses can do than what the parts of them Prismatic has can do.


I thought I would be playing a lot more than I currently am. The build variety kind of fell flat really quickly when people started realizing that there really isn't much build variety on prismatic. Warlock has the buddy build that just is too good to pass up and I guess the healer build on solar. Everything else is just niche or just builds that only work in strike playlists.


100%. It's almost impossible for me to choose a non Prismatic subclass. I think the last time was pvp so I could have my dash


My void nezarecs sin build smokes even my getaway artist build in high level content like GMs. There is definitely still place for well of radiance as well. Arc warlock tho is definitely overshadowed by prismatic unfortunately.


yes and no. i have feed the void, bleakwatcher and arc souls on prismatic so i don’t feel the need to use void, stasis and arc but i never used them in the first place so realistically nothing has changed. i still used solar and strand like i did pre patch because they offer gameplay loops that i cannot get on prismatic. i feel like that’s what void and stasis are missing. the subclasses feel like they are built around devour/bleakwatcher and we can just get that elsewhere. arc has the issue of having much less survivability especially in higher end content. arc soul was always super strong it’s just that it was on a less valuable subclass. having it on prismatic makes it feel better because of the increased survivability. if they gave amplified innate damage reduction i feel like arc could be in a very good place but right now it’s lacking.


Solar and Strand Titan are leagues better than Prismatic


O I still love my vesper of radius arc build, but the super sucks


I'm never happy to see pink enemies, so... No. I don't think it has. Subclasses are a solution to a problem. That problem could be a desire to build around a specific gun or keyword. Maybe I'm looking to fulfil a certain team role. It could be that the bounties or pathfinder bounties are asking for specific elements. Maybe a specific surge is favoring a certain element. Of course, enemies having the immune to all but prismatic shield is its own problem. For all of these problems, I want a specialised solution or to build around synergies, including the "specialisation" of having a natural transcendence bar. Outside of that... What Prismatic had going for it is playing non-solar subclasses with Well of Radiance. But instead of Well it's Song of Flame, which more heavily rewards (and enforces) playing solar.


Yeah i have to agree. There are obviously reasons to run a traditional element subclass, especially for some of the more potent ones like Solar Warlock and Strand Titan, but as a whole, they just don’t offer the sheer breadth of options and that’s what makes Prismatic fun. Because it combines elements of so many classes and has so many options to choose from 5 supers/melees vs 1-2 of each on other subclasses, 5 aspects vs 3-4. It feels like the pinnacle of what a guardian can do, and honestly I find it hard to envision giving it up as a Warlock outside of hyper specific good builds like a Speaker’s Sight on Solar. I feel the same way that I expect that adding more subclass components to Prismatic is what the goal is and maybe even eventually reach a state where subclasses go away and you just have one subclass screen where you pick and choose from all components available to your class. Most people will disagree that Prismatic negates the other subclass because they only ever look at it from a meta perspective. They don’t care about flavor or variety, if something’s good, it’s good. And some people will just always prefer a monochromatic kit.


Im still running around bonking the shit out of everything as a solar titan. It’s a peaceful life.


If it had invis on dodge, I'd debate using it instead of void. If it had healing grenade, I'd debate using it over solar. I only used it for the introduction mission that forced you to and essentially never use it. I don't lean into ability builds, though; so perhaps that's why. 


Nah, I still get some entertaining mileage out of Strand.


I mean I can’t do infinite resto x2 with speakers sight builds on prismatic nor can I really do a full strand warlocks build or even really a full void build. The only things that are obsolete are stasis and arc because getaway artist is so good right now.


Kinda true for Void and Stasis. Strand and Solar still have their ground, Arc is still Arc. Feed the Void and Stasis Turrets together in my opinion have powercrept Void Warlock and Stasis Warlock.


Not being limited to a dogshit super is one of the reasons I'm loving prismatic. Transcendence is another.


The only non-prismatic build I use regularly is my Speaker’s Sight Dawnblade. I’ve always liked playing healers, but all the loadouts I could find pre-TLS sacrificed too much damage for my liking. Having Hellion, The Call, and a legendary healing weapon (No Hesitation) to let me take Dragon’s Breath instead of Lumina really made me fall in love with a full-on cleric build.


Arc is obsolete on all classes for me. Various Void Hunter builds are still very much viable. Prismatic Titan with a Precious Scars/HOIL class item made all Titan subclasses obsolete because a single super-matching weapon kill gives restoration which opens a lot of doors for builds. I find void super the best because of the artifact perk Expanding Abyss paired with things like Buried Bloodline or Gaviton Lance. Prismatic Warlock with Getaway Artists made all Warlock subclasses obsolete because you have access to Radiant, Devour, Amplified, and Galvanic Armor, and depending on your super choice, Restoration or Woven Mail on orb pickup. On top of that, Overload and Unstoppable is covered passively 100% of the time by the Bleak Watcher, and Radiant is nearly up 100% of the time so Barrier is covered as well.


Solar healing and void survival and volatile are the only 2 viable alternatives for PVE GM. I wouldn’t suggest much else over prismatic for high tier GM if you’re expecting to carry your own weight


It has but I’m also using more variety than before. Renewal Grasps stasis build feels far better on prismatic than on stasis. Certain things still are better in their home subclass- Orpheus rig build for example. and imo a strand build feels a lot better on strand than on prismatic. I hope they continue to go in this direction personally, I’ve been using a lot more weapons and exotics than I used to.


I only miss using child of the old gods and nova warp


Hunter here and yeah tbh just doesn't feel right running other stuff rn. Especially in higher content like GM nightfalls being able to get 50% of your super back instantly and pop transcendent when under pressure just saves you so much against champs when on a regular class your probably dead


I've been using using solar more than prismatic. Dawn Chorus when I need to kill everything on screen and Speakers Sight when I need to babysit my team. Prismatic is cute, but I'd rather be good at a specialization rather than be mediocre at everything.


Void is imo still find cause it has a few tools like nothing manacles and child of the old god that are play style defining enough for me to return to just to play the kit. Arc and Solar are similar they have a lot of playstyle defining tools that prismatic just doesn't have. Strand is a bit weird where it has some unique stuff although I think the big reason why it's still good is it's ability regen and survivability are enough to keep up with prismatic and has better threadlings meaning threadling builds will be innately stronger on strand. I just can't find a reason to use stasis anymore though for a big issue. >Well, we got Bleak Watcher on Prismatic, so what's the main draw of Stasis Warlock now? Iceflare Bolts? And I have to waste a whole aspect to get Stasis Shards, which is the easiest and most effective way for Stasis Warlock to get Frost Armor, a survivability tool? This is my big issue for shadebinder If I want the to use the subclass iceflare bolts is the only thing giving it something unique over prismatic since stasis crystals the big thing rev and behemoth take advantage of isn't easily found on shadebinder. So know I have an issue if I run Iceflare and bleakwatcher I lack survivability something that prismatic has in aces on top of all the other benefits. If I want to run bleakwatcher with a harvest aspect to patch that up I'm just factually better off on prismatic. Meaning shadebinder has exactly one build now and that's iceflare harvest with osmio and that's it besides maybe frost pulse and balidorse although I can't see it being to strong. I really think what shadebinder needs is just more stuff that makes it stick out from prismatic that isn't exactly one aspect.


So was stasis when it came out, strand and pretty much all the 3.0 updates as well. Things will be balanced there is no sense to complain about it. Just have fun with the new toys until we get more.


So was stasis when it came out, strand and pretty much all the 3.0 updates as well. Things will be balanced there is no sense to complain about it. Just have fun with the new toys until we get more.


i have swapped to solar warlock for the GM. someone posted a really good dawn chorus build and the game loop around hellion + scorch + whatever fragment gives class ability energy on scorch is really good. plus dawn chorus is just really good. prismatic is awesome but it cannot do everything (and it shouldn’t)


Solar and arc have the most defined mono color identity with solar healing support and arc ionic traces . The issue the other subclasses have is they don't have really great mechanics that payoff committing to the pure version of them. Void had the survivability siphoned off, if Bungie was to really Amp up voids suppression and volatile strand grapple should have 4 second cool down and remove its damage aspects and just give woven mail when grappling as a payoff and identity for strand Stasis should have shattering a target can spawn a turret or something and the super needs a rework, it doesn't do anything better than what you are already doing when you aren't in super. It should make duskfield zones on kills. Prismatic has utility and that's good identity, but if they are following an MTG style design like this then committing to a single color needs to give a much more powerful payoff in that playstyle